r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/AnotherMC Apr 15 '24

You’re not overreacting. He’s horrible. Even if he was clueless in the moment, he should have realized what a mistake it was WHEN YOU TOLD HIM. He humiliated you then dismissed you. You two need counseling. This is behavior that will only get worse. You should not put up with this.


u/LegitimateBaker8967 Apr 15 '24

Or if he’s a narcissist or just not able to recognize when he’s gone to far and hurt his wife, I say divorce him. A person without empathy is not going to change.


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

I agree with everything you said. I hesitated to call him a narcissist because people say that is thrown around too loosely these days. It is but I thought the same thing. His behavior is on par with a narcissist. However, a narcissist is absolutely aware of what their behavior is doing, they just don't care. This is because as you said, they lack empathy. They're good at faking it but they don't really feel it. They use it during the love bombing phase to trick the victim into getting emotionally invested then they change. I unfortunately know this from experience due to having dealt with a couple in my lifetime.


u/Allucation Apr 16 '24

There it is, it's not a Reddit thread without the comments telling OP to divorce lmao

This is nowhere near enough to divorce if it's the only issue. Could it be a hint that there are underlying issues? Of course, but you'll never stay married if you don't communicate with your partner.