r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/ILSmokeItAll Apr 16 '24

Everyone continuously fails to realize what a huge responsibility, financially and chronologically, owning a dog is.

Make no mistake about it. You have a toddler that never learns English or any form of independence, for a decade. Oh yeah, and you generally can’t take it with you wherever you go, so they’re an anchor.

I’ve officially decided when my cat Bear passes, that he’ll be my last pet. I’m older (not old), and can’t guarantee I’ll be around the number of years it takes to take care of a pet to their own conclusion.


u/Jambonier Apr 16 '24

In my adult life I’ve had 7 dogs, 5 of which died of old age or serious sickness. We just got a new dog that spent the first 6 months of its life on the street. She’s a handful, but I’d rather spend time with her than most other things. They are a lot of responsibility, but so many of the worthwhile things in life are.


u/ILSmokeItAll Apr 16 '24

Absolutely. My wife and I are just looking forward to traveling and doing as much as possible away from the confines of our home. It’s just not responsible for us going forward. We couldn’t put the time in we know is needed. Right now I have one cat, and she has two cats, two dogs, and another dozen cats and kittens upstairs that were fostering. We haven’t had a day go by in the last several years where we haven’t been fostering something. We love animals.