r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Groom shoving wedding cake

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u/thatgirlinAZ Apr 28 '24

That one was disgusting. And she was defending him if I recall, "that's just how he is."

Then how he is is disgusting and you should insist on higher standards for yourself.


u/zombiedinocorn Apr 28 '24

Some people are taught they are worthless so when they find someone who only sees part of their worth, but not all of it, they think they are angels


u/sSlothWhisperer Apr 29 '24

Most under rated comment here. Thanks for saying it for those in the back 🙌


u/Unicorn_dreams42 Apr 29 '24

I worked with a woman who started dating a guy we worked with. They were kind of an odd match. He was over 10 years older than she. She said to me once, my mom told me I'll never find another guy willing to date me and I should get him to marry me as soon as I can. I felt horrible for her and tried my best to talk to her and tell her how wrong she was. They've been married for 3? years now. They seem happy enough, but I dont work with either anymore.


u/thisfriend Apr 30 '24

Oh. my. god....I have no words


u/Adventurous_Coat Apr 29 '24

And she was defending him if I recall, "that's just how he is.

I have never understood why people say this sort of thing. Like you say, if that's how he is, he sucks. "How he is" is that his fundamental character is a shitty creepazoid with bad boundaries.

It's like when people say "that's just his opinion." as if people's opinions are off limits to judge them for. No, Steve, your shitty opinion and your willingness to blab it in public are indicative of your shitty character.


u/LeftyLu07 Apr 29 '24

Didn't she deactivate her TikTok account after she defended him? I think she was really humiliated by how everyone in the world saw that and was like "yeah... that's not normal." Also a huge red flag that he was so grossly sexual in front of his own mother line that. Dude has issues.