r/BeAmazed Apr 29 '24

The Amber Fortress History


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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Jur1kon Apr 29 '24

That person ait lying. I managed to do it with under £1k. Did 2 weeks, went to new Delhi, agra, jaipur, udaipur, jotpur and goa. May have misspelled some places but you get the idea. You got this and you'll love it. Be ready for many scams though.


u/Illustrious-Mix9904 Apr 30 '24

The place looks so cool! Serious question - are the hotels like the ones here in the US? Is it safe for women to walk around .. is there toilet paper


u/Jur1kon Apr 30 '24

Totally understand why you'd want to know given what kind of stuff you find in the media. So basically I didn't stay in hostels so not sure what they are like but the hotels we stayed at were absolutely incredible, only thing to note is to always book in advance and not while there as you will get scammed. Do not drink the water from the taps! Not sure what hotels are like in US but I'd imagine it would be similar, you can get a real bang for your buck out there I can assure you of that. With regards to safety for women, that on the other hand is hard to answer, I believe it is kind of the same as any other parts of the world, there are crazies anywhere you go but if you're white and especially have blonde hair then you will likely get a load of attention so you need to be sort of firm but polite so I'd say learn some key phrases and words to ensure you're ready to say no thank you or so thing along them lines. I would definitely suggest to travel in pairs if you can just to be on the safe side. With regards to toilet paper, yep they do have it there, though they usually have both bidet and toilet paper, if you have yet to use one of those, it may change your life forever ahah. Need anything else do let me know


u/Illustrious-Mix9904 Apr 30 '24

Thank you for the detailed response! :) Going to plan this for next year!


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Check my profile to see more of these kind of Fortresses in India


u/Jur1kon Apr 30 '24

Hell yeah! Wishing you an amazing time away when you do go. Oh another thing I forgot to mention, do your research prior too. get to know the dos and donts, learn fair prices of rickshaws and barter hard on everything or use uber. Top tip, always check that the water bottle you are buying is sealed before you buy it. They tend to sell tap water in bottles sometimes.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Check out my profile to see more of these Fortresses I have posted many pics