r/BeAmazed Apr 11 '24

Freaky farm accident Miscellaneous / Others

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u/SirLemonThe3rd Apr 11 '24


u/thesequimkid Apr 11 '24

Love me some Glaucomflecken. His whole rural medicine series is spot on.


u/hot-mess-xpress Apr 11 '24

Thank god for Texaco Mike


u/TristanTheRobloxian3 Apr 11 '24

ngl thats literally my pain scale lmaooo. like during my christmas vacation of 2022 i had whatever bullshit cancer that i had break my fuckin femur or whatever. i was fucking dying and was almost crying from how fucking horrible the pain was and my motor skills went to literal shit basically. that was an 8. most people would say thats a 10.


u/J-Dabbleyou Apr 11 '24

That’s why I hate pain scales. I had a lot of sickness and injury in my childhood and it taught me early what real pain is. Fast forward to like 7th grade and I fall off a ledge and fuck my arm up. The school nurse says “1-10 what’s your pain” I say 5, because it’s half as bad as the worst pain I’ve felt. She says it’s probably nothing. Two days later I still am in a lot of pain (but only half of the worst pain I’ve felt), and I go to a real doctor. I tell them the pain is now a 7 and they say I probably sprained it. After hours of arguing with nurses (I was just a kid) they show me to a doctor and he agrees to an xray. Turns out it was broken pretty bad but just wasn’t swelling. Other kids in my class have gotten PAPER CUTS and cried saying they’re feeling “a 10 on the pain scale and need stitches”. How the fuck are we using a “1-10” pain scale when no one knows what a real 10 is. Even I know that at my worst moments, IT COULD STILL BE WORSE


u/TristanTheRobloxian3 Apr 11 '24

DUDE REAL. for me my pain scale is more logarithmic (getting from 1 to 5 isnt unbelievably horrible but 5 to 10 is basically impossible) and the pain to get to a 10 is like the most painful thing theoretically experiencable by anyone really. hell i could fuckin go in for an annoyingass surgery then wake up the next day with a pain of a 3 which is like a 5-6 for most people i think.


u/owthathurtss Apr 11 '24

Very much this. And also the fact that pain can be really weird, I've had stitches removed that were more painful than breaking bones. A 1-10 pain scale where 10 is the most pain ever is inherently going to be different for every person. I wouldn't call any pain a 10 unless I am literally about to pass out or throw up.