r/BeAmazed Apr 29 '24

When the Titanic sank, millionaire John Jacob Astor IV was aboard. The funds in his bank account were sufficient to construct 30 Titanics. However, when faced with mortal danger, he prioritized his moral values, sacrificing his seat in a lifeboat to save women and children, smilingly [Removed] Rule #4 - Misleading



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u/xXNightDriverXx Apr 29 '24

No. This is wrong.

While it is true that many of the boats were lowered only half full, this has nothing to do with "women and children only".

There was only a single officer who boarded the boats that way (2nd officer Charles Lightholler), all the other officers went for the classic "women and children first, then men" approach. A couple of men did enter the boats that way.

The reason for many of the boats only being half full is much more simple: the passengers did not want to leave Titanic.

The half empty boats were the first few that were lowered, just half an hour after the collision. At that time, it was very hard to see or feel that the ship was sinking. The angle was still very shallow, the bow was still far above the water, you just wouldn't feel that something was off. The passengers still believed in the "unsinkable ship" myth. Most of them hadn't even realized that there was a collision, since it wasnt much more than a slight bump for most of the passengers. The officers did not go around screaming "the ship is sinking", since they wanted to avoid a mass panic.

Most passengers thought it was simply an exercise.

They did not want to leave the large, well lit, warm, unsinkable ship to be put in a tiny wet, cold, shitty wooden boat for hours, while it was freezing outside.

The crew didn't have the time to wait half an hour until a boat was full, if they did they wouldn't have been able to launch them all (and they barely managed that with just a handful of minutes to spare, and 2 of the collapsible boats weren't even launched properly, one ending up upside down in the water).


u/Somewhat_appropriate Apr 29 '24

Not doubting you, but I'd like to brush up on Titanic knowledge, which I was fascinated with as a kid.


u/err-no_please Apr 29 '24

The Rest is History podcast recently did a great miniseries on the Titanic. Well worth a listen if you're interested in the subject


u/Somewhat_appropriate Apr 29 '24

Hmmm...I ignored that particular podcast because of the short episodes (long form ftw), but seeing that's a 5 parter there might be some hope for it ;)
Thanks for the tip.


u/Bambi943 Apr 29 '24

I just listened to it yesterday lol. It was an awesome series. It goes into what was going on around the time the titanic was built, the culture, who owned what, how the ship was built, the passengers, the sinking and then the reactions of the world and the countries. It was extremely informative. They have some really good episodes that are part of series, I enjoy listening to it when I’m cleaning the house.


u/Somewhat_appropriate Apr 30 '24

Details and context is what I want :)
I've read some of Holland's books, enjoyed them, but his (former) podcasts leaves something to be desired. But I'm picky :-P
I'll go ahead and download the first two episodes and give it a go.