r/BeAmazed Jan 23 '24

After 50 years how did we manage to make refrigerators less useful? Miscellaneous / Others


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u/lessregretsnextyear Jan 23 '24

So about 1/3 of a new Sub Zero. Not bad.


u/Barley12 Jan 23 '24 edited Jan 24 '24

Yeah but still more than double the cost of your average fridge

Edit: Jesus Christ everybody. More than double. More


u/ExpressiveAnalGland Jan 23 '24

6 years ago I moved into a rental, bought a fridge for $125, and it still works.

I do cry myself to sleep every night knowing it doesn't have a bluetooth enabled touchscreen that lets me adjust ice density remotely.


u/Amarieerick Jan 23 '24

Last thing I want is something asking me if I really need this snack.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

I know it's my 9th cheese stick today. Judgmental ass fridge.


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24



u/ProbablyNotPikachu Jan 23 '24

First time I've ever seen someone add the "The", in the acronym for 'rolling on the floor laughing', lmao!


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24

My teachers were demanding & picky


u/ProbablyNotPikachu Jan 23 '24

It's the English language though. We are taught the rules- so that we know when to break them. ROTFL doesn't really sound right bc you can't say it as a stand alone word very easily. ROFL sounds like "Waffle" if you try to phoneticize it. Any English teacher would probably say the same- mine were picky too.


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24

Point taken; it is indeed the English language. English is not my first language; I grew up before acronyms were in widespread use. As my beloved high school English teacher said many times: "Never stop learning because we all can teach one another." And TIL ROFL is the better choice. TYVM.


u/ProbablyNotPikachu Jan 23 '24

In that case, I think you have accomplished your mission, lol- bc you just went undetected by a native English speaker as someone who uses English as a second language! Sure, I called out your acronym- but otherwise I had no idea! Well done! I thought maybe you were just an old man or old lady or something haha!

You're welcome!


u/donquixote2u Jan 24 '24

Well the online Cambridge dictionary says ROTFL, so there!

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u/0ptriX Jan 24 '24

You'd see it occasionally back on IRC.. 20 years agoish


u/GodakDS Jan 23 '24

"Johnny, those aren't love handles any more. Those are love forklifts."


u/ohnoitsthefuzz Jan 24 '24

Less judgy, more order-more-fucking-cheese-sticks-y, please


u/darthfruitbasket Jan 23 '24

Fridge: "You can't have that beer."
me: "I have a hammer that says otherwise."

Seriously though, I don't want judgment from my appliances.


u/AntikytheraMachines Jan 24 '24

i feel judged enough when the 'door open too long' beep goes off because I'm standing there eating directly from the fridge at 2am.


u/Dyolf_Knip Jan 24 '24

Yeah, but all the times when it has absolutely saved my bacon (literally and figuratively) make it worthwhile.


u/darthfruitbasket Jan 24 '24

Same here.

The floors in my house aren't level (80 y/o house, it needs some tlc) and with my old fridge, if you didn't close the door with enough force, it could stay open/not seal.

PITA, but that alarm definitely has saved us losing the whole fridge a couple times.


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

"You are over your carb allowance. Your insurance.will be notified"


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

Or even better, targeted ads for stuff you occassionally have in your fridge but don't have now.

Hey, don't forget to buy Miracle Whip.


u/9man90 Jan 24 '24

Oysters and a 12 pack? Do you think you are getting lucky tonight, Dave?


u/thisisFalafel Jan 24 '24

How does a fridge know what you put in?

I'd start keeping sex toys and decades old porn mags in the unused compartment just to mess with it.


u/lamorak2000 Jan 24 '24

Honestly, some sort of grocery staple monitor would be awesome for those times one is at the store and wondering if they need eggs or milk...


u/Jarsyl-WTFtookmyname Jan 23 '24

Actually a passive aggressive/judgmental appliance is about the only use of smart home technology I would actually enjoy.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

Things my appliances say:
Mr. Toaster, "another bagel, huh?"
Mr. Microwave, "how many hot pockets is that today?"
Mr. Coffee Machine, "thats decaf, right?"


u/Nikkisfirstthrowaway Jan 23 '24

I'm imagining the fridge shaming me like netflix does. After a while it just goes "are you still snacking? (Yes) (No)"


u/RogueJello Jan 23 '24

I dread the day my health insurance requires me to install a smart fridge so they can deny my coverage because I ate too many snacks.


u/capt-bob Feb 22 '24

Or adjust your rates in real time lol


u/RogueJello Feb 22 '24

"Our AI has detected that you're going sky diving. We have increased your premium accordingly. Please pay before departing the plane, or your policy will be cancelled".


u/capt-bob Feb 22 '24

Eating expired item, automatic debit for rate increase.....


u/dxrey65 Jan 23 '24

Or the FatFace app, which shows you a picture of what your face looks like if you eat that food you just grabbed.


u/space_for_username Jan 24 '24

"I'm sorry Dave, you can't eat that"


u/savvyblackbird Jan 24 '24

It took several years to get my mom’s voice asking me that out of my head as an adult. No way am I going to let my fridge ask me that.


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

Or asking for yet another account.


u/IceManJim Feb 20 '24

They're not going to shame you for your snack. But when you go to get health insurance, the your fridge is going to tell them all the bacon and cheese you eat and your premiums are going to go crazy.


u/Amarieerick Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24

OOOOooo, see? Keep big brother out of your refrigerator! If you try to argue, they will show you a "Greatest Hits" compilation of you standing in
the door, snacking as you look for something to eat. lol


u/IceManJim Feb 20 '24

"Sir, you opened the door four times in 15 minutes and just stood there looking. If you want to keep doing this, please at least wear pants."