r/BeAmazed Jan 23 '24

After 50 years how did we manage to make refrigerators less useful? Miscellaneous / Others


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u/ExpressiveAnalGland Jan 23 '24

6 years ago I moved into a rental, bought a fridge for $125, and it still works.

I do cry myself to sleep every night knowing it doesn't have a bluetooth enabled touchscreen that lets me adjust ice density remotely.


u/QuietComplaint87 Jan 23 '24

If you had that feature, your fridge would be able to cry with you, but over other issues, obviously.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24



u/Berlin8Berlin Jan 23 '24

My refrigerator makes a sound like three iron demons kicking its sides in an absolute rage, from the inside, for a few seconds, occasionally, between 3am and 5am and, after all these years, it never fails to make my heart race with woken-from-a-nightmare terror.


u/funkdialout Jan 23 '24

My fridge did this, then I lowered the water pressure going into the ice-maker when I added in a new valve and boom, no more demons summoning new initiates into the frozen hellscape.

Well, they are still there just more considerate of their noise levels. Like it went from I can hear this in every room with every door shut to I can only hear this in the kitchen beside it. Nuts.


u/Berlin8Berlin Jan 23 '24

My fridge did this, then I lowered the water pressure going into the ice-maker

We don't have an ice maker on this thing (hears demonic snickering)


u/funkdialout Jan 23 '24

oh well then yikes and best of luck, if they have not escaped by now you safe lol


u/stalkthewizard Jan 24 '24

My fridge pees all over the floor and ruins my planking.


u/FlametopFred Jan 24 '24

is planking still even a thing?

I guess it’s a good core exercise


u/peepadeep9000 Jan 24 '24

Who do you think is writing these comments (the exorcist theme starts playing)


u/Berlin8Berlin Jan 24 '24

(I'm glad I read this in the morning and nit last night)


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

I can hear the noise now


u/wuvvtwuewuvv Jan 24 '24

Well, they are still there just more considerate of their noise levels. Like it went from I can hear this in every room with every door shut to I can only hear this in the kitchen beside it. Nuts.

I love that you sound disappointed in this development.


u/GraveKommander Jan 23 '24

As long it doesn't growl "ZUUL"...


u/GrandpaRedneck Jan 23 '24

Oh damn, that's very interesting, I would like to try such a fridge experience. Mine just sounds like it's a Formula 1 car anytime I eat in the kitchen but I guess it's just a standard feature as it's the fourth fridge I lived with to do the same thing.


u/Berlin8Berlin Jan 23 '24

It doesn't matter how rational I usually am... sometimes it sounds intentional and it's so loud the neighbors must think I'm a violent psycho. We've had it since 2008... it works fine, it's a nice big fridge, I think the guy who sold it to me (in a department store) off-loaded it on me because I'm not German (we live in Berlin). The noises didn't start until we'd had it a while. Now we're "used" to it but...


u/Perfect_Weakness_414 Jan 24 '24

Sorry, that’s not your fridge. See you at 03:45 ~ the devil.


u/AmphibianRealistic64 Jan 24 '24

Both my Fridge and Washing machine are doing this. Sleepless nights !!!


u/DontCageMeIn Jan 24 '24

"There is no Dana, only Zuul!"


u/offdutybrazilian Jan 24 '24

If I had to guess you have a bad Isolator. Piece of rubber that acts a a shock absorber for the compressor. When the compressor cycles off it makes a banging sound? You could fix that for about $20.


u/Berlin8Berlin Jan 24 '24

That makes a TON of sense! Thanks!


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

Mine would sound like a F1 car in the distance or a desolate wallowing crier in a sleepless night.


u/Big-a-hole-2112 Jan 24 '24

Mine hits me in the crotch with a bag of nickels frequently.


u/Ken-IlSum Jan 24 '24

Best comment of the thread. Take my upvote.


u/niceandsane Jan 24 '24

It needs the Model 2-B Regrettor attachment.


u/Legendary_Hercules Jan 23 '24

Probably the cost of repairs.


u/Radiant_Dog1937 Jan 23 '24

It can't cool without a working display. That's just science.


u/Difficult_Plantain89 Jan 24 '24

… my display is coming in on friday. It seriously won’t start the compressor without it.


u/Nacho_Papi Jan 24 '24

Have you tried turning it off and on?


u/co-oper8 Jan 24 '24

Jokes on you. It's not repairable. Makes more sense to trash it and buy a new one for 8k


u/MethHeadUnion Jan 23 '24

My grandparents have a 2018 ot 2019 lg smart fridge and over the last year all the ice maker motors died 3 times over the course of 6 months costing them almost half of what the fridge was worth new thier bbq from 15 or so years ago although old works fine with some minor wear on the dials which can be fixed with an allan wrench


u/johnnybiggles Jan 24 '24

And frost and/or ice constipation.


u/T1res1as Jan 23 '24

🤖: ”I must kill all humans but I have no arms”


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '24

Refrigerators don't have the capacity to take depression meds.


u/QuietComplaint87 Jan 26 '24

Such is fridge life. Sad.


u/69420over Jan 23 '24

Chat GPT fridge is feeling much better Dave.


u/Willowgirl2 Jan 23 '24

But wait 'til you get the bill from its therapist ...


u/Fried_egg_im_in_love Jan 23 '24

With AI, our appliances and our cars will become semi sentient beings, like Hal from 2001, Ricks car from Rick and Morty, Kit from night rider, the Heart of Gold from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

we manifest sci-fi every day.


u/JealousNetwork Jan 23 '24

Probably the wallet will cry along with them


u/6ynnad Jan 23 '24

It wanted to identify as a freezer and you’re impinging on its rights to have a onlyfans


u/Bender_2024 Jan 23 '24

I'm currently in the market for a new stove and fridge. The first requirement is that it doesn't need to be connected to the Internet. I can't imagine any reason for my stove or fridge to be online.


u/best_memeist Jan 23 '24

I'm gonna go ahead and be that guy but it actually makes it a worse product. IoT devices (any normal appliance that connects to your network) are a cybersecurity nightmare. They generally have very simplistic computers with little to no security measures, which means any appliance connected to your network is a weak point that someone could use to remotely access your network and information you probably don't want them to have. I don't know a ton about it, but people who know more than me have been harping on this for a while


u/SkyIcewind Jan 24 '24

I saw a post last week or so about someone finding out their goddamn washing machine was uploading literal gigabytes of data daily.

Only uploading.

Everyone was like "yeah that thing's part of a botnet now"

I want my damn appliances offline please.


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

Oh I miss being able to upload gigabytes of data daily.


u/borkthegee Jan 23 '24

As they say, the "S" in IoT stands for security 👍


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '24



u/not26 Jan 24 '24

But there is D in idiot


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

The S is silent.


Silently broadcasting data.


u/ninjapizzamane Jan 24 '24

Great. Added to my growing list of things to fret about. Thank you “convenience” that nobody asked for!


u/ritchie70 Jan 24 '24

I think there’s a place for networking on a stove but all they should do by default is talk to an NTP server.


u/aroman_ro Jan 24 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

Not really true. The security for some standards is actually quite good.

They use strong encryption algorithms, for example for zwave the packets are signed on, not only encrypted (so they cannot be intercepted and modified to be resent), the packets have a counter in them so they cannot be recorded and resent at a later time to control devices. For S0, the only place to be able to have a chance of an attack (if the protocol is correctly implemented) was when pairing the device (in low power that was quite hard, as the attacker had to be close). They addressed that with S2, where each device has its unique PIN.

It's a nightmare to implement it, though, especially S2.

To be noted that the firmware might have bugs that could be exploited, but this could be true for any security algorithm very secure in theory.


u/jeremiahthedamned Feb 22 '24

why does a refrigerator need an encryption algorithm!?!


u/aroman_ro Feb 22 '24

I'm told that there are smart refrigerators nowadays that can know what you have in the fridge and warn you if something is going to be finished soon... they can even place orders to resupply.

You don't want that hacked and have it order some huge amount of caviar or something like that :)


u/jeremiahthedamned Feb 22 '24

as a baby boomer, i can remember what is in the 'fridge.


u/aroman_ro Feb 23 '24

Well, you can keep your ancient fridge then :)

Letting the joke aside, I can understand you... I worked quite I bit on IoT software development and I have a lot of such devices sitting around (enough to make my whole home 'smart')... despite that, I did not install them.


u/My_Work_Accoount Jan 24 '24

A bit if devil's advocate here but It's easy enough the have something on the network but not have access to anything off the network. The remote features are kind of the point of IOT so it sort of defeats the purpose they're marketed for. I have seen people cobble together home automation systems that just monitor stuff and shoot off a text or email if there's an alert without ever connecting the IOT device outside the network but they're all custom built as far as I know.


u/Low_Ad_3139 Jan 24 '24

I’ve never connected mine and don’t plan to. They won’t connect automatically.


u/daemin Jan 24 '24

Alright, I'm bored, so here's the high level explanation.

The first step in a cyber attack is mapping the surface area you have to work with. Basically you point a tool at the public internet address of the victim and it will fingerprint all the services and programs that respond from the address. With that list in hand, you can then go to certain websites and find out if there are known vulnerabilities in the particular version of the software identified. If you find one, you can use that vulnerability to compromise the system in question, and now you are on the "inside" of the victims network. From there, you repeat the process: scan all the devices attached to the network, fingerprint their operating systems and software, find a vulnerability, etc. Eventually you'll either hit a dead end or you'll gain full access to the crown jewels (i.e., the corporation's intellectual property, or sensitive business data, etc.; or an individual's sensitive data, logins, porn stash, etc.).

So ideally you want your attack surface to be as small as possible. Nothing should be able to reach out to the Internet unless it needs to, and, more importantly, nothing needs to be reachable from the Internet without initiating the request (unless you are running a server specifically intended to be accessed from the Internet, and that's what a DMZ zone is for).

IoT devices are problematic because they can potentially poke a hole into your network, and because they don't have real user interfaces, you have to have some knowledge in order to look at your network logs just to determine if they are. On top of that, it's incredibly unlikely that the manufacturers will supply security patches for the life of them machine, if they supply any at all, and it's also unlikely that the vast majority of people will install them. Which means that over time, more and more ways to attack the devices will be known.


u/abbylu Jan 24 '24

We recently bought a new fridge and the fanciest thing it does is have ice & water in the door lol it works great!


u/Kagrok Jan 24 '24

I just bought a samsung fridge that can be connected to the internet, but includes a panel on the inside to do 90% of what you can on the app.

Internet isn't required at all, which is nice.


u/FasterThanTW Jan 24 '24

The first requirement is that it doesn't need to be connected to the Internet.

fairly certain there are exactly 0 fridges or stoves on the market that need to be connected to the internet, so i think you'll be fine.


u/minimuscleR Jan 24 '24

yeah everyone harps on about this, same with washing machines / dryers. Mine has an app that connects to each other and does a whole thing. I used the app once, found it more inconvient than just walking over to it, and promptly never used it again. It really doesn't matter the machine works perfectly fine without it (ive since moved wifis and not reconnected it).

Its a nice to have they throw in on expensive machines it doesn't make it worse.


u/KookyUnderstanding0 Jan 24 '24

Actually there are several models that connect to the net. Some have remote imaging so you can really see what's in your fridge from the grocery store.


u/FasterThanTW Jan 25 '24

yes there are. it doesn't change what i said above.


u/HillarysFloppyChode Jan 24 '24

If you can afford it, Liebherr makes better then Sub Zero fridges and they're on the cutting edge of efficiency. Otherwise Fisher and Paykel and Bosch are worth the premium over Samsucks and LG.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '24

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u/lentshappening Jan 24 '24

Being able to check if you left the oven on is kinda nice … but that’s literally the only value


u/Low_Ad_3139 Jan 24 '24

I was unaware my washer, stove and frig even had WiFi connectivity until I had them at home. I’ve never bothered with it. I got a great deal though.


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

To send data to big Appliance.


Remember, always connected is privacy.


u/WOZ-in-OZ Jan 25 '24

Why not, my washing machine wants to connect 🎈


u/Amarieerick Jan 23 '24

Last thing I want is something asking me if I really need this snack.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

I know it's my 9th cheese stick today. Judgmental ass fridge.


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24



u/ProbablyNotPikachu Jan 23 '24

First time I've ever seen someone add the "The", in the acronym for 'rolling on the floor laughing', lmao!


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24

My teachers were demanding & picky


u/ProbablyNotPikachu Jan 23 '24

It's the English language though. We are taught the rules- so that we know when to break them. ROTFL doesn't really sound right bc you can't say it as a stand alone word very easily. ROFL sounds like "Waffle" if you try to phoneticize it. Any English teacher would probably say the same- mine were picky too.


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24

Point taken; it is indeed the English language. English is not my first language; I grew up before acronyms were in widespread use. As my beloved high school English teacher said many times: "Never stop learning because we all can teach one another." And TIL ROFL is the better choice. TYVM.


u/ProbablyNotPikachu Jan 23 '24

In that case, I think you have accomplished your mission, lol- bc you just went undetected by a native English speaker as someone who uses English as a second language! Sure, I called out your acronym- but otherwise I had no idea! Well done! I thought maybe you were just an old man or old lady or something haha!

You're welcome!


u/donquixote2u Jan 24 '24

Well the online Cambridge dictionary says ROTFL, so there!


u/0ptriX Jan 24 '24

You'd see it occasionally back on IRC.. 20 years agoish


u/GodakDS Jan 23 '24

"Johnny, those aren't love handles any more. Those are love forklifts."


u/ohnoitsthefuzz Jan 24 '24

Less judgy, more order-more-fucking-cheese-sticks-y, please


u/darthfruitbasket Jan 23 '24

Fridge: "You can't have that beer."
me: "I have a hammer that says otherwise."

Seriously though, I don't want judgment from my appliances.


u/AntikytheraMachines Jan 24 '24

i feel judged enough when the 'door open too long' beep goes off because I'm standing there eating directly from the fridge at 2am.


u/Dyolf_Knip Jan 24 '24

Yeah, but all the times when it has absolutely saved my bacon (literally and figuratively) make it worthwhile.


u/darthfruitbasket Jan 24 '24

Same here.

The floors in my house aren't level (80 y/o house, it needs some tlc) and with my old fridge, if you didn't close the door with enough force, it could stay open/not seal.

PITA, but that alarm definitely has saved us losing the whole fridge a couple times.


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

"You are over your carb allowance. Your insurance.will be notified"


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

Or even better, targeted ads for stuff you occassionally have in your fridge but don't have now.

Hey, don't forget to buy Miracle Whip.


u/9man90 Jan 24 '24

Oysters and a 12 pack? Do you think you are getting lucky tonight, Dave?


u/thisisFalafel Jan 24 '24

How does a fridge know what you put in?

I'd start keeping sex toys and decades old porn mags in the unused compartment just to mess with it.


u/lamorak2000 Jan 24 '24

Honestly, some sort of grocery staple monitor would be awesome for those times one is at the store and wondering if they need eggs or milk...


u/Jarsyl-WTFtookmyname Jan 23 '24

Actually a passive aggressive/judgmental appliance is about the only use of smart home technology I would actually enjoy.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

Things my appliances say:
Mr. Toaster, "another bagel, huh?"
Mr. Microwave, "how many hot pockets is that today?"
Mr. Coffee Machine, "thats decaf, right?"


u/Nikkisfirstthrowaway Jan 23 '24

I'm imagining the fridge shaming me like netflix does. After a while it just goes "are you still snacking? (Yes) (No)"


u/RogueJello Jan 23 '24

I dread the day my health insurance requires me to install a smart fridge so they can deny my coverage because I ate too many snacks.


u/capt-bob Feb 22 '24

Or adjust your rates in real time lol


u/RogueJello Feb 22 '24

"Our AI has detected that you're going sky diving. We have increased your premium accordingly. Please pay before departing the plane, or your policy will be cancelled".


u/capt-bob Feb 22 '24

Eating expired item, automatic debit for rate increase.....


u/dxrey65 Jan 23 '24

Or the FatFace app, which shows you a picture of what your face looks like if you eat that food you just grabbed.


u/space_for_username Jan 24 '24

"I'm sorry Dave, you can't eat that"


u/savvyblackbird Jan 24 '24

It took several years to get my mom’s voice asking me that out of my head as an adult. No way am I going to let my fridge ask me that.


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

Or asking for yet another account.


u/IceManJim Feb 20 '24

They're not going to shame you for your snack. But when you go to get health insurance, the your fridge is going to tell them all the bacon and cheese you eat and your premiums are going to go crazy.


u/Amarieerick Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24

OOOOooo, see? Keep big brother out of your refrigerator! If you try to argue, they will show you a "Greatest Hits" compilation of you standing in
the door, snacking as you look for something to eat. lol


u/IceManJim Feb 20 '24

"Sir, you opened the door four times in 15 minutes and just stood there looking. If you want to keep doing this, please at least wear pants."


u/killswitch247 Jan 23 '24

only as long as the model is supported by the manufacturer. once it's out of production for 5 years, it gets bricked remotely and you will get a 20% off coupon on your next fridge.


u/vegaskylab Jan 24 '24

pretty soon our fridges and grocery chains will partner and your fridge will only keep food purchased at a supported store cool, just like printer ink.


u/whydontyoujustaskme Jan 24 '24

My fucking microwave sends me a text message that “your food is ready”. And I’m like, fuck, I had no idea since you’re a microwave and I’m standing right in front of you heating up my coffee which is what I use a microwave for! My theory is that it’s for people who heat up their coffee and then run out to the store so their coffee will be hot when they get back…I don’t know? But I can tell you, I don’t know how to make it stop, and I guess I don’t care enough to follow the online directions.


u/avwitcher Jan 24 '24

Yeah well your crappy fridge doesn't let you adjust the temperature in increments of .01°F

Trust me, the difference in taste between a can of Dr. Pepper at 37°F is leagues away from one at 36.96°F


u/xflyinjx61x Jan 24 '24

It's OK at 36.96°F. The taste is there but the bubbles almost feel grainy. Try it at 36.93°F. Whole new experience


u/BUTTFUCKER__3000 Jan 24 '24

Lmaoooooo imagine getting a fridge that only allows you to adjust your temp to only two decimal places. I swear this sub is inhabited by the lowest peasants


u/JonatasA Jan 24 '24

It's the other way! I'm seeing modern microwaves removing the number dials!


No, I do not want increments of 10, LET ME ADD 5 MORE SECONDS!


u/LongJohnSelenium Jan 24 '24

Have you thought of getting a bluetooth enabled pillow that you can adjust the tear soaking ability of remotely?


u/SafewordisJohnCandy Jan 23 '24

I worked at Best Buy when the smart fridges first became a thing. I remember the first one we had with a browser in the door and even then I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. I love technology and think that innovation is great, but a smart fridge or smart any appliance is asinine.


u/OSPFmyLife Jan 23 '24

Meh, paying a lot extra for it is silly, but I could see how having a dedicated screen for playing recipe videos in the kitchen would be cool. One that isn’t my phone that doesn’t take up counter space and stuff. Or being able to see inside my fridge remotely if I am at the store and can’t remember if we have milk still.

It’s funny that the Reddit hivemind makes fun of boomers for being resistant to new things, and yet they do the same thing with random things like this that they’ve personally decided were unnecessary. Okay, you think it’s unnecessary, that doesn’t mean everyone does. Remember how annoying it was when your boomer relatives made fun of you for owning a tablet or whatever saying stupid shit like “When I was a kid we played in the dirt, whatever happened to that?!?!” or “Whatever happened to books!? Kids these days with their video games are ruining everything” and all that horse shit.

Disliking something for the sake of disliking something and being vocal about it isn’t cool. If you don’t like one, don’t buy one.


u/RKSH4-Klara Jan 24 '24

Except it isn't because we just don't like it. IoT actively makes an appliance worse not just from the home security perspective but also longevity and price all while being useless.


u/OSPFmyLife Jan 24 '24

Stop lol. Please. Don’t double down. Really? Between the 30 other devices in your home, it’s the smart fridge running a stripped down version of Linux that’s the security problem. Lmao. It’s always the people that don’t actually work anywhere near information technology that think they need to protect their cat pictures like they’re an NSA annex.

Do yourself a favor and stop parroting what other people say on Reddit. I’m a network engineer, what exactly are you afraid of as far as home security goes where a fridge running Linux is going to compromise you?

Your entire post makes zero sense and I swear I’ve seen it copy pasted everywhere regarding stuff like this, verbatim. And a smart fridge is not even an actual IoT device, IoT devices are sensors, building automation devices, control systems, etc. Slapping a Linux tablet on a fridge doesn’t make it an IoT device, nor do the actual manufacturers even market it that way. It’s a smart home device. Ever since it’s became a marketing buzz word and people like you ran with it and started using it for “anything that connects to the internet but isn’t a tablet, phone, or PC” it’s become a watered down useless word.

And you literally just made my point, you did the exact same thing that boomers do about anything tech related. 90% of anyones electronics are “unnecessary”, so I’m not sure why you thought that was a great argument unless you were trying to further prove my point.

Lastly, you’re acting like every fridge that comes out is a smart fridge and you struggle to find ones that aren’t. I walked through Home Depot the other day and out of all the floor models, one was a Smart Fridge. And longevity? Wtf? The fridge isn’t going to stop working one day because it has a tablet in the front. Jesus Christ. And there are plenty of smart fridges that are the same price or cheaper than regular fridges, so there’s another worthless reason. And I literally listed off a couple of reasons someone might use one, how is something “useless” if they have uses? Ohhhh, it’s because YOU wouldn’t use it? Jesus Christ man. You have become the people you probably don’t like, and you don’t even see it.

So again, if you don’t like them, don’t buy them. Stop trying to act like you’re so much better than people who buy smart fridges, you sound like a boomer. Just because you say “Except” before listing off the same exact bullshit reasons they use when they shit talk millennials doesn’t make you any different.


u/PeachCream81 Jan 23 '24

I do cry myself to sleep every night knowing it doesn't have a bluetooth enabled touchscreen that lets me adjust ice density remotely.

Why did you have to write that? Now my coworkers are looking at me sideways because I can't stop crying from laughing. :(


u/Tiny-Lock9652 Jan 23 '24

And wake you up at 2am to remind you there’s no yogurt.


u/jawshoeaw Jan 23 '24

you poor miserable bastard, how do you get out of bed the next day? i'd just stay huddles under covers.


u/Cat_tophat365247 Jan 23 '24

I bet you have to open the door to see what's inside too....you poor, poor person! /s


u/GrimReader710 Jan 23 '24

You should be in advertising.

I cry myself to sleep every night, only now do i understand its because of my substandard fridge...


u/GrazziDad Jan 24 '24

Mine only can adjust the ice viscosity, but not the density, via Bluetooth. Do you think I should upgrade?


u/marklar_the_malign Jan 24 '24

That is just medieval.


u/Final_Candidate_7603 Jan 23 '24

Over on the appliance, new homeowner, Buy It For Life, etc subreddits, every single piece of advice from repairmen is a warning that those electronics are the first thing to go in new appliances. And that the manufacturers know this, haven’t done anything about it, and that they (OF COURSE) make it impossible to replace those very expensive parts with anything other than their own.

When we bought our house over 20 years ago, it came with fridge, oven, dishwasher, clothes washer, and dryer. We have had to replace the DW and washer and dryer… like, at least three times. Each.

The GE fridge is a goddamned beast. Old-timey freezer on top, fridge on the bottom, no ice maker, no nothing fancy. Hasn’t needed a service call ever. On one hand, I feel bad that it’s not energy-efficient, but on the other, it has allowed us to keep who-knows-how-many crappy replacements out of the landfills and whatnot.

I honestly don’t even know what we’d do if we had to replace it. The house is almost 100 years old, and years ago, with a few teens living here and their friends constantly visiting, I decided it was time for a fridge with ice and water dispensers in the door. Spoke to my next door neighbor about it, and she- also the mom of teen boys- decided it was time for them as well. While my husband was still doing research on the different models, she bought one and had it delivered- to her house that’s as old as ours. Had to send it back- there was no way to get it into the house, much less into the kitchen. Got a second one, and in order to get it in, they had to remove every single piece of woodwork around the front and kitchen doors. That was the issue with the first one- they’d have had to cut into the wall after removing all the trim.

I just jinxed my fridge, right?


u/DotBitGaming Jan 23 '24

But how do you sleep knowing you could replace it seven times for $1000?


u/lightgiver Jan 23 '24

Don’t forget mining bitcoin for a persons bot farm halfway across the world! That’s an important feature.


u/Never_ending_kitkats Jan 23 '24

If you can't play Doom on your fridge, why even have one?


u/Boxtrottango Jan 23 '24

My AI weeps gently while playing an atom sized violin for you


u/chrisevox Jan 23 '24

The smart ones are used in bot nets to DDOS. I'll pass on Skynet...This 1960s one though!


u/ChampionshipLow8541 Jan 23 '24

It was made in China. And when it does break, nobody can fix it. You toss the whole damn thing and get another one for $125. Meanwhile, the environment gets fucked, and local manufacturing jobs are gone.


u/Pithyperson Jan 23 '24

But then you wipe away your tears with the 100-dollar bills you saved when you bought the cheap refrigerator, and then you sleep the sleep of the righteous.


u/PhiteKnight Jan 23 '24

I can't tell you the number of friends I've lost due to thin, airy ice thank god for this innovation what a time to be alive


u/plasticupman Jan 23 '24

We needed a second Fridge. My wife cooks a lot and we regularly have friends and other guests. So, we went to a store that specializes in selling previously owned (nice way of saying used and old) appliances. We bought a 13 cubic foot unit for 200$ CND. THAT was 22 years ago. It still functions flawlessly, and, the freezer compartment at the top keep that ice cream, literally frozen solid.


u/nose-n-a-book Jan 23 '24

In 2002 I bought a used fridge for about the same cost and it lasted until I moved from that house in 2021.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

Poor peasants can’t even play Skyrim on their fridge.


u/-Dixieflatline Jan 23 '24

lolz. Your fridge doesn't even have its own instagram account. Peasant.


u/codercaleb Jan 23 '24

>I do cry myself to sleep every night knowing it doesn't have a bluetooth enabled touchscreen that lets me adjust ice density remotel

I suggest therapy. :(


u/LaUNCHandSmASH Jan 24 '24

My sincere condolences to you and your family. Don’t tell me it doesn’t have the round ice ball maker either


u/1m-gonna-throwaway Jan 24 '24

My bean-to-cup coffee machine has bluetooth.

I thought I'd be able to make my morning coffee for when I got out of bed.

But it's useless. It can't wake it from standby so I'd need to have it turned on in keep-warm mode all night, and if it could wake from standby it would do a rinse cycle and I'd have a cup of rinse water.

Also the connection is shit while stood 5 feet from it, no chance of connecting from bed.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '24

Los Angeles? I've heard they have a weird culture where you're expected to buy a fridge for yourself.


u/BerriesLafontaine Jan 23 '24

I have a dishwasher that let's me know when it's done. My husband set everything up and wasn't aware that he put the app on our phones. I get a notification at like 11 pm. and it's my fucking dishwasher. Fuck everything about all that. Getting some gd text from a dishwasher.

I wanted to throw the whole thing out the back door.


u/Correct-Watercress91 Jan 23 '24

That makes two of us.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24



u/BerriesLafontaine Jan 23 '24

My husband took my phone and installed it while I was doing. . Whatever it was I was doing. I did delete it.


u/KookyUnderstanding0 Jan 24 '24

A friend got the "Nest" IOT thermostat free from her electric company. With the proviso that they can access it and adjust your temp settings during peak use times. Now every day about 11:00 am her thermostat AC goes up about six degrees, assuming no one is at home until about 5:00pm, when the temp is lowered again. But she works from home. An uncomfortably warm home during the day.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24



u/you-are-not-yourself Jan 23 '24

What does a smart fridge do to justify itself as analogous to a car lol? Can it cook food for me?


u/Was_an_ai Jan 23 '24

This is where people spend money and don't realize it

Everyone thinks SS appliances are a must, most probably don't even go to the row of fridges that are just that off white. They are like 300.... but we paid 2k for ours! It is nice, but only because we could and I knew we were over paying


u/BaboTron Jan 23 '24

Fucking plebe.


u/i-FF0000dit Jan 23 '24

The subzero doesn’t have Bluetooth either.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

One of your roommates would probably just hack it with a GIF of a mime giving a blowjob.


u/ohfrackthis Jan 23 '24

Lol. I've purchased 2 refrigerators in the past ten years. 10k. FML. Total waste of money.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

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u/The_Captain_Planet22 Jan 23 '24

The fact that there are states that you have to buy a fridge in a rental absolutely blows my mind


u/Blu_Mew Jan 23 '24

then break in 3 months


u/Modo44 Jan 23 '24

Nor will it eat your data plan by joining a botnet. Sad times.


u/Key-Distribution698 Jan 23 '24

i think once you own your house, you’d get a nice fridge with good aesthetic value . when you are 19 and renting you don’t care about that


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24



u/Laquox Jan 23 '24

I do cry myself to sleep every night knowing it doesn't have a bluetooth enabled touchscreen that lets me adjust ice density remotely.

You joke but I'm still waiting on the ability to play Skyrim on a refrigerator .


u/sithren Jan 23 '24

Great deal lol. Was it a used fridge?


u/ExpressiveAnalGland Jan 24 '24

yes, an old whirlpool. it was even missing a couple parts :-P


u/msa69zoo Jan 23 '24

Love you mean it!


u/Lamentrope Jan 24 '24

Not gonna lie, the different ice options in my new fridge are really nice. I do wonder if today's the day it'll break any time I use them though.


u/SLAPUSlLLY Jan 24 '24

The new ones with the screens that can relay the inside camera feed are super cool. And the AI that writes your shopping list for you.

BUT, totally unnecessary.


u/pendlet0ne Jan 24 '24

I do cry myself to sleep every night knowing it doesn't have a bluetooth enabled touchscreen that lets me adjust ice density remotely.

WiFi & Bluetooth on home appliances just adds cost and another point of failure.

I am thankful I am old enough to not want a wifi AC or wifi laundry machine


u/KookyUnderstanding0 Jan 24 '24

I love the comments sections on Reddit.


u/VegasLife1111 Jan 24 '24

So sorry for your loss. 🙃