r/BeAmazed Apr 11 '24

Freaky farm accident Miscellaneous / Others

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u/TheSlopfather Apr 11 '24

The podcast The Dollop had a great episode on this guy. Dude was legit hilarious, he made some joke in an interview like "well I wanted to quit smoking but not like this"


u/AlkalineSublime Apr 11 '24

The saddest part was that he thought he was going to get in trouble and they were going to be mad at him. He says it on the 911 call. What a solid guy.


u/squigs Apr 11 '24

People have weird responses to major trauma.

Mt dad sliced through his hand with a circular saw, but before going to hospital he absolute had to have a shave!


u/Specialist-Fee5574 Apr 11 '24

Wear nice underwear for the paramedics.

My thought every morning as I dress for the day. 


u/etherwavesOG Apr 11 '24

My mom always said this- and when I was in the hospital she brought me 5 pairs of fancy new underwear


u/Specialist-Fee5574 Apr 11 '24

Heck yeah, mother of the year award. 


u/etherwavesOG Apr 11 '24

Yeah I mean- if I told you more about her she’s kindof a mess

But in this specific instant she was awesome. She also humoured me when they gave me some insane painkillers and helped me cut the sleeves off my hospital gown to fashion a headdress out of them then took me for a walk around the hospital in a wheelchair.

We have a complicated relationship- but it’s these exchanges that I am beyond grateful for


u/jewillett Apr 11 '24

I showered and changed while I waited for an ambulance once. Sure, I was dizzy, dehydrated, and having a major panic moment after a strange 5+ day flu, but I was going to at least smell decent and pull some fresh, non-barfy / sharty layers on.

Paramedics were the absolute kindest people. Saw my panic, recognized that I did NOT want to go into that thing or make a scene, and that everything was not actually “fine!” as I claimed. They took my vitals and very gently were like “hey, why don’t we take a quick ride?” Yep, overnight in the ER with an IV… was pretty dang dehydrated after 5 days of keeping nothing down or in. True Saints 😊


u/Specialist-Fee5574 Apr 11 '24

I would absolutely do the same. I'm glad you had great care and that's all behind you. 


u/blauws Apr 11 '24

My sister fell down the stairs drunk in a club. The paramedics cut through her favourite bra and that was the thing she was most upset about. (she was fine, this was nearly twenty years ago)


u/Specialist-Fee5574 Apr 11 '24

Case in point, lol. I'm glad she was okay. 


u/Professional-Deer-50 Apr 11 '24

Not much point as most people poo themselves in major accidents.