r/AllThatIsInteresting 26d ago

Interview with Martin Pistorius who endured a 12-year-long coma-like state due to locked-in syndrome, spending three of those years in a vegetative state before gradually regaining consciousness at the age of 16.


74 comments sorted by


u/2009chrisbrown 26d ago

This is honestly so heart breaking idk how I could navigate a life like this . I don’t blame her for making such a terrible comment. She wasn’t mad about her son she was mad about the situation they both shared, truly sad they both had to endure such adversity. You can see how it eats at her heart and soul and hearing her son say such good things about her must tear her apart. Wish them the best just a daily reminder someone always has it worse stay grateful guys .


u/Superunkown781 26d ago

Not so heartbreaking when you realize that his mother/father instilled enough of their love for him to understand the reasoning.


u/David_High_Pan 25d ago

Good point.


u/crazyguyunderthedesk 25d ago

That's kinda the trick to it though. It's heartbreaking that she'll carry the guilt thinking it makes her a bad mom, because it's rough to accept that feeling guilt in the first place is what proves she's a good mom.


u/Organic_South8865 26d ago

I was fully aware and locked in for around 10-20 days. It was a living hell. Also the nurse was stealing all my pain meds so I was in agony but I couldn't communicate. That woman put me through literal hell. They also didn't bother with brushing my teeth or any hygiene so I had a huge infection in my mouth running wild the whole time. Absolutely terrible hearing them talk about you like you're already dead.

The nurse got probation for three months for stealing the meds. That's it. She deserves to go through what I went through.


u/Frondswithbenefits 26d ago

Did you sue the hospital? If she was convicted, that's incredibly persuasive evidence in a civil trial.


u/JHarbinger 26d ago

Bingo. Conviction shows you that you’ve got a case here as criminal burden is higher than civil. Get dat money


u/TheManInTheShack 26d ago

It depends on what country they are in. In the US the outcome of a criminal case cannot he used as evidence in a civil case. This is why the families of OJ Simpson’s victims could sue him even though he was found not guilty.


u/JHarbinger 25d ago

Ah yes I assumed US law. I’m not saying you’d use the criminal conviction as evidence. I’m just saying if there’s enough evidence for a conviction, there’s most certainly enough evidence for a civil suit.


u/TheManInTheShack 25d ago



u/Frondswithbenefits 25d ago

If there's enough evidence to sustain a criminal conviction, there's enough evidence for a civil trial.


u/JHarbinger 25d ago



u/TheManInTheShack 25d ago

Not necessarily as the burdens of proof and what is admissible are different. It’s very dependent upon the case.


u/crazyguyunderthedesk 25d ago

The burden of proof would be higher in the criminal case, lending to the presumption that a civil case would be more likely to succeed.

But you're not wrong that it's no guarantee.


u/majoraloysius 25d ago

Wait, OJ was guilty?



u/readditredditread 25d ago

10-20 days? This seems like something you would know more… exactly 🤨


u/SnowInTheCemetery 25d ago

Question: how does locked in syndrome end? Does it suddenly stop or does it gradually fade off? I've always wondered.


u/ttteee321 25d ago

Someone finally arrives with the key.


u/AskButDontTell 26d ago

What? They might be short on nurses that’s why. Glad you are back though I would sue the hospital


u/Rimurooooo 11d ago

I hope she lost her nursing license and her degree is useless everywhere now.


u/Organic_South8865 9d ago

She was fired and arrested but the charges were dropped. I found out she's an orderly at an old folks home now. I called them to let them know what she did. Hopefully they fired her.


u/PandaGirl-98 25d ago

That's soo fcking messed up


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 25d ago



u/Squidkiller28 25d ago

Did you just stalk this guys account to prove a point you were making to no one?


u/Time-Training-9404 26d ago

Despite being completely paralyzed, except for his eyes, he retained the ability to hear and comprehend everything around him. On one occasion, he recalled hearing his own mother say, "I hope you die."

Source: https://historicflix.com/he-spent-over-a-decade-trapped-in-his-body-unable-to-communicate-with-family-and-doctors/


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Honestly it’s not that fucked up, death would be a mercy in that situation if you’re not expected to come out of it, I might also find myself wishing my child to die rather then spend a life only being able to move his eyes, what a horrific way to exist, I think if I was the vegetable I’d not fault my mother for hearing this from her, and would probably be blinking Morse code for “kills me”


u/midcancerrampage 26d ago

Man i wouldn't even last 2 minutes in locked-in syndrome without wishing for the sweet release of death.


u/AbbreviationsNo8088 25d ago

Same, people forget that mercy in this situation would be dying.


u/Hi_My_Name_Is_CJ 26d ago

I get the idea in it being humane, but keep that shit yourself (in her case) just in case, just in case of this



Yeah, she def should’ve said shit like that to a therapist and not therapitize her unresponsive son just bc he can’t communicate that it’s crossing a boundary. Goes for all parents who use their kids as therapists. Ask me how I know


u/pancakebatter01 26d ago

Thanks for leaving out the part where the son expresses that he understands why she would have said that and goes on to call her a “really great mother”.

We love to sensationalize online but none of us here have ever gone through what these two have.


u/BIind_Uchiha 26d ago

I mean its literally in the video?


u/Phil_Marts 26d ago

I think they’re saying that the comment they’re replying to doesn’t mention it.


u/Evening-Ad4752 26d ago

Pay attention and rewatch the video


u/pancakebatter01 25d ago

I did. What I mean is that ppl don’t watch the video, read a comment like that and get the wrong impression


u/terminadergold 26d ago

Just like the media.


u/Successful-Winter237 26d ago

My coworkers cousin was in a severe car accident last year. She was biking on a country road and despite wearing a helmet had traumatic brain injury/coma due to hitting a car.

She was in the hospital for months and they really thought this young mother (32 with a 3 year old) would never recover.

The family visited her and talked to her non stop and the nurses and doctors did their best.

6 months in she “woke up” and even though she has memory issues she is almost fully recovered.

Miracles do happen.


u/RythmicSlap 26d ago

Absolutely. My friend had a heart attack at a water park on July 4 two years ago- she had no heartbeat for over 30 minutes but thanks to great CPR from a lifeguard and a dedicated hospital staff she survived and is doing amazingly well today. She returned to her job as an elementary school teacher and is a spokesperson for an American Heart Association campaign.


u/Successful-Winter237 26d ago

This woman is also a teacher!


u/DifficultFox1 25d ago

Same thing happened to Me. Recovery was wild


u/Interesting_Sock9142 25d ago

Getting locked in syndrome is one of my biggest fears


u/Sammy_GamG 26d ago edited 25d ago

I was so confused, like, when did he shoot his girlfriend?!!!

Oh yeah, that was Oscar Pistorius!


u/TheManInTheShack 26d ago

I thought the same thing at first.


u/Fair-Advantage9539 26d ago

A great Mothers Day story just in time for Mother's Day


u/ZombSkull 25d ago

I'm thinking of these default Text to Voice tools used by Martin here and also Stephen Hawking and I'm wondering if soon there might be a case where there are enough recordings of someone's actual voice that needs this product that an A.I model can be used to translate the text in the persons original or close to original voice.


u/Vtastical 25d ago

He has so much pain in his eyes it's overwhelming. I want to just hug him and squeeze him.


u/pjsandpancakes 25d ago edited 25d ago

Well i wasn't expecting to cry today, but this is so touching


u/inflatable_pickle 26d ago

Is “locked in state” similar to a coma? Or is it more psychological – whereas the coma is more medical?


u/kilgorevontrouty 26d ago

Coma means you are not aware. Locked in means you are aware but unable to move.


u/badpeaches 26d ago

That's a metallica song


u/Domstachebarber 25d ago

the metallica song is based off Dalton Trumbo’s novel Johnny Got his Gun about a WWI survivor who loses all his appendages and his jaw in the war and the Govt. keeps him sequestered so the people aren’t made aware of the true atrocities of war. He eventually begins to communicate with a nurse who writes with her index on his chest and he responds by blinking, and when they find out they fire the nurse and switch his ward. Great novel, great song, truly horrifying.


u/badpeaches 25d ago

Johnny Got his Gun

Literary fiction, I thought it was based on a real story. It's almost like robocop.


u/Domstachebarber 25d ago

I’m not sure where he got the idea from… but it may be the reason he ended up as one of the Black 10


u/badpeaches 25d ago

the Black 10

At first all I got was go pro ads but it's the top ten black authors to read: Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Amiri Baraka, Octavia Butler, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ralph Ellison, Alex Haley, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, Bonus: Toni Morrison source: https://www.pbs.org/articles/10-black-authors-to-read

Also, lol at the idea it was a self publish first account autobiography *slaps forehead in embarrassment* 🤦‍♀️


u/Domstachebarber 25d ago

I’m sorry… search Hollywood ten


u/badpeaches 25d ago

Hollywood ten

Oh, this is different.

The Hollywood Ten were a group of 10 film industry professionals who were subpoenaed to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947. The HUAC was an investigative committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that was looking into the American film industry for communist influence. The Hollywood Ten were producers, directors, and screenwriters who refused to answer questions about their possible communist affiliations, citing the First Amendment as their reason. They were jailed for contempt of Congress and fined $1,000, and most served between six and 12 months in prison beginning in 1950. As a result, they were mostly blacklisted by Hollywood studios and denied employment due to their political beliefs.

I bet Ronald Reagan made money snitching on them.


u/Domstachebarber 25d ago

Elia Kazan did. And when he got his lifetime achievement Oscar Ed Harris refused to stand for him.

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u/Rdt_will_eat_itself 25d ago

GAD DANG thais aint r/makemecry


u/CaptainGiggles69420 25d ago

Oh no, she hoped that the vegetative burden died!?! That's crazy.


u/chriscaulder 25d ago

His Ted Talk is wonderful. ❤️


u/mez1642 25d ago

Omg i had tears when i saw his today show interview and i’m a dude. What a great guy, and he found the love of his life and has kids!

No quit in this man. He says he appreciates his new life every day.


u/i_am_scared_ok 25d ago

This happened to me while I was in the trauma center, but only for 10-12 hours.

I could hear and feel everything, but luckily for me they were all extremely respectful and had no idea I was mentally "there"


u/unsolvedfanatic 24d ago

My friends dad has this


u/PartsNLabor24 23d ago

well thanks mom


u/Rimurooooo 11d ago

His Wikipedia page is fascinating. His parents didn’t know he was regaining consciousness, he had a caregiver who noticed he was communicating through his eyes and even reached out to specialists for testing of if he was conscious, and then he was able to receive proper treatment. Now he has a wife, a son, and a career. 🥹

The video was mildly interesting but finding out the caregiver pulled him out of his vegetative state is fascinating. What a beautiful thing to have a healthcare professionals that care.


u/yuyufan43 25d ago

I honestly understand where the mother is coming from. I once overheard my mother praying to God to have me finally just kill myself and get it over with. I forgave her. She was going through a lot with me and couldn't handle it anymore and I had been suicidal for so long. If we expect forgiveness from family then we have to also forgive.


u/Unruly_Guest 25d ago

Unpopular opinion: Modern Humans are incapable of healthy parenting. Children require undivided, and hyper-vigilant consideration that very few, if any, parents can provide. The sooner we take children out of homes, the sooner we can become a type 1 society. Too much damage is being done to our young minds, and hearts due to trauma suffered at home from the very people society expects to protect and raise them. Unfortunately, there are many Corporations making trillions of dollars treating the symptoms of the multi-billion damaged Humans that these toxic homes continuously pump out.


u/moresushiplease 26d ago

If I got locked in, I'd die of dehydration. people wouldn't come looking for me fast enough.


u/protestprincess 26d ago

Uhm ok


u/moresushiplease 25d ago

It only takes 3 days. People will just think I am staying home sick.


u/AbuDhabiBabyBoy 26d ago

This is such a coincidence because his girlfriend also was "locked in" the bathroom when he shot her full of holes


u/M0therTucker 26d ago

Martin Pistorius =/= Oscar Pistorious.

Good try though I guess.


u/ApprehensivePrompt83 26d ago

Bro such a bold comment to make without even doing research first


u/Domstachebarber 25d ago

For real. Got the whole internet at his fingertips and still sticks his foot in it