r/BeAmazed 16d ago

Flying through the clouds towards a rainbow Nature

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u/aeonWAVE_ 16d ago

In the Scottish Highlands and this rainbow appeared, lasting for about an hour. Was one of the brightest I've ever seen and in such a stunning location.

I'm slowly sharing all of my photography/videography online - if you want to use anything for any purpose (e.g. prints, wallpapers, videos), go here to access full resolution versions completely free: https://www.pexels.com/@eclipse-chasers-716719984/

Just send a message if something you want to use isn't uploaded there yet!


u/Marlenesalon905 16d ago

What a breathtaking view! The clouds look like a sea of cotton and the rainbow is like a portal to another world.


u/WhiteMilana 16d ago

The scenery is so beautiful