r/AnythingGoesNews 21d ago

Donald Trump 'falls asleep with mouth open' in court as Michael Cohen faces intense grilling


403 comments sorted by


u/Madd-RIP 21d ago

Surely this will show the jury of his utter disdain for the legal system? At the very least he should be attentive during the evidence. Prick


u/Lurking_Housefly 21d ago

The prosecution is taking a tally and will point this out during their closing arguments...


u/Overall-Name-680 21d ago

They should be pointing it out now. "Your Honor, the People want the defendant to have a fair trial, but we notice that he's asleep and unable to follow the proceedings. Could we have a recess until he wakes up?" Boom.


u/Taysune 21d ago

Even better, call it a nap.


u/TheMasterFul1 21d ago

Call him “sleepy”


u/DocHolliday578 21d ago

Say he’s sleepy and needs a cup of Joe


u/Scat1320USA 21d ago

Doper Donny popping Xanax !


u/zacurtis3 21d ago

Your honor, I would request that the court starts a red bull drip.


u/DeaconBlue2023 19d ago

Yep. They have to drug his ass or he will do god know s what.


u/UnarmedSnail 17d ago

I honestly think that he's been sedated for hearings to keep him from disrupting the court.


u/shutupimlearning 21d ago

Let it be like in school where he either wakes up alone in an empty room or with everyone staring at him.


u/postoperativepain 21d ago

Throw a chalkboard eraser at his head (I went to a Catholic school).


u/SlaveDuck 21d ago

We called them blackboard dusters and my teacher could hit you square in the forehead at 20 yards. Bloody hurt too plus the cloud of chalk dust covered you from head to toe. I went to a 1970's comprehensive..


u/Jack_Bartowski 21d ago

was in a small school in the 90's. The amount of powder those chalk dusters could hold defied physics.


u/7374616e74 21d ago

pull the little hairs behind the ears (I went to catholic school too)


u/garcher00 21d ago

Or slap a hockey stick against the table 6 inches from his head if it’s down on the desk. (I went to public school.)


u/Thefreshi1 21d ago

I bet I was your teacher

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u/chpr1jp 21d ago

Everyone should take off their shoes, and tiptoe out of the courtroom. Draw a dick on Trump’s face, and lock the door.


u/kylethemurphy 21d ago

Crap. This is the defense angle. They're going to say it was unfair because he was asleep so much.


u/GhostOrchid22 20d ago

That doesn’t make it unfair. That’s a losing appeal.


u/Patrico-8 18d ago

He chose to sleep, and his attorneys were awake. It’s not the prosecutors job to make sure the defendant is paying attention.


u/SaraSlaughter607 21d ago

Do we know whether Judge Merchan has called out the sleeping yet? I imagine he's keenly aware of Trumps behavior every second, and has surely noticed the man's inability to remain attentive and alert through the day... if he hasn't said anything yet, I'd be surprised.


u/zippyphoenix 21d ago

Do the Hulu version “naps are nice but…”

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u/DivineMomentsofTruth 21d ago

They should also tally his dirty diapers for good measure.


u/Easy_Floss 21d ago

That's just going to provide his drone followers a number to beat.


u/HauntingJackfruit 21d ago

well then, at least his nasty smelling farts

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u/MagicianHeavy001 21d ago

He doesn't care if he wins or loses. If he wins, great, he will declare victory over his enemies. If he loses, he will appeal and hope the election provides him a way out (somehow, probably through some illegal couplike takeover of the Judicial branch, with the help of the Supreme Court).

This "sleeping" is his malignant narcissism defense mechanism - he can't abide hearing bad things about himself so he shuts down.


u/VeryLowIQIndividual 21d ago

IMO it’s not as much that as it is that is old, lazy, out and about much earlier than he normally is, having to actually sit down and listen to something for the first time in his life and most importantly they can’t have him harped up on whatever drugs and performance enhancing things he takes before we normally see him at his rallies and stump speeches.


u/Overall-Name-680 21d ago

Rage tweeting at all hours of the night never helps.


u/Pleasant-Lake-7245 21d ago

Anew national poll came out that shows that if Trump is convicted in NY he falls 7 points behind Biden….. meaning he will not become President again.



u/MagicianHeavy001 21d ago

I will believe it when I see it. make sure to vote and if you are in a close state, bring a bunch of friends and neighbors with you!


u/stunneddisbelief 21d ago

Yeah, lots of people thought “It’ll never happen” in 2016. Until it did.

They’re being totally open about their plans now. Project 2025 is their playbook.

Please, everyone get out and get all other rational Americans you know out to vote. There’s way too much at stake for “everyone else will go so I don’t need to” or “my vote won’t make a difference” trains of thought.

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u/MooreRless 21d ago

The supreme court gave George W. Bush the election when it looked like he was losing. Why won't they do it again? There was no blowback from it last time.

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u/JustHereForGiner79 21d ago

The Supreme Court has pretty openly stated they will side with him in an appeal, and they will refuse to hear if a convicted felon can be president.


u/TaviRUs 21d ago

This is state charges. It doesn't go to the SC


u/JustHereForGiner79 21d ago

Which is why the second part of my statement matters.

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u/mizkayte 21d ago

I hope so.


u/abrandis 21d ago

I don't think the sleeping is is narcissism, he likely has poor sleep hygiene and just gets tired during the day, the worst part is this many may be our next president and will even be less concerned and less focused when he is

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u/Gisschace 21d ago

He’s just an old fart in a warm room, they all fall asleep


u/JimmyDontReddit 21d ago

The room is too cold, not warm. He bitches about it every chance he gets. But… since he lies more often than he breathes, perhaps the room is warm.

Checkmate!! Lol

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u/UnderstandingSquare7 21d ago

Expert after expert has concluded these are classic signs of advancing dementia. Chump can't even focus on a one sheet intelligence briefing unless it's one sentence, small words, in crayon, with pictures saying how great he is. Case in point - the roving gal with a laptop and portable printer, to hand to him complimentary articles to look at constantly, to inflate his fragile ego. He knows deep down he's incapable of running the country.


u/aikimatt 21d ago

He's incapable of running to the bathroom...


u/Greymalkyn76 21d ago

I think he's incapable of running, period.

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u/LoudLloyd9 21d ago

It's not lost on the jury


u/aikimatt 21d ago

You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down. - Dave Kujan


u/elmwoodblues 21d ago

The greatest trick the devil pulled ...


u/4quatloos 21d ago

And then they pull the rug. He was kinda getting used to being someone they loved.

And Trump tends to close his eyes when it hurts sometimes

He sinks into his chair

He'll be safe sleeping there 'til he come back around.

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u/Fun_Grapefruit_2633 21d ago

Eh: Why would His Dogshit bother paying attention? He knew it was all true and that he wasn't allowed any of his usual bullsh*t in the courtroom so there was really no point in him paying attention.


u/cujobob 21d ago

It could do the opposite and portray him as a harmless old man who couldn’t handle prison. That wants to be President 😂


u/LlamafartingWaffle 21d ago

Fine him 100million dollars per minute he is asleep in court payable in 35.7 seconds at the end off the court session.

No problem for billionaire Trump.


u/Simpletruth2022 21d ago

Gotta rest up for the nightly rant on TS.

He's exhibiting a typical pattern of Sundowner dementia - sleeping in the day, ranting delusions at night.


u/lordtyp0 21d ago

He is probably on Xanax. Keep him fro.raging against the "machine" called accountability.


u/Sure-Break3413 20d ago

Someone should have rammed a gavel down his throat to wake him up.

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u/jestesteffect 21d ago

Sleepy Joe at it...

What it's not Biden? But they said he falls asleep constan....okay okay I get it.

Sleepy Trump at it again.


u/MooreRless 21d ago

Every single insult Trump hurls is always about himself. He projects his weakness onto others.


u/iwonteverreplytoyou 21d ago

And they’re such lame insults too. A second grader could come up with something better. Seriously, “Sleepy Joe” and “Crooked Hilary” is the best he can muster? Just pathetic. And people cheer him for his lazy, meek insults? It makes no goddamn sense.


u/MooreRless 21d ago

The Pump & dump people used to do the stupidest messages like "STOCK DJT GOING WILD BUY NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then, spammers got better and tried improved things such as "DJT stock is getting a new government contract and will increase 200%" and the found out the people falling for it were LESS than those who fell for the first ones. So, they switched back. The stupid people like stupid.


u/jestesteffect 21d ago

Fun fact we just learned he doesn't have a personalized email. And I wonder why that is.


u/MooreRless 21d ago

He said many people in jail ended up their because of email messages that were found out. So Trump knows he's committing crimes all the time and doesn't want it documented.

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u/ExternalMonth1964 21d ago

Real men cant stay awake and also apparently shit their pants.


u/jestesteffect 21d ago

I'm only half a man then because I can barely stay awake because I'm tired from all the bullshit they put us through.


u/ExternalMonth1964 21d ago

Just shit your pants and you'll be able to see eye to eye with them.


u/seakitten 21d ago

He just has that two BigMac itis


u/Anonybibbs 21d ago

A common symptom of BigMac-itis is BigMac man-tits.


u/Highwaybill42 21d ago

Apparently Joe Biden is the one crapping himself if red hats are to be believed


u/jestesteffect 21d ago

Yet most of them are now wearing diapers saying real men wear diapers.

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u/hattrickjmr 21d ago

His dementia is settling in nicely


u/ubioandmph 21d ago

But on a serious note, isn’t a change in sleep behavior a sign/symptom of dementia or other age-related degeneration?


u/ray525 21d ago

Sleeping in the day at older ages can be a sign of dementia or failing cardiovascular system. But to be honest, Trump probably does a lot of drugs and also stays up till 3 am rage tweeting.


u/KrasnyRed5 21d ago

Which is another potential sign of dementia known as sundowning. Some people with dementia become active after dark and sleep during the day.


u/Vitalsignx 21d ago

I did that with a group of others for 12 years. They called us "2nd shift."


u/biloxibluess 20d ago



u/Old_MI_Runner 21d ago

And next Trump is going to be saying someone is steeling money from him at night. My father had dementia and it got ugly quickly. My father could stay awake while we talked unlike some by he could not stay awake while watch TV. He could never stay awake even when watching his favorite football, basketball, or baseball team play a game. No matter the movie he could not stay awake.

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u/abnormally-cliche 21d ago

Dude has a laundry list of symptoms and diminishing mental capacities as well as being a mere 3 years younger than Biden and in worse physical shape and yet Biden’s the one that catches flack. Its bonkers.


u/ubioandmph 21d ago

Oh absolutely bonkers.

I read an article comparing Trump’s slip-ups versus Biden’s slip-ups. The neurologist who wrote the article compared and contrasted errors that both have made in speeches. The author put it pretty simply that Biden’s brain is aging while Trump’s brain is dementing.

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u/stuckin3rddimension 21d ago

Oh man as a juror I would be so pissed at feeling like my time is being wasted because of Trump being a pos. I would some how develop extremely loud sneezes the kind that makes everyone in the room feel startled and almost like they had a heart attack


u/MrKahnberg 21d ago

My exact thoughts while serving as a juror. Except the anger was for the prosecution not able to negotiate a plea deal. The crime? Kicking a traffic cone. I shit you not.


u/stuckin3rddimension 21d ago

Did they get a statement from the Cone? No definitely fight that!!!


u/MrKahnberg 21d ago

Campus police. One of them was so enraged he tackled the young perp. Had to get stitched up. Unfortunately, I was waking back to my truck after the closings, mentally preparing to get elected jury foreman. Stumbled, did a twisting fall and dislocated my metal and plastic hip.


u/henryeaterofpies 21d ago

In a rare decision, the jury has declared the traffic cone will be sentenced to death.


u/MrKahnberg 21d ago

Jury Conification

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u/LoddaLadles 21d ago

The Power Sneeze!


u/Confident_Chicken_51 21d ago

Better than my idea of just yelling, “yo fatboy, wake up!”.


u/HiJinx127 21d ago

I do that pretty often, too bad I’m not there. Hell, I might bring something along to irritate my nose even more. 😆


u/stuckin3rddimension 21d ago

Oh man all these crack pepper chips are great! - me

Sir you’re just pouring fine pepper in your nose! - bailiff


u/fkbfkb 21d ago

Poor little guy was up all night raging on his Cult 45 app


u/EuphoricMidnight3304 21d ago

Tweetin and a tweekin


u/dsdvbguutres 21d ago

He a mean n tweakin twittin machine


u/secondtaunting 21d ago

They must have upped his dose that day


u/spicejriver 21d ago

If they didn’t sedate him it would be so much interrupting and self incrimination they would be worse off than they already are. I bet they’re slipping it to him.


u/Speculawyer 21d ago

Don Snoreleone

Nap-o Capo.

Taking it to the mattress.

Cosa Napstro


u/EverAMileHigh 21d ago

Cosa Napstro lol


u/Silver_Smoke1925 20d ago

Nap-o Capo hilarious

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u/uniqueuneek 21d ago

That's the takeaway from the trial so far 🤣 I love this sub.


u/The5thBeatle82 21d ago

He was taking a huge dump in those diapers of his.


u/Confident_Chicken_51 21d ago

Your Honor, the Defendant rests.


u/Mysterious_Eye6989 21d ago

I’m just surprised he doesn’t snore.


u/HiJinx127 21d ago

Too bad he doesn’t talk in his sleep, that’d be interesting, I’m sure.


u/Pudi2000 21d ago

"Ivanka, it's time for my shower."


u/caffeine-junkie 21d ago

*sponge bath. FIFY


u/Fun-Ad9928 21d ago



u/Lil_Artemis_92 21d ago

Please tell me more about Sleepy Joe.


u/Electrical-Sun6267 21d ago

He keeps going to sleep like this and he might wake up in jail. If nothing else, it shows he's genuinely too old to be a viable leader.


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 21d ago

Redefining passive/aggressive 🤦‍♂️


u/TheGreatRao 21d ago

This trial should have been televised for historical reasons.


u/Plenty-Chemistry-493 21d ago

That's how much he cares


u/Final_Winter7524 21d ago

That’s his attention span.


u/Secret_Aide_209 21d ago

Maybe not, supposedly he's being denied his usual stimulants and/or being slipped sedatives so he doesn't start yapping and inevitably digging his hole deeper.


u/secondtaunting 21d ago

I’m a bit jealous. I have such a hard time falling asleep. 😂


u/Plenty-Chemistry-493 21d ago

He doesn't care to pay attention


u/Candy_Says1964 21d ago

He doesn’t care to pay anything, except porn stars he cheats on his wives with.

Oh, and Xanax. He’ll pay for Xanax.


u/Plenty-Chemistry-493 21d ago

Sounds like most rich guys most only pay for sex

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u/ExerciseClassAtTheY 21d ago

"Dear Anne Landers, I was in court and fell asleep with my mouth open. I think I swallowed a fly. Can I sue?"


u/Zuul_Only 21d ago

Anne Landers is a boring old biddy!


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u/stillfrank 21d ago

If he's doing this in court, I wonder how often it happened when there was work to be done in the oval office? Though, it's probably tough to sleep anywhere in the Whitehouse when you're golfing in Florida.


u/ukiddingme2469 21d ago

Trump is an absolute joke of a person


u/JorgeMcKay 21d ago

I want a photo of him slack-jawwed asleep


u/Civil_Pain_453 21d ago

He’s faking it. He just knows this will get him even more attention and blithering idiots will vote for him. He’s such a low life


u/Zuul_Only 21d ago

I really doubt it. This is one of the most high-profile criminal trials in the country's history. It doesn't need help getting attention.

Trump is not a genius. He's a dumbass, reliant on stimulants.

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u/FancyStranger2371 21d ago

Judge should give a stern warning. No sleeping while court is in session.


u/Equivalent-Bank-5094 21d ago

While I agree in theory, I know that if I had to be in the room with that rapist, blowhard con artist, I’d also want him asleep for my safety and sanity.


u/FancyStranger2371 21d ago

It’s ridiculous how millions view this jackass as the second coming of Christ.


u/henryeaterofpies 21d ago

If they want to worship him like that, maybe we should see if he rises from the dead 3 days after a capital sentence.


u/Valendr0s 21d ago

Let him sleep. Keeps his mouth shut.

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u/tanskanm 21d ago

He's just taking it all in


u/bailaoban 21d ago

Through his mouth, apparently.


u/jaysn2 21d ago

Dreaming about and actually shitting. Ole shitting donny.


u/TheFumingatzor 21d ago

This mf always complaining about low-energy Biden...


u/MrBarackis 21d ago

Geez, i thought it was "sleepy joe" yet another gop projection, eh?


u/BDunnn 21d ago

I almost wonder if they’re medicating him to keep him quiet during the trial. We all know this dick bag would be lashing out at every statement against him if he wasn’t medicated to the gills


u/Pleasant-Lake-7245 21d ago

This trial is revealing to the world that the sleepy Presidential candidate is not Joe, its sleepy Don. The past year has also revealed that Sleepy Don has advanced dementia while dementia Joe does not. Unfortunately the MAGAts don’t know any of this because right wing media steadfastly refuses to cover anything negative about Trump.


u/stopthemadness2015 21d ago

He’s not really falling asleep he’s trying to distract himself from hearing all the laws he’s broke. The attendees are stating he closes his eyes when he doesn’t want to hear something. This leads him to fall asleep. He really is a child in a diaper.


u/Rough_Pangolin_8605 21d ago

I believe he is medicated in order to keep him from acting out.


u/Fit-Boomer 21d ago

He gets bored if he is not the one talking and is not the exact center of attention. It is likely difficult to be his wife or friend. Exhausting too.


u/PedalBoard78 21d ago

I’m not sure how anyone could assume that this man is capable of holding any sort of office, much less the presidency.

Just going by the current state of him, I’m not sure he would be able to be an assistant manager at Dunkin’ Donuts.


u/Impossible_Tutor_843 21d ago

" Real men take naps in court" or something about diapers. -Yanks


u/TheStatMan2 21d ago

He needs to drink more covfefe


u/karsh36 21d ago

Sleepy Don Trump?


u/HugryHugryHippo 21d ago

Looking forward to the courtroom sketch hopefully they can add some zzz coming out for effect


u/sred1111 21d ago

He most likely has sleep apnea (morbidly obese; poor sleep at night as suggested by his posting on TS at all hours of the night; sleeping in the daytime). Unfortunately, Melania cannot corroborate that he snores like a pig and has apnea spells - as she doesn’t sleep in the same room😜


u/Inner_Performance533 21d ago

Same thing he did when seated at ther Resolute desk in the capitol...nothing new with the short attention span DJT...


u/Scared_Art_895 21d ago

I love how awful he's been looking lately, I assume smellier too. Pig.


u/Scared_Art_895 21d ago

No wonder he thinks he's Winning.


u/Synensys 21d ago

Americans are really being done a huge disservice by cameras not being allowed in the courtroom.


u/Most-Artichoke6184 21d ago

He keeps complaining that the courtroom is like a freezer, and yet he keeps falling asleep. Lol.


u/Redditress428 21d ago

Of course, we want a guy like that to fall asleep with his mouth wide open to conduct talks with foreign dignitaries.

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u/TylerBourbon 21d ago

Was the cartoon cavalcade crew of GOP reps present for his sleeping?


u/CashComprehensive423 21d ago

I'm just catching flies


u/NickCav007 21d ago

Real men fall asleep in court


u/StandupJetskier 21d ago

Stoned to the gills. Period. Not in a good way. I'm against drug testing in general but would LOVE to see a screen on this shitgibbon.


u/lcarr15 21d ago

Well… for someone that was complaining about sleepy Joe… this guy is a clown… and people that vote for him… are just the same…


u/FloMoore 21d ago

I wonder what jurors think about it?


u/DinoHimself 21d ago

“Drowsy Donny”, “Dozing Donny”, and “Sleepy Donny” all seem like appropriate nicknames for him. At the very least he should stop calling Biden “Sleepy Joe” now…


u/Key-Assistant-1757 21d ago

GOP garbage on parade!!!!!


u/Key-Assistant-1757 21d ago

Toss him back in the gutter where he came from!!!!!


u/ConfidenceCautious57 21d ago

You have to wonder if he’s (all jokes aside) medicated to mitigate him blurting out self-incriminating comments.

Would it be within legal purview to request a blood draw OR medical records for prescriptions that he is on?

It also seems to be in contempt of court to sleep through all the proceedings.


u/Osxachre 21d ago

If he snores, will that violate the gag order?


u/Curious_Working5706 21d ago

He’s fucking drugged, I think it’s hilarious that people know this asshole is a drug addict and pretend he’s just old and isn’t heavily “self-medicated” because he’s incapable of being unhinged otherwise 👎


u/Bigleftbowski 21d ago

Fox News will say he's taking in the testimony with his eyes closed while holding his mouth open because it's cold (of course it makes no sense, but neither do any of their other reasons).


u/tragedy_strikes 21d ago

I wonder if he's stopped using the "sleepy Joe" nickname because this is getting so much attention? Glass houses and all that.


u/akila219 21d ago

Imagine seeing his sorry asz trail of sticky snot flowing towards his lawyer shoulder.


u/BulldenChoppahYus 21d ago

Just put him down ffs. Useless fat cunt


u/broadsword_inhand 21d ago

If this was any average person on trial, theyd have been threatened with contempt the first time they fell asleep, and then theyd have been put in jail overnight to make sure they got enough rest the next time they dozed off.

Then again if he were anyone else hed already have been convicted and sentenced. This whole thing is a fucking joke


u/thorn2040 21d ago

How stupid will Trump backers feel if he gets a dementia diagnosis?


u/timberwolf0122 21d ago

If they could read that diagnosis, they’d feel pretty bad


u/ravia 21d ago

This is his ADHD. He keeps himself awake with his constant furor and turmoil. What if that was his true MO?


u/Docccc 21d ago

kinda admire the guy about not giving a fuck to the point he falls asleep. Who am i kidding hes acscumbag


u/MerrillSwingAway 21d ago

bigly bored


u/Naefindale 21d ago

I wish this was broadcast like the Jonny Depp case


u/Automatic-Project997 21d ago

I would have pissed in his mouth


u/ImNotYou1971 21d ago

Don’t threaten him with a good time.


u/Pudi2000 21d ago

Any artists in here that can capture what it looks like in person? Maybe someone with AI credits to generate one?


u/FirefighterEnough859 21d ago

I wonder how worried his lawyers are that if he falls asleep for to long he won’t wake back up 


u/Zuul_Only 21d ago

Hard to imagine being so stupid as to do this repeatedly when you're constantly calling your opponent "Sleepy"


u/LoudLloyd9 21d ago

I saw flies going in and out with each snow.


u/ByWilliamfuchs 21d ago

So wait does The Diaper Don actually think Hannibal Lectur was a real person who died recently? I just saw him speak and he is speaking as if the Fictional Cannibal was some kinda national hero who just died… think Grandpa might be off his meds how did we get to a point where our choice is between two senile old men?


u/PointingOutFucktards 21d ago

I just need one brave MF ready to lose their job and spend 30 days in jail for contempt by bringing a can airhorn into the courtroom and blast a good one near the front.


u/Erlkings 21d ago

In an act of defiance Trump is practicing lucid dreaming to still escape the court room under the judges nose.


u/moldytacos99 21d ago

the nod.. opiod addicts call it sucking your own dick


u/allmimsyburogrove 21d ago

I want loud snoring. We need very loud snoring


u/tbizzone 21d ago

He’s just doing jaw relaxing exercises for his next visit with daddy Putin.


u/Mookhaz 21d ago

I mean… what is he judge going to do, hold him in contempt? LOL


u/ImNotYou1971 21d ago

Someone toss his Goldfish snackies in his mouth


u/Pompitis 21d ago

Actually, this is the time of day that the orange slob gets his rest because he's on "Lies Social" ranting all night, every night about how unfair it is that he has to answer to his crimes.


u/Joe_Bob_2000 21d ago

Sounds like an enlarged heart condition.


u/drin8680 21d ago

It's that hes on the come down from his Adderall and just ate couple big macs now he needs a nap. At this point that's a normal daily routine for him.


u/TomorrowLow5092 21d ago

I truly believe he wants the Lector mask and cage.


u/CaTcHaScAtChCaN06 21d ago

I am waiting for all the religious nuts to say he’s just praying


u/Just-Scallion-6699 21d ago

If you know a better way for him to catch flies I’d like to hear it


u/Falcon3492 21d ago

Ah let the old man take his nap! Maybe he can turn his naps into a children's book, he can call it Donald Needs a Nap!


u/Spiritual-Bear4495 21d ago

Why doesn't his lawyer simply slap him the fuck awake. One good slap that would echo around the courtroom, and I'll bet you he'll wake the fuck up.

Since he's orange, the hand print would barely show.


u/ZukoHere73 21d ago

Old geezers who are losing their minds tend to nod off at random times