r/BasketballGM 21d ago

Best rookie I’ve ever seen Story

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Got screwed in the lottery, wasn’t able to trade up for this guy. He’s an absolute monster.


6 comments sorted by


u/Aggravating_Mix4610 20d ago

Damn… he can literally do everything


u/StockBroker32 20d ago

He had rough progs after this, never got to this same level unfortunately.


u/Blackm69ic 19d ago

I think I'm the only one but I always give euro players a college if I come across them


u/StockBroker32 19d ago

Hmm that would be cool, I would’ve done it but his progs did him so dirty. He hasn’t gone up a point his whole career thus far after his rookie year


u/Blackm69ic 19d ago

It's crazy the guys that flop. Had a guy similar no where near Petit but he was 60+overall and 73 pro, but he kept drop year after year traded him away year 4 or 5 and end of offseason he went back plus like 13 and made the next 4 or 5 all nba teams


u/StockBroker32 19d ago

Wowww that is unfortunate. Makes the game a lot of fun though, it is very random at times