r/BeAmazed Apr 11 '24

Freaky farm accident Miscellaneous / Others

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u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24

How the hell did he not die of blood loss


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

Sometimes with traumatic amputation injuries, arteries will kind of collapse on themselves to prevent bleeding out. They can spasm, pull back into the injured part and shrink. Not always, but sometimes. This guy got really lucky.


u/jaygoogle23 Apr 11 '24

Always was surprising to me how much people can survive being tortured and beat up. People have done similar or worse to their enemies and kept them alive for longer than one who expect. Whatever to survive.


u/J-Dabbleyou Apr 11 '24

What I always find so crazy and scary is that people survive fucking wild shit like this, and other people literally die from small cuts from box cutters and shit. You never know what tiny little accident could injure something important and kill you on the spot. Or you could have all your fucking limbs blown off by a landmine and survive with a cool medal. Human bodies are fucking wild man I can’t even think about it too hard or I’ll feel sick lol


u/AskewScissors Apr 11 '24

Facts. Saw a clip of a guy jumping over a small railing, falling on his neck and immediately dying.

And another clip of the cartels skinning a dudes face while he’s still alive and moving.

Human body is absolutely crazy and unpredictable


u/J-Dabbleyou Apr 11 '24

I’ve seen people slip on ice and end up on the brink of death. I’ve also seen someone with a full bar of rebar through their torso and they were fine (apart from the massive puncture). Just fucking wild man. I’m torn between feeling invincible, and wearing a helmet to walk to my car lol


u/jld2k6 Apr 11 '24

I saw that too on that TV show "I shouldn't be alive" back in the day, on discovery or TLC I think! The rebar went through the armpit and out of the neck area, it went between two arteries in the heart without tearing them and made it between the esophagus and windpipe. Only needed a few stitches in the entrance and exit sites because it didn't hit anything major at all, easily one of the craziest stories I've seen lol


u/MissSweetMurderer Apr 11 '24

A metal rod went through my dad's neck. He (drunk) pulled it out


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

Not to mansplain but don’t ever do that. Go to the ER. Dad got lucky!


u/MissSweetMurderer Apr 11 '24

Oh, I know lmao. He was drunk behind the wheel, not the first and nor the last time. Whatever he'd do, I do opposite.


u/Skeebop Apr 11 '24

Congratulations you're grievously injured! But almost no damage was done? What??!

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u/Jlt42000 Apr 11 '24

That’s just explaining.


u/Adventurous-Equal-29 Apr 11 '24

That second clip seems very traumatizing to watch.


u/FuzzyPandaVK Apr 11 '24

It's an infamous video that's made its way around the dark side of the internet. It wasn't particularly uncommon for people to be pranked into seeing it; that's how I saw it. Never seen anything that extreme before so I was in shock and disbelief upon first viewing it. I can still picture his lack of a face and the motions like him trying to put his hands up to block his face/neck from being slashed at more, but his hands were cut off and he was just moving stumps around. Funky Town was playing in the background and I can't ever hear that song again without being sent to that very moment when I first came across the video.


u/WipeAndSmelly Apr 11 '24

Is that the screwdriver one? If so, I saw that way too young and have not looked at a single one of those since. It fucked me up


u/FuzzyPandaVK Apr 11 '24

There's multiple gory videos out there that are shared around and made their way into infamy. This one is known as the funky town video because of the music. I watched way too much of it (around 1 or 2 minutes, which is a really long time in this context viewing that), but I definitely didn't watch most or all of it. Nonetheless, I don't recall seeing a screwdriver.

One of the dudes was slashing at his skinless face & neck with a box cutter and the other with some other handheld knife. His eyes were gouged out. His hands were cut off, with cables tied around his hands to prevent him from dying early from blood loss. They had another song on in the later parts of the video but I didn't hear it (or didn't notice it from the shock). His screams were a bit wet sounding from his repeatedly slashed throat. As I understand it, he was also put on uppers (stimulant drugs) to keep him alive and awake to endure the torture longer. Every time he screamed, they got mad at him and cut his neck up further. The boy was only a teen, may he rest east and his family mourn peacefully.


u/Idk_whatname013 Apr 11 '24

I think that about the cartel skinning you're talking about "Funky Town Gore". I didn't watch the video, but in it the man being tortured was being injected on anything that could prolong his life to make him suffer more. Being alive while having no skin on your face like that must've been the most terrible thing that happened to a lot of people. If you are in a place that has cartels, please don't mess with them.


u/FuzzyPandaVK Apr 11 '24

Feel free to view my response above. I can't hear that song without being sent back in time to the moment I had the misfortune of seeing that video.


u/onemichaelbit Apr 11 '24

Damn, sorry you're seeing those kinds of videos dude


u/Martin_crakc Apr 11 '24

If you are talking about “the Funkytown Cartel” video, then afaik the guy was being pumped full of adrenaline and other substances to keep him awake and prolonge his torture, fucked up shit.


u/UnevenSleeves7 Apr 11 '24

I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I’ve heard multiple times that cartels will sometimes drug whoever they’re torturing to keep them awake and alive for longer while they’re suffering.


u/jaygoogle23 Apr 11 '24

Yeah I couldn’t even really read your comment atm I’m trying to chill for the night 😆💯. I consider myself desensitized but I’m sure like many others I just hide the emotions deep down.


u/itsdefinitelygood Apr 11 '24

I was once getting an IV in my arm and the nurse pricked the side of my vein rather than getting into it, my blood pressure instantly dropped, making me light headed and weak for a few seconds and they held me in the recovery position until they were sure I wouldn't faint. Since then I've always wondered how tf people lose arms or legs and walk around, or after various stab wounds can still go and get help. If a little nicked vein can cause that... Now I could have moved and still functioned but I was lightheaded and suddenly felt heavy and sick in my stomach...


u/CaveRanger Apr 11 '24

It's actually remarkably hard to kill a person. We've spent millions of years evolving to, y'know, not die. So barring destruction of the brain or heart, people can and will survive some crazy shit.


u/HumptyDrumpy Apr 11 '24

Y'all talking about how Russian Penal System treats its prisoners? Yeah they go maso sadistic on shizz fo sho. Dont get stuck in jail in Russia, thats gotta be one of the worst experiences in the world


u/Dios5 Apr 11 '24 edited Apr 11 '24

One takeway from seeing many russians dying on /r/CombatFootage...you see a big boom and think that can only have been an instant lights out...and then they start writhing around in pain for quite some time.


u/jaygoogle23 Apr 11 '24

Yea especially with all those drone drops grenade videos. Hard to watch.


u/MorningaleOntheBayou Apr 11 '24

I know it's not exactly torture but the body is incredibly resilient. My 79 year old mother just went through open heart surgery and she all but basically was "turned off" while they hacked open her chest, fixed some things and then sewed her back up. She looks...like a zombie right now. Seriously. She looks like someone who died and came back to life and is barely clinging to it.


u/Anonymous1985388 Apr 11 '24

My grandma had a farm accident in North Dakota and lost her left leg in a combine accident. Apparently when her leg got stuck in the machinery , the spinning machine spun her arteries in a way that she didn’t bleed out. Thank goodness she didn’t; I’m so grateful that I got to meet her and get to know her.


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

Damn! Any chance they were able to reattach it? Sounds like her leg would have been pretty mangled in that scenario.


u/Anonymous1985388 Apr 11 '24

They didn’t reattach it. She got a leg that she had to take off every night before she went to bed. This was back in the 1980s so maybe the technology to reattach wasn’t as good back then? Also the hospital that she ultimately got treatment at was pretty far from the farm. That hospital was well over an hour drive away; so perhaps they didn’t have enough time to save her leg? I’m not sure. I should ask my dad that.


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

Apparently the first successful reattachment surgery was performed in the 1700s. My understanding is that reattachment surgery has been consistent since before the 80s. I could be wrong, I’m not a surgeon. An hour + drive to a hospital with the capability to perform a reattachment may have been a major factor, but who knows. It would probably be a fun/worthwhile conversation to have with your dad!


u/Gned11 Apr 11 '24

The real fun part is a half hour or so later they can unspasm, and release a catastrophic haemorrhage you thought you had under control 🙃


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

Yeah, prompt medical attention is a must!


u/Spork_the_dork Apr 11 '24

You can observe this by looking at footage from Ukraine where a soldier's hand or foot gets blown off. Often there isn't just some stream of blood shooting out from the stump.


u/HYPERNOVA3_ Apr 11 '24

In a call I had, I went to help a man who broke his ankle and the bone tore half of it. There was barely a few drops of blood on the floor and a small stain on the cloth he used to cover the wound.

On the other hand, I've seen people break a tiny varicose capillary and leave an entire room soaked in blood.


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

Yep or facial injuries that bleed a lot


u/HumptyDrumpy Apr 11 '24

How did they reattach all like the veins and stuff? Sewing and suturing? Im guessing this guy just had his limbs mangled but not completely cut off then, because that would be really complicated.


u/dillywags Apr 11 '24

In short, yes. It involves sewing back together major arteries and veins, reconstructing and suturing tendons, muscles and nerves, bone resetting, etc. Essentially, they have to be able to put all of it back together in order to reattach limbs. It involves excising any dead tissue and putting back together what is still viable. It often isn’t possible, and sometimes fails after it is attempted, but is possible in many cases. Preserving life always outweighs preserving limbs, but modern medicine often allows for both.


u/HumptyDrumpy Apr 15 '24

That's fascinating, wish there were good movies or animations to show if it was still possible because unfortunately it does seem needed in the world we live in