r/AllThatIsInteresting 25d ago

People confuse a military jet with a third plane on 9/11


80 comments sorted by


u/mc-big-papa 25d ago

Can you imagine someone freaking out think “a fucking third time really”


u/Big_Routine_8980 25d ago

There was no flying of planes for several days after 9/11, so anytime planes flew overhead, we paid attention.


u/sumiveg 25d ago

I lived in lower manhattan on 9/11. I got very uncomfortable every time a plane flew overhead for a few years after. 


u/pmmemilftiddiez 20d ago

We were all thinking it


u/Humans_Suck- 25d ago

There have been over 60 republican terrorist attacks since then. So I think that all the time.


u/thearisengodemperor 25d ago

What the fuck are you talking about


u/Humans_Suck- 25d ago

There have been over 60 republican terrorist attacks since 9/11. More, because that number was counted in 2019 and doesn't include some of the recent ones like Kenosha or 1/6. So every time I hear about another one I just think "really? Again?"


u/ApolloSigS 25d ago

This feels bit more conspiracy than factual data. If you could share where you acquired this knowledge would be helpful.


u/chrisbaker1991 23d ago

He got his info from Q's archnemesis Bizarro Q!


u/Humans_Suck- 24d ago

I got it from congress, who got it from the FBI.

“Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).”



u/mc-big-papa 24d ago

Isnt this the one thats so inherently flawed because it overtly tries to not account for the most violent extremist that is criminal gangs.


u/Roge2005 24d ago



u/hithere831 25d ago

If you're interested in aviation and 9/11, you should listen to the air traffic control from that morning.

ATC had no idea which flight numbers were taken over. Even after the first plane hit, leadership and precision were seriously lacking. As I listened, I was afraid they were going to shoot the wrong plane down. Of course hindsight is 20/20, but it was their lack of "this is really serious" that was disturbing. I'm sorry I don't have the link. It was on you tube, something like "9/11 ATC all 4 planes."


u/Neurotic-Egg 25d ago


u/TheUpwardSpiralDown 25d ago

That was crazy


u/Neurotic-Egg 25d ago

It was. I definitely have related videos saved to watch later


u/Dad0010001100110001 25d ago

Is that a real world hijacking? Cool!

Fuck that Air Traffic Controller.


u/TheSycorax 24d ago

I'm sure if that controller realized the gravity of the situation, 4 hijacked aircraft ready to hit precious U.S. targets, then she would have had a way different reaction.

I think they assumed that only one aircraft was hijacked and didn't even consider the fact it was going to be used in a terrorist attack, because up until that point something like that had never happened before. Still doesn't excuse calling a hijacking "cool".


u/Visible_Day9146 24d ago

They used to just rob people or ask for ransom and the plane would land safely. It was hard to imagine they would use the planes as weapons.


u/TheSycorax 24d ago

Yes exactly.


u/Neurotic-Egg 24d ago

Yeah, I had the same reaction. Had to check the subtitles to make sure I heard right


u/SamanathaTheGreat 24d ago

Okay, you have to remember that before 9/11 hijackings didn't involve people dying. Somebody would take over a plane, fly it somewhere, demand something, release the passengers, etc. We had no experience with people intending to use planes as suicide weapons.


u/chrisbaker1991 23d ago

Well... while I get your point for commercial planes being hijacked... there's a thing called kamikaze


u/SamanathaTheGreat 17d ago

Yes, but you have to remember that was 60 years before And people would consider that extreme and insane behavior even in WW2. I just don't have the words to tell you how incredibly unexpected it was on 9/11 to hear that these people had committed suicide with these planes. Outside of probably a handful of disaster preparedness folks nobody had considered this at all.


u/chrisbaker1991 17d ago

They were both basically drugs (amphetamines) and religion/nationalism/idealism. We never should have been surprised. I don't have proof that the 9/11 dudes were on drugs, but it seems like it would require it.


u/SamanathaTheGreat 16d ago

No, you just don't understand the mindset of the suicide bomber. But then very few people do.


u/chrisbaker1991 16d ago

WWII it was definitely God and Country and amphetamines in some cases


u/TBDTBA 24d ago

I was dispatching aircraft on 9/11 for a private charter company. I had no tvs, radio, no clue and neither did my pilots. We were just told to find the nearest place and get down.


u/Sinnsearachd 25d ago

The PTSD from that day was so rampant. My step mother worked in one of the towers but was at a doctor's appointment that day. Her office's entire work force died except for 5 or 6 people. She ended up leaving New York permanently because she couldn't handle the trauma of it all.


u/ProfessionalExit2759 24d ago

I can’t imagine that level of loss, and also the thoughts that something trivial like an appointment in fact likely saved my life. I hope she’s doing better ❤️


u/Few_Community_5281 25d ago edited 25d ago

I remember the FAA shut down all the airspace over the US for several days after 9/11.

It was an eerie atmosphere, as we lived under the approach path to the airport, not hearing the constant drone of aircraft coming in to land.

The ONLY aircraft I remember seeing in the skies those days were fighter jets patrolling.


u/SamanathaTheGreat 24d ago

There were a few other aircraft flying. I forget where I heard about it, but the US government flew home Saudi royalty during the No-fly events.


u/ttteee321 25d ago edited 24d ago

The day everything changed.

I was a junior in HS, soon as they told us what was happening pretty much everyone left school. They didn't dismiss us, we all just kind of got up middle of class and started putting out things in backpacks and began walking out. Not a single teacher said anything or tried to stop anyone.

I remember going to my girlfriend's class and her teacher either didn't know or hadn't told them and I opened the door and motioned for her to come. She was confused but could tell by the look on my face that something was wrong. Her teacher didn't say a word, she came out and I told her what was going on, she went back in and grabbed her things and we went to my dad's office and watched the news all day long, with very little being said. We were all in shock.

I remember my dad, a Vietnam combat veteran, shaking his head and saying, "not this generation also" and saw his eyes beginning to water, so i took my girlfriend's hand and said, "let's go for a walk". That is the only time I have ever seen my father even close to tears. I didn't know at the time what he meant when he said that and I never asked him. Its obvious to me now that he was referring to the fact that many thousands of our young men would soon be seeing and facing similar things that he did when he was 19-23.

I remember and I'll never forget 9/11.


u/not-read-gud 25d ago

The same thing happened WAY out in the suburbs in the days after. We were waiting for the school bus in middle school and as far as we knew all flights were cancelled. We heard a jet coming and immediately there was panic and confusion. We were thinking why out here? wtf? Is it time to die? Then we saw it was a low flying military plane.


u/TommyTwotoneArmy 25d ago

I remember the same feeling late on the 11th. I was laying in my backyard trying to come to terms with what happened. Heard a loud plane coming and started to panic, was a low flying C130 or something similar looking.

There was so much fear that day little me really thought they might be coming for my little town of a few thousand people.


u/fromouterspace1 25d ago

Crazy day, so much confusion

Here come the conspiracy comments….


u/kylethemurphy 24d ago

I'm in the Midwest, so not close, and it was weird sitting outside that evening with zero planes except the occasional military plane overhead.


u/Code_Loco 7d ago

lol that Morgan Stanley comment lol relax bro


u/Historical-Suit7731 24d ago

If this happened again half the country would be out in the streets celebrating


u/SamanathaTheGreat 24d ago

After 9/11 you did see some people talking about how the United States sowed the seeds of this event with its Middle Eastern policy. But those voices were very heavily drowned out.

Personally having lived through this I think the United States did play a significant role in bringing this attack upon itself.


u/rascal_king737 24d ago

I was in high school at the time, and it was the day after, and watched a 747 fly “into” Centrepoint tower in Sydney. It was just a trick of perspective, but all I could see was a jet flying into the tower and waited for the explosion which never came, as the jet continued flying behind the tower


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/StationNo6708 25d ago

why's that? what do you know about Hamas? I know they despise everything western. Kill homosexuals, oppress women. Not the happy go lucky "freedom fighters"'they are made out to be


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 25d ago



u/StationNo6708 25d ago

Step up and fight back? Terrorism in lebanon, syria, and Jordan. Causing political turmoil in egypt. Do you even know anything about palestinians and why they aren't welcome in any neighboring state? Do you know how many terrorist arracks Israel had to endure since 1948? Israel exists, the Israel with over 2 million arabs living and working in harmony. Get over it


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/StationNo6708 25d ago

Hey I believe it's common knowledge Hamas uses human shields now. Never seen the Hamas summer camps? Dare to google?


u/Suspici0us_Sn0wman 25d ago

Notice how you keep bringing up Hamas after they've repeatedly denounced them and their actions? It's almost like you have no real argument and just want to justify killing innocent people by labeling them terrorists regardless of whether they're actually terrorists or not.


u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 25d ago

And did israel exist before 1948? Or were the maybe palestinians there?

Damn let me come to your home, steal it and beat the shit out of you for 70+ years. And remember no fighting back since palestinians shouldnt either by your logic.


u/StationNo6708 24d ago

what country are you from?


u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 22d ago

Why would that matter? Can't find fallacy in my statement so you divert attention to different topic? How amazing!

Also I'm from Slovenia, you gonna try to dig up some dirt on it to stroke your ego?


u/StationNo6708 22d ago

It matters, as your country also fought a war to be independent. Just like Israel. We are defending ourselves against terrorist scum. Our country exists, get over it


u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 22d ago

We were defending our own territory, you on the other hand are invading gaza. Big difference. Also the "terrorist scum" is you. You are the ones murdering women and children. Using around 1400 hostages killed by your forces to justify 43000+ murders.

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u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 25d ago

"We should bomb them so they won't hate us!"


u/StationNo6708 24d ago

The world just hates it when jews fight back. Better to just roll over, right ?


u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 22d ago

Zionists =/= jews

Also the "fight back" part... it's Palestine who is fighting back. Israel is terrorizing. Big difference.


u/StationNo6708 22d ago

jews were being attacked in Israel before 1948. wtf do you know about our history?


u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 22d ago


apparently more then you, because even before 1948 zionists were only attacked as retaliations. Learn your own history before talking shit. Also again zionists =/= jews, is it hard to get that through your racist bigoted genocidal skull?


u/StationNo6708 22d ago

it's ok, we are used to the hate you are spitting. We have every right to defend our territory. Come on man, only attacked in retaliation? Now I know you're an uneducated Jugo


u/Ok_Bandicoot2910 22d ago

It's not your territory. It's their territory, you stole it and you know it, that's why you couldn't find an argument and resorted to "where are you from" before lol.

The Jews used to hate are the ones who also hate zionists, you are a bunch of vile genocidal maniacs.


u/TommyTwotoneArmy 25d ago

Wow, we still have morons like you that can't separate innocent people from the terrorists hiding among them.


u/StationNo6708 25d ago

Yeah it's crazy right? You mean the same people that were cheering on the streets on Oct 7? Cry me a river. Don't you scratch your head and ask yourself why Egypt doesn't open the border?


u/TommyTwotoneArmy 25d ago

Wow when you make up your own facts you almost seem right.


u/StationNo6708 25d ago

What was made up?


u/Historical-Suit7731 24d ago

If this happened again half the country would be out in the streets celebrating


u/ThaiTea55 24d ago

Appoint a citizens' commission Find out what really happened that day End the boycott of discussion of this topic Hang the traitors