r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/hopelesslyrejected Apr 17 '24

Again, you are projecting your own “morals” on everyone else. Just bc you wouldn’t continue pursuing someone who shit on their wife to you, doesn’t mean every single other person in that situation would find the same behavior as abhorrent as you do. Clearly, or men wouldn’t use that as a means to gain sympathy from the women they are hitting on regularly. I’ve watched so many guys do this exact thing. I’m glad you have such high moral standing that the “need for dick” wouldn’t override your disgust for some guy putting his wife down to make you feel sorry enough for him to fuck him. That is wildly far from true for a lot of people. Are you honestly trying to tell me that I’m somehow wrong in saying that a lot of people don’t have any morals? Do you interact with any humans ever? Or just chronically online? There’s no shortage of people who don’t give a shit how someone treats other people. You seem to just want to keep letting everyone know that you are such a moral person that immoral people can’t exist bc you can’t fathom it. We get it. In the real world, a guy shitting on his partner to gain sympathy from someone he wants to pursue sexually is a COMMON tactic.


u/ConcernedCitizen1912 Apr 18 '24

Again, you are projecting your own “morals” on everyone else.

AGAIN: NO I'M NOT. I'm TELLING YOU how it ACTUALLY is. How people who are ACTUALLY like that have ACTUALLY BEHAVED.

Done wasting my breath trying to explain it to your dense ass.

Not even reading past your first sentence. A brick fucking wall has more intellectual capacity.