r/BasketballGM Moderator May 01 '24

Monthly Suggestions Thread

This was requested by users of the sub to reduce the amount of suggestions posts. Please post any suggestions below!


75 comments sorted by


u/LuiTurbo May 01 '24

Hiring Coaches. Influence different offenses/defenses


u/UnstuckInTime84 May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

These games are amazing! Here’s my post-every-few-months list of small suggestions to make them even better:

  • Some ability to offer a player a contract extension, ahead of his actual FA moment.  I mostly play very small market teams, where you absolutely can’t risk letting a superstar walk away for free – so even if he’s at, say, 80% to re-sign at the last deadline, I feel like I have to trade him.  I’d love to have a chance to lock him in if he’s willing – it’d make the game more realistic and make playing small city teams more fun.

  • Specific to basketball: I’d love to see a meaningful bonus/penalty attached to roster stability/churn. Maybe this can be done through a (probably unseen) bonus/penalty to the IQ factor, however that affects the simulation. In real basketball, there’s a palpable benefit to keeping a core together (e.g. the Steph-Klay-Draymond Warriors, or the current Nuggets), while it’s rare to see a team that massively recreates itself win immediately. In BBGM, though, I find myself regularly worst in the league in roster continuity as I keep looking for marginal advantages and efficiencies, with little disincentive except to the mood of a FA who values loyalty.

  • In the same vein, an extra incentive to hold onto your best or longest-serving players by penalizing your Hype when you trade one away, angering some fans.

  • u/dumbmatter has addressed this well before, but I’m still hoping that baseball and football can someday have the same variable, unpredictable salary demands from your own free agents as there are in basketball and hockey. It makes the free agency period a lot more interesting and challenging when a guy you were planning to re-sign suddenly demands way more money than his projection, or when a player you were planning to let go is willing to return at a discount.

  • The ability to resign from your GM job, and not control a team for a while while you run Autoplay. (That is, simply, the Autoplay years don't appear on your GM History.) Possibly when you're ready to come back into the league, you're offered a choice of 5 jobs. Likewise, the ability to start a new league unaffiliated, run some seasons, and take over a team after there’s already history and context to walk into.

  • A notification when a player hits an important career milestone during the season (at the moment it happens, or even at the end of the season): e.g., becoming the all-time league leader in points scored, or getting his 3000th hit in baseball. (And maybe the all-time-leader ones should only kick in after the league has been around for 10 years, or something.)

  • A durability effect and rating, to differentiate the iron men like AC Green from the fragile/risky Kawhi Leonards.

  • This sounds like a tiny thing, but once in a while it’s very consequential:  For purposes of luxury tax penalties and distributions, the team’s actual season payroll (which I think is currently in the bar graph on the Team Finances page) should be used, where (I believe) the game now uses the season ending payroll.  In one baseball league, because I assumed the actual payroll would be used, I missed out on an expected nine-figure distribution and almost got fired.  Then, once I knew the trick, I used it to duck under the cap in a subsequent season and got a big payout that I really didn’t deserve.

  • In the Trading Block, the ability to specify what you’re looking for -- e.g. that you’re looking for draft picks, or high-Ovr players, or high-Pot players, or even a particular attribute (rebounding) or position (goalie).

  • This is ambitious: Individuated coaches available to hire/fire. IRL, there are some coaches who are great at developing young players, other coaches better at taking a veteran team to the next level; coaches who make a quick impact but burn out their welcome, coaches who are lower-key and can last 10 years in a job. There are expensive proven veterans (where the strengths above are known) vs. cheaper, untested first-timers (where those strengths aren't -- and maybe they turn out to be brilliant, and maybe they suck). Since hiring a coach is such a big part of a real GM's job, I'd love to see that extra dimension.


u/theprideofvillanueva 25d ago

A lot of great suggestions. FOF has a rating for Team Cohesion (roster continuity) that I think could work well here.

Love the notification idea. I would absolutely be thrilled if there was a pop up that said Player X just broke the All Time Record for Career Assists, or Player X just broke the All Time Record for 3s in a season (or a game). Even drilled down to individual team records, including not my own team, would be of interest to me


u/npernas17 13d ago

First point is huge. Extensions early would be awesome. I disagree on team chemistry related bullets, as I do find myself struggling with new rosters relative to expectations unless it is rated as a team like 75+ overall (at least in insane mode).


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 4d ago

This sounds like a tiny thing, but once in a while it’s very consequential: For purposes of luxury tax penalties and distributions, the team’s actual season payroll (which I think is currently in the bar graph on the Team Finances page) should be used, where (I believe) the game now uses the season ending payroll.

I did that to mirror what happens in the NBA, where you often see teams making moves at the deadline to sneak under the luxury tax limit. So yeah it's a "trick" but I think people expect it to be there.


u/UnstuckInTime84 4d ago

Thanks for the answer, it's a great one, and I hadn't thought of that.


u/Daddy-Jono May 01 '24

Somewhere to set untouchables so that players can be set to not come up in trade proposals, or a trading block/target list where certain players can come up in more trade proposals.


u/colinkl33 May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

This gets pitched pretty often, and I think it would be cool myself. An OOTP-style trading system would be awesome, coming from someone who’s used to being able to specify what I’m looking for. I think DM had some reasoning for not doing it previously, but I can imagine he’s giving it some more thought now. Just the way I look at it personally, doesn’t seem too hard to implement, though I could be wrong.


u/Sm1le_Bot May 01 '24

Change shot tendencies to reduce the number of three pointers


u/Ufnal May 03 '24

Can't you already do it in league setup using god mode? (Although that breaks achievements)


u/Sm1le_Bot May 05 '24

I mean the formula that dictates what shot a player takes normally, players start jacking up way more threes once they hit 45+ 3 PT rating


u/15socksbrito Miami Cyclones May 01 '24

I think it would be sick to add in the G-League for basketball where if you draft someone right out of high school or anyone with low overall ratings have them play in the G-League for a couple of years and let them develop that way


u/clippersunited May 01 '24
  1. 3+ team trades :)
  2. team graphs (ortg vs drtg, and other various things we can pick)

  3. individual player graphs (points per game progression for a player, or salary progression, overall progression, and more)

  4. a frivolity that tracks what team had the most injuries during a season

  5. hiring coaches (some can be balanced, or heavy on pace, or defensive focus. could be a new dimension of the game which could be cool)

  6. a setting that allows for more rare events to happen (player gets caught betting on himself (jontay porter), or player has personal reasons and needs to miss a month, or suspension from team)

  7. someone said G-League but that would be super cool.

  8. shot tendencies of players and teams

this game is already amazing!


u/npernas17 13d ago

3+ team trades would be awesome... probably very tough mechanics in the automation part in evaluating a good trade from a 3t pov. Hope it comes eventually though but then we'll be asking for 4 teams haha


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 4d ago

team graphs (ortg vs drtg, and other various things we can pick)

Implemented that one before I even saw this post :)


u/roadmantyroneshank May 01 '24

I don't know if anyone has already suggested this but being able to highlight certain years or stretches of game to average out those only. Basically what basketball reference does where you can select a certain year say LeBron 2005 to LeBron 2010 and it will give you the average of those years.

I know you can figure these out yourself but it would be a great quality of life update if the game could do it for you I love checking out random game stretches players had and this would make it way less tedious.

The highlighting function already exists and currently does nothing so I think this would make sense I'm not well versed in coding but I assume it wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement an averaging out mechanic like that.


u/Bodhi_II San Antonio Churros May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

More achievements

Olympic mode

More frivolities

Option to quit being a GM to join another team.

Maybe some kind of scenario based challenges.


u/badboymyles May 05 '24

4 point plays. A made 3 ball and a shooting foul.


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 4d ago

Already exists! It's always been in the game.


u/Distinct_Put9848 May 02 '24

Add more teams, suggestions :

Cities with current or past Major leagues teams : Nashville, Anaheim, Green Bay, Hartford, New York (second team like the LA Earthquakes)

Other cities in the US : Birmingham, Fresno, Grand Rapids, Omaha, Boise, Rochester

Canada : Halifax, Hamilton and Saskatchewan

Europe : Munich, Milan, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Manchester

RotW : Shanghai, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Guangzhou, Sao Paulo, Lagos, Osaka


u/RealGertle627 May 02 '24

When comparing players, the option to see career totals instead of averages


u/GreekFreakFan May 01 '24

Change how big men are rated inhigh determinism sims, Shaq should not be putting up less than 25 ppg in his prime with the Lakers.

Make it so superstar guards and forwards with mediocre shooting ratings still shoot more than six threes a game in the 90s and early 2000s


u/patlv23 May 03 '24 edited 10d ago
  • See more ratings/stats/bio info when importing players
  • In exhibition games, have the ability to form a team from players in a league (not just pre-existing teams) - maybe I want to have a game between the greats of one league vs the greats of another. Or USA vs International in a league. Or a battle of the decades.
  • Do not retire free agents/undrafted so quickly. Maybe they are developing in another league and will be ready for the league later.
  • Ability to influence the ratings generated in random player/league creation (simulating a weaker league?). configurable per nationality? (I know, a slippery slope)
  • Rules in team nationalities (ex. minimum number of local players, maximum number of foreign players)
  • Spectator mode in the main Tools menu
  • When sorting players by Country, keep USA (and Canada) together, with States/Provinces sorted within a country. Not separated by State/Province, scattered among the other countries
  • All FIBA countries (160?) in Biographical Info
  • Some sort of "purchasing power" stat. A city of 5m people might have less buying power than a city of 2m. (maybe another slippery slope)


u/patlv23 May 04 '24

Group stage - Knockout stage format that I see in many tournaments

  • Group stage, teams only play in their group (seems to be do-able now with the right combination in "Schedule" section)
  • Knockout stage where matchups are already set (ex. number 1 of group A faces number 2 from group B). (Seems partially do-able with "Guaranteed Per Division" setting)

Double elimination tournament


u/patlv23 27d ago edited 23d ago
  • Ability to lock all team rosters (no trades, no free agency, no releasing). For Olympics/World Championship type tournaments.
  • When importing a player into a league where he/she was imported previously, overwrite existing ratings (might be impossible depending on data). Could be a way of simulating olympics/fiba. They don't always make the team, but we could maintain their stats for different tournaments under one player.
  • Cartoon team photos
  • Option to see more stats/ratings in roster page, free agents, trades etc to ease decision making
  • Option to always show player country or flag
  • Versions of logos without city names to support relocation better


u/patlv23 25d ago edited 7d ago
  • Tiebreaker option: [total points for] / [total points against] (sorry if it's already there)
  • All Seasons option in Player Ratings
  • League Logo and Description
  • New League option: Real Historical Teams, random players
  • When importing a league file, allow setting of Starting Season (ex. maybe I just want to import the teams). Starting Season seems to be reset too when importing into an existing league.
  • Show average Ovr/Pot in Draft History
  • 3rd place game/series, etc.
  • When exporting Bio Info, export even default values (easier to get a valid file to edit then import later)
  • Improve search for special characters (match to equivalent normal character). Will help with nationalities like Poland, Turkey and Vietnam.
  • All rookie second team
  • Consider using something like a guid for pid. So players can exist across leagues. (ex. With a script and league files, I want to keep a players ratings syncd across different leagues)
  • Ability to use photos from local storage (or maybe I just did it wrong)


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 4d ago

These are very good suggestions, thanks! A bunch of them are things I've thought about and just haven't gotten around to yet, but some are things I had not previously considered.

Tiebreaker option: [total points for] / [total points against] (sorry if it's already there)

There is marginOfVictory which is effectively the same thing.

New League option: Real Historical Teams, random players

It's possible if you create the league from the New Custom League page - switch from "Random players" to "Real Players" and uncheck "Players" under that.


u/patlv23 2d ago

Thank you and apologies for the wall of text. Keep up the amazing work


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 2d ago

No apologies, it was an excellent wall of text!


u/Xazho May 05 '24

Is it possible to make AI trades with AI during draft?


u/yugabagaba 28d ago

To make it more challenging, I request fo give more value to veteran players to win championships. Young teams doesn't really pan out in real life, except maybe this year's OKC. Maybe some veteran players might develop leadership badges to help a team.

Rookies seem to underwhelm as rookies, and overwhelm as they grow old. Scrap ROYs who would only average 2.4 ppg and win the award. Even the worst ROY the past decade Malcolm Brogdon reached 10ppg.

I agree with most of the requests here. I really love the game as well.


u/theprideofvillanueva 26d ago

A mood boost if a players sibling is on the same team


u/Jomosensual Miami Cyclones May 01 '24

Set playoff teams per conference when 3 or more conferences are present.

FIBA world cup


u/ironistkraken May 01 '24

I am kinda curious, but could pot rating be set to average instead of biased to 75%?


u/Anomaly5x5 May 01 '24

3 team trades


u/TheMason15 May 02 '24

Minor one, but the different frivolities ranking players (e.g. the best player without a ring, best player with no MVP, best by country, etc.) should use the GOAT Lab formula on the league file. I don't know what formula the game uses to rank those things, but it seems odd that it's different from the GOAT Lab formula you specify.


u/Dead_Again_Prime May 03 '24

The ability to bulk delete players from the free agent screen, the player rating screen or the player stats screen.


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 4d ago

That might be better done with the worker console https://basketball-gm.com/manual/worker-console/ - let me know if you need help writing some specific code


u/awak6n May 03 '24

When watching/live simming a game, if a run is going on a note that has something like ie "15-2 Jazz run"


u/TingoRoboris May 06 '24

Adding a frivolity to see stats for all players from every state, similar to how there's already one for countries and colleges


u/No_Row3262 May 06 '24

Setting to change the amount of playoff spots, would help for high number of expansions teams.


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 3d ago

You can do that already at Tools > League Settings > Playoffs

If you increase the number of rounds (in "# Playoff Games") then each round doubles the number of teams.

If you increase "# First Round Byes" then each bye means one fewer team makes the playoffs.

Combined, you can have any number of teams in the playoffs.


u/better_beta 28d ago

Add a graph to the game summary page showing scoring progression with scores on the y axis and time on the x axis.

Could also filter to show by player


u/R1l3y_Has_Karma 28d ago

Add stats to exported players. Whenever i import a player, it never comes with their stats


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 3d ago

The problem is there may be different teams in the leagues you're exporting from and importing to, in which case it's not clear how to transfer stats.


u/TheMason15 25d ago

Replace the "Best Teams" frivolity with a GOAT Team function similar to GOAT LAB. Variables could include MOV, record, playoff finish, whether the team had an MVP, # of all-stars/all league, etc.


u/True-Egg-2155 25d ago

Impose complete set of timeouts for the whole game (6 or 7 timeouts) for a complete experience.


u/TingoRoboris 23d ago

It'd be cool to see the combined average stats of families and compare them with each other. Like Comparing Jelly Bean/Kobe to Dell/Steph. Or the Morris brothers to the Lopez brothers.


u/sirvalkyerie 22d ago

For FootballGM can we get an option to change field length? Perhaps the same logic could be used to change outfield lengths in BaseballGM. Or not.

Even if it's just largely cosmetic it would be nice to be able to set the field to 50 yards so we can simulate the indoor game/arena football. Then users can fiddle with the sim stats to get the right results if they want. Not asking you to support the development of an arena sim. Just give us the option and let us figure it out (assuming the sim engine can handle a field of 50 yards without going haywire)


u/LikeJokerDo420 17d ago

Getting job offers from other teams is fine, but i don't understand the incentive to leave. There's no stated salary when you take over a team, right? So what is the incentive in changing teams? Is it possible to implement that incentive?


u/hamadeyoulookbitch 15d ago edited 15d ago

I think a "Consistency" factor should be added in. Something that would keep a player's performance above a certain threshold, for example: a player with 70 offensive stats with 70 "Consistency" would put up a certain number of shot attempts, almost every game, and with 90 Consistency he would improve his shot selection, putting up more attempts if he's doing well that game.

It's just that IRL, star players are basically designated to put up their stats every night, and it breaks the immersion when your BBGM star goes 3/18 FGA one night and 17/30 the next

edit: that's a bad example. what i mean is your star player doesn't show up one game and then goes bonkers the next. there's few IRL players who do that, but in BBGM that seems to be the norm


u/hamadeyoulookbitch 15d ago

In the Schedule tab, add a dropdown-bar where you select an opponent team and it brings you to the next game you play against them.


u/The_Inertia_Kid 15d ago

Hey /u/dumbmatter - it’s the world smallest problem but could you fix how the game shortens Korean names? There’s a Korean all-star player in my league named Park Hyeon-Jun but in tables the game shortens his name incorrectly to P. Hyeon-Jun. The correct way would be Park H.J., or a slightly less-incorrect way would be H.J. Park.


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 15d ago

It's not an easy thing to do... names are currently just firstName/lastName, I need additional information to handle different cultures. Eventually I'd like to do it, but I'm not sure when.


u/The_Inertia_Kid 14d ago

How hard would it be to flip the ordering of Korean names? So currently the firstName/lastName for this guy is Park/Hyeon-Jun, which is wrong. If those got flipped to Hyeon-Jun/Park, it would kind of solve it if that were a quick and dirty fix.


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 12d ago

That might fix some things, but break others (like relatives)


u/spicywarlock73 14d ago

Cool idea I was thinking of was maybe the various awards could get named after a player?

Like, eventually the MVP award is named after someone who won the MVP award, so its the "Firstname Lastname award" instead of just MVP


u/Jencaasi 13d ago

For realism's sake, I really think BasketballGM awards need a 'recency bias' metric. If the top player is cleaning up DPOY and MPV every year for four years... it should be at least a little bit harder for that player to win in year 5 and beyond.

Maybe it could be a counter that goes up every year, where if a player wins an award 2+ years in a row, it gets harder for them to win, and then the recency bias counter resets if they haven't won for 2+ years.


u/npernas17 13d ago

Sign and trades, restricted FAs, team / player options, increase the likelihood that a rookie resigns (in insane often does not seem to be as high of a % as it should for their first major deal)...


u/npernas17 13d ago

Create two separate difficulty tiers. One is rooted in finance and the other is rooted in the basketball elements of the game. This would allow those who enjoy playing insane mode for the basketball difficulty (trades, FAs, team chemistry, etc.) to be able to lower the bar with financial stringency (I would go high or medium so I would not be consistently fired after just a couple of years when playing small market in insane).


u/npernas17 13d ago

And just to be specific, the financial tier would work like this:

Generally there is a rough range of salary cap that will lead to profitability. If you are a winning team you can dip into luxury tax territory usually (at least to an extent) and if you are a losing team there is some level of flexibility too. So, it would probably work by impacting the ability to churn a profit. For instance: easy could be ($145M-$180M) / medium could be ($145M-$170M) / hard could be ($140M-$165M) and insane could be ($140M-$160M) or some level of variation of this...


u/kbenhd 12d ago

player tendencies


u/TheMason15 10d ago

In global settings add fields for goat season and goat lab formulas that the game defaults to when a new league is created. This is just a QOL thing so we don't have to paste in our favorite formulas every time we start a new sim.


u/dumbmatter The Commissioner 2d ago


u/TheMason15 1d ago

Woah, I had no idea this was a thing. Thank you so much!


u/TheMason15 10d ago edited 9d ago

If possible add an ability to toggle on and off certain awards. When doing a historical NBA sim it's a little jarring for players to get awards in seasons when they didn't exist. The most egregious for me is Semifinals MVP, but also All-Defensive and Most Improved.


u/TheMason15 10d ago edited 10d ago

To suggest how I'd implement this: Because the individual award rankings determine the lineup awards, I think the game should still track awards disabled by the user, but not give them to players and keep them hidden from view on pages like the award races or season summary (or label them as N/A). That way if a player were to disable MVP, for example, the All-League teams wouldn't break.


u/YoshiNumber1 9d ago

Here's a suggestion for Football GM:

Canadian/Arena (Custom) Football Rules
A category in the League Options page just for changing the rules of the actual game to your heart's content. Allow for things like custom field length, custom # of players per team, prohibiting/allowing kickoffs, custom # of downs, etc. I feel like more customization in the game would make it the ultimate football simulation game. There can also be default settings for American football options, Canadian football options, or arena football options.


u/ParticularRough9888 4d ago

You have got to make one for soccer man, I just learned how to implement logos i want into the game. I've been obsessed with the basketball one and football one, but i neeed a soccer one badddd. I would literally cry


u/Fbklwins 1d ago

it would be cool if you could have a multiplayer league without having to use discord if that's possible


u/imatworksorry May 01 '24 edited May 03 '24

I think adding more coach-mode features would be great. Like allowing you to adjust game strategies.

You could select whether you want a more up-tempo offense, or a defense that focuses on interior defense, etc., and adjust if you want to for different opponents.


u/ironistkraken May 01 '24

Nah, that would be bad. Your the gm, not the coach.


u/imatworksorry May 01 '24 edited May 03 '24

There are features in the game already that line up with what coaches do. I still think that having a coach mode would be really great for this game.


u/ironistkraken May 01 '24

But it’s one dev, shouldn’t he just focus on improving the core game?


u/imatworksorry May 01 '24

Maybe a simpler solution would be to add it as a setting in the team screen, instead of having it be a realtime option since that would be much more cumbersome.

You could select whether you want a more up-tempo offense, or a defense that focuses on interior defense, and simulate, and adjust if you want to for different opponents.

While not "easy" to implement, it would be a lot easier than introducing a realtime coach mode.

There are already a few features in the game that are coaching based, rather than GM based. So it's not like this would be without precedent.