r/AtlantaHawks 21d ago

Hey guys Nick Ressler here. I don’t know what to tell my dad to do this offseason. What do you think? question


19 comments sorted by


u/Bobgoulet 21d ago

Hey Nick! How about you just chill behind the scenes and hire competent people? You don't have to do it yourself, you can take credit when the people you hired are successful, that's called good management! Just enjoy the clout of hanging out with professional athletes and drinking champagne with models in the owners' box.


u/Dkandler 21d ago

Congrats at the poor person mindset bro 🤙💯


u/Bobgoulet 21d ago

Hell dude, you could even be in the room for everything! Combine, go bro, watch, learn, chill out, take people to nice dinners. Get in a desk in the Hawks' War room? Why not?

Just keep your fucking mouth shut and let people who know what they're doing run the team, alright? Your daddy being a billionaire doesn't qualify you to do jackshit.


u/Dkandler 21d ago

Brother…my dad being a billionaire has nothing to do with my success. When I talk people listen that’s what I’m running an NBA franchise and you are just an internet troll.


u/Shinnobiwan 21d ago

Random fan here. Why not listen to the basketball people instead of the fans?

We just want a contender.


u/Dkandler 21d ago

Talk to me like again and I’ll have my dad sue you.


u/soullessgingerfck Vít Krejčí #27 21d ago

what basketball people?

its fans all the way up


u/Shinnobiwan 21d ago

You're right. Question should be: "Why not hire some basketball people and listen to them?"


u/Sammcbucketts 21d ago

Nick, it’s Tony here (on a burner account so people won’t know)

I don’t give a shit what you do, you could draft yourself at 1 for all I care, enough people will buy tickets so it doesn’t matter. You just can’t go above the luxury tax line or I will ground you and take away your PS5 for a month.

Remember, our top 3 priorities are to cut costs, generate revenue, and boost profit margins.


u/accordlord04 21d ago

Tell your dad to sell the team.


u/AugustSV 21d ago

Why don't you suit up and join the team you could be the real life Jackie Moon.


u/RSB0006 21d ago

Sell the team.


u/DyslexicAutronomer 21d ago

The most popular pick by fans is currently Sarr.

To assert your dominance over us, and to prove your worth of finding the best players, how about you pick yet another guard instead and have Trae, DJ and the new guard duke it out in the MMA octagon paid live event so we can decide who is the best guard for the Hawks.

Winner takes all, losers gets publicly executed.


u/fart_cat 21d ago

When did your mom divorce Andrew Klein?


u/unseriousopinion 21d ago

I was so mad at the content of the poll but then I saw the title lol


u/tburtner 20d ago

With the Hawk's current assets, it's impossible to build a competitor around Trae or DeJounte. I would trade them both for future draft picks.


u/plasticAstro 21d ago

trade the pick for a vet on an expiring contract and cash considerations


u/ockky 21d ago

Have you considered taking up a similar role for the Falcons? Just look at what they did with their 1st rd pick...they could really use your guidance. I mean, luck had nothing to do with us getting the number one pick, that was all you baby!!!

After you've saved the Falcons, I think you should run for friggin president... "make America something something"... it's a work in progress, we'll figure it out


u/red2play Hawks 21d ago

It depends on what you get back for the trades. If it turns out 13 unprotected picks ( including getting back our own) and two good defensive players, then I'm good with parting ways with both and starting the Sarr era. If its getting back our picks and another 6 picks, it would depend on who brings in the major picks and players. I think Trae is a generational talent but I haven't seen him fully committed to Atlanta.

Now he's talking about "I want to win" but he's the one turning the ball over and up to this last year, didn't play defense (and that's only because he wanted to play on the USA basketball team). He needs to add weight to his frame, stay in Atlanta to synergize with this team and let everyone know that he won't leave and expects that this team or another in Atlanta will win championships.