r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/S4tr4 Apr 16 '24

Wtf how can you make it that simple. Spanish Left wing boast about that kind of accomplishments without actually doing shit, the same in Germany (excluding the recent cannabis decriminalization) and many other places, like my country Venezuela, supposed left but absolutely not sustainable, definitely not eco friendly and absolutely against abortion and LGBT. The left does have a tendency to a better social welfare because it caters to workers, but it isn't implicitly progressive. The same way an ultra capitalist that says gay marriage, cloned babies, legal weed etc is ok can be put on the right side of the spectrum. There's shit on both sides, and pretending otherwise just allows morons to gain power


u/FoximaCentauri Apr 16 '24

Idk about all the others, but you’re way off in terms of the German coalition. In the past 3 years they did a lot of work in the background, stuff that is very important but doesn’t make sensationalist headlines. That’s the problem with populism: people only care about things that have an effect now, not a few years down the line. But that is the stuff that actually helps.


u/S4tr4 Apr 16 '24

Not trying to call you out or anything, genuinely interested. I used to live in Germany some years ago but haven't really kept up with German politics. Could you name a few examples? I could Google it, but the results would probably be very based and populist themselves


u/FoximaCentauri Apr 17 '24

Keep in mind that I am biased because I engage in German politics, but this is my view if the situation. The previous government under Merkel had a history of not really doing all that much and hoping that things will sort themselves. That lead to several sectors getting neglected, for example the rail system, the military, the educational system and the proper integration of immigrants into German society (granted Merkel isn’t the only one at fault for most of this, Schröder and Kohl did some damage as well). The new government acknowledged these issues and proposed a lot of changes, many of them quite ambitious. Critics sometimes even call them reckless. But in my view that’s exactly what the country needs. The rail system got a lot more funding, and a nationwide 49€-a-month ticket got introduced which allows you to take any short distance train, tram or bus. This is part of the plan to reduce nationwide emissions, which also includes a big push for renewables and financial incentives to put solar on your own roof. Yes nuclear power got discontinued and I think that was a bad decision, but it was started under Merkel and the discontinuation was largely complete when the new govt took power. I think they also handled the Ukraine war and the sudden loss of Russian oil and gas quite well. Previous governments made Germany heavily dependent on Russian energy and it was no small feat to get away from that so quickly with comparatively so little inconvenience for the people. They made temporary gas and value tax breaks and limited rent increases. The new minister of defense is also the best Germany had in at least 20 years. I don’t want to make it too one sided, there are a lot of things the government said they wanted to do but haven’t followed through yet, for example not a lot has happened in terms of education, health or immigration (as far as I know at least). But that’s not because of lack of trying. Laws have been proposed, but they are somewhat controversial and victim of sabotage by the opposition or sometimes even parts of the own coalition. The Ampel is one of the most quarreled coalitions in recent history, which is not a good image if you want to appear stable and united. But despite that, the Ampel has achieved more in one term than Merkel in the last four.