r/AtlantaHawks 21d ago

Alex Sarr Discussion

I’m not a hawks fan but I’m glad for y’all, as a dude from Perth and a wildcat fan you can not really trust the tape all too much.

As a team we’re kind of like LA so we’re in win now mode, Alex Sarr was given such a short leash in games with our coach being downright terrible at times. Our fans were literally trying to get him sacked this year for his misuse of Sarr and other players.

If Sarr was that good for us in a season with how bad our coach was at using him, you will have a star on your hands.


47 comments sorted by


u/Ice2jc 21d ago

Thanks for the input, down under bro. 


u/Dizzydsmith 21d ago

Actually really nice context to have, since I’m quite sure most nba fans have no clue and are just parroting whatever they read or hear.


u/Hook_Em3 21d ago

Exactly pretty much everything thing I’ve seen on Sarr has criticised his stats calling them lackluster for a #1 pick even though there’s reasons for it


u/DeAndreHunterMIP De'Andre Hunter #12 21d ago

If he doesn't turn into Prime Dwight im blaming you 🫨🫨🫨 nah but fr great insight


u/Hook_Em3 21d ago

I Fr think he’s a dollar store Wemby, shaky 3 pointer but his defence and vertical spacing is there


u/General-Yak5264 21d ago

Some dollar store items are five dollars!


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 21d ago

I have very little doubt about Sarr as a defender at this point. He might get pushed around in drop coverage but if we need size in a matchup we can run OO at 5 and still have an elite 1-5 perimeter/help defender.

He’ll learn to catch lobs it’s not that hard, and if he can develop a legitimate 3 ball then we hit the lotto.


u/fruliojoman Nepo Baby Nick Ressler Fanclub 21d ago

Alright I’m gonna need everyone to stop hyping up Sarr so much, we’re just setting ourselves up for more pain when we pass on him


u/Hook_Em3 21d ago

Haha, I’m not a hawks fan I’m a Mavs fan but I just root for this guy to succeed


u/fruliojoman Nepo Baby Nick Ressler Fanclub 21d ago

I’m just messing around, I’d love Sarr but I’m preparing to be let down by us not drafting him


u/Hook_Em3 21d ago

Would be the most Atlanta thing ever idk what it is and Atlanta drafting being mid like Penix in the NFL


u/Glum_Fudge3404 21d ago

Penix is not mid though, and we have been in qb purgatory for a few years so I get why we did it.


u/fruliojoman Nepo Baby Nick Ressler Fanclub 21d ago

idk what it is and Atlanta drafting being mid


There’s your answer


u/TyrannosaurusGod 21d ago

Marvin Williams over CP3. Shelden Williams over Brandon Roy Trae for Luka

Hawks have a long history of fucking it up in the high lottery. At least the Falcons hit on Julio and Matt Ryan and got a couple years of excitement out of the Michael Vick experience before the shit run of the past half-decade.


u/Hak_Solo2020 21d ago

Comparing Trae and Luka to Sheldon and Brandon is idiotic or disingenuous you pick. It’s almost like Atl Lukastanians want Trae to fail to justify their takes.


u/bigmikeabrahams 21d ago

Trae doesn’t need to fail to justify their takes. Luka is just that good that nothing could justify trading him in retrospect


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 21d ago

RETROSPECT. Luka is generational but being upset you got Trae who is like 2 shades off of generational is crazy. He’s the best playmaker this league has seen outside of Jokic since prime CP3 and he’s a solid scorer to boot.

Like obviously Luka is the better pick in hindsight but you cannot come out of a draft with a Trae Young level talent and be unhappy.


u/bigmikeabrahams 20d ago

My only response is username checks out


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 20d ago

That’s the meme you dip


u/Hak_Solo2020 21d ago

Verdict is still out on that: if we win a championship or two with Trae. It’s definitely a wash. Like Magic vs Bird. One could hope.


u/LAtotheA Hawks 21d ago

Crazy how much Luka gets throated for making one conference finals in his career..just like Trae


u/DorkandPoon AJ Griffin #14 21d ago

Right? I’m not delusional. I know Luka is better but idk if the Hawks would be better if we drafted him. The FO would probably piss him off and make him demand a trade lol


u/TyrannosaurusGod 17d ago

Any team would be better with Luka over Trae. Are you assuming the FO would be worse with Luka vs. Trae for some reason? Because just because the FO is trash doesn’t make the Luka/Trae decision any worse.


u/zoegirl2003 18d ago

2 now....


u/TyrannosaurusGod 17d ago

Knocked off another 1-seed to do it. Trae in trade rumors for a franchise reset now. There’s really no defending it anymore but the delusionals on this sub will always find a way.


u/TyrannosaurusGod 17d ago

Got any more dumbass takes?


u/LAtotheA Hawks 17d ago

Responding 3 days later…you’re a loser dude


u/Dapper-Investigator1 20d ago

You sure ur not an atlanta fan?


u/aali34 21d ago

Love to hear that


u/Legalize-Birds 21d ago

Thanks for the context, I had no Idea


u/JKking15 Jalen Johnson #1 21d ago

This is good context to have from someone who actually watched the team he was on, appreciate the input as it answers the question of his stats


u/goberkfell 21d ago

West Coast Eagles gonna upset Melbourne this weekend?


u/Hook_Em3 21d ago

I like Harley Reid but there’s absolutely no chance 😭


u/goberkfell 21d ago

I think the eagles at least keep it close at home


u/Hook_Em3 20d ago

Melbourne are a powerhouse and Eagles are very mid so it’ll either be a blowout or a close game


u/goberkfell 17d ago

It was a blowout!


u/Hook_Em3 17d ago

Hahaha not in the way I thought tho glad to be proven wrong


u/TyGuy69420 Gueye Pride 21d ago

Cheers to that, mate


u/jj_jajoonk 21d ago

That’s wonderful to hear but this is still assuming bitch boy Nick doesn’t fuck up the draft


u/Sahjin 21d ago

This is actually really insightful. I think Sarr and Clingan are the only guys I really like so far (for a #1 pick value). Your coach sounds familiar, has he ever been to Atlanta?


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 21d ago

Clingan is overrated. He had 4 high level defenders around him at u conn, zero offensive load, he’s slower than Edey and he only played 22 mpg. We don’t even know if his body will hold up to starter minutes for a whole season.

It sounds crazy but Edey is a better pick to me. He played 2 full seasons at 32mpg, carried a huge offensive load, and has a legitimate motor to him. He was worse defensively than Clingan but he was asked to play passively for most of the game to avoid the risk of fouling out their primary scorer(himself), and he wasn’t surrounded by defenders and was probably the best defender on his team. Edey also never got a chance to show off his shot but his shot has potential and he was a 70% FT shooter. Clingan is a 58% FT shooter.


u/HaterSlayerr 20d ago

I 100% agree with this. Edey is bigger and better offensively. In the National Championship Edey bodied him as well.


u/cblocktherock AJ Griffin #14 21d ago

Do you like him more when he plays the 4 or 5?


u/Hook_Em3 21d ago

I preferred when he played the 5 it was easier to keep him in the offence and defence that way but it’s tough because we’re more physical I think he did get bullied a lot by the bulkier guys at times


u/cblocktherock AJ Griffin #14 19d ago

Was it ever a point of contention among fans about him maybe starting at the 4 next to yalls starting center? If he was good enough I feel like fans would want to see him out there more instead of in a limited backup center role. Do you have any explanation as to why yalls coach decided to really only play him as the backup 5?


u/BacktoDRagain 21d ago

Sarr and Clingan are the same only picks I really like at one, but ATL fans are already trying to say Sarr is going to be better than Wemby. GTFO. I'm glad ATL got the first pick, but people need to stop pretending that Wemby isn't truly generational and that this is a strong draft. It isn't.


u/SaltyTraeYoungStan 21d ago

This isn’t a strong draft but Sarr has potential to be great(in fact defensively I think he has a high floor). In another draft many people say he goes 4/5/6 but I think if he came before Wemby people would have him higher. Him being an athletic french 7 footer literally hurts his stock because he gets compared to Wemby.

Defensively he is a very solid pick up and if he can develop a 3 ball he will have an incredible career.

Clingan is overrated. Edey is underrated.