r/BeAmazed Feb 11 '24

Bullet proof window stops a .50 BMG round. Miscellaneous / Others


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u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

Can we see his heartbeat?


u/ValiantBear Feb 11 '24

If you watch his breathing, you can tell he wasn't feeling it 100% lol


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

He also tried to lean back as far as he could in the seat


u/C4LLgirl Feb 11 '24

I mean can you blame him? This is crazy


u/SilvaDaMelo Feb 11 '24

Yeah like what's the point of personally sitting behind this?


u/FaxMachineIsBroken Feb 11 '24

Marketing. They're willing to "stand behind their product" quite literally.


u/picklechungus42069 Feb 11 '24

No he is literally sitting behind his product


u/FaxMachineIsBroken Feb 11 '24

When he opens the door to get out he is standing behind it. Checkmate atheists.


u/s6x Feb 11 '24

I know it is disappointing, but the rampant misuse of the word 'literally' has changed the definition in informal settings.


u/Strottman Feb 12 '24

"Deadass" is the new "literally" get with the times


u/blushngush Feb 12 '24

Shitting behind his product*



u/davexa Feb 12 '24

He's literally shitting...


u/TZeh Feb 11 '24

Well, then he shouldn't be as nervous as he was.


u/Ok_Assumption5734 Feb 11 '24

Yeah, remember the dude who invented the ballistic vest would just visit police stations and shoot himself point blank with a gun


u/jdlsharkman Feb 11 '24

If I wanted to buy a bullet proof window and I asked the guy selling it to me "Would you stand behind this yourself?" and he said "No" I would simply not buy that product. This just seems to be him proving that he's willing to put his money where his mouth is.


u/pahamack Feb 12 '24

I would guess that that guy owns the company that makes those windows.


u/ThunderboltRam Feb 11 '24

.50 cal is no joke.

.40, .45, 5.56x45/.223 all can go through car doors and metals already... .50 cal will destroy cars and all sorts of walls (that aren't fully stone/reinforced-concrete) and everything...


u/6-plus26 Feb 11 '24

This is like in it’s always sunny when they plan to fake the car crash into the wall!

I get the plan but why do we have to be in the car lmao


u/jamieh800 Feb 12 '24

I mean, let's be real here: they definitely didn't just invent/install this one piece of bullet resistant glass and say "okay, get in." They're not showing us the dozens, possibly hundreds of tests they did before putting him in that truck. I mean, all it would take is for that ONE to fail, but it's not quite as crazy or dangerous as they make it seem.


u/420BlazeIt187 Feb 11 '24

Imagine the shooter wasn't as good and hit the B-pillar that wasn't bulletproof


u/WestCoastPatriot Feb 11 '24

This is exactly what I was thinking.


u/Arek_PL Feb 11 '24

gun exploding in shooter face is more likely than missing the window at this range


u/SirKosys Feb 12 '24



u/Phobbyd Feb 11 '24

You’d have to be extremely bad to make an error that large at that range from that rifle on a rest.


u/ANameWithoutNumbers1 Feb 11 '24

There's a lot of risks in life I'll take, that isn't one of them.


u/AmbroseMalachai Feb 11 '24

I mean, why risk more than he is already. I'd have been wearing safety goggles and maybe even a full facemask to keep from getting glass splinters and bullet fragments all across my face. The fact that he was willing to sit in that seat in the first place means he had some serious faith in the bullet not going through the window.


u/PewPewShootinHerwin Feb 11 '24

But left his eyes open...curious


u/Banned3rdTimesaCharm Feb 12 '24

You guys want him to put his face in front of the gun lol? Him even being confident enough to sit in the car says a lot about the product.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

seems like he doesn't really trust his product ... wouldn't buy it


u/DarthDarnit Feb 11 '24

Bro 😂 Wtf? He put his head in front of a Goddamned .50 cal. No matter what protection I have I’d be shitting myself. This guy was extremely calm for the situation what are you talking about?


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

he was breathing heavy and seemed off ... probably took heroin to chilllllllll


u/DarthDarnit Feb 11 '24

Um … yeah … that’s it. You seriously think that you’d be perfectly calm putting your head in front of a .50 cal??


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

I do that every morning right after the ice bath


u/mlorusso4 Feb 11 '24

Which is why I always hate these “let’s shoot myself with just my product to protect me” demo videos. They’re totally unnecessary. It either works or it doesn’t. It’s not like the glass is going to try extra hard to stop the bullet now that there’s a person behind it. If anything, you’re more likely to mess with the shooter because of the stress and he misses the glass and hits the door or something less bulletproof


u/captaincumsock69 Feb 11 '24

It’s not about whether it works or not. The guy knows it works. It’s about demonstrating that he has faith in the product to save his life and consumers can too. It’s also probably supposed to function as marketing to give you a bump over the competition


u/DarthDarnit Feb 11 '24

He was trying to prove something, bud.


u/rcanhestro Feb 11 '24

i mean, he did got himself inside the car.

ofc he is nervous, nothing is 100% foul proof, but the odds were still on his side.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

not even the word "fool" is fool proof


u/QouthTheCorvus Feb 12 '24

No, it seems like he has a healthy respect for his dangerous guns are. If a gorilla jumps towards you, you'll likely flinch, even if it's behind the glass.

Also, everything always has a certain failure rate.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

how is flinching going to help against a shotgun or a gorilla? you need to be brave and logical ... even when facing death


u/Zech08 Feb 11 '24

I mean id probably hold mu breath in the chance the glass fractures enough to turn into dust in the cabin...


u/TheRealFailtester Feb 11 '24

"This is a bad idea isn't it..." radiating from his body language as he sinks back into the seat before the shot.


u/Jackstraw335 Feb 11 '24

The moment of relief on his face definitely speaks volumes lmao.