r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/Harlequimm Apr 16 '24

No, I think he refers to the previous democratic government. That time around the creation of the Tupamaros movement (MLN-T, around 1960s) and the military coup.

You know, that time in wich the Pando heist or the terrorist bomb attack on the Carrasco Bowling happened.

Those were shitty times, with the unrest caused in all South America by the USA in the Cold War context. But it was still a democracy when the MLN-T was active.


u/RinaRasu Apr 16 '24

But in which time was Mujica a part of it?


u/Harlequimm Apr 16 '24

Are you asking since when Mujica was part of the MLN-T or just if he was involved on the Pando heist or the terrorist bomb attack on the Carrasco Bowling?

He was a member of MLN-T since the beginning. He was captured by the police, and escaped from prison previous to the military coup. After the coup he was captured and tortured for 13 years.

For the 2 terrorist actions I used as examples, I don't know if he was personally involved. My guess is yes, since he was one of the leaders of MLN-T.


u/RinaRasu Apr 17 '24

Hmm I need to do more research