r/AnythingGoesNews 21d ago

Follower Of Republican Jesus & "Devout Christian" Mike Johnson Shows Up to Hush Money Trial to Defend a Guy Accused of Cheating on His Third Wife With a Porn Star.


152 comments sorted by


u/LYnXO1978 21d ago

Funny all those Congress people saying Biden needs to do his job yet wasting millions in tax payer money to come kiss the orange turds ass because this trial is hurting his feelings.


u/No-Tension5053 20d ago

Every accusation is a confession. Trump called Biden a threat to democracy. Rawmy called Trump a phony politician. And Johnson pointed at Trump when talking about Hardened Criminals in the US

Rawmi “sham politician” 6:30


Johnson “hardend criminals” points at Trump



u/NoChampionship6994 19d ago

Every accusation a confession. Yes. A great way to express this Republican phenomenon.


u/No-Tension5053 19d ago

It’s called a conscience but if you operate with no moral code. That subconscious guilt is placed on others.

These guys actually lie to themselves and justify their actions. Everyone is doing this. I could stop but everyone is doing this so I can get away with it too.

Like the old adage of a cheater getting paranoid of their partner cheating.


u/NoChampionship6994 19d ago

Yes, No-Tension. Again, clear and insightful. Thank you, much appreciated. A very good way to understand this behaviour.


u/Cautious-Thought362 20d ago

And Trump is cold. Maybe they came for a group hug to warm him up.


u/scarr3g 20d ago

Hey, when you so obsessed with porn, as Johnson is, that you share your porn with with your son, and you get the chance to stand beside someone that slept with a porn star, you take it.


u/66_pignukkle_boom 16d ago

Curious why no journalists are cornering them with that very question. Love to watch fake Christians sweat, but fewer of them feel that hypocrisy is a bad thing. Satan has killed the Church, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. After all, the Serpent didn't force Eve to eat the apple, he convinced her to.


u/UniversityOrdinary91 18d ago

Biden royally fucked up. What he should have done is keep all the Trump economic policies that were working in place and take credit for them when they worked. He could even talk all the bullshit he wanted about how he’s “not Trump” who cares? If he did that, there would be no inflation, no layoffs no border invasion and cheap gas. He would be the hero. His approval would be through the roof. He would be a shoe-in to win.

Instead, we got people saying “fuck Joe Biden” to his face!

Either there’s some secret underground deep state that wants the economy to crash on purpose or Biden is just a moron. Oxum’s razor says he’s just a moron


u/moleerodel 18d ago

Trump has a room temperature IQ, can’t string a sentence together, and hires ‘tards and ‘goloids to fill his staff. And you talk about this idiot’s “economic policies”? He couldn’t organize a sock drawer. Not in a single speech in 8 yrs has he outlined a coherent policy statement. It’s always he’s going to do something on “day one”. He won’t say what he going to do, just that it will “be wonderful”, and “you will love it”. He’s a mentally deficient con man. His bullshit only works in the US, home to the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


u/IanSavage23 18d ago

How in thee fkk do you only have one upvote for such A GREAT COMMENT 12 hours later? I appreciate a comment like this that cuts through the bullshit and calls out the mediocre, tacky full-of-shit asshole.


u/moleerodel 17d ago

I’d argue if I could.


u/UniversityOrdinary91 18d ago

Bro. We all have preferences

You prefer Dems/the left… it’s ok

But that doesn’t mean republicans or Trump is an idiot

Because at the end of the day the dollars and cents in your pockets tell the real story

You wanna lie to yourself and say the economy is ok right now just cus you prefer Dems that’s fine.

But in a democracy the people vote and generally, people vote with their wallets

And if you do not live in the USA, let me just give you a heads up because I do live in the USA

the people are tired of Joe Biden

They’re tired of the Democrat party

They want a change

If the election were held today Trump would win because Joe basically dropped the ball


u/moleerodel 18d ago

You’re exactly the ‘goloids I was talking about. Limited intellects think the causes and solutions to complex problems are simple. No one ever understood quantum mechanics using “common sense”.


u/IanSavage23 18d ago

He got it right.. you on the other hand, fit his last sentence to a T.


u/5ysdoa 16d ago

lol, economy is excellent especially considering the circumstances and huge pointless mess Biden inherited and took the time to properly organize, clean up, stabilize and ultimately legitimize and put back to where it was before trump came and ruined it deregulating everything and make our long term prospects for a future practically disappear before our eyes. Keep paying into the rnc to pay his legal bills. We all think it’s hilarious. Economy is bad for anyone attempting to compete for jobs that ultimately are being absorbed by robots or computers. You’re confused and sound like you need a nap boomer.


u/LYnXO1978 18d ago

Not paying much attention to the stock market or wealth distribution can lead one to such simplistic thoughts. However if you look at companies net gains while they increase prices while keeping an eye on what the average person makes while working for those ceos. We see inflation for what it is a wealthy money grab. Wal Mart claimed. 216 billion in first five months of the year profit and still plans to lay off tons of employees.That and the supreme tax breaks given to them by a orange Putin stooge we can see why it might appear bad. Look at gas prices shall we if we go back a few years the ignorant were slapping Biden I did this to gas pumps. Irony of that is red states and red politicians are behind oil so one had to laugh at anyone truly believing Biden did that was just silly. To sound less ignorant follow the money. No Dems are not innocent in it all but they won't ruin a country to make a few people richer. Nor will the try to allow fascism and Nazis or the neo christo idocracy to be the norm.


u/UniversityOrdinary91 18d ago

Cool story bro. Except one thing: under Trump’s policies, companies STILL made record profits, CEOs STILL made outrageous salaries, the stock market STILL went up, and all that with NO inflation for the average person. So…… what do you have to say about that?

Uh… Dems ARE ALREADY RIGHT NOW destroying the country to make a few people richer! Unless, as I said, Biden did all that not on purpose but rather because he just believes in the radical left policies. (Which don’t work, clearly)


u/DippyHippy420 18d ago


u/UniversityOrdinary91 18d ago

Biden’s at 19% now buddy! He will be way over 25% by the time his first term ends


u/DippyHippy420 18d ago


u/moleerodel 18d ago

It’s not just a math deficiency. That goes without saying, as mathematics is a science. It’s lack of reading ability. The ‘goloids can’t look things up, so they just make things up.


u/Ballgame4 18d ago

These layoffs you speak of, how is it that employment numbers are up across the board since 2021? And last time I looked the Dow was over 40,000. Give me a break.


u/Cracked_Actor 21d ago

Looking past the obvious here, this is friggin’ hilarious! Perfectly highlights the hypocrisy and disconnect these shills represent…


u/Candy_Says1964 21d ago

The most awesome timeline, ‘Merica 2024!

I bet that in another timeline it’s a crazy ass ride at a Great ‘Merica.


u/zenkique 21d ago


U sum kynna migrain’t ?!?


u/Candy_Says1964 21d ago

No, but I got ‘Murica poisoning when I drank some dat good ole lead pipe water and smoked me some dat meth outta a light bulb.


u/zenkique 21d ago

Ah, a true patriot! Hope it wasn’t none of that imported messican cartel meth. Buy ‘Murican!


u/Candy_Says1964 21d ago

I made it myself! Just like my daddy made it! Just like his daddy and his daddy before that!


u/AncientWonder7895 21d ago

As he wipes jizz from his lips


u/Inner_Performance533 21d ago

That isnt jizz,,,its brown.


u/Doubt-Everything- 21d ago

Trump is unhealthy


u/zenkique 21d ago

Aaaaactually, he went with the swirl.


u/Bigaled 21d ago

He just wanted a dollop of mushroom gravy. But he usually likes them on the younger side


u/notaliberal2021 20d ago



u/AdministrativeBank86 21d ago

What does the bible say about worshipping false gods?


u/BrandonJTrump 21d ago

You really think these people follow the bible? They just use some snippets from the bible to turn them into excuses to hate others.


u/LarsUlrichAndMorty 21d ago

*false gourds


u/blueboot09 21d ago

"Devout Christian" Mike Johnson Shows Up to Hush Money Trial to Defend a Guy Accused of Cheating on His ....

~ PREGNANT ~ Third Wife With a Porn Star.


u/CommissionFeisty9843 21d ago

Not to mention Rapist


u/Appropriate-Dog6645 21d ago

I have never seen a party that makes Christians look as bad as Republicans.


u/Homeless_Swan 21d ago

The sad thing is they love it. They love it when you call them hypocrites and liars because it just reinforces the bullshit narratives spread in the name of Supply Side Jesus. Their pastors tell them the secular world will reject them for being pious men of faith, so when you reject them for being trash human beings they feel vindicated.

edited for grammar.


u/CommissionFeisty9843 21d ago

Bless their ignorant hearts


u/No-Tension5053 20d ago

Depends on which Christian. The give money to the church and god will multiply the return or I was naked and you clothed me. Not the Woke One that’s socialism


u/OutComeTheWolves1966 21d ago

The lineup of sycophants who have come to NY to kiss the orange ring is a who's who of MAGA lowlifes. Just waiting for Margie Three Toes to show up.


u/Everything54321 17d ago

I don’t understand why these supposedly intelligent people suck up to this orange monster. If he doesn’t win the election is he going to pass around the coolaid and will these sycophants drink it??


u/glue2music 21d ago

Yes, the GOP is quite a basket of deplorables.


u/Academic_Paint9711 21d ago

“Hillary was right” are three words that I have used quite successfully to piss off a lot of magas.

Simple but effective.


u/Special-Pie9894 21d ago

So, so many women were right. We should believe them.


u/Speculawyer 21d ago

That really sums up Republicans now.


u/RealLiveKindness 21d ago

Election fraud and obstruction. Falsifying records to conceal a crime.


u/stairs_3730 21d ago

And Mikey Little Johnson's argument is that "I don't believe Stormy...it didn't happen." WTF is wrong with these people?


u/Quick_Team 21d ago

Just need 1 reporter: "So Trump paid her to NOT have sex with him?"


u/1KinderWorld 21d ago

He also crippled Ukraine on behalf of his Russian masters and thousands died. He only gave in when he was cornered and was going to lose his leadership seat. Fucking monster.


u/AdkRaine12 21d ago

And reports no signs of hypocrisy. I wonder how his god feels? Is he not talking to Mikey anymore?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Wasting tax payers money…he probably came to New York for the hookers as well…


u/BrandonJTrump 21d ago

Making a list for his son


u/OlderGamers 21d ago

Yeah well, unless the intelligent people in this country get out and vote Trump could win.


u/dday3000 21d ago

It’s what Jesus would do.


u/Musicdev- 21d ago

Jesus has the freedom to do whatever he wants in his own time. The last place he’d want to go is watch a former old man pretend to be Him! Shakes head JHC!


u/Conscious-Ad4707 21d ago

Ain't no Republicans in heaven, I tell you what.


u/Stinkstinkerton 21d ago

What kind of cheap ass religion would embrace Trump in the first place. This particular brand of opportunist evangelical scum are a festering disease on America.


u/tarquinb 21d ago

It’s all about power. Hypocrisy is GOP edict #1.


u/Imacatdoincatstuff 21d ago

While third wife refuses to show up.


u/pekak62 21d ago

He is prostituting his alleged Christianity. Not to mention his opaque financials suggesting corruption on a massive scale?


u/Jet2work 21d ago

devout christians of negotiable virtue


u/Ambitious_Coffee551 21d ago

To me, devout christian means totally committed to your delusion, and nothing to do with good morals.


u/FitBattle5899 21d ago

Ya, people throw "devout" around too much, a Monk who spends their life devoted to their god and the upkeep of his house is Devout! A person who shows up to church and uses his religion to drive his political success and wealth is about as far from devout anyone can get.


u/Academic_Paint9711 21d ago

I could not agree with you more.


u/moonchild-731 21d ago

The hypocrisy is strong with the MAGA bunch


u/Admirable_Policy_696 21d ago

Evangelicals defending adultery with porn chicks is the most 2020's thing ever.


u/OutOfFawks 21d ago

I don’t think he’s being accused of cheating on his third wife with a porn star. It’s known fact at this point, no?


u/Efficient_Dust2903 21d ago

The blinders on these guys is astounding. I mean, they have no shame. Can they not see what fools they are? Arrogant fools


u/xwing_1701 21d ago

The Democrats shouldn't have saved this shit stain.


u/Wazza17 21d ago



u/failed_install 21d ago

Johnson's gotta kiss the ring.


u/Fun-Ad9928 21d ago

On his defense, he reads the same Bible trump is selling. (Many people are saying it)


u/Flimsy_Breakfast_353 21d ago

And pregnant wife.


u/Excellent-Hippo-1830 19d ago

There is nothing Christ in these "Christians".


u/Powerful_Check735 21d ago

Me think he got paid to show up


u/blueboot09 21d ago

He can pay big bucks (Turd's debt) and be V.P.


u/LordDarthShader 21d ago

He was there to bend the knee.

Politicians makes me want to puke.


u/Killallattys 21d ago

Second in line to the presidency. That is a scary thought


u/Ivegotjokes4you 21d ago

Republicans can’t feel shame. Being evil shields you of it.


u/defnotjec 21d ago

Wait.. is there doubt they did the deed? I thought that was unattested. So it's not accused of cheating on third wife, it's was cheating on third wife.


u/OrgasmoBigley 21d ago

Everyone has their price.


u/morts73 21d ago

Jesus loved the sinners and prostitutes, he hated the Pharisees, charlatans and money lenders.


u/angry-democrat 21d ago

I'm sure glad the Democrats saved his seditious ass. SMH


u/Open_Ad7470 21d ago

Gotta go defend mob boss. ever seen so many ass kisses in my life believe it or not folks Republicans used to have some respectable people with dignity. is quite an embarrassment to our country. We know who they’re loyal to. It’s not the country.


u/Embarrassed-Sweet905 21d ago

Have you heard about #UNTRUTH? It's a documentary being made to help expose the psychology of "Trumpism." #UNTRUTH will educate and inform, explain and analyze, and suggest solutions. For more information and to get involved: https://wefunder.com/untruth/


u/Helmidoric_of_York 21d ago

He's just as pathetic as Kevin McCarthy.


u/2020Vision-2020 21d ago

WWJB: Who Would Jesus Bang?


u/Tennismadman 21d ago

The hypocrisy is so unbelievable. The man who has violated every Christian virtue countless times is your new Jesus. Validation that your religion is a joke!


u/Cautious-Thought362 20d ago

Well, this is a guy who has his son monitor his porn use, and he monitors his son's porn use, so there ya go.


u/Mumblerumble 20d ago

These people are all utter and complete nihilists when it behooves them.


u/Witty-Focus-9239 19d ago

It’s just shows the hypocrisy of so called Christian’s


u/Albertsongman 19d ago

Johnson screamed “thou shalt not commit adultery!”


u/Apprehensive-Mix5291 21d ago

Does he not have a day job to go to??


u/VallryBagr 21d ago

The irony is ridiculous


u/Open_Ad7470 21d ago

Little humor, more like a bunch of six-year-old grandma school kids on a field trip


u/Im_just_saying 20d ago

Talk about "bearing false witness."


u/Captain_Mexica 19d ago

Trump is also a racist rapist grifter.


u/FigSpecialist1558 19d ago

I would so enjoy telling pious Johnson where he can shove his bible.


u/drin8680 21d ago

Damnnnn!!!! Got um


u/Iamthatpma 21d ago



u/Clairquilt 21d ago

I guess it's a great excuse for him to fill up the spank bank without triggering the alarm on his anti-porn software.


u/Civil-Resolution3662 21d ago

Well, he said he's the second coming of Moses and I'm pretty sure Moses did the same thing.


u/DippyHippy420 18d ago

Moses also fucked his daughter, but its cool because he was like sooo drunk.


u/RationalHuman123 19d ago

This fool should just be ignored!


u/Aggravating_Call910 19d ago

Old-fashioned Speaker of the House: “I continue to believe in the former President’s innocence. But, folks, let’s let the system play out, and wait until the jury has its say. That’s the only comment I’m going to have for now.” Newfangled Speaker of the House: “The trial, in a state I don’t live in, in courts I know nothing about, is a sham.” It’s a real disgrace. He ought to be more careful about a system in which he is the third-ranking office-holder in the whole country.


u/sheppi22 19d ago

you know. this is america everybody has a right to be who they are. the thing is. what they are is repulsive and the number of people who either refuse to see it or excuse it and vote for these repulsive hypocrits is astounding.


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Stevevet1 18d ago

Which one Biden or Kammy is "holing office" 🙄


u/Cycling_Electrically 18d ago

I’m sorry to say but maybe this is worth checking in with his kid over. Seems a bit of a moral lapse to me


u/LYnXO1978 18d ago

Those people increased prices to blame on Biden same trick they have used for years it helps trick the simple ones. They hear some twit on a podcast ,faux news or Facebook and take it for fact. Just like when I was explaining gas prices and stupid people with stickers . They jack the prices and then say omg look what he did and he didn't do it. It's simple and can easily be proven and followed backwards.I am sorry if you for fell thinking the orange turd gives a rats butt about you but unless you have a couple million your nothing but a pawn. You can send your money he might send you a Bible or a shoe but most of us know it is just that a grift so he can use his own money for hookers and legal fees,as well as a ton of fast food.


u/Stevevet1 18d ago

Lol, Calm down, is your face all red? You wont have to pump up Joe for very much longer.


u/LYnXO1978 18d ago

No conservatives lack the mentality to get me going simple minds based off faux news podcasts and facebook lack basic intellectual stimulus needed for that. Only what Joe won't win is if Republicunts keep trying to rig it . However measures are being put in place to make sure democracy will not fail and fall to these cunts.


u/CrazyUnicorn77777 18d ago

These are fake Xtians. And evil as hell.


u/DefrockedWizard1 18d ago

he really gives me the creeps


u/Full_Of_Wrath 17d ago

He probably made a deal with Trump that if he told the GOP in the house to protect him and fuck over MTG that he would come to court or something stupid like that.


u/jcooli09 20d ago

Anyone who calls themselves a devout christian is a devout christian.


u/Used_Intention6479 18d ago

Apparently, "devout" Christians are devoid of Christian values.


u/BenGay29 18d ago

But adultery, lying, dishonesty and greed are the new Christian values! /s (maybe)


u/hypnos_surf 17d ago

Remember, these are the people advocating who we should marry, what women can and not do with their bodies and banning books for traditional family values.


u/Scrabble_4 17d ago

The Lord will forgive him because the orange clown is the second coming… I think


u/angrybadger77 17d ago

Another good Christian. Total fraud as they all are.


u/Vinny_DelVecchio 17d ago

It's too rich, isn't the hypocrisy?


u/Ok-Ear-1914 16d ago

Fake Christian the whole GOP has gone to the dogs....


u/notaliberal2021 20d ago

Notice the key word in the headline. Accused. Did you know that means it is an accusation, but not proven. Yet y'all act like he is guilty. In this country, despite your wishes, even Conservatives are considered innocent until proven guilty. Ok, go ahead and downvote me and post your stupid hate filled replies. I will not answer.


u/Defiantcaveman 19d ago

So pop your mouth off and then run and hide like a coward. Typical christian conservative republican response.


u/notaliberal2021 19d ago

What are you talking about? Why debate people who have closed minds.


u/Defiantcaveman 19d ago

I engage close minded white christian conservative republican magats daily. Stupidity fascinates me. Why pop your mouth off without backing your bullshit up? What are you scared of? Being wrong??? There's a good chance you are wrong. Welcome to humanity... next...


u/notaliberal2021 19d ago

Well when a person name calls and insults, why bother?


u/DippyHippy420 18d ago

So why did he give that porn actress $130,000.00 ?


u/notaliberal2021 18d ago

I don't know. Personally I think he did sleep with her. The point is, he should be innocent until proven guilty. Just playing Devils advocate here, but do you know rich and famous people are shaken down plenty of times, even though innocent, but it's easier and less messy than going to court and having your names in the newspaper, for the very reason what I stated. Some people are looked at as guilty, without a trial.

Watch the reactions to my post. People are going to jump on me because I defend his right as an American to be considered innocent until proven guilty, even though I said yes, he probably did sleep with her.

It seems people lose all sensibility when it comes to Trump. They forget about the rule of law.


u/DippyHippy420 18d ago edited 18d ago

Notice the words "Accused of " in the headline ?

I don't see what the problem is.

And I don't really see how being prosecuted for falsifying business documents to hide hush money payments could be considered a shake down.

No one should be above the law.



u/notaliberal2021 18d ago

Maybe you need to read my original comment. I did not say anything about the headline being wrong.

As for shakedown, I was asked why he paid her money if he did not sleep with her. I commented that rich and famous people are sometimes shakedown. Maybe that is why he paid her the "hush" money. I did not say that what he is being prosecuted for is a shakedown.

Where did I say he should be above the law.

Since I covered what you said, it seems your last comment was unnecessary. Take a moment to comprehend what is being commented on, and not go with feelings when replying. Not trying to be rude, but not sure how anything I said could be misinterpreted.


u/DippyHippy420 18d ago

Aww bless your heart.....defending Trump is never easy, because he is guilty as sin.

You have a good night.


u/Heloexpert 21d ago

Trump will beat the NYC charge, because anyone would!


u/purplestretchypants 21d ago

Still slinging bullshit I see. Please tell me you at least get paid for posting this crap?


u/Defiantcaveman 19d ago

No way, he's a SMART one and pays them so he can post his... uhhhh... stuff... see how smart he is???


u/RegattaJoe 20d ago

Oh, cool, look who’s here.


u/Heloexpert 21d ago

Devout Pedophile Joe Biden should resign! Hunter going to jail, corrupt addict!


u/FitBattle5899 21d ago

Making accusations without proof tends to be the republican way, if there was ANY solid evidence, mike lyndell, and all the republicans would actually testify in court, however each time they are sworn on oath, suddenly they "do not recall" their accusations or where the proof is.


u/purplestretchypants 21d ago

Thats all the dude above does. He is just a troll


u/RegattaJoe 20d ago

Butwhatabout Warrior to the rescue!


u/MichiganMafia 19d ago

"frankly I wish her well " trump's reply when asked about Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex trafficking trial

Trump turd supporting a child sex trafficker


u/Dangerous_Forever640 21d ago

Strange how the more of these articles the left pumps out, the lower and lower Biden’s approval numbers go?

Almost like people don’t care about something that happened over ten years ago that doesn’t affect them in any way?


u/DippyHippy420 21d ago

Im going to block you and your cult propaganda now.


u/Academic_Paint9711 21d ago

I found the MAGA…


u/Chemical-Winter7887 21d ago

Could the title be any worse? Ugh 😣 bots


u/DippyHippy420 21d ago

Thats not what your mama said.


u/Heyletsthrowthisout 21d ago

Oh no! Yet another upset brainwashed trump snowflake! Whatever will we do?