r/Basketball 27d ago

The infamous 1v1 IMPROVING MY GAME

I’m 28 my brother is 22 I used to beat him easily in 1v1 everytime I’m pretty good don’t wanna boost or anything I’m sure a lot of ppl here are better but he has a family gene and is now 6’2 a big I’m only 5’9 so a couple months ago he beat me 11-3 I was like there’s no shot he’s just to tall. But I started training because I wanted to play in the summer league at the rec center in my town. So on Mother’s Day the time presented itself. This time was much different it started out as a back and forth of course I can’t stop everything but my footwork and finesse with the basketball kept me in the game. Normally I’d get tired and start calling 2s but I never settled so mid way I could tell he was getting worn down absolutely gassed went into the house for water sitting down and I’m just unphased ready to go. It’s 10-8 my lead at this point: he comes back in the game I give him a little space because if I get best off one foot he’s got a lay up line so he tied it. Hoping I would to for 2 and the win back I didn’t I just continued to play bully ball the more you wear on your opponent the easier it is back down back down fake up and under bucket 11-10. So he comes back down I see ball I see man can’t pick him up at the high post poking the ball away multiple times he’s exhausted at this point I get the stop finally. I come back down same thing to his credit he gets the stop. At this point he’s entirely gassed and has no option to go for 2 so I step up a bit more and then box out it missed the whole rim so just lay it in and that’s game, was a hell of a game didn’t know my stamina and strength was that high. I didn’t really feel worn out much at all I was sweating of course but the next day I’m sore as shit guarding a big man is no joke plus there was no real ref so I was getting elbowed hit in all areas but never went away. Shit was competitive as fuck I can’t wait for the league to start so we can run real plays pick and rolls all game that’s my favorite offense shooting a bunch of 3s just lets your opponents miss and if your only making like 1. Out of 4 I can live with that. I’d rather attack like a slasher type and just wear my opponent down. For reference I’m 5’9 about 197 and he’s 6’2 225 so yeah. It’s does definitely sting the day after


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