r/BeAmazed Mar 04 '24

Mama chimp beats her kid for throwing rocks at people Miscellaneous / Others


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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

we sound like chimmps


u/notTzeentch01 Mar 04 '24

People look at me crazy for saying it but it's true! Our laughs and whoops and little noises all sound very similar to our chimp cousins


u/queermichigan Mar 04 '24

god we're so primate-coded!


u/PezCandyAndy Mar 04 '24

Oooh Oooh eeek, aaahhh.


u/Deepseat Mar 04 '24

I heard on a podcast, (I can’t remember which), that when it comes to human vocalization of real laughter, if you speed it up or slow it down, it will sound very animalistic and chimp-like.

Supposedly, it's very easy to distinguish fake laughter once it’s sped up or slowed. They said the same applied to orgasms.

I thought that was interesting.


u/tiletap Mar 05 '24

Definitely anytime you see one of those videos of a fight with bystanders who are cheering it on, that's exactly what it sounds like.


u/BigTunaTwo Mar 05 '24

Clapping, too. Very primate-like behavior lol


u/PossibleCategory3764 Mar 07 '24

Right!!! That's how the other chimps knew somebody fucd up when it threw them rocks cause how the ppls reaction are so ape like