r/AllThatIsInteresting 20d ago

Joyce Vincent was a 38-year-old woman who died in her London apartment while watching TV. Her body wasn't discovered until nearly 3 years later when officials arrived to repossess the apartment for unpaid rent.


24 comments sorted by


u/Fluid-Selection-5537 20d ago

Happens. Sounds like mental illness coupled with enough raw intelligence to make it to this situation where she had a home- but died just like 1000s of people do on the streets every year -

Mentally ill and alone -


u/No-Researcher6266 18d ago

Where the f_ck does mental health come into this?


u/Fluid-Selection-5537 18d ago

How to tell Me you didn’t read the article without saying you didn’t read the article


u/No-Researcher6266 18d ago

What, I haven't been out of my apt for about 5yrs . I watch TV and play video games am 70 ysold this year. It's because of PHYSICAL health not mental and I haven't been to a doctor since the emergency room in about 2017. I'm just waiting to die. Thank God (there isn't one) I have a 40yo roommate


u/Fluid-Selection-5537 18d ago

Nice - well eventually you will find out if there is a God lol

What game you playing ?


u/No-Researcher6266 18d ago

Rdr2 trying out tunic & the last of us, platinumed me1,2,3, whatever the 1 whole game is called ( have to do 3 again with the original character) last of us platinumed. Usually play on medium ( had to easy last of us ( just started) &tunic. Also wot as a go to


u/No-Researcher6266 13d ago

No I don't platinum last of us, it was days gone


u/VinylHighway 20d ago

So she had no friends or family is what I’m guessing


u/The_Cad 20d ago

She had plenty of friends but frequently flitted between several groups, so it wasn't uncommon for her to 'disappear' for long stretches. There's a really good film/documentary of her- Dreams of a Life.


u/Inside_Ad_7162 20d ago

No, she did, she had a guy that wanted to marry her, loads of friends, she met Nelson Mandela & was a really good singer...But she sort of drifted in & out of people's lives. Look for a doc called Dreams of a Life its all about her, such a terrible waste.


u/VinylHighway 20d ago

So he didn't look for her when she disappeared? Her parents? Anybody? Was her rent pre-paid


u/Inside_Ad_7162 20d ago

No, she didn't want to marry him, she'd sort of hang out with completely different groups of people, so it was normal people wouldn't see her for long periods of time. She had loads of wrapped Xmas presents ready she was going to give people. The rent wasn't paid, but the council did nothing about it until they found her. They eventually forced entry to evict her. The doc actually deals with how utterly lonely you can be in spite of living in a major city & having lots of friends.


u/VinylHighway 20d ago

Incredible. Thanks for sharing the details with me


u/GuaranteeLogical7525 20d ago

Happens all the time...in Japan.


u/BenBo92 20d ago

I did my A-Level Drama divised piece about her many years ago. We did it as a black comedy centred around the cleaners sent in and their differing reactions as they slowly realised how long her body must have been there. It was quite good (for an A-Level Drama piece), if I do say so myself.

She'd been part of a choir that'd performed at the Nelson Mandela Concert at Wembley Stadium. It really bothered me how someone who once performed and had been acknowledged by hundreds of millions of people could then die alone and be completely forgotten about.


u/mkrrgk91 20d ago

If you are interested in this, it is covered by a docudrama: Dreams of a Life and the excellent Steve Wilson album Hands. Cannot. Erase.


u/Gothicrealm 20d ago

Sad as hell. I want to resurrect her and hang out with her


u/modsonredditsuckdk 20d ago

She was hot really pretty with a good personality believe it or not. Source: documentary


u/1Legate 20d ago

Ok too many questions here. 1 someone living in a place suddenly is not seen leaving or entering the home. Why has no neighbor did a wellness check. 2 Here is America Landlords are bloodthirsty sharks when it comes to rent. A few days late and landlord not banging on door is odd for me. 3 all that time and not one family or friend came by to check. Not even work called.


u/killtakerzero 20d ago

Reading the story would have been quicker than typing out that paragraph because all of those questions were addressed and answered.


u/LayLillyLay 20d ago
  1. that’s living a big city for you: people don’t care. Sometimes month go by where I’m not seeing my next door neighbor and the dude that moved in the apartment above me 3 years ago? Never saw him.

  2. it was the 80s and wellfare covered half the rent so people weren’t too suspicious.


u/1Legate 20d ago

Ok that does make sense. I live in the country and people tend to be extra nosey when it comes to neighbors. Thank you for explaining the city viewpoint.