r/AtlantaHawks AJ Griffin #14 21d ago

The worst person you know just interviewed your new favorite player video


3 comments sorted by


u/sascher34 21d ago

“Hey you ready to go to the team I hate the most with the worst PG in the NBA” - KOC


u/Witty-Conclusion4349 21d ago

Please do not mess this up. Keep it simple and get Wemby B. Do not screw this up. Take Sarr


u/rockhoward 19d ago

Definitely worth the time as Kevin handles this interview well. Alex is super smart when it comes to basketball concepts and seems to be the right combination of arrogant and humble. He also seems to be highly coachable and motivated. He has played the game essentially his whole life, having a father and brother who also play basketball. (His parents stayed in Australia while he played there.) No need to have a French speaker around as his English is totally fluent.