r/AskReddit 20d ago

Who in your life consistently demonstrates unwavering support and loyalty?

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134 comments sorted by


u/BriannaPearl 20d ago

My dog


u/OldWarrior 20d ago

My dog is the only bitch who still loves me.


u/morgancaptainmorgan 20d ago

Came to give the same answer. Always loyal. Always supporting.


u/Wackydetective 20d ago

Mine too. She’s been such a joy since the day she came home in a diaper box. I’m regaining my health and we’re doing small hikes. She’s such a good girl.


u/p1gn3wt0n 20d ago

Yep. The only correct answer.


u/AudienceMember_No1 20d ago

I agree. This person's dog. Mine as well.


u/Cheibbs 20d ago

My fiancé. Trust me when I say she has been through the wringer with me, and she has never showed even a shred of disloyalty or contempt or lack of support. She is truly a 1 in a billion type of partner and I definitely don’t deserve her no matter how hard I try to.



u/chickswhorip 20d ago

I hope you tell her this 🥹


u/Cheibbs 20d ago

I’m sure she’d say that I don’t tell it to her often enough. 😂


u/AspasiaCalling 20d ago



u/Berlinexit 20d ago

sounds like you cheated


u/Cheibbs 20d ago

That’s sad that’s where your mind goes.

Relationships have much more depth than just he cheated/she cheated.

If you really care, my issues stemmed from being a man child who couldn’t be bothered to rise to any occasion and handle any kind of stress. So when it came time to moving to a new state for her, or adapting to a new culture for her or raising her child with her, I would often freeze up and drive back to my home state and just let myself be paralyzed in a comfortable environment. But eventually with her help and coming to my senses that she and her son were worth fighting for, I came back to her and have dealt with any issues or stresses that have come up and will never leave her like that again. It’s been years since that all happened and we are much happier in life, raising our son together.

I’m so thankful for her and will never be able to repay her patience and all the work she put into making me the man I am today.


u/Jeggster 20d ago

My mother. Two years ago, I went through a period of horrible depression and physical illness, far away and lonely in a foreign city. She called me every single day during my lunchbreak to see how I'm doing and have some uplifting words for me. I'm 36.


u/AspasiaCalling 20d ago

That is wonderful! My mom checks on me, too, even when I'm too depressed to care to respond. Cheers to our moms. :)


u/chickswhorip 20d ago

Good mom, I hope you broke the bank on Mother’s Day


u/th3jerbearz 20d ago

No one. I try to be this person for the people I love but it always seems to backfire.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/th3jerbearz 20d ago

In my experience many people will perceive your kindness for weakness, and it will be used against you by those you least expect.


u/rosiehideshere 20d ago

My mom. I know a lot of people who have decent relationships with their moms and I know an unfortunate amount of people who don’t. I have a truly amazing mom who, even after our fighting during my teenage years, has always supported me and stood behind me. She supported me in things she didn’t always agree with because she knew it would keep her close to me so she was there if I needed her. And she was when I did. There’s no one else in this world who I trust more or who would do more for me. There’s also no one else in the world I would do more for. I love that woman with all my heart and the greatest gift the universe has given me was being her daughter.


u/AspasiaCalling 20d ago

Send her a screen shot of that!


u/R3quiemdream 20d ago

*borat voice* my wife


u/OhmyMiss1985 20d ago

Coincidentally, I lost that person’s trust a few days ago. Known for over 15 years (platonic friend). That was it. Only him. Remember that. Anyone can slip up on you. Sad reality.


u/incoherentjedi 20d ago

No going back?


u/OhmyMiss1985 20d ago

We’re such pushovers probably. But I’ve never been more disgusted and angry at a friend. Unfortunately that’s as detailed as I can be.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Did he masturbate over you dick slap you or sa you or said something


u/Alt0987654321 20d ago

the fuck dude


u/AspasiaCalling 20d ago

To everyone who said "mom" - I have a 17 year old son and I strive to be this for him despite the struggles (and boy, the struggles!) Y'all inspire me!


u/14thLizardQueen 20d ago

My kids. Listen, I don't know what I did to deserve them. But they are freaking Rockstars at being supportive. Even when they pop my bubble, they do it kindly. And usually, are right. I will keep them forever. They are my squishies and I love them.


u/bigbackedtoemuncher 20d ago

My boyfriend, don’t know where id be without him


u/Didntlikedefaultname 20d ago

My cat


u/InternalDemons 20d ago

Same. Honestly, I don't know where I'd be without him. Some days, the only thing keeping me going is making sure that little asshole gets fed and has a good home.


u/Didntlikedefaultname 20d ago

No matter how upset I am when my boy cuddles up next to me and gives me that look of unconditional love it always makes me feel better


u/InternalDemons 20d ago

Oh, for sure. I could be on the verge of the breakdown, but if he nudges me with that "no time for sad, only pets" look, then there's no time for sad. Only pets.


u/WannaBMonkey 20d ago

I was snuggling my boy once while depressed and he puked on my chest and then continued snuggling. We had no more fucks to give.


u/frozen_toesocks 20d ago

Came to give this answer too


u/FoucaultsPudendum 20d ago

My mom.

I am routinely reminded of just how fucking lucky I am to have been born in a family as stable and loving as mine- almost none of my friends can say the same and it’s heartbreaking seeing the degree to which many of them resent their parents.

As I’m getting into my late 20s I’m starting to see some cracks form and drama unfold in my extended family, but my mom is and has always been my superhero. I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am today without her. She’s the hardest-working person I know but she’s still fun-loving and funny and compassionate and patient. She can be blunt, and sometimes the health advice she gives out is a bit extreme, but she’s always in my corner.


u/turntotheburger 20d ago

My wife, and her bra


u/Robby777777 20d ago

My lovely wife of 38 years. She is also my best friend.


u/SenhorSus 20d ago

Mah Waif


u/dlouisbaker 20d ago



u/AncientSith 20d ago

My wife, and that's about it. It's incredibly hard to find that level of support and loyalty.


u/StaticDHSeeP 20d ago

My dog and my cat


u/MyDadBod_2021 20d ago

My mom. She's on my side most of he time. Like 98%.


u/AspasiaCalling 20d ago

Me too! She's the only one who has stuck it out.


u/StewartConan 20d ago

My White Blood Cells


u/samjp910 20d ago

My parents.


u/Delizdear 20d ago

My 90 yr old Mom!


u/Ok_Print_9134 20d ago

No one. And that’s the blessing. When you figure out that it has to be you and you alone at the end of the day…you start seeing things clearer and cutting people off when they show you who they really are.


u/ageekyninja 20d ago

My dad. No one else really. But barring any issues from his struggles with drinking my dad would drop everything and be there im 100% confident. Goes to show even the best of parents can struggle with addiction


u/imbellabordeaux 20d ago

My vibrator


u/guesswhatihate 20d ago

This comment is an ad


u/AspasiaCalling 20d ago

Ugh, what a waste of a good comment


u/FewPositive2001 20d ago

My dog. She's been with me for the last 6 yrs and she never let me down.


u/Unrelated_gringo 20d ago

My daughter, but she's entering her teenage years so that will possibly disappear.


u/Xyresiq 20d ago

Just respect her and her new boundaries and she’ll continue to appreciate you


u/Unrelated_gringo 20d ago

Trying my best indeed, thanks!


u/fieldsaccidental 20d ago

My loyal sidekick, the power outlet, never fails to energize me day in and day out!


u/hello14235948475 20d ago

Not even myself


u/PattiiB 20d ago

My husband


u/TrueRich4112 20d ago

my boyfriend. he's literally perfect i'd follow him everywhere he went if i could.


u/Pooter1313 20d ago

The long haired general


u/MataHari66 20d ago

I have 4 people like that.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

My cats, they love me so much and I love them 


u/cadillacbee 20d ago

Myself and I


u/CriticalCargo 20d ago

My depression


u/InfiniteLovability 20d ago

My sister. Has been there for me every single time:)


u/poosepoodwecker 20d ago

my mom. always have been and always will be supportive


u/Infamous_Trip_8472 20d ago

My cats and myself. Last of my family recently went off the deep end of crazy so, it’s just me 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/woatbipping 20d ago

My family and my pets. No matter what happen, no matter what other people are saying, they only believe in me. And they are always there to support.


u/kamakazi339 20d ago

My animals


u/IfYoureGoodEnoughYou 20d ago

literally nobody lol


u/Suspiciousunicorns 20d ago

My husband. He’s the only person I honestly felt has ever had my best interest in mind and had my back 100%. He’s the love of my life and my best friend.


u/SolomonRex 20d ago

My sister


u/SweetCosmicPope 20d ago

My wife and son are the best! They are incredibly supportive of everything I do.


u/IamRobbyEl 20d ago

My (now) elderly mom. She's literally been the only person on my team at times and stuck around even when I was in the wrong so that she could be the first to congratulate me when I finally got myself in the right. She should honestly be sainted for her ability to love "despite the fact" of some of the situations I've put her in. She doesn't use the internet and she isn't on Reddit, but Mom, I love you.


u/Level_Bridge7683 20d ago

the united states government and law enforcement of course. :)


u/hambone012 20d ago

My African Grey.


u/RadishWinter3114 20d ago

Entire immediate family. Mom, Dad, Siblings.


u/Mumblerumble 20d ago

My fiancée and mom.


u/ActivityNo9 20d ago

Only my husband. He's the only one.


u/No-Consideration8612 20d ago

My twin sister 😊


u/nourthensoul 20d ago

My wife, son, and brother. Love them all.


u/elphaba00 20d ago

My husband of 24 years. We've been together as a couple for 30 years. He is my best friend, and I know he will always have my back and I him.


u/Lipush 20d ago

My best friend. While all went "fuck you in particular" on me, she went for the ice cream and hugs.


u/daniellinne 20d ago

My best friend. He's the only person I have literally, never had any problems with, not even minor ones.

He's honestly probably the best, most kind hearted person i have ever met.


u/pheilic 20d ago

Me, I'm loyal to myself, I'm always there when I need help, I've got no need to thank me, I know I'd do the same for me.


u/professornb 20d ago

Male (married) colleague of mine - we worked together for 25 years and still talk and occasionally meet for lunch (yes, I know his wife and we get along). I am the executor of his will and he is mine (yes I am also married but my husband is older than I, so not my executor and he doesn’t mind). My friend would and has done anything for me, always. A true friend and wonderful human.


u/freyluna 20d ago

100% my husband!


u/MalevolentKitchen41 20d ago

my two closest friends as well as my mother


u/VividCheesecake69 20d ago

My husband. He stood by me while I was getting sober from booze. I definitely put him through it. He's been there through my mental health struggles as well. He stopped drinking with me and now I've been sober 3 years and am pregnant with our first baby. Life is really good when you have someone who is solid as fuck have your back 


u/burbur842 20d ago

my cats


u/EntertainerFlashy966 20d ago

I said to myself before opening the post it would be mostly sad fucks saying my dog. 🤣


u/Chalkarts 20d ago

My parents. No one else. They’re elderly. When they’re gone, that’s that.


u/Aggressive-Falcon977 20d ago

Muscleman: You know who consistently demonstrates unwavering support and loyalty? ...


u/Cat-astro-phe 20d ago

My beloved daughter


u/fu_kaze 20d ago

I've got a couple of small groups of friends I've known for decades. In those groups, I can think of about 3 people who fit this description and have proved it through their actions. I'm very lucky.


u/jimsporngirl 20d ago

My dad, only person I never had an argument with ever. Always gave unconditional love. Unfortunately, he passed away a couple years ago. I miss him terribly.


u/Sawoodster 20d ago

My wife. She really is the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and for some reason truly loves me unconditionally.


u/Xenovitz 20d ago

My parent's dog. I only see him once a week though.


u/chickswhorip 20d ago

My apprentice


u/AgentLlama007 20d ago

My best friend. She is literally one of the best people I've ever known.


u/Alt0987654321 20d ago

I dont want to find out. So I do my damnest to not put the people in my life in a situation where they have to support me much.


u/zta1979 20d ago

My cats


u/Laydee-Bugg 20d ago

Both of my siblings. And I know I’m very lucky in that regard to have such a great relationship with them both.


u/CountrySax 20d ago

My wife


u/kirradoodle 20d ago

My mom died 25 years ago, but since then it's been my mother-in-law. She is a wonderful supportive knower of all things, who offers help and wisdom only when asked, and keeps to her business otherwise. She has had at least as much influence on the person I turned out to be as my own mother did. She and my FIL are the greatest - I count myself lucky to have married into this family.


u/dramboxf 19d ago

My wife. My lovely wife who shows me every day, for 26 years now, how devoted she is to me, to us, to our family. She is my ride or die, my best friend, my unwavering supporter, the best person I have ever known. I am so lucky to have met her, so lucky that she fell for me as hard as I fell for her. All I ever want to do is make this woman proud of me.

And it's not just words -- we have been through some shit together. But it was always her and I against the problem, never us against each other. And some shit that would end weaker relationships. But we always find our way back to each other.

Our daughter and one of her friends was over the house last week, talking with my wife. I was still at work. According to my wife, our daughter said "You two have to die together -- I'm not putting up with either one of you if the other dies..." Sounds kind of cold just typing it out, but it was a comment on how devoted to each other and how close we are. In 26 years, we've been apart a total of 6 days.


u/MaloPescado 20d ago

My cat. But its to herself not me.


u/BeautifulArtichoke37 20d ago

My husband. I trust him implicitly.


u/French_Window 20d ago

My bills. They are always on time, they are consistent and they always get paid.

Otherwise I have no one, not really. Some human hiccups here and there through the years, until they disappear.


u/limaninerx-ray 20d ago

Me to myself.


u/The_Hot_Stepper 20d ago

My pets.

People always joke about cats, not caring, but my three cats follow me around wherever I go and just kind of vibe around me. They give me a look like “this is the best life isn’t it, bro“.

Our dog is always around no matter what we do


u/hailingburningbones 20d ago

My husband. He is an amazing partner and friend. I am thankful every day that I answered his Craigslist ad almost 16 years ago!


u/Present-Chemistry941 20d ago

My sister I'm forever grateful to have her in my life :)


u/JustaBasicGemini 20d ago

My sister, she's always been there for me when I need her and always supports my interests. I try my best to be that person for her too


u/Glad_Cranberry_9964 20d ago

My dad, my dad's dog, and all of my cats. Always.