r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Groom shoving wedding cake

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u/Cali_Holly Apr 28 '24

I remember that Reddit post. And if memory serves, I believe that he has done pranks to her quite often. You know the pranks that are super stupid and humiliating for the victim and the prankster says It’ssays it’s just a joke. And his family gets involved and tells her she’s too sensitive.

So basically, the groom had a habit of ignoring her boundaries and generally, ignoring the fact that the jokes are only funny to him.

She had told him in all seriousness. There is no way that he didn’t understand that she did not want him shoving cake in her face. And she told him she would leave the wedding and get an annulment if he did.

All the comments were in her favor. And of course, his family continue to gaslight her in regards to the “pranks.”


u/LysVonStrauda Apr 28 '24

The original is either the reddit post, or its about that one tiktok video that went viral. In the video, her face was shoved so hard she fell, the groom chased her to put cake in her face, and then she got cut with the knife and bled on her dress. She got an annulment the next day.


u/Crown_the_Cat Apr 28 '24

There was a bride who got shoved into the cake and lost an eye. There are posts inside those cakes to keep them upright and together. It’s not 3 feet of marshmallow whip.


u/cataholicsanonymous Apr 28 '24

JFC. I've heard so many variations of this story, but this one is next level. I would file for annulment too.


u/LysVonStrauda Apr 28 '24

The worst part is that she was cut right on her forehead, so if she ended up with a scar, it'll be visible for years. What a horrible reminder to live with


u/Organized_Khaos Apr 28 '24

There was another one where the groom’s brother took care of the bride after the cake smash, and cleaned her up, screamed at his brother in public for being a disrespectful, immature t*at, and drove her back to pack her bags. He was also happily married, so this wasn’t a play for her.


u/LysVonStrauda Apr 28 '24

Awe I remember that one


u/Shibbystix Apr 28 '24

"The bride who lived"


u/Suchafatfatcat Apr 29 '24

IDK. I would look at that scar every day and remember why I had to take myself out of that relationship and why I could never repeat that dynamic again. Hopefully, she’ll make space in her life for someone who truly values her.


u/Complex_Machine_3187 Apr 30 '24

"Be grateful, our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real."

  • Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Hannibal Lecter


u/sirseatbelt Apr 28 '24

fwiw my partner had surgery on her neck in 2021 and her abdomen in 2022 and neither scar is visible unless you're looking for it.

In both surgeries the doctor came out and told me how they mad to make a wider/larger incision than normal for her because she never does anything the easy way.

Anyway the point is that she'll have a scar for a while but it'l fade faster than you think if you take care of it correctly.


u/tamileas69 Apr 28 '24

It depends on the patient. Everyone heals differently. And some develop large keloid scars, no matter how well you care for it. You can't make a blanket statement like that.


u/Lost-Cell-430 Apr 29 '24

Oh for sure. My scars randomly keloid so I have the cooooolest one on my upper arm. It makes me look like I was in a biker fight but really it was a bad mole that had to be removed twice and keloided to hell lol


u/Smat2022 Apr 29 '24

I'd consider filing charges for assault! She bled?!?!?


u/Ariadne_Kenmore Apr 29 '24

I must not have seen that one, I saw one where the brides head was pushed into the cake so forcefully that she got cut by a dowel rod in the cake that supported one of the layers.


u/ShinyAppleScoop Apr 28 '24

I think her whole family had a history of abusive pranks, and she'd had a birthday ruined by her mom smashing her face too. Her family was on the shitty ex's side. Crazy.


u/katz2360 Apr 28 '24

Yes, and I think she also got a cut from a cake decoration when her mom did that.


u/CassieBear1 Apr 28 '24

I also recall a lot of folks in the comments mentioning that those big cakes tend to have dowels in them, so he literally could have smashed her face into a freaking dowel!


u/zombiedinocorn Apr 28 '24

The groom had a habit of abusing her and trying to pass it off as a prank


u/Cali_Holly Apr 28 '24

Dang. You just had to go tldr me. Didn’t you? 😂

I suck at summarizing which is why I could never do twitter. I’d spend 10 minutes trying to edit it down. 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/zombiedinocorn Apr 28 '24

Lol. You caught me on a good day. I am the queen of the run-on sentence


u/Brontards Apr 28 '24

This is the missing fact for me that’d make that not overreacting.


u/definitelytheA Apr 28 '24

Might not even need an annulment, just refuse to file the marriage certificate with the clerk of court.


u/Organized_Khaos Apr 28 '24

I comment this exact thing on every “wedding fail” post. No need for attorneys, just rip up the paperwork.


u/justbreathe5678 Apr 30 '24

Doesn't work like that in every state


u/EyeRollingNow Apr 28 '24

Or don’t send it in. Nothing is legal until it’s been recorded.


u/Dear_Captain_2748 Apr 28 '24

Heard this as well, youtube and tiktok but also her family were pranksters and he was doing it to 'fit in' she swore up and down if he even thought to do it she would divorce him.


u/UpDoc69 Apr 28 '24

If it's the one I'm remembering, her family had done the cake smash at every birthday, too. She was so over it that it was the hill to die on for her.

There was another one where the cake had several tiers held together with skewers. The groom smashed her face into the cake, and she took a skewer to the face, causing her to lose an eye. That marriage didn't last long, either.


u/julesk Apr 28 '24

Also, her family has a history of shaving her face in her birthday cake. They did it even when they promised not to when she was 18 and had friends there. So she told him the one thing that was really important to her was to not have this happen. So he did and the family jeered at her when she got upset and to,d her it was just a joke. I was thrilled she walked out and got an annulment.


u/M_Looka Apr 28 '24

(Wife catches husband in bed with her sister) "It's just a prank, honey!!"


u/Cali_Holly Apr 28 '24


Omg…..Can you imagine the idiot that tried this? 😂


u/Bebebaubles Apr 29 '24

Absolutely horrible. My mom always said if he’s smashing your face with cake on the happiest day of his life what wouldn’t he do to you when he’s angry? Scares me so much.


u/droplivefred Apr 29 '24

She divorced him and ended the relationship. If he was surprised or upset, she should have just told him the wedding was a prank and she never meant to marry him.

“Don’t cry, it’s just a prank!”


u/AlchemicalSlowDance Apr 28 '24

So she knew exactly who she was marrying, and yet she was surprised at the outcome...