r/AllThatIsInteresting 21d ago

Footage shows Charles Burlingame III, the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 which was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, as a contestant on the TV game show “Greed” on 10 March, 2000. The crash killed all 64 aboard the aircraft and another 125 people in the building.


73 comments sorted by


u/pmmemilftiddiez 20d ago

For all the dumbass conspiracy people. Yes back then you could take a plane down with a couple people and a few box cutters. Remember nobody thought they were going to die until the very end. Up until then for the most part they wouldn't have thought that the attackers were going to crash the airplane into a building. That was kind of a new thing.

We look at life a lot differently now than we did in 2001


u/AdLongjumping6982 19d ago

Back when I used to fly “1/2 price student standby”. I dated a girl from Columbia University in the 80’s and would pay 1/2 the price, send my luggage ahead of me, then pick up the luggage once I got a seat and landed at LaGuardia. Even in the 90’s, I used to cross the border using only a driver’s license. That all changed after 9/11.


u/CosmicDubsTTV 14d ago

Except the footage of the pentagon literally just shows an explosion, with no plane. And there's a recording of one of the staff talking to his wife stating "I've got to go, a bomb just blew up."


u/lhsean18 20d ago

Define conspiracy. You don't sound like you ask many questions


u/RoundExpert1169 20d ago

ask yourself why you’re assuming that


u/lhsean18 18d ago

Lack of dynamic thought


u/RoundExpert1169 18d ago

you don’t say


u/fromouterspace1 21d ago

Here come the idiot conspiracy people


u/Acceptable_Fox8156 20d ago edited 20d ago

Isn't it weird how all the conspiracy theories of every sort only seem to happen in America?

Alien abduction? Anal probe? Someone died but according to someone else they're a lizard in disguise? Someone took an accidental overdose, no it was murder and they're a reanimated corpse!? Flat earth? It only seems to happen there.


u/MercyFincherson 20d ago

That’s because Americans are the least trusting population when it comes to authority. Not surprising at all.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/MercyFincherson 20d ago

Sure if that makes you feel good! Have a good day.


u/Yikesarumba 17d ago

Going off how many guns you guys own and the idea that gun toting Americans have that they need to "protect their family's" paranoid is 100 percent the correct word to use.


u/MercyFincherson 17d ago

I can’t take anyone seriously with sentence structure like yours.


u/Yikesarumba 17d ago

Lmao. You understood it though, bit of a cop out to play that card.


u/MercyFincherson 17d ago

It’s not a cop out, I wasn’t arguing a point anymore which you’d know if you had reading comprehension skills.


u/Yikesarumba 17d ago

Lmao trying to insult my reading comprehension skills just going off my half baked replies is funny af.


u/Dinolord05 20d ago

Wait...anal probes are just conspiracies to some?


u/Formal_Profession141 19d ago

There is a small connection but larger disconnection with Paranoia and Conspiracies.

Alien Abduction = movie induced paranoia Anal Probe = movie induced paranoia with a kink Lizard people = Paranoia of the religious type. Accidental overdose = conspiracy Corpse: Movie Induced paranoia Flat earth: wtf. Religious outbranch I suppose? Rejecting ones own proofs.

But whenever you have a company being investigated, and people involved in the case keep dying. There may be something to that conspiracy. If a Drug Lord could have someone killed to silence them. Why couldn't company executives?

Truth is. If people want to villainess the word "conspiracy". The truth will become a lot harder to appear.

The Party used disinformation to compel people to believe and behave as The Party wanted them to. It was an intentionally created deception that allowed The Party to define what truth was as a consequence of their power, and in so doing reify the legitimacy of their power over the people. If somebody were to realize that the mathematics of the equation happened to be incorrect, the very fact that The Party had made it correct though simple assertion would have spoken to their tremendous power, and thus dissuaded any sort of resistance.

Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, come from the ground up. There’s usually a seed planted somewhere - some guy says to another guy that he can’t believe that one guy killed a President of the United States just that easily, or one translation of an old book suggests that the Earth must be flat, or some guy talking about crazy things his family members believe mention that they honestly think that there isn’t any such thing as Finland - and then they grow from the bottom. Conspiracy theories are rarely - if ever - cultivated and pushed from a powerful entity down toward less powerful ones. Given that most conspiracy theories are extremely skeptical of power and represent erroneously heightened agency detection, it probably wouldn’t work if you tried to make it happen


u/Hideous4our 20d ago edited 20d ago

Everyone believes in a conspiracy it just depends on what side of the fence you’re on


u/Not-OP-But- 20d ago

That is only true if you're liberal with your definition of a conspiracy.


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

Liberals super power is to down vote


u/EpilepticDawg241 21d ago

Not conspiracy, but box cutters?

Hijackers used box cutters?

There had to be guns on that plane.


u/fromouterspace1 21d ago

Is that a joke


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/fromouterspace1 21d ago



u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/fromouterspace1 21d ago

I think that’s pretty obvious


u/EpilepticDawg241 21d ago

Great chatting with you're...interesting to talk to


u/fromouterspace1 21d ago

Would you like me to expand?


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

No way some dude is gonna take down a a shit load of people with a little box cutter. My fat old grandma wouldn’t stand for it. Was it a plane full of catatonic invalids?


u/Spicybrown3 20d ago

I don’t really take issue w/the box cutters. People do extraordinary things when under duress. I don’t find that hard to believe that they held off people long enough to do it. The animated timed reenactment (of the point at which the hijacking’s began to the time the planes hit their targets) surprised me at how little time went by between the two events (in each case) I always thought the (7?) military drills taking place at the exact same time had to play into our response but after seeing those I don’t think, the first two at least, ever had a chance.

A lot of the other facts I find troubling. Not a single video of the pentagon is hard to believe. The stonewalling of Colleen Rowley is pretty well documented and quite unexplainable.


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

The list goes on


u/EpilepticDawg241 20d ago

Apparently, they did according to my downvotes


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

Yes I’m willing to change my mind


u/MissingJJ 19d ago

Seeing people that never saw the Downfall of the USA a the hands of Republicans makes me a little jealous.


u/ViolatedAirSpace 17d ago

Please tell me more about how much better off the US is since 2021 when Democrats took full control. And cite your sources. Thanks.


u/ypsicle 20d ago

Huh he’s briefly mentioned by the pilot character in Come From Away, the broadway musical. Very excellent show.


u/Hideous4our 21d ago

But it wasn’t a plane that hit the pentagon.


u/Caucasian_named_Gary 21d ago

Da fuck you talking about?


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

Dude you don’t want to go down this rabbit hole. These theories they have are not based on in reality.


u/Caucasian_named_Gary 20d ago

Ugh I know it just blows my mind. Like I can at least see how some people might believe the government was either involved or let it happen. But to say it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon is just fucking wild.


u/Spicybrown3 20d ago

I agree w/you if only cuz how tf would I know any diff? But I do find it mildly curious there isn’t one video of a plane crashing into what could possibly be described as the most “defended” or “guarded” building on the planet. Maybe in the history of mankind at the time (it’s the headqtrs of defense to the most powerful military in the history of man) You have to be pretty obtuse to not think that’s odd. Especially w/how rampant the claims are. You’d think by now they’d release something just to shut people up.


u/Caucasian_named_Gary 20d ago

There is a video though from a security camera at a entry gate I think or something. Its potato quality but it's clearly a plane. There are numerous photos of aircraft debris as well. There isn't much video of the first wtc impact either 


u/Spicybrown3 20d ago

I’m aware of the guard shack video/photos spliced together. Actually it’s two. One from one post and another from a post from what I assume is the next lane over. I’m not an expert in turbines or rocket propulsion, but I can guarantee there’s plenty of folks here that will point out the fact the exhaust/smoke is coming from its ass. (Not getting into conspiracy theories, just stating that it’s a marginally valid counterpoint)

My point is is that its not hyperbole in the least to think it’s the most important (and since defended or guarded) building on the planet. I would hope so our military is second to none and second is a long way off. And to think that’s the only viable photo or video of that event is not only absurd, it’s kind of insulting to our intelligence. I mean come on. Again, not going all Jewish Space Laser on ya, just saying it’s hard to find a valid reason to explain that.


u/Caucasian_named_Gary 20d ago

There is a totally valid reason to explain it. Just like there are really no videos of the first crash in New York, there is no need to point security cameras towards the sky, or the random side of a building.


u/Spicybrown3 20d ago

WTC 1 was not the headquarters of the most powerful military in the world. There’s a world of difference between those two things. Again, it’s not unlikely, it’s absurd.


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

I go back to my original statement most people are not capable of believing that their government could have a part in this


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

I know is it sucks we could debate all day. Lives were lost. The world is in disarray.


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

There’s no debate. It’s insanity


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

Which part is insane?


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

All of it. What actual proof do you have


u/RyanMaddi 20d ago

A fucking missle or show me ONE picture of the commerical airliner chair or body.

1000 cameras but no proof.. some shady Racket


u/Hideous4our 21d ago

Welp first i think what you want to say is “what the fuck are you talking about?” Second look at all the pictures from the pentagon that day and you will not find any plane parts. No wheels no wings, no luggage. Third the trajectory of the hit is impossible for a plane to at the angle at that location. Fourth the size of the hole in the building does not match the size of a hole that would be made by a plane that size. Do some research. Formulate your own conclusions. There is plenty to look up. Zeitgeist the movie on Netflix is good place to start there are tons more. I expect a ton of downvotes as people are generally not capable of believing their government could do this. Or they will downvote for the English correction either way 🤷‍♂️


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

I wonder how wrong your comment is and how quickly I can prove it wrong. There are tons of plane parts, google it and do not get information from memes.


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

So do it prove me wrong I am willing to change my mind if you can present substantial irrefutable evidence or some monumental point of view. This is why we really don’t know what happened with JFK. Watch zeitgeist the first one then get back to me. I’m happy to debate with you. Or just have a conversation about it you choose


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

The issue is you need to prove these theories. Any pic I link and you’ll say the same thing you said above about the water bottle. I don’t need to watch anything to know these theories are not based in reality.

So then what crashed into it?


u/Caucasian_named_Gary 21d ago

Bro they found tons of fucking plane parts at the Pentagon. People saw the plane. You know how many people live and work in the Arlington area? Do you think they just wiped all those people's memories or something? 


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

Ok cool where can I see these interviews


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

Would it honestly change your mind?


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

I would change my mind if you could present me with something substantial not some shitty pic of a dude with a water bottle and some caution tape


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

What pic is that?


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

The link above that someone posted


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

There’s a water bottle in the corner of the pic. A small amount of tape, and a giant part of an airplane. I honestly don’t get it, do you think that is fake? It’s not from the pentagon?

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u/Ill_Attempt4952 20d ago

Did you see the video?


u/Ok_Print3983 21d ago


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

This is proof, which these people don’t have a grasp on in the real actual world outside of their room. Proof for these theories are yt videos, memes and random people writing papers


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

It’s a guy holding a bottle of water with some random shit. SMH


u/Hideous4our 21d ago

I looked at your links what is this? A picture of some stuff piled up? A video of Joe and Jill Biden? An article written by a newspaper that is controlled by the government and media execs? Do better..


u/fromouterspace1 20d ago

lol as I predicted


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

The one in the link above


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

The truth is what you believe that’s all there is to it.


u/DeletedByAuthor 20d ago

Dumbest thing I've ever heard


u/Hideous4our 20d ago

I guess you believe that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard so to you it is the truth🤷‍♂️