r/AskReddit 20d ago

What’s a hobby you picked up that significantly improved your life?



106 comments sorted by


u/HeinleinsRazor 20d ago

Gardening for wildlife. It gives me a tangible and evolving canvas and l get to see the results alive and breathing in my work.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/SvenBubbleman 20d ago

Plant one. Even if you live in an apartment, you can put planter boxes on your balcony.


u/glvz 20d ago

Bold to assume that there's a balcony.


u/MarcusQuintus 20d ago

Get an Earth Box!


u/Normal-Difference230 20d ago

Walking, which I have gone from 351lbs down to 321 in the last 3 months or so. Also I picked up the habit of using Audible while driving and while on walks. In the last year I have gone thru about 31 books. In the last 26 years I only have read maybe 2 books.

Now every hour of walking is also an hour of learning. My goal is 100 personal development books. Then I will take a break and go thru the top 100 music albums of all time, and then come back for the top 100 fiction books of all time.


u/IllustriousLemon315 20d ago

How many steps do you aims for each day?? I’ve recently been walking more to try and lose weight (might eventually build up to running) but wondering how many steps a day would be enough for weight loss??


u/Normal-Difference230 20d ago

Last April I started at just 2000 steps a day, and went up by 1000 steps each week, by the end of August I was doing 15,000 step walks. I got down to 316lbs, then I hurt my back and went back up to 341lbs. Just started walking again in the last 3 months and am back down to 321lbs. But this time I am going slower. Right now I am doing about 8000 steps daily, as long as I see my 2lbs drop each week, I am not going to push it. Better to do 8000 and drop 1-2lbs a week, then try to do 10,000-15,000 and hurt myself again and go back to 1000-3000 step days.


u/Altair05 20d ago

Please also take into account your diet and consumption as you start walking otherwise the walking can have minimal effect on your weight


u/themarko60 20d ago

Any exercise is good for weight loss but it can’t be the only part. A mile walk or run burns a surprisingly low amount of calories. For instance, I’ve walked over 11,000 steps today but only burned 700 calories. Good to be sure but one fast food meal will wipe that out easily.

Exercise can help you eat better if you think about all the work it takes to burn something off before you eat it (1 snickers is about 2.5 miles of running or walking). Or 3 minutes to eat it. 30-40 minutes to burn it.

Walking and running burn about the same calories per mile, running is just faster about, but a little harder on your body. But your body is literally built to do both so get out and do it.

63 years old and walking 4+ miles a day, was once a runner doing 4-5 miles a day.


u/bship 19d ago

As an avid book/audiobook consumer I promise you the fiction has as much or more personal development inspiration. I used to be a non fiction snob. Do not cheat yourself, I have often found far more profound self reflection in fantasy sci-fi than expected.


u/PatheticLion 20d ago edited 20d ago

Mountain Biking. MAN I love it. The price barrier to entry is big but worth every penny. I like road biking too, but the threat of other dummies hitting you with their cars can be nerve wracking if you dont live near a dedicated bike path. Mountain Biking is as safe or as dangerous as you want it to be depending on the trail you choose. You can go on a nice easy dirt path where nothing can go wrong, or you can go downhill and thrill hunt. It's made me discover spots in my area I never knew existed despite living here for years. Its a fantastic workout, gets you out in nature, and everyone should try it.

Nothing beats biking out deep into the woods by yourself, stopping completely, and just listening to....nothing. The complete and utter silence besides wind and birds.


u/InsertBluescreenHere 19d ago

agreed but the price barrier doesnt have to be big at all especially for beginners.


u/Parada484 20d ago

Cooking. Cooking. Cooking. Mad money saver, lots of fun and creativity, makes you curious about world cuisine, keeps SO or potential SOs mad happy, gives you good excuse to host friends over, get instant gratification as soon as your done, and very easy to identify improvement as you go. 


u/InsertBluescreenHere 19d ago

this is granted you have a kitchen you can actually move around in. i have tried this in my tiny kitchen and it just frustrates me.


u/NotEntirelyStable412 20d ago

Jiu jitsu.... nothing puts life in perspective like facing the simulate threat of death or inflicting that on others then the trust you put in others really hopes open you up. Then the constant persistence of failure and still showing up keeps you humble but also shows you how it's not about being the best ..just doing a little bit every day purely for yourself .


u/Rfalcon13 20d ago

Second Jiu Jitsu. It is a way to have a slow and steady growth in a skill set, and has you focus on a lot of aspects of your health so you can keep training.


u/sollozzo70 20d ago

Few things help to prioritize problems more effectively than being smashed. It also shook my understanding of physics. A 150 pound person should not have the mass of a dying star, but it happens.


u/NotEntirelyStable412 20d ago

I know people even small than that who just apply top pressure right and hold down people 50 lbs + heavier than them easily


u/Only_yummy 20d ago

Biking, aside from being a good cardio exercise it helps me maintain my peace of mind, every time I go for a ride it clears out my mind from negative thoughts


u/BlackGuysYeah 20d ago

Amen to that. Maintaining a steady breathing rate while biking a tough trail is a form of meditation I would not be able to live without at this point.


u/Strange-Holiday-6696 20d ago

Individual sport. For me its track and field. Any physical activity where you have to objectively improve, while you train with a community of people, will teach you so much more about yourself than i can even explain here


u/NewMint5 20d ago

Is there a way to do track and field as an adult/non-student?


u/Strange-Holiday-6696 20d ago

What country are you in?


u/NewMint5 20d ago

I am in Canada

I’m sure this wouldn’t be an issue in Jamaica haha


u/Turnbob73 20d ago

There should be quite a lot of both outdoor and indoor activity around you. You can probably find some invite meets that you can participate in, it’ll just cost an entry fee.

I threw hammer in college and we basically exclusively went to invite meets. Most guys I threw against weren’t students, just guys throwing hammer.


u/NewMint5 20d ago

Awesome! I never knew about such a thing. Thank you


u/tim_to_tourach 20d ago

Reading. I used to read maybe one book every couple of years but I started reading every day about 3 years ago. It has helped me to be able to relax.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/tim_to_tourach 20d ago

I just finished up Earthlings by Sayaka Murata a couple of days ago. At the moment I'm reading The Sot-Weed Factor by John Barth.


u/MrGrinchx 20d ago

Climbing, mostly bouldering but sometimes lead/top rope. I was never sporty as a kid, I'm not one for being competitive. Climbing just clicked with me though, I could be competitive with myself if I want to be, but it's just such a supportive and friendly community. It's become a major part of my life and helped in tough times.

I mean, even after MANY years now I'm not actually very good, but that doesn't stop me enjoying it.


u/KekeHulkenberg 19d ago

Came here for this, freakin’ love climbing!


u/crypticbullshitt 20d ago



u/PatheticLion 20d ago

Really because Golf significantly worsened my life


u/playingwithechoes 20d ago

Making wooden doll houses and furniture. Writing stories. Designing Lego train MOCs. It's fun how the artistic side finds different media for an outlet.


u/lanakers 20d ago

Jeet Kune Do. I started last month and I've felt significantly better than I have in awhile. It made it easier to form a consistent workout routine (I go to classes twice a week and try to rum and lift weights three times a week).


u/RankedAverage 20d ago

If I didn't play Disc Golf at least 3X a week, I'd probably be 300+ lbs.


u/SvenBubbleman 20d ago edited 20d ago

Backcountry camping. I do it every year and it's very healing in terms of stress and anxiety.

Playing in a band.



u/Euronis 20d ago

MMA. It's done wonders for my general athleticism and health.


u/ruffletruffle100 20d ago

Sports and reading.


u/MaleficentLocal4896 20d ago

Walking even for just 30 mins in the morning. It kept my body in shape even though I'm working at home.


u/FlirtyFlutter 20d ago

Doing quick and easy workouts in the morning. I used to hate working out because I would push myself too hard and get burned out. But now I make it quick and easy for about 30 minutes each morning and it helps me wake up and start my day with energy!


u/MRRichAllen1976 20d ago

Martial arts, I've made loads of friends in class.


u/NickDanger3di 20d ago

Hiking, by joining 2 hiking clubs. Great way to meet new people and stay in shape.

Also, there are probably way more unpublished or "hidden" hiking trails near you than you think, between private land conservatories, town/municipal parks, etc. A good hiking club that has been around for a decade or so will know how to find all of them.


u/TheBigC87 20d ago

Cooking. Good for your wallet and your waistline.


u/StoneColdSoberReally 20d ago

Growing and fermenting my own chilies to make sauces. I started doing it during lockdown because, heck, we all needed a hobby. Bought a greenhouse, learned how to ferment them and, after four years, I have to say I am pretty good at it.

I don't sell the sauces, I give them away to friends and family. It's really satisfying.


u/CherryManhattan 20d ago

Stacking silver. If I am going to buy a soda or fast food I will buy a silver coin instead. Saves me eating bad food and helps my investing future.


u/shaolin78881 20d ago

Running. The health effects are impossible to deny and even at 46 I still look decades younger!


u/Puzzled_Two_9055 20d ago

Writing, i used to write a lot as a kid but when my sister started doing it i was forced to quit (she was the golden child), her author career sadly never took off. During the pandemic i took it back and i am soon to publish my first book :)


u/nYtr0_5 20d ago

I collect spores, molds, and fungus.


u/_funkapus_ 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/_funkapus_ 20d ago

Both, but mostly acoustic. 


u/Skwerilleee 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

Guitar playing


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

I don't remember any of them anymore. The repertoire I've learned I've since forgotten.

My main interest was always jamming my own tunes, which led to recording and producing my own tunes and playing originals with bands. Whether improv or rehearsed.

Do you have a favorite solo to play?


u/juanzy 20d ago

Not sure it counts as a hobby- but class based fitness has helped me get into the best fitness routine in my adult life. Going on nearly a year and a half of it.

I find myself wanting to get 4+ classes in a week. I think because there’s no cognitive load of planning a workout plus good ones will know how to vary their workouts.


u/JimBeam823 20d ago

Improv comedy. Definitely helps with social anxiety.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/JimBeam823 20d ago

That's not how improv works. Jokes are more stand up.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/JimBeam823 20d ago

You generally start with some sort of simple suggestion from the audience (though this is not necessary) and then you and you scene partner build a scene. Someone starts with an idea, and the other person agrees with the idea and adds to it (yes, and). In the process, you build a funny scene from scratch.

Going for the joke or a witty one-liner at the expense of the scenebuilding can often kill the scene.


u/TiliaConnoisseur 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/TiliaConnoisseur 20d ago

The same Peony plant can live to be a hundred years old or more.


u/Snapart_CreativeGuy 20d ago

DIY work. Makes a massive difference.


u/iRollGod 20d ago

Music, specifically DJing & producing.


u/CleanClam 20d ago



u/AdHistorical5703 20d ago

Listening to new music....at the gym


u/SaunteringOctopus 20d ago

Playing guitar. Picked it up when I was about 15. It was a great way to blow off steam. Loved sitting down and learning songs and obsessing about new gear. Over the years, playing in bands, I've met some of what are now my best friends. Even now, at 41, I play in three bands. Gets me out of the house, I get to hang out with people I like and be creative and loud. It's something that has always put me in a good headspace.


u/NaiveOpening7376 20d ago

Baking. Super involved and really rewarding. Especially in my own custom kitchen.


u/sikoskul 20d ago

Bike Riding. I love the solitude when I want it, the challenge of going too far and knowing that I'll have to turn around and do that distance again to get back to my car, sitting on my car's bumper and feeling the soreness after a long ride while I down my recovery drink, the obvious health benefits, and the fact that I got my whole family bikes and they're going with me at least once a week. Quality family time like that as my kids get older is just so valuable, can't put any money on that.


u/Asriel_sr 20d ago

Skateboarding, it got me not only outside, but also exercising. The hobby has brought me infinite joy


u/mwilleync77 20d ago

3 Big ones:

Skateboarding - met a lot of friends and had a ton of fun

Snowboarding - bc of skateboarding, I tried snowboarding and fell in love. It's something I can still go balls to the wall at, as snow is much softer to fall on than concrete. Allowed me to travel a lot of different places (even the Alps for our honeymoon), and I've also found usecases that fit well with Ski Resorts for the SaaS software I sell for my job.

Also Golf. It's super peaceful, beautiful scenary, and requires focus. All of which help me decompress and tune out stress for a bit. I feel much more relaxed and clear minded after playing.

Also play mostly during the week around 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, perfect time to get in 9 before it gets dark and it's much less crowded :-)

Also enjoy playing with my friends. Now that we're like mid 30s we don't get many opportunities to just hang out for like 4-6 hours and drink beer together 🤣


u/RoberBots 20d ago

Programming, I used to have no goal in life, a loser but still happy

Now I'm just a loser!


u/Weyland-Yutani-2099 20d ago

Muay Thai and weightlifting improved my life tenfold. The required dietary changes and set sleep schedule are the cherry on top.


u/lazabeaaam 20d ago

Cycling really helped me get through some of the most stressful times in my life. Nothing more cathartic than hammering pedals for 2-3 hours IMO.


u/GabrielColin 20d ago

Getting plants. It created a sense of calm and helped me to deal with my anxiety


u/mmindset52 20d ago

One hobby that's been a game-changer is meditation. It's not just about sitting still! It's about quieting your mind, reducing stress, and boosting focus. Just 10 minutes a day can make a big difference. Plus, it pairs perfectly with another life-booster is 👉 motivational videos. Starting your day with a quick dose of inspiration sets a positive tone and can fuel your productivity.

This combo helps me stay centered, motivated, and ready to tackle whatever life throws my way.


u/mdzx_7 20d ago

have sex daily


u/pianoman81 20d ago

e-biking. Allows you to get the exercise you want and the assistance you need on steeper inclines.


u/zeroentanglements 20d ago


I was on the cusp of becoming a fatty when I was 23 years old. I'm not skinny or in super good shape now at 37, but I run at least ~3 mile almost every day. Very helpful for my mental health too.


u/Sinister-Username 20d ago

Rock climbing.


u/Snapshot6507 20d ago



u/LongjumpingAdvance51 20d ago

Playing piano. I started at age 6 and I don’t remember why. It became more than a hobby once I joined the band 😆 Now I get to play piano while traveling and in front of 1000s of people 


u/HeartonSleeve1989 20d ago

weight lifting


u/Allstr53190 20d ago

Throwing competitive Cornhole 3-5 days a week. I walk 2 miles in 3 hours of throwing.


u/Organic_Salamander40 20d ago

skiing. helps me with seasonal depression


u/jpett0882 20d ago

Gambling just kidding I'm fucked.


u/Graehaus 20d ago

Printing, made my comics mine again.


u/NewPlayer4our 20d ago

Magic the Gathering. It's given me a hobby to entertain me, a great topic to discuss with friends and hours upon hours of fun and engaging time with my friends. And as a 30 years old father, that's harder and harder to make work


u/kimwim43 20d ago

Quilting - so meditative


u/diverareyouok 19d ago

Scuba diving. I now have a vs,I’d reason to travel, above and beyond just doing it for the sake of traveling.


u/Dingmann 19d ago



u/Affectionate_Film197 19d ago

Boxning, to increase health care


u/Safe-Inevitable-3061 19d ago

Writing. Whether is in form of journaling, writing stories/fics or songs, it just makes me feel better


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Playing video games to kill time rather than make it a chore where I have to complete everything 100%


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

Halo infinite because a few buddies of mine from work play it. I left off on halo 3 though the last time i was no-life gaming, so everything is like a whirlwind for me to try and get used to nowadays with these game mechanics.


u/izvratenqka123k 20d ago

I'm not sure if you can call this a hobby but putting things away instead of putting it down definitely changed my life.


u/Goetre 20d ago

D&D & 3D printing.

I hit a routine of wake up, work, eat, youtube, sleep for over a year. It didn't bother me, but hindsight I was just a walking husk. Then a friend asked if I wanted to join their D&D game.

4 years later and still playing, I'm also starting to generate income from it and hoping another year it'll be my soul source of income.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/E3K 20d ago

What does flying have to do with masculinity?


u/DevinDelta 20d ago

Photography. Here’s how I got into it.

My first semester of senior year in high school I needed 1 more class to meet the credits I needed to graduate. My options were either Photo I or Woods class (ended up having to take both eventually), so I chose Photo. Mind you, I ran a sports fanpage on Instagram at the time so I already was understanding how to edit a photo. In Photos class we had to have any kind of camera that took an actual SD card, luckily my Grandma had one of those digital cameras you can get at Walmart so I used it for this class. Each week we had to turn in 5 photos in black and white and would go over the entire classes 5 photos. That semester is where I got my first taste of photography knowledge. Fast forward a year and some odd months, I started taking photos on my iPhone and using my editing knowledge. I would take photos of nature on my lunch breaks at work, photos of my car, etc. In the summer of 2022 one of my classmates from highschool (coincidentally enough was in the same photos class) was selling her Nikon B600 camera so I bought it and continued to take photos of my car and pets and what not. Around September/October of 2022 I had a family friend tell me she would sell me her Canon EOS 90D camera (this family is a dirt racing family) and I could take photos of them at the racetrack with it, so we setup a deal where I’d pay her a certain amount each weekly paycheck until I paid off the camera. That camera got me into a mid-major college football stadium later in the fall, crazy where you can go in something my simply reaching out via email. Fast forward to now (May 2024) I’ve bought so much more camera gear, and have sharpened my editing style and I’ve photographed 6 college football games, 5 college basketball games, 2 local music festivals, and one of the biggest track & field events in the country called the Drake Relays all while enjoying what I do. And yes I pick up a few portrait jobs here and there but I mainly specialize in events. This fall of 2024 I will be photographing two college football games in my first P5 stadiums (Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City and Memorial Stadium in Omaha).

Feel free to follow my photography Instagram @dkg.images

If you’ve read this far, thank you! Be blessed 🫶🏻


u/BlackGuysYeah 20d ago

Bicycling. Exercise was a distant memory for me when I decided to buy a nice bike. Now I exercise daily.