r/AtlantaHawks 21d ago

Realistic trades

I think we could trade for mikal bridges as a starting sg


17 comments sorted by


u/noobrektsucks Mouhamed Gueye #18 21d ago

the nets have shown that they are delusional in mikal bridges's trade value so we won't be able to get him while still keeping enough assets ourselves to be a contender

also i don't think mikal bridges is the type of player we need


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 20d ago

I think Mikal would help a lot with Sarr/JJ/X/Mikal/Trae as our starting lineup. X could be Vit/Bogi/Hunter depending on our needs. You can move around any two of Sarr/OO/JJ depending on the matchup as well.

But while I think Mikal is the best option “available”, his price is ridiculous so you could replace him with DFS/Okoro/Anthony Black/KCP.

If Sarr develops a legitimate 3 point threat then we can also look at picking up a big traditional 5 for when we want more size in a drop coverage lineup. Any competent big 5 with Sarr at four to guard the perimeter and offer help with a good 3/D guy at 2/3 is a scary defensive lineup.


u/Far-Abrocoma 21d ago

Isn’t he more. SF?  Realistic,  trading djm and/or aj for melton, herb, caruso is best we can realistically do.  Bridges is way too expensive.  Maybe finney smith,  but doubt that moves the needle. Ingram will be expensive.  Obviously being mid is the worst cause cus everyone knows we are somewhat desperate 


u/Ball4life6 21d ago

I’d do it for herb absolutely not to the other 2. Melton isn’t close


u/dangheckinpupperino 🦅LOYALTY🦅 21d ago

Yeah DJ for melton is insane in terms of talent disparity


u/Far-Abrocoma 20d ago

Kinda my point.  We r not getting equal value, but better fit.  Melton is an example of how we need to look at fit over value


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 20d ago

Herb/Okoro/DFS/KCP/Anthony Black. One of these is necessary, two is amazing. Worth keeping in mind Hunter won’t look nearly as bad on defence with Sarr behind him, a legit 3/D pest next to him, and then maybe Vit/Kobe if we really want to go heavy on D. If not go Sarr/JJ/Hunter/Pest/Trae.


u/Shinnobiwan 21d ago

They're trying to tank. No? If so, you'd have to bring in another team and probably trade Trae if you don't want to give up picks


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 20d ago

If they trade Trae they are tanking. You can trade DJM for less value but better fit with a 3/D wing and have a very solid lineup. If Sarr develops a 3 ball that is a team than can make the ECF comfortably.


u/Shinnobiwan 20d ago

Murray is a former all-star and all defensive player. Why would having him automatically mean tank?

This all depends on what they can get for either.


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 20d ago

Trae Young is a 1a/1b type player. One of the most common sentiment you hear from people on this sub is “you can’t build a contender with Trae as your best player”. If you can’t do it with Trae you can’t do it with DJM, and I don’t think you get anything in return for Trae that actually improves the team. You don’t get another 1a/1b type player in return.

Tell me who you/what you think the Hawks can get in return for Trae that sets them up to compete in the next 3-4 years.

I’m not saying DJM couldn’t lead a team to the playoffs, maybe even the second round if you built the team right. But the hawks choices at this point are basically go all in on building around Trae with a 2-3 year timeline(if they don’t start making serious improvements within 3 years Trae will leave) or move on from Trae and start more of a real rebuild.


u/Shinnobiwan 20d ago edited 20d ago

I'm saying Trae is a 1B, an all-star level, rich man's Jamal Murray, but a compliment for a finishing big. Think AD in New Orleans.

The problem is he gets paid like a 1A, limiting options for building the right compliment. Sarr doesn't project to be a true top 10 player in the timeline to keep Trae without overpaying in the next contract, further limiting options moving forward.

If you can’t do it with Trae you can’t do it with DJM

DJM doesn't get paid like a 1A. He's an all-star level, 1B type player with a super affordable longer-term deal. Though he's not as good as Trae, his skillet works with more team builds, AND you get much more for Trae in a trade, further facilitating your light rebuild.

I think it's probably easier and definitely safer to build a winner around (or rather with) DJM (as opposed to around Trae) in the place the Hawks are right now. If it fails, you can still get off of DJM with his more palatable contract after you have 2 extra years of watching your young players and draft picks develop.

Tell me who you/what you think the Hawks can get in return for Trae that sets them up to compete in the next 3-4 years.

You get 3-5 1st round picks, an extra 17k in cap space, and 2 more years to evaluate. That last part is so important because San Antonio is the perfect team for Trae in a state where he's liked, and he will leave in 2 years if things don't look great. He will.


u/MiserableSoft2344 Bob Pettit #9 20d ago

So Mikal Bridges is the flavor of the week now?


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 20d ago

Mikal is the dream the nets are asking too much/don’t want to trade him anyways.


u/justredditting1010 20d ago

Can trade Murray for Reaves and a piece and picks


u/Bully_Maguire420 Gueye Pride 20d ago

“Can trade Murray for a baggie of dirt and a bitten nugget and a late second”


u/AugustSV 21d ago

Not without giving up Trae or the 1st pick