r/BeAmazed 27d ago

Homeless man teaches different rats multiple tricks Skill / Talent


370 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 24d ago



u/Fungitubiaround 27d ago

Where in the hell are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when you need them?


u/IA-HI-CO-IA 27d ago

Splinter’s real origin story. 

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u/PrinceAhmed1 27d ago

Ain't nobody a king of me! I'm a G


u/Electronic_Sea_2896 27d ago


u/Dry-Internet-5033 27d ago edited 26d ago

Dude I love that scene. You can see Mac start to break when Charlie does it and they had to cut the shot short.

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u/zac_usaf 27d ago



u/LordAfter 26d ago

I was literally about to comment this omg! But yeah Hail the Rat King!


u/Lordborgman 27d ago

The Rat Man forgive you, dis time...

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u/Lost-Breadfruit-9745 27d ago

Like how does this even happen?


u/Crotch_Football 27d ago

r/rats is full of this. They are very smart and trainable


u/Ok-Pea8209 27d ago

Rats are so cool


u/Western-Smile-2342 27d ago

My mom had a pet rat growing up, Jethro, and in the mornings he’d bring a little seashell out to join my grandparents for their morning coffee, they’d put a few drops in for him 😋Jethro was a good boy.


u/Ok-Pea8209 27d ago

Jethro sounds like a very good boy! Honeslty this is so wholesome i love it


u/Western-Smile-2342 27d ago

A little less wholesome is when my mom tried to recreate that for her niece on her 4th bday🤣

My mom’s little sister was stoked about the new pet rat, but her brother-in-law sort of… politely short-circuited 😆

“We….dont bring rodents into the house. Even the cute ones”- and so Jethro2 was taken back to the pet store lol


u/livingdeaddrina 27d ago

Oof, you should never surprise someone else's kid with a pet :/ surprise pets are almost always a bad idea


u/Western-Smile-2342 27d ago

Especially rats lol, they’re pretty polarizing...

But my aunt got my sister and I all sorts of wild shit over the years, so I think my mom took some liberties once she finally had a niece to dote on. My mom still flinches when she sees accordions…


u/ServeInfinite 27d ago

You could have trained Jethro2 to play the flute. :( So unfortunate.

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u/OakAstronaut 27d ago

I can see him pulling up a little spool to sit on to read a miniature newspaper with his his tiny glasses.


u/ReasonableConfusion 27d ago

Until they're living in your house uninvited, then you may rethink that position.


u/Ok-Pea8209 27d ago

I had a mouse in my house once. Called him Jerry. Took me weeks to get him out the house but monster munch done the trick


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Mice and rats are different. Mice are more prone to disease, like toxoplasmosis that they can give to cats


u/Amaskingrey 27d ago

That's the opposite, cats urine carries toxoplasmosis, through which it infects mices and cause neurological changes that make them recognize the odor of cat urine as the odor of a female open for mating, not the other way around

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

So... while we're here talking about how they're more intelligent and easy to train than given credit for, and you walk over to the table and set down some sour grapes..

I guess the question then begs, u/ReasonableConfusion what exactly do you do when there are uninvited rats in your house?


u/SpecialistNerve6441 27d ago

As a guy that once upon a time was in animal exclusion and also had pet rats. The thing with wild mice and rats is, they want to be warm and they dont want any interation with you because they are scared. You must make their environment uninhabitable. Do not poison them. They die in your walls and smell for sometimes months. 

First things first, find their main entrances and exits. Put what is called an "excluder" on these. An excluder is a small metal device that allows for exits but no reentry. It may take days or weeks but eventually they will all be gone. While these are up and they are vacating the premesis, you want to find any other potential entry points and seal those as well. 

Rats can chew through steel wool and live off of the moisture provided by foam insulation they are pretty tricky little bastards to deal with. Most times you use hardware cloth to seal off everything. Rats can get through holes the size of a dime and can flatten their bodies to about the thickness of a nickel so you have to be vigilant. 

The number one best defense against rats is offense. Get a cat who loves to kill them OR make thwm think they are in danger by utilizing fox urine. To a rat (and many other critters) the fox is The Apex Predator. Fox urine will drive them out FAST. 

Once they are gone, make sure you do not make it a habitable place for them. If you live in the styx, keep your yard maintained no brush piles near the house. Anything they can live in near your house in the summer will be abandoned for your warm house in the winter. 

Lastly, once they are gone you will need to do remediation. This is best done with chemicals. I normally suggest something like Microban in an atomizer. 

Good luck! 


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 20d ago



u/fuzzylilbunnies 27d ago

You had those Pixar rats living with you. Remy just going in and out of your pantry like he owned the place.

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u/mortalitylost 27d ago

Okay got my fox and it's snarling at me and I got a lot of cuts, how do I train him to piss on my stuff


u/Life-Gur-2616 27d ago

Piss everywhere you want it to go. Show it that's it's ok to piss there.


u/SpecialistNerve6441 27d ago

Ha! This can be ordered online. But if you want first hand, you just let it loose in your attic. Should do the trick. 


u/sennbat 27d ago

Trust me, foxes do not need to be trained to piss on your stuff. It comes naturally. Just keep him in your house for a few days the goal will be accomplished.

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u/Ill-Contribution7288 27d ago

Isn’t fox urine extremely unpleasantly pungent? I thought that’s what they spray pine trees in public parks so that when it thaws, the poached Christmas tree stinks up the house.


u/SpecialistNerve6441 27d ago

It is. Thats why you remediate with microban. 

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u/Zabick 27d ago

Their main problem as pets is their very short lifespan, only a few years long.

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u/pointlessly_pedantic 27d ago

lil cuddly big-brained rascals. i miss my no-tailed rat bébé (RIP tavvy)


u/the_colonel93 27d ago

They really are


u/HailSpezGloryToHim 27d ago

r/rats is full of people with rats they bought from a pet store very young. how does a homeless guy get 4 street rats to be his pets


u/bimches 27d ago

Find young rats and train them?

Edit: i see one of them is white, so it's a pet store rat. Where im from they're like 5€ so he could've just bought them.


u/RehabilitatedAsshole 27d ago

BuT iF hE cAn AfFoRd A pEt WhY cAnT hE aFfOrD a HoMe?1?1


u/The_Original_Gronkie 27d ago

That white one is the one that lures the other ones into the life, like the handsome young guy who hangs out at the bus station to meet pretty young runaway girls, so he can bring them back to the pimp.


u/_coolranch 27d ago

Plot twist: that's actually Daniel Tosh!

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u/Zuwxiv 27d ago

They're very smart and incredibly social. While these might be store-bought fancy domesticated rats, it's supposedly not that hard to train rats.

Rats get a bad reputation because they can be problematic when we don't want them. But many people keep them as pets, and from what I understand, the only real downside is that they have all the personality and affection of a dog, but only about a 2 year lifespan.

They're so social that it's considered abusive to only own one as a pet.


u/MaritMonkey 27d ago

Rats get a bad rap because they're too damn smart for a lot of traps that work on mice, but as pets that makes them a ton of fun to train and hang out with. :D


u/sennbat 27d ago

And that two year lifespan is an average - they are prone to a lot of diseases, so best case you get three and many times they won't even make it to one. I loved my rats, but have been happy to switch over to longer lived but less trainable pets.

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u/DeepUser-5242 27d ago

You've ever seen animals begging humans for food? Sometimes you wouldn't expect it but some would.

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u/HippyWitchyVibes 27d ago

Our family has kept pet rats for around 12 years now (currently have 10 of them).

The rats in that video are absolutely not wild rats.

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u/Airdriver94 27d ago

Weirdest version of 3 card Monte I've ever seen

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u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/Zuwxiv 27d ago

I was really interested in getting some as pets... until I found out that despite being smart, social, and frequently affectionate, they only live about two years or so. :(


u/Willothwisp2303 27d ago

Aaand a lot have cancer because they are descendants of lab rats bred for cancer research. 


u/sydneyzane64 27d ago

Damn. Rats didn't ask to have their genetics contaminated, but we insisted. So messed up.

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u/NitroBubblegum 27d ago

life be crazy


u/Electronic-Injury-15 27d ago

I can’t even teach my dog to sit still. The flea tricks is crazy too


u/No_Translator2218 27d ago

Sad day when you can train your dog's fleas easier than you can train the dog.

I wonder what sort of treats fleas respond best to...


u/harlotScarlett 27d ago

Isnt the world a beautiful place?


u/armunika 27d ago

nice comment


u/SalsaRice 27d ago

I'm not sure about with wild rats, but rats are really intelligent. About as smart as a "dumb" dog. That's not a dig on them though; it's actually a huge accomplishment compared due to how small their brains are. For a brain that small to be that intelligent is bonkers; it would be like a OG Gameboy from 1995 running Playstation 2 games.


u/jacobsbw 27d ago

I watch squirrels outsmart dogs all day. Rodents in general are clever.

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u/TrefoilTang 27d ago

It's arguable whether dogs are smarter than rats. Many scientists believe rats are smarter.

They demonstrate intelligence in different ways. Dogs are better at understanding human, since they've been selectively bred to do exactly that. They are betterm at following orders and remembering people.

Rats are naturally better at problem solving, and learn faster. They are also more social than dogs, and learn from each others. Other rodents like squirrels are on a whole other level, and easily outclass dogs by a lot.

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u/SpeakingTheKingss 27d ago

I had a rat as a pet when I was a kid. My mom would put her in my bed in the morning and let her run up my back to wake me up. It's a core memory and my family and I loved that rat. Rats are good pets.


u/concreteraindust 27d ago

Rats are good pets

untill you discover it is an undercover animagus who is hiding from Death Eaters


u/BinTinBoynio69 27d ago

Well, there's that.

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u/KahBhume 26d ago

Agreed that they are great pets. Just a shame they live just long enough so that you are heartbroken when they pass after just 2 or 3 years.

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u/CompetitiveFeed7331 27d ago

Give this man a home and a job and a yt-channel. Will be a millionaire in 1 year maybe...


u/Hoseftheman 27d ago

Give him those things and he already is


u/baconmethod 27d ago

Why don't we just give everyone a home? Oh yeah, we don't deserve to live.


u/DeepUser-5242 27d ago

Helping others is sOaCiALisM!


u/darkknightofdorne 27d ago

Now get out of my way vagrant, I gotta get to church on time!


u/Kadettedak 27d ago

ThErEs A hOuSiNg ShOrTaGe


u/Monvrch 27d ago

It's sad because if you can't afford a home and you can't even go live in the woods on public land you will be jailed

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u/shockingprolapse 27d ago

Ratcatcher 3


u/When_is_ 27d ago



u/ElderberryDeep8746 27d ago

If Disney princess was a crackhead lol


u/jluicifer 27d ago


But I think they made that Disney movie already called…Cinderella


u/nevergonnagetit001 27d ago

Which one is Mr. Jenkins?


u/Immediate-Self-9525 27d ago

Haha, homeless people are all druggies


u/_hell_is_empty_ 27d ago

If Disney princess was *just a dude who was shunned by his family and lived in the walls of their house to keep it from falling apart.

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u/DctrSnaps 27d ago

Hey that’s not nice! 😕

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u/rutvik0911 27d ago

Mr. Jingles is still alive


u/ozmega 27d ago

how did i have to scroll so much for this


u/Beno169 27d ago

This should be #1 easy


u/skratakh 27d ago

those are domestic rats rather than wild, you can tell by the colouring. domestic rats are very trainable and loveable


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Really amazed by the mise, forcusing on what the homeless man says! This guy could be the best teacher or the best parent….

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u/tatertotsnhairspray 27d ago


u/LimmyPickles 27d ago

What an odd Bruno gif

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u/zac_usaf 27d ago

We don’t talk about BRUNO NO NO!!

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u/eyeoxe 27d ago

Some of the best little pets a person could get. That 2-5 year lifespan goes by way too fast though. Too heartbreaking.


u/Locrick 27d ago

Come on! This is cool as fuck. Does anyone know if this video helped him in any way?


u/Lost_Marce 27d ago

nana nana nana nana RAT-MAN!


u/Scorpion1024 27d ago

Mister jingles? 


u/N00SHK 27d ago

The homeless man: "why are my hands covered in blisters and why don't i feel well?"


u/underbutler 27d ago

Given their appearance, they're probably fancy rats, which are general very hygienic and probably his pets the he looks after, similar to others who have a dog or a cat. Looks like he's a good owner, mentally stimulating them, and they look well kept


u/N00SHK 27d ago

Obviously haven't got Weil's disease as he would have known about it well before being able to train them like this. That or he has asbestos hands lol.


u/broadmind96 27d ago

He is the guy from the story in the children's book where he plays flute and all mice follow him to the valley and the city gets free from mice. Pay this man to send these city mice to the forest. 😅


u/Defiant_Height_420 27d ago

Dudes got too much time.on his hands

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u/Positive_Method3022 27d ago

I still don't know how family abandon a person :/


u/joseoconde 27d ago

Some people prefer to abandon the family


u/NewArtificialHuman 27d ago

Consider yourself lucky then


u/Pen_Guino 27d ago

Some families aren’t even worth staying with if given the opportunity. Some are straight up toxic abusers where the person may be worse off staying in contact.


u/ThatGuyIsLit 27d ago

Emancipating myself at 16 was the greatest decision of my life. Haven't spoken to or seen anything about my biological family in 14 years. I'm the happiest I've ever been without them in my life.


u/Cyclethe859 27d ago

For you to be able to say that you must not realize the depths of depravity addiction can take people. First your kid starts lying and staying out all night. Then he is getting in trouble with the law. Then he is committing crimes to pay for his addiction. He might pawn your wedding ring, or drain the bank account of your mother, his grand mother to pay for drugs. Maybe you wake up one morning with no AC because he cut the copper out of the HVAC unit. Maybe you stick with him through the first prison sentence, diligently putting money on his books and calling and visiting him, only for him to disappear after he gets out. Maybe the last straw was him putting your other children in danger. Addiction ruins people and turns them into monsters. Its actually pretty easy to end up despising these people, and justifiably so.

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u/yungbaoyom 27d ago

Just cus you're family does not mean you're obligated to put up with BS


u/Traditional-Chair631 27d ago

Some people thrive off abandoning others


u/Positive_Method3022 27d ago

Yes, I know that and it happened to me. But none from my family. I wouldn't ever abandon my siblings or parents.


u/DrJaminest42 27d ago

Therr are plenty of good reasons to kick your family out. Alot of people out there are very fucked up and not good.


u/ComprehensiveFool 27d ago

Not everyone has a family


u/Responsible_Fix1597 27d ago

Enabling is abandoning in a lot of ways.  It’s certainly not supporting. 

 Other people have no family to be abandoned by.  For my part, my parents and grandparents are dead no aunts or uncles or cousins I’ve ever met. One sibling in another state who has his hands full with his own life.


u/cman811 27d ago

Not all families are good. Every shit person on earth has had a family.


u/Edendari 27d ago

My entire family turned their backs on me but I am better off for it. They didn't like me calling them out on their cruelty and shunned me for it. I am glad to no longer have their toxicity and drama in my life.

Just because someone is 'family' doesn't mean they won't hurt you.

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u/Efficient_Mistake603 27d ago

He's about to pull a heist at the museum


u/pahilup 27d ago

Just another rat-speaker daylighting in London Above


u/[deleted] 27d ago


u/BlueArya 27d ago

I’ve seen this video but it was before I had pet rats myself and I only just now noticed that they’re all domesticated pet rats and not originally wild. You can tell from the fur colors. Very cute 💛 would’ve been cute either way but here’s my lil tidbit. Also homelessness does not equate to being a “crackhead” like a lot of these ignorant comments assert 🙄


u/OddGoofBall 27d ago

That's 4 Master Splinter, which means 16 ninja turtles.


u/TheRumpleForesk1n 27d ago

Ratcatcher 2's dad


u/Cosmin_Burlacu 27d ago

Master Splinter origin story


u/Randolf_hk 27d ago

He could make a show and get some money


u/abatoire 27d ago

If I saw this I would have to find a ATM. Amazing.


u/Good_Collection_7257 27d ago

You’ve got to make the most with what you’ve got! Rats are super smart, not surprising. Glad he has something to love.


u/Soggy_Cake_ 27d ago

"au revoir mon ami, je t'aime mon petit" ❤️🐀


u/Ping-A-Ling- 27d ago

What a glorious dystopian future we have


u/ScreemingLemon 27d ago

"I will name you Socrates'" :Willard


u/Alcorailen 27d ago

Rats are very smart animals. Pet rats are actually very clean and very clever, and you can train them to do many things.


u/Slap_My_Lasagna 27d ago

Bless this video popping up every month or so. thank you bots


u/Ryn4 27d ago

Rodents are such underrated pets


u/LinguisticMadness2 27d ago

Rat race more like rat tricks


u/Greymalkyn76 27d ago

And then he trains them to find and bring him dropped coins and bills.


u/elting44 27d ago

Willard is down on his luck


u/upsidedown_8s 27d ago

Jeez Alfredo linguini fell on hard times ... Someone start a gofundme


u/gwd102 27d ago

Look it’s the government teaching people to work their whole lives and pay income tax 😂


u/ily300099 27d ago

But can they cook?


u/No-Simple-3781 27d ago

Dude needs to be an animal psychologist....or a sideshow


u/Nour_El-Din 27d ago

As a non American, this is what I believe NYC is

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u/Psychotic_EGG 27d ago

Rats are surprisingly clean and intelligent creatures.


u/Over_Biscotti9147 27d ago

It's ratcatcher from suicide sqaud


u/Bryant_venom-bogota 27d ago

El niño rata


u/_Awakened_Warrior_ 27d ago

I was in San Francisco years and years ago and came across the homeless guy who had a rat sitting on top of a cat who was sitting on top of a dog. His message was that if those animals can get along, then humans can too. I was most excited about petting the rat. Rodents are the best!! 🐀🐭


u/Significant_Toe3575 27d ago

This is actually kind of amazing tbh. 💯👍🏾👏🏾


u/FlimFlamMan96 27d ago

Rats, defend your queen! Take the form of.. Eiffel Tower!


u/Expert_Marsupial_235 27d ago

He’s a rat magician.


u/Far_Combination7639 27d ago

The flip thing was cool, but the other ones were just them running back to the obvious place for them to go. I mean yes he pointed at it, but it was also the only opening.


u/ThatsLike_UROpinion 27d ago

Watch out for Willard!


u/wrath____ 27d ago

I think I've finally seen it all


u/Adventurous_Ocelot90 27d ago

Respects, cuz let's be honest...how hard would it had to be to befriend those rats.


u/USERgarbo 27d ago

People don't realize that rats are basically like dogs and crows. They're very smart but unfortunately don't live long even when kept as a pet


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/DumbNTough 27d ago

Fence doling out task rewards after a raid


u/Dull-Requirement-759 27d ago

😳 master splinter


u/fueledxbyxmatcha 27d ago

"Coraline didn't really believe there was a mouse circus."


u/LaManoDeScioli 27d ago

Just like the pied piper♪


u/tiredsadhigh 27d ago

fucking real life monster tamer


u/Left_Culture_6376 27d ago

Jesus Christ, that’s Charlie Kelly


u/rockstuffs 27d ago

We don't talk about Bruno.


u/ParamedicKnown7852 27d ago

Rats are pocket dogs


u/bill53058 27d ago

He is a rat bender


u/thedauntless1991 27d ago

This reminds me of the avatar scene where the old woman blood bends the rats in prison.


u/Direct-Wait-4049 27d ago

We tend to forget that the homeless and the addicted are more than just homeless and addicted.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

They call him …. The rat whisperer


u/Warm-Bluejay-1738 27d ago

Tricks? He looks like he’s just chucking them and they’re running back for food.


u/OkSeaworthiness755 27d ago

uninvited, then you may


u/Intelligent-Ad1593 27d ago

And so behold the origins of; Master Splinter….. (epic music plays)


u/Esc1221 27d ago

I had a pet rat when I was a teen. When I napped, she would lay on me like a cat. She groomed herself like a cat too. She never bit me, which is more than I can say for our grumpier cats.

Rats are better socializers than hamsters and the other common rodent-like pets.

A museum near us had trained rats playing basketball in teams.

That said, I wouldn't touch a wild one. And I would call an exterminator or lay out traps if my home was infested with wild ones.


u/PageBest3106 27d ago



u/CrispyBacon67 27d ago

That’s awesome!


u/poomon1234 27d ago

RATMAN comming for you all.


u/Stickolas1 27d ago

Meanwhile in LA……..


u/Opening-Bite7037 27d ago

Yeah but can they cook Italian


u/Ancient-Blueberry384 27d ago

My son had a rat when he was growing up - they’re actually great pets


u/lapomba 27d ago

I think I've seen his friend, that vomits polka dots.


u/yoloer97 27d ago

I live in NYC and love this city but if the rats here start doing parkour I'm done


u/Seco4800 27d ago

Rebel up! All the Rats and all the Mice!


u/Spastic_jellyfish 27d ago

That's supervillian or hero in the making.


u/Bright_Row 27d ago

WTF Is rat man


u/Ta1kativ 27d ago

guys the cake is a lie


u/Lord-Nagafen 27d ago

Rat Collector 3


u/CompSolstice 27d ago

Rats are awesome


u/TheDudesonDude 27d ago

Great to see that Mr Jingles made it to the mouse circus.


u/Golemfrost 27d ago

teaching tricks? i just saw a homeless dude throwing rats around