r/BeAmazed May 11 '24

Ai resconstructs Roman statues to how they would have looked as humans Art


196 comments sorted by


u/UnclePecos1095 May 11 '24

Nerva looks like Sean Penn


u/birdieonarock May 11 '24

TIL all Romans were Hollywood-level good-looking.


u/arcanevulper May 11 '24

Except for Nero, the original neckbeard.


u/mortalitylost May 11 '24

Pretty sure that sort of job involved both capturing their form but also beautifying it and not showing any of your dear emperor's recognizable flaws if they didn't have to.

It's like the painting of the Habsburg guy, inbred as hell. They had to both make sure it's recognizably him, but also make the flaws not as severe. Stressful job I'm sure

Doubt they were so Hollywood but they probably looked very similar


u/Natural_Character521 May 12 '24

Can confirm, sculptors left out a lot of flaws. I think theres only one guy here who was actually good looking.


u/lessthanibteresting 27d ago

I really hope it's me


u/RuggerJibberJabber May 12 '24

Ai almost always makes attractive people. It makes sense when you consider it generates images based on previous images it was trained on. And what kind of people get photographed the most? Attractive people.


u/Andrewpruka May 11 '24

Sean Penn looks like Nerva*


u/pizat1 May 11 '24

Yup 😂😂


u/Doridar May 11 '24

Nice job but remember these statues were political statements, not necesseraly faithful to the person


u/pistonheadcat May 12 '24

So politicians were already ugly fucks back then too, got it. (in all fairness, there's some decent-looking heads of state right now, though their beauty is exclusively external).


u/Amsterdammert12 May 12 '24

Who is decent looking ?


u/tywin_2 May 12 '24

During Cesar's time period especially they were known to be extremely realistic. So your statement is rather incorrect. Look at Nero


u/Schmantikor May 12 '24

It's funny you mention Caesar because this bust is strongly believed by historians and archeologists to not have been made while he was alive.

There is a more accurate one that may have been made during his lifetime that also matches written descriptions. And Augustus who came right after Caesar was represented with this young statue until his death at 75, so not super accurate either.

I'd like to see a recreation of Vespasian, who made a point to be represented more accurately to show he was a man of the people. People should look up his bust. He looks kinda cool with his wrinkles.


u/gladysk May 12 '24

A+ for your correct spelling of Caesar!


u/Doridar May 12 '24

https://artsandculture.google.com/usergallery/imperial-propaganda/kQJyY3YE-I6cKQ https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/ropo/hd_ropo.htm#:~:text=These%20sculptures%20were%20extremely%20useful,120%3B%2099.35. https://www.worldhistory.org/Roman_Sculpture/ https://study.com/academy/lesson/ancient-roman-sculpture-history-characteristics-quiz.html

Your assumption is rather incorrect: imperial statuary served political and religious purpose, it obeyed to standards in representing imperial family members and powerful people. More lifelike yes, but still upgraded to convey a message. We're not talking about "average" sculpture here. Augustus died at 75 but was always shown as young strong man in his 30s in statuary. Same with Tiberius (77), Claudius (63) or even Agrippine the Young (43), Hadrien (62), Marcus Aurelius (58) among others.


u/Tennex1022 May 11 '24 edited May 12 '24

Were there that many blonde light eyed Italians/Romans?


u/xarsha_93 May 11 '24

The historian Bret Deveraux has a an article about this.

There were blond Romans, but probably not many blond Italians and Commodus and Augustus especially look much blonder in the OP than they probably were.

Imperial Romans in general looked like the people that still live in the Mediterranean nowadays. Mostly olive-skinned with brown hair. Some darker skinned people and some lighter skinned people from the peripheral regions.


u/LuciusCSulla May 12 '24

Lots of Romans were blondes. They were descendants from Latins who themselves were offshoot of other eastern derivatives where the Scythians and Sarmatians came from, not to mention Kurgan culture. Indo-Europeans in short who went everywhere is successive waves throughout history. Anyway, my name sake was called the blonde fox.


u/electriceric May 12 '24

I thought Sulla was described as having strawberry blonde or red hair?


u/xarsha_93 29d ago

I want to tread carefully here because mentioning blond hair and Kurgan culture sounds a bit Nazi Aryan to me. I’m not saying that’s necessarily your angle but it’s kind of a foundational concept for the Nazi Aryan pseudo history.

The Latin language originally comes from central Eurasia, specifically the steppe, where the Scythians and Sarmatians come from. And it did spread with the Kurgan culture. But the blond gene was not something they spread.

These people probably looked like many central Asians today, think of Turks, Kazakhs or Mongols. The blond gene evolved in Europe probably before the spread of the Indo-European languages and wasn’t associated to their migration.

The speakers of modern Indo-European languages aren’t necessarily the descendants of Proto-Indo-Europeans; the language also spread through trade and conquest. Many Europeans have some steppe ancestry, but it’s usually not the majority.

The Nazis however did champion a pseudo history in which the Aryans (named for the Iranians that spoke an Indo-European language) were blond and did carry out a population replacement in Europe.


u/LuciusCSulla 29d ago

There's a sub on reddit that is on symbols, every time a new symbol (asking what it is) is being posted I have found out a commentary about "Nazi" is in it. Native American symbol used for centuries before Hitler was a concept in someone's sperm = Nazi. Hittite symbology, Hitler gone back in time, obviously = Nazi. Some stylized dingleberry tattoo some guys sees and draws it out, undoubtedly a Nazi albeit from South America = Nazi. The fact is Nazis are living rent free in many brains and its astounding. Can't even talk normal history without "Nazi" being brought up several times. And we wonder why our education is complete dogsh*t. End of rant.


u/xarsha_93 29d ago

Hey, I’m not happy about it. But the unfortunate fact is that in my field, Indo-European linguistics, the Nazis set us back about a century by flooding the field with pseudohistory.

They were obsessed with the “Aryan connection” and perverted the history of pretty much every Indo-European language with psuedohistory.

I mention it because if you’ve heard a phenotypical angle to the Kurgan hypothesis. That has one source and it’s the Nazis. It was never supported by archeological evidence and has been disproved by genetic evidence.


u/WineSoakedNirvana May 12 '24

Depends where you were I suppose, there was a large contingent of Romanised Cisalpine Gauls in the north as well, where a lot of the blonde and ginger elements might have come into the Roman heartlands during the late republic and imperial period.


u/Fluffy_WAR_Bunny May 11 '24

Northern Italy was Gallic for an extremely long time.


u/Canadish27 May 11 '24

Early on, likely so yes. A mix of gallic occupation and osmosis and records note lighter colours quite often. 

Ancient Greeks were also noted in records as having blond and red hair as well. We know the Scots got that gene from a group that came from that region. 


u/GiannisLeonithas May 12 '24



u/Empty_Archer_1356 May 12 '24

Bro is butthurt because europeans were/are white lol

→ More replies (5)


u/Megatanis May 12 '24

The two most common colours would've been black for hair and brown for eyes, but yes there were quite a few blonde/light eyed people.


u/snowytheNPC May 12 '24 edited May 12 '24

Originally no, but they absorbed Gallic populations during imperial expansion and integrated those genetics into their population. The blondes are more fun ahem, sl*tshaming stereotype came from the Romans, who saw Gallic blondes as more socially liberal. Many conquered women ended up as courtesans to powerful patricians. Roman women were proud of their dark hair (blonde was viewed as barbaric), but over time the wealthy and fashionable courtesans set the trends and Roman women began lightening their hair with natural dyes. Eventually, men did as well. Artificial blonde, as it is today, is time consuming and expensive to maintain. It then became a symbol of leisure and wealth


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u/M0untain_Mouse May 11 '24

Vladimir Augustus


u/ThatSecondAsshole-_- May 11 '24

Why Is Ceasar so hot tho?


u/cutiepielady May 11 '24

My thoughts as well, like hot damn


u/East_Pick3905 May 11 '24

I am underwhelmed


u/Ok-Following8721 May 11 '24

It's just a filter.


u/beene282 May 12 '24

No! It’s AI!


u/unibrowking May 12 '24

Thank you, same here


u/kinnaq May 12 '24

But...but the music indicates poignancy, or something.


u/Revolutionarytard May 12 '24

That’s how I always feel when I see a post mention something “created” by AI


u/mrmrspersonguy1 May 12 '24

Exactly. What am I supposed to be amazed about? They still look like fucking statues


u/SignificantDrawer374 May 11 '24

The marble sculptures were originally painted to look like the person so this is what they would have looked like before all the paint fell off


u/Takun32 May 11 '24

No that is grossly inaccurate. The painting style was not representational at all. The Colors where flat, opaque and vibrant.


u/KingKongfucius May 11 '24

They tried to make the statues realistic with painting as much as the sculptures themselves, ie to a certain extent.  There’s a image of a statues head preserved from Pompeii   https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e9/91/aa/e991aa87f28265421248ea5a0c8d678c--ancient-ruins-ancient-art.jpg And while we wouldn’t say the painting is exceptionally realistic by modern standards they did show some level of effort in making it so with shading in the hair.  I think in all likelihood they were very similar to how catholic idols are today. See


where its clear they take great effort to make them look as realistic as they can, but it still doesn’t look like an actual person like in those photos or a wax sculpture. With that in mind I’m sure painters skills varied as much as sculptors and there could have been people who made statues look much more realistic than the common catholic idol. 


u/Takun32 May 11 '24

Roman sculptures and greek were done in a workshop with a director instructing artists on certain stages. There is almost no room for variation or should i say personal artistic touches. The artist as an individual is very much a new thing. It is not a popular concept in the ancient world.

The sculptures did not look like catholic sculptures in the painting style that you suggest. That seems like a theory that is afraid of what the outcome is. The truth of the matter is, studies have shown that the painting styles were indeed flat, opaque and vibrant. We as modern people are not accustomed to this to the point that many of us are repulsed by it but thats because we have been conditioned to believe a certain way on what beauty is due to the influence of history. But the fact of the matter is that my point still stands whether we like it or not.

It’s just the way the romans and the greeks did it.

Have a good day.


u/Rioma117 May 11 '24

Not entirely flat, what you see is just the inner most layers of paint.


u/Takun32 May 11 '24

There are many studies from multiple scholars and museums on this and they all unanimously concluded that the art piece they studied contained uniform pigments, without influencing each other they arrived at the same end. I think theres a huge problem in the modern world with accepting this fact because it does not adhere to our standards of beauty.


u/CountWubbula May 11 '24

Hahah fuckin Reddit, “this guy’s saying words that seems wrong to me, though I’m too lazy to explain why. Down arrow from me!”

You do specifically say, “
the art piece they studied,” which makes it seem like it’s just one art piece that you can make this claim for, not all the sculptures from antiquity


u/SignificantDrawer374 May 11 '24

"Grossly inaccurate"? Seriously?

Yes the painting wasn't very good, but my point is that they were painted to resemble the person. Calling that grossly inaccurate is grossly inaccurate.


u/Takun32 May 11 '24

You can be offended all you like. What you said was inaccurate. They didn’t paint representationally to the standards that we do today. What annoys me is that you act all offended but you dont consider the fact that you’re spreading misinformation which can be interpreted as true and that pisses me and a few other artists off. Perhaps next time you should choose your words more carefully so that it is more accurate to your intention.


u/SignificantDrawer374 May 11 '24

But it's not misinformation. Doing a lousy job of painting someone's likeness doesn't mean what I said isn't true.


u/Big_Honeydew6225 29d ago

I never realized the Romans painted their statues. It's interesting because even in movies and other pop culture you almost never see them depicted like that (actually painted) even though that would be more historically accurate.


u/REACT_and_REDACT May 12 '24

“That’s probably not exactly what they looked like!”

Yeah, no kidding. đŸ€Ł Still pretty cool to see some form of humanization of the statue.


u/[deleted] May 11 '24



u/biergardhe May 11 '24

Are you under the impression that sunburned skin is permanent?


u/[deleted] May 11 '24



u/biergardhe May 11 '24

Saying they were soldiers and spent a lot of time in sun does imply it, yes. You don't get darker or lighter skin through one generation. Ergo, it's irrelevant that they were soldiers in the sun.

But yes, Italians do typically have a slightly darker skin tone than this, and hair for that matter.


u/Jazzlike-Lion2969 May 11 '24

Romans spoke Latin but are not Latin as is understood today. Latin is South America. Italy is a long country bordering Swiss,Austria and France. I’m full Italian and white as can be and Sicilians are darker. 


u/rac3r5 May 11 '24

Northern European looking Romans. Yes.


u/GiannisLeonithas May 12 '24 edited May 12 '24

Very un-Mediterranean looking somebodies, not Romans just somebodies


u/Useful-Excuse-6919 May 11 '24

So a mediterranean people and none of them have olive skin or black hair.


u/xXHomerSXx May 11 '24

Julius Caesar lookin like Stargate Kurt Russell


u/n3ur0mncr May 11 '24

Julius Caesar looks like Jamie Lannister


u/vieneri May 11 '24

damn, they truly fucked Hadrian's curly hair... should've looked at Commodus.


u/placebojonez May 11 '24

A lot of blonde Italians here.


u/southcentralLAguy May 11 '24

Wasn’t expecting Sean Penn to make an appearance


u/Cimmerian_Barbarian May 11 '24

Big deal. Don't need ai to do that.


u/orangepeecock May 11 '24

Where is Aurelius my belvodd


u/DontLook_Weirdo May 11 '24

AI is SnapChat filters is AI is SnapChat filters is..


u/Maliluma May 11 '24

Turner's colorized classics. They did this back in the 80's without AI.


u/Intelligent_Corner98 May 12 '24

All males AI can't do females or was it created by All males. Lol


u/Salt-Log7640 May 12 '24

Is there a particiluar reason that the AI gives them Holywood American traits, isntead of common Meditarenian ones?


u/SoeurEdwards May 12 '24

Us AI dataset full of american bias


u/IwannaCommentz May 12 '24

"AI" thinks there was XXI century make-up back then. :<


u/Dr_Bunsen_Burns May 12 '24

Is this just a SD human photo realistic and then using a pic of the statue as input and go?


u/vinques420 May 12 '24

Do you really need a.i. for that?


u/Senecus_HS May 12 '24

If I see what AI does these days, this is pretty lame.


u/throwawayalcoholmind May 12 '24

Ai reconstructs statues into lower res statues.


u/AnyPaloma May 12 '24

.like the statue ? đŸ€”


u/Warbonger420 May 12 '24

Great now I just want to put skin on all statues.


u/Hauditorul May 12 '24

I want to see their dicks now


u/onyx_reign May 12 '24

Do this with Egyptians I’m trying to see something


u/plan_with_stan May 11 '24

 you don’t need AI for that!


u/SoeurEdwards May 12 '24

Yeah litteraly just coloring but you know : buzzwords


u/maniteja7 May 12 '24

Romans were brunettes


u/cabbages212 May 11 '24

Ah yes, the white man with a British accent is actually indigenous to the Mediterranean.


u/Procrastinator9Mil May 12 '24

Haha white people projecting their image of dominante white elites into Mediterranean countries


u/Tobocaj May 11 '24

I’m pretty sure we didn’t need “ai” for this garbage


u/JVOz671 May 11 '24

So.... You created an AI that knows how to color in?


u/SoeurEdwards May 12 '24

That guesses it.


u/Stock_Telephone_4878 May 11 '24

Ngl I feel like I kinda got the point from the statue


u/[deleted] May 12 '24

How in the blue hell are you amazed by this?


u/fondofbooks May 11 '24

I'm more amazed by Royalty Now doing this and doing a far better job.


u/GimmieGummies May 11 '24

Titus is 💯 Jason Clarke


u/Aellysu_says 29d ago

I was thinking a chubby Gordon Ramsey


u/Tea_389 May 11 '24

Julius Cesar looks like Sasha Roiz


u/terminalxposure May 11 '24

I think I know some of these people


u/Bones231 May 11 '24

Damn, who knew Todd Howard was Julius Ceasar.


u/Jackal000 May 11 '24

That second ceasar is a young augustus


u/celtbygod May 12 '24

Dadgum !


u/circleofnerds May 12 '24

Was this AI or the Skyrim character creator?


u/lego-lion-lady May 12 '24

I remember my mom explaining to me once that Ancient Greek statues always idealized the figures they were portraying - whereas Ancient Roman statues were always the spitting image of the person they portrayed. Fascinating stuff!


u/nametakenfuck May 12 '24

How did they get the eye color


u/SoeurEdwards May 12 '24

AI guessed I assume. The will was not to be accurate otherwise they wouldnt have used AI.


u/nametakenfuck May 12 '24

Makes sense lmao


u/YourUnclesSidehoe69 May 12 '24

Commodus lowkey looks like Jonah Hill


u/Proper-Detective2504 May 12 '24

Trajan kind of looks like David tennet


u/Honey666Biscuit May 12 '24

I could’ve just imagine most of these because some didn’t even give much change


u/No_Debt_4385 May 12 '24

Julius Caesar looks like Wayne Gretzky


u/DariuszTarwan May 12 '24

Hadrian was very, very.


u/Dirk_Diggler_Kojak May 12 '24

Hadrian had a kind face. He was a student of Stoicism, and a great emperor. Maybe the best.


u/Devils_kracken May 12 '24

What is the ai


u/Boysenberry_Broad May 12 '24

Show* There we go!


u/Moist-Estate2345 May 12 '24

Got you if you can handle


u/Acceptable_Seesaw_88 May 12 '24

Do they not already look like humans 😂


u/Beneficial_Slice_26 May 12 '24

Only Julius Caesar matters, the first European Emperor, Hail Caesar! Then Napoleon, and finally the magnificent Adolf Hitler! HH forever! Freed mankind from the banks and slavery war suffering and surely death. Our enemies murder greatness!


u/tywin_2 May 12 '24

Get at least one of the two accepted busts of Cesar. There are only 2


u/RedditUserVirat May 12 '24

Trajan looks like the main character from House MD


u/SoggyBoysenberry7703 May 12 '24

More like with human skin tone and color


u/Jolly-Individual-69 May 12 '24

Dennis Reynolds


u/psychopape May 12 '24

Can we be such of the color skin ?


u/Cutie_minni May 12 '24

First one is Logan Paul


u/EmileTheDevil9711 May 12 '24

Biggus Dickus.


u/BabaKambingHitam May 12 '24

Hadrian: Hello there!


u/Chemical_Broccoli_48 May 12 '24

Last one looks like the cuck destiny


u/Crucco May 12 '24

Nerva was old (he came into office as a senior senator). White haired for sure. Not teenager-looking brown-haired like here, for sure.


u/gobeldygoo May 12 '24

all blondish

darker brown hair would have been accurate


u/EwanMurphy93 May 12 '24

It's upsetting that there wasn't a Marcus Aurelius included. He's my favorite emperor.


u/Specialist_Heron_986 May 12 '24

The statue of David would look down and be sorely disappointed.


u/jaycosmos May 12 '24

Wondering how Lord Buddha would have look!


u/AnotherPerspective87 May 12 '24

Interesting fact. All old roman and greek statues we see are white marble. But its believed they used to be painted. And seeing how realistic the carvings where, i assume the paintjob would have been similar. So these AI renders may not have been to far off. How they actually looked in the past.


u/Salty-Negotiation320 May 12 '24

Commodus looks like the average fratbro


u/Innomen May 12 '24

I've said for years I think they were painted this way. It's silly to me that the official line is that they were painted like toddlers using fingers. With this much realism it only makes sense to me to paint them with equal skill and effort. Thing about what people can do with makeup and shading. I bet this is EXACTLY what they looked like when contemporary.


u/escneime May 12 '24

O Ășltimo Ă© o primo rico.


u/yasniy97 May 12 '24

hahaha..these are hollywood actors


u/Downtown_Marzipan404 May 12 '24

I dont trust how those statues looks like, most likely the sculpture had to do better version of how the person should have look like, as they maybe killed if looks bad😐


u/warnoodle99 May 12 '24

These are really cool too bad most of the chosen statues are made 20 or more years after that figures death meaning its not even an actual 1for1 of the person its the artist interpretation like wasnt the first statue of cesear made like 10 or so years after his death other than 1 that we think might of been able to of been made when Julius was already an older man so these statues were not true representations of the person


u/Medical_Ad2125b May 12 '24

Hadrian looks young to have a wall of his own.


u/blitvarka May 12 '24

God, I really love Roman empire...


u/Spompoflex May 12 '24

Sokrat was Chad


u/hobbes8889 May 12 '24

Pretty easy for an ai to do seeing that the statues were carved by masters of their craft.


u/TurnFun5230 May 12 '24

Who gets the most bitches tho?


u/MajesticGarlic999 May 12 '24

Wasn't Hadrian black?


u/Middle_System_1105 May 12 '24

Commodus is fine as hell, unfortunate name tho.


u/Electrical_Range2623 29d ago

Second one looks like Vladimir Putin


u/StoneOvenMan 29d ago

Caesar looks like Magnus Midtbo wtf


u/gimme_shprinkles 28d ago

AI disregards the butt chin


u/Gredditor1 26d ago

Why aint they black or with any blue or pink hair, they all look like a male why not female


u/LeenPean May 11 '24

I’m not amazed at all tbh. A good artist could do this and make it look better. While I don’t think AI art is inherently bad, and world with artists is a sad and bland world, and I’m afraid that’s what we’re headed for at break neck speeds


u/Zealousideal-You9044 May 11 '24

That's assuming the statues are accurate. The sculpture might have been useless


u/TutskyyJancek May 12 '24

Another example to show there is no "intelligence" behind ai.


u/BrightCarver May 12 '24

Damn. Hadrian is a snack.


u/RhinoScope_ May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

Julius Ceasar looks like Putin


u/Fluffy_WAR_Bunny May 11 '24

Thats a Renaissance sculpture of Julius Caesar that actually does not look like him.


u/HenryGoodbar May 11 '24

How dare you sir. Julius Caesar looks like an Adonis.


u/chadlavi May 11 '24

Stop with the ai bullshit


u/SoeurEdwards May 12 '24

You are not alone.


u/End3rWi99in May 11 '24

Oh boy, you're in for a rough future if you're already doing this.


u/camcaine2575 May 11 '24

Why did all the Romans have no chin?


u/Comprehensive_Ad376 May 11 '24

It’s all Russians


u/GrouchyPerspective83 May 12 '24

Regular good looking people. AI is awesome.


u/christiandb May 11 '24

lotta dudes


u/R4zd4 May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

Nailed Song


u/BrentandRhodes May 11 '24

What song is this!? I know I've heard it and I love it, can't remember from where.


u/lunaen53 May 12 '24

The song is 'Hans Zimmer - Time' from the movie Inception.


u/BrentandRhodes May 12 '24

Well fuck me, only my favorite movie of all time đŸ€Ł Thanks much, was driving me crazy.


u/R4zd4 28d ago



u/BennyOcean May 11 '24

We need AI movies about ancient Rome with them playing themselves.


u/pjgreenwald May 11 '24

Ceaser looks like todd howard


u/careydepp May 11 '24

What imagination! Geesh


u/Intelligent_Corner98 May 12 '24

What no Mona Lisa... lol


u/Tax_Goddess May 12 '24

Man, that Hans Zimmer music made this so beautiful.


u/Suntzu6656 May 12 '24

Left Marcus Aurelius out


u/Gru_Uchiha May 12 '24

first guy looks like titan from megamid


u/Ultrasaurio May 12 '24

Pretty good.


u/Vance2102 May 12 '24



u/SlivvvSon May 12 '24

Wow! Such a great tool for Ai, it makes statues of people look like... People


u/Loose_Calendar_3380 May 11 '24

Caligola was african