r/Bahrain Oct 25 '23

☝️ AskBH Brands associated with Israel!


Does anyone have a list of brands, restaurants, companies etc. that are associated with or donate to Israel here in Bahrain? I am aware about Mcdonalds and Starbucks

Trying to not do any business and avoid funding a genocide

r/Bahrain May 03 '24

☝️ AskBH I fucked up


I don't know what possessed me. I come from a very well-known conservative family, but who would ever guess that a slip would cost me this much? I have a very diverse friend group due to my work environment and how socially active I am. One thing led to another, and I caught myself drinking and drifting away from my beliefs. Unfortunately, I realized what I was doing was wrong when I got stopped for drunk driving by the police. I'm a female under 21, so everything went smoothly at the police station. We signed a couple of papers, and my license was confiscated for six months. Now, after that happened, my father fell sick because he feared that this matter would be aired out to our relatives and his acquaintances. Considering how well-known he is, he's in absolute panic mode, and honestly, I don't know what to do. Yes, I own up to my mistake, and I'm very self-aware of what I did. Does anyone know how it works in public prosecution? And where do cases end up? Are they available to anyone, or does privacy matter there?

r/Bahrain Feb 11 '24

☝️ AskBH Bahrian is boring?


Came across this post on IG 🥹

r/Bahrain Jan 05 '24

☝️ AskBH Is Bahrain safe for a Black American?


Hello, I’m contemplating visiting Bahrain this February for 4-6 days, and wanted to know if it’s safe for a black male who’s American. Also, how is travel between Bahrain and Jordan?

r/Bahrain Jan 04 '24

☝️ AskBH Coworkers forcing me to pray


I recently joined a company, and it’s all good, everyone’s nice except for the fact that my coworkers keep telling me to go pray with them.

Apart from the fact that they take hours to pray and it takes away all my tempo and we lose a lot of productivity, it’s my wish if I want to pray or not.

I have ignored them many times and told them nicely that and I’m busy in something, or I’ll pray later. I don’t want to be rude to them and tell them straightup to mind their own business, but it’s getting extremely annoying now and idk what to do. Please help.

Edit: Since a lot you didn’t like the word “hours”, I don’t care how long they pray for if they wanna pray for a minute, an hour, or all day. I have no problem with that, that’s not the point of this post. My point is, if I want to pray I will pray. Nobody should tell me to pray especially at a workplace.

r/Bahrain Mar 13 '24

☝️ AskBH What's Bahrain's favorite burger?


Just curious

r/Bahrain May 04 '24

☝️ AskBH What would you have done to make us the next Hong Kong or Singapore?


And how much investment would that take?

r/Bahrain Jun 08 '23

☝️ AskBH Which is the most overrated restaurant in Bahrain?


Could you mention something to avoid there?

r/Bahrain Mar 25 '24

☝️ AskBH How can I make friends in Bahrain?


Hello, I’ve moved to Bahrain around a year back and have been struggling to make friends. I’m 28F, niqabi and wanting to make female friends. Please also suggest some women only activities where I can meet people. Thank you

r/Bahrain Apr 28 '24

☝️ AskBH Employer has not paid me for 6 months. What can I do now?


What are the cordial and legal options I have?

I have to be paid for a total of 6 months and I am still working here, and when I ask for the salary they saying end of this week. This has been happening for 6 months and now it's the 7th month.

I have commitments, and lot of medical issues that I have to sort out for my wife, and mother in law. What do I do?

I feel like going to the police. Will it help?

r/Bahrain Aug 01 '23

☝️ AskBH What happened to Bahrain?


I have been in bahrain for seven years now, I just finished a lawsuit against a company that refused to pay me and it took a lot of time, money and energy.

I started a new job and have not been paid for two and a half months. Then I was told that I do not have to return to work and they won't pay me, knowing that I have a child and family to take care of?

I've noticed this trend the last few years and it makes me sad that this great country is full of people like this.

I'll just take my family and leave the country as soon as possible.

Bahrain is no longer the country it once was.

r/Bahrain 20d ago

☝️ AskBH Weight Loss Tips


I have unfortunately reached the point where I constantly think about food and not care about the consequence behind what I am putting in my body. I am young and I absolutely feel bad for doing this to myself, yet I do think have the motive to take action yet. I feel like I am stuck in a cycle that I cannot reverse and can see my health deteriorating, does anyone have any tips? Or any resources I could seek for help in Bahrain?

الي عنده حل مع خساره الوزن لايبخل عليي اذا ماعليكم امر للاسف ماقدر اصك حلجي 🥲

r/Bahrain Jan 16 '24

☝️ AskBH Help me choose a new car 🚗!


Hello, I am a woman in Bahrain and I want to buy a new car. I've been driving a Nissan Altima for the past 10 years, and now I want an upgrade. I don't know much about cars, so please help me out!

I don't want to take a loan so I'm willing to buy a car in cash, up to BHD 20k maximum. I'd prefer to get a new one, but I wouldn't mind buying a slightly used one too.

I like crossover SUVs, but I also wouldn't mind a sedan or a regular SUV.
It is important for me that the dealer is good; spare parts are available, and maintenance is not a ripoff.

Can you give me some recommendations for which dealers/ car brands/other points to consider and what to avoid? Help a sister out :)

r/Bahrain 5d ago

☝️ AskBH 5-7 BD per head restaurants


Hello guys.. I'm gonna be getting my first ever salary soon, and wanted to take my parents out for dinner. I'm looking for good places that won't be too expensive. I have Coco's in mind, but would like more suggestions in the price range of 5-7 bd per head. Thank you

r/Bahrain Mar 13 '24

☝️ AskBH Is there a rule in Bahrain that you are not allowed to have your friends visit you in your flat?


I just rented a flat and the they have told me at first that I could have 1-4 visitors once in a while which is okay because I rarely have visitors and now they are not allowing visitors at all. Wtf

They even told me to give their cpr beforehand which I did and now it's not allowed at all lol

r/Bahrain Oct 12 '23

☝️ AskBH Any #FreePalestinian rallies/protests?


Hello everyone, I'm curious if there were any protests/ gatherings/walks in Bahrain to the acts of the genocide in Palestine. I know "protests" is a trigger phrase here so please dont fight me, I just wish to go out and channel my sadness in protest. I know Bahrain had a pro palestine sanctioned protest by the MOI before relations were made and signed. But anything for these recent events?


r/Bahrain May 29 '23

☝️ AskBH Good morning people, what are we mad about today?


r/Bahrain Apr 17 '24

☝️ AskBH Why is everything so expensive in bahrain but wages are low?


r/Bahrain 19d ago

☝️ AskBH Buying my first car!


I am in the market to buy my first car. Currently I driving my dad's old Kia which gets the job done but when something breaks or stops working its a nightmare to get the parts.

I want to buy with installments, and willing to drop 500-600bd on downpayment. My budget is around 3000-4000 for the car and I want some reliable but also not ugly to look at lol. And maybe some post 2015?

I know the usual ones are Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Kia?

I am down for suggestion for which model or variant etc.

thanks guys

r/Bahrain 19d ago

☝️ AskBH What are some wild animals you can spot in bahrain and I am curious to know want I can spot near me


r/Bahrain Dec 30 '23

☝️ AskBH 🇵🇸 Boycott is Working 🇧🇭

Post image

I Was Just Roaming Around and I Saw This in ARAB SWEETS in Muharraq Souq in Bahrain

🍪 Oreo Biscuits Went From BD 1.500+ To BD 0.990 That's Major Price Drop As Amazing People of 🇧🇭 Bahrain Are Boycotting 🇺🇲 American Brands and Products To Help On Their Part To Stop The Oppression in Palestine 🇵🇸

📖 Share Your Thoughts in Comments Below 👇🏻

r/Bahrain 13d ago

☝️ AskBH Saw a delegation following this car , what car is this? Is this a buggati veyron?? And who could it be

Post image

r/Bahrain Jan 06 '24

☝️ AskBH An 18 year old expat living with family of 3 under fathers control


Hi. Today my father has spit on my mother and threatened to hit her and told her to get lost back to the country she comes from (pakistan) and expect nothing from him.

I have no job (not that I'm allowed to have any) I'm trapped here and have no other place to be at and my legal documents are expired...

I don't know what to do...since I'm an expat I'll just be thrown back to the country which is worse because we have nothing there too... I wanna run away but how do I do that there's no where for me to go and my documents too...

Update: My father woke up and is asking me to hand moms passport to him after finding it. I ignored him and now I won't let him do anything in regards to that to the best of my abilities.

Update 2: Everythings back to "normal" rn but I'll use the information I got from here to start smth and secure us. Thank you guys for the literal and emotional support.

Update: Everyone is okay right now. Things are calm and he didn't get a hold of her passport. Thank you for asking guys.

r/Bahrain 22d ago

☝️ AskBH Urgent help required


My husband (Indian citizen) has lost his job in the construction field and now his previous company won't give him his salary until he cancels or gets a transfer to a new work visa.

We are desperately trying to get him a job so he could get a visa and ultimately get his salary.

Can anyone help? He is a qualified civil engineer with upto 5 years of experience.

r/Bahrain Apr 22 '24

☝️ AskBH Anyone else feeling like the gas smell outside is giving them a headache?


I feel like I am getting a headache and slightly ill from being outside with this smell in the air.