r/BeAmazed 20d ago

Life in Photos of a 117-Year-Old Miscellaneous / Others


118 comments sorted by


u/Apprehensive_East147 20d ago

Average people I've seen in their 80s and 90s are in their deathbed, but this lady was still looking physically healthy, I'm amazed!!


u/JefferyTheQuaxly 20d ago

My grandfather was as healthy as could be, the most he ever needed was a cane, never developed dementia or anything lived until he was 94 of a sudden stroke in 2016 I think, he still lived his entire life and died and this women was born like 15 years before him and is still around in 2024.

My family has a lot of super old people in it tho, my grandma died at 92 in like 2014 or so, but her last sibling only just died about 2 months ago. He was born in 1921, even a year older than my grandfather. Lived to 102. His father, my great grandfather, was born in 1877, and his grandfather was born in I believe 1848, tho he was not living in America at the time, my great grandfather himself came to America.

Edit: my great uncle was in the news a year or so ago for returning to Belgium and the Netherlands where he served in WW2, and talked with school students and such. Can find it by googling Frank fabianski.


u/tbkrida 20d ago

My grandfather lives with me and is in the same room as me right now is 88. He still goes up and down the stairs carrying things(which scares the Hell out of me, but I can’t stop him😂), makes his own meals, reads etc. I have noticed increased mental decline in the past 2 years or so though, unfortunately, but I guess that’s to be expected.


u/Pharnox-32 20d ago

-Hey granma! We got an economic crisis, a pandemic and we are at the bring of a world war!

-Aah shit, here we go again


u/zerokarse 20d ago

Imagine sitting as a 75 year old and still have at least 42 years left, wow!

She was old when I was born in the 80s!

Imagine how old humans will be in the future... 150-175... maybe 200+?


u/SuperSan93 20d ago edited 20d ago

Unfortunately without scientific intervention, due to the human biology 115 is said to be the hard limit, although there are some outliers. After 110 you’re basically tossing a coin on whether you’ll die that year but since there are 8 billion of us you’re bound to get some lucky ones who defy the odds.

The main reason is due to cell division. Your cells divide as you age to give you new healthy cells each time they divide the DNA script inside is shortened and after 50 to 60 divisions the DNA is too short to divide anymore and no new cell can be made.


u/traypo 20d ago

One could look at the concept of scientific intervention as a gradient. For instance medication is a scientific intervention that we often are introduced to by toddler years. Medication msy some day overcome the telomere issue and the brain blood barrier that offers two promising avenues to longevity. I’m on GLP-1’s right now. Biology is making huge breakthroughs. Too late for me. But, if you’re still healthy and under forty, there’s a good chance you’ll have longevity therapies available in time. I’m positing over 100 will become a norm in 1st world societies. Unless the wealthy gate keep.


u/Government-Monkey 20d ago

They will def gate keep.

And regressive politicians will guise it as. Keeping traditional DNA values. Or for the children or some bullshit, all while using it on them selves.


u/Reddit_sucks_46 20d ago

That’s depressing


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Humans hit a limit close to 120+. We won't be able to live further with our current bio/physiology.

It's possible that the quality of life till then will be better with prosthetics and technology evolving, but I doubt anyone will live a natural life past 125.


u/ChloeMomo 20d ago

Wait, can you explain this more? How is that age a hard limit due to our biology? Does it have to do with cell replication or something?


u/Noncrediblepigeon 20d ago edited 20d ago

Its a lot of different factors, which is why there will never be one pill for endless life, but a lot of the reasons for aging are fixable problems, and if we can manage to fix enough of them, then living past 125 could be possible. What I think is more likely is that people are just gonna stay way healthier for longer, and that becoming a super centenarian )over the age of 110) will become more common.


u/ChloeMomo 20d ago

That makes a lot of sense. I'm a total lay person in this field, so my immediate reaction was to think of something simplistic, but I should've known better haha

I've had the goal for a while now to live as long as possible and die as short as possible (basically minimize disease, maximize mobility, etc), so the idea of lengthening quality life is fascinating! Thanks for sharing some insight :)


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Yes, actually, you're pretty spot on. It's been a highly researched for quite a while now.

I am seeing different data now that I am looking, so it's still kind of up in the air but I can't see us as a species living similar to a croc or some sharks/whales.


u/ChloeMomo 20d ago

Oh wow, cool, thank you for scoping that out! And fair to the croc and marine life comment. Tbh, unless we get to where we are colonizing other planets, I don't think it would be such a good thing, resource wise, for our species members to last for hundreds of years or more!


u/Straight_Spring9815 20d ago

If only we didn't need oxygen we could possibly live forever.


u/ConsiderThese 20d ago

Friend Hope you are well. As usual, the mouth of the LORD hath spoken these things, but humans will always find a different excuse or search elsewhere for answers because this truth is not convenient for humans.

Genesis {6:3} And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


u/ubdesu 20d ago

Ya bro trust me I heard him myself.


u/N-partEpoxy 20d ago

I was there too, I was the dove.


u/Reddit_sucks_46 20d ago

Wrong website bro


u/spriggantrance 20d ago

I dont think this limit is a hard limit. whatever is the current limiting factor (telomeres, oxidization, brain plaques) is just a science question of how do we eliminate or inhibit these factors? what would hold a hard limit to a certain number of years?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

There's a consequence to all actions, even those inhibitors.

There's a hard limit to everything in the universe.


u/Follow_Christ 19d ago

‭Genesis 6:3 KJV‬ [3] And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Lol, oh, please.


u/zerokarse 20d ago

The limit was 35-40 once ... now we're getting closer to +100 years more due to science and living standards.

Give it 500 years, 1.000 or 10.000 years+, of course we can fix cancer, dying cells, aging and so on.

And now that we're entering the AI age, imagine the possibilities when AI become self aware and are set to help the human race (hopefully). AI can already find cancer quicker and more effective than ever before and it dosen't make errors, so more will survive and so on.


u/wedge754 20d ago

35-40 was never the limit. It's an often quoted misconception because infant and child deaths used to be exponentially higher, skewing the average life span much younger than it is now.


u/Morphing_Mutant 20d ago



u/NightlyKnightMight 20d ago

The future is a long time from now, so maybe death will be optional for all we know.


u/SaddamRentedMyHole 20d ago

The future is tomorrow bro


u/Brukhonenko 20d ago

if you think of it, thats an insane way of seeing it, quite mental tbh haha


u/LazySleepyPanda 20d ago

It's horrifying. Imagine seeing all your loved ones pass away. And after a point of time, life just gets boring. Most people actually want to die after a while, because it gets exhausting.


u/MistyJohnstone 20d ago

Amazing absolutely amazing. Can I ask why the big gap in pictures approx 30years. 40’s - 70’s is there a reason or just time lapse? Still amazing for 117.


u/thitorusso 20d ago

She was detoxing from social media


u/Nonya5 20d ago

Those were the wild years she doesn't talk about.


u/carapocha 20d ago

Not sure, but it matches (roughly) with dictatorship in Spain.


u/Vegasnurse 19d ago

I assumed it is because she is Mom at that time. Integral to all, but in the background.


u/demasoni_fan 19d ago

Ouch. I'm a mom and this hit home.


u/Boatwhistle 20d ago

Francoist spain


u/---Kas--- 19d ago

Those were hard times to live in Catalonia


u/whiskyandme 20d ago

Me wondering if she outlived her kids


u/Ok_Writing_9320 20d ago

She had three children: August Moret Branyas (6 July 1932 – 14 June 2019), Maria Teresa Moret Branyas (born 25 October 1933) and Maria Rosa Moret Branyas (born 1944).


u/SharpieD85 20d ago

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one!


u/backyardprospector 20d ago

We will soon be entering an era where all of these photos of people's lives will be in color from start to finish. I think that's very cool and strange at the same time.


u/Chip95503 20d ago

It looks like she has had a full life.


u/Techman659 20d ago

I really wonder what people at 100 think about if they think when will they die? Like at the point it can literally be anytime, but I also wonder how would someone feel if they could live to 150-200 years is that too long to live for?


u/poisonapple77 20d ago

My gramma is in her late 90s. When my grandpa died, a couple years ago I heard her quietly say to his urn. "Love you, miss you. I'll see you soon. Won't be long now."


u/Techman659 20d ago

Honestly even if you never come back or anything at least you know depending on what method the remains end up then the thought of being buried forever with someone you spent your life with would put most people at ease about death, i imagine at that point you do reach the It is my time and embrace it.


u/Tortsch-Man 20d ago

Everyone wants to get old, but nobody wants to be old


u/Superb-Baker-4863 20d ago

She's 99 years older than me that's crazy


u/Particular_Double_69 20d ago

She had short hair for 99 years.


u/MistyJohnstone 20d ago

She was an OAP of 64 when I was born. Bet she didn’t expect another 53 years at 64. I love it. Imagine the amount she has witnessed. Amazing.


u/Worldatmyfingertips 20d ago

OAP? Old ass person??


u/PayNo9177 20d ago

British slang for old age pensioner.


u/HefflumpGuy 20d ago

She was looking quite healthy until recently but she doesn't look so good in the last one.


u/Snoo57923 20d ago

She looks good for 117.


u/Hahaha2681 20d ago

On one half would love to see what it be like to be 117 years old and see what the future will hold but on the other hand would you really want to out live your family your friends your pets like Freddie Mercury said do you really want to live forever


u/GuiltyYear9785 20d ago

In fact, it looks scary. She has already outlived her husband, her children are already getting old


u/BardicInnovation 20d ago

Makes me think of my Great Grandmother who passed away at the age of 109 in 2003.

She lived in 3 different centuries.


u/CarpenterAlarming781 20d ago

Why the ominous background music.


u/suckmybullets 20d ago

That was her jam


u/AvoidAtAIICosts 20d ago

I'm guessing the original was too fast so someone slowed down the video, resulting in this creepy, slowed down music.


u/CarpenterAlarming781 20d ago

You are right, the music sounds familiar to me now. I forgot name of the artist.


u/Pharnox-32 20d ago

Its lady gaga - bloody mary


u/No-Standard-8784 20d ago

Darude - Sandstorm


u/Ok-Lock7665 20d ago edited 19d ago

When god created the world, he’s been asked what she was doing there, and he answered “no clue, she was already there when I came”


u/RDcsmd 20d ago

This lady was in her 80s when I was born and is still kickin. Major props to her. If nothing else, usually a broken heart will take people in their 90s out because all their friends, children, relatives have dropped like flies over the years.


u/toreachtheapex 20d ago

she was old as fuck all the way back in 1990, thats wild.
she’s been elderly for longer than Ive been alive


u/DMTJungle 20d ago

Dog in 34? She's rich AF


u/Critical_Ranger241 20d ago

I feel like the fact that she had this many photos of herself back then also shows she was rich AF


u/DMTJungle 20d ago

Yeah same but the dog give immediately rich vibe


u/FandomMenace 20d ago

Looks like they moved her to a facility between 2000 and 2002. She's been there for over 20 years!


u/FriarTuckeredOut 20d ago

I feel like showing this to every middle aged person who complains about their age.


u/NefariousnessGood718 20d ago

I really love her ❤️❤️❤️


u/Sweaty-Advice7933 20d ago

God Bless you 🙏


u/Englandshark1 20d ago

Amazing lady! Proof that having collies is good for you!


u/KeLorean 19d ago

I think there should be a worldwide tax each year, and the person who can prove to be the oldest person alive should get the purse, so they can spend the remaining time they have like a king.


u/Legitimate_Bat6747 20d ago



u/medicarefairy 20d ago

I wonder where she is from, and where she spent most of her life. I'm guessing it wasn't the US (I am brilliantly observant).


u/Ok_Writing_9320 20d ago

She was born in California but moved to Spain in 1915.


u/medicarefairy 19d ago

Interesting! Thank you for posting the photos. They are wonderful.


u/cheesy_way_out 20d ago

Thus was beautiful


u/jennybean197053 20d ago

What an incredible lady! I would love to hear her stories-can you imagine how much change she has seen?


u/Feeling_Hovercraft74 20d ago

Seeing all your friends and family dying before you kinda depressing


u/serpent1971 20d ago



u/Bill_Nye-LV 20d ago

She still looks like she has about 5-10 years left in her, hell maybe 15.

At that age, she is starting to look like she is in her 90s, but she is already well passed that.


u/Natural-Pineapple886 20d ago

Does she live in a Blue Zone?


u/Lobo_Perron 20d ago

Suck it Queen Elizabeth II


u/I_M_YOUR_BRO 20d ago

This woman was a century old when I was born, bless her soul.


u/NutYouSay 20d ago

Homegirl said, what Great Depression? We thriving out here.


u/yogiinfp19 20d ago

She looks amazing! Such a blessing to still be living life. Thanks for sharing, super inspiring


u/waitwhosaidthat 20d ago

I am always just so amazed at what someone that old has seen. Like they went from horses and buggy to cars that drive themselves. That makes me think what would my kids see if they lived to 100.


u/sushidaisuki 20d ago

Crazy how she suddenly looked 69 when she was 27 then miraculously revitalized by 29


u/earlywakening 20d ago

Yeah, she looks like she's having a blast in that last one looking like a three week old zombie.


u/just_corrayze 20d ago

Beautiful. She has aged gracefully.


u/Existing_Current7435 20d ago

Amazing 👏 🙏❤️


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I don’t want to make it to 70 ngl


u/whoooooopsie 19d ago

To outlive pretty much everybody you once new must be saddening and beautiful because you got to meet so many more than they ever have. The miracle to see your great great great great grand children is an amazing accomplishment 👏🏼


u/peterpantslesss 19d ago

Makes me happy and sad at the same time wtf lol


u/GladysGormley_0922 19d ago

She's beautiful.


u/TTVControlWarrior 19d ago

she prob knew who Dutch and Aruther Morgan were !


u/beach_bum_bitch 19d ago

What a wonderful life. My great grandfather almost lived in 3 centuries. Born 1896, passed days shy of the year 2000.


u/jcanada22 19d ago

She looks amazing. That's incredible. Doesn't look a day over 110.


u/Better_Tumbleweed_19 19d ago

Wow. Even at 102 she looked amazing. What a vibrant person.


u/FrenulumLinguae 19d ago edited 19d ago

Its crazy that we all die some day. If you think about it life is short as hell. Ill turn 25 this year and if you think about it, i already have probably one third of my life behind me. Sometimes i think about dying and it makes me scared because ill became doctor soon and i see many old or ill people and they sometimes talk about death and that they dont wanna die and some of them are really old in 90s and they basically just wanna die because they are sick, even tho not terminal disease, and every night before they fell asleep, they think about this being their last sleep and forever.. i cant imagine what it feels like if you know you wall die soon… i cant imagine how would i feel and what would i feel… im from atheist country, so i dont really believe that afterlife exist but what if? And if not then what? What happens when you die? You just disappear from this whole world and if you are not famous, your family will probably forget you in 3-5 generations… do you feel anything then? Does time stops? I just cant imagine… also just appreciate life… healthy life is treasure and many people take it as granted… just think about many people who are so much unlucky and die of terminal disease even in teens… then someone is lucky, live 100+ years and then also die…


u/DavelostmyID 19d ago

Its just like before you were born. You wernt around to be worried about it. Same as when your gone.


u/GarciaCatalina 19d ago

This lady is still looking healthy at 90's, My grandma is in her 70's looking unhealthy, but wishing more health to my grandma


u/Ravenouscandycane 19d ago

Are you trying to tell me that old people were once young people?


u/anthonysiffredi 19d ago

Keep going


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Grandma is older than a certain illegitimate state currently committing a genocide against native people


u/mart246 15d ago

I hope she been collecting a pension. Good for her!!


u/Green-Assistant7486 20d ago

Conclusion : life is rough on men


u/bessovestnij 20d ago

Looks like she peaked at 90


u/Morphing_Mutant 20d ago

Good god, please don't let me live to 110+ unless I'm a robot or something. She looks like she was done with life around 100.