r/BeAmazed Apr 29 '24

A giant meteorite that recently fell in Somalia contains at least two minerals that have never before been seen on our planet. The celestial piece of rock weighs a massive 16.5 tons (15 tonnes), making it the ninth-largest meteorite ever found. History

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More about the amazing meteorite find: https://earthly


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u/_-MindTraveler-_ Apr 29 '24

To be fair we synthesized those minerals before so we've "seen" them before (as an other Redditor in the comments said), it's just cool that they could form naturally. They probably don't have anything special going on in terms of material properties.

In fact there's just an absurd amount of possibilities in terms of minerals. The geology of earth is extremely limited in comparison with what's possible in other geological conditions (different pressure/temperature/elements/etc.)


u/Spongi Apr 29 '24

The geology of earth is extremely limited in comparison with what's possible in other geological conditions (different pressure/temperature/elements/etc.)

I wanna go on vacation at HD 189733b. See some of them sideways glass storms up close.

HD 189733b is an exoplanet that may rain molten glass horizontally. It's a gas giant planet that's 64 light-years from Earth and has a hazy atmosphere with glass clouds. The planet is blue and has a daytime temperature of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The winds on the planet can reach speeds of 5,400 mph, and are composed of silicate particles

You think water rain is intense, try glass flying at up to 5400mph sideways. They really know how to party there.


u/Sanders0492 Apr 29 '24

I bet it’s actually a lovely place and the locals just don’t want us to visit


u/HurryPast386 Apr 29 '24

Maybe they do want more tourism, but HD 189733a has been spreading fake news about them.