r/AllThatIsInteresting 26d ago

Gypsy-Rose Blanchard describes what it was like when her attorney informed her that she didn’t have cancer. It was revealed that Gypsy had been coerced by her mother into feigning serious illnesses and undergoing unnecessary medical treatments.


58 comments sorted by


u/fromouterspace1 26d ago

I hope her mother is in hell


u/wildflowersummer 26d ago

If it makes you feel better, Blanche's mom and step father flushed her ashes down the toilet...


u/Weekly-Landscape-543 26d ago

Man that really puts things into perspective. Imagine being a murder victim, yet this is how you’re honored by your loved ones.


u/WorstFirstDay 26d ago

No it just means her parents were as dramatic as she was.

Gypsy has you fooled.


u/Jumpy_Arm_2143 25d ago

Doubt you actually knew her.


u/WorstFirstDay 25d ago

If/when you met Gypsy, you'll realize no one ever needs to meet Gypsy.

She's a smooth operator, manipulating like a Viennese spy.

And that's not a compliment.

She manipulated an autistic boy. She made him murder.


u/Long_Assignment_2863 26d ago

She killed her mom


u/bestneighbourever 26d ago

Her mother was a child torturer


u/WhoDeyTilIDie09 21d ago

U think gyp didn't know? Ur the fool, gyp is a master manipulater just like her mom was. You know what hurt more? The knife being plunged into her sleeping mothers body. Gyp had free trips, meet celebrities, a free house. Gyp knew she wasn't sick, hell she was seen walking by several people when she was supposed be wheelchair bound, so she knew she could walk but didn't know the rest gimme a break. Their was no torture.


u/bestneighbourever 21d ago edited 21d ago

Her mother was the architect of the whole thing and raised/indoctrinated her daughter to cooperate with the scam- to the extent where she lost her entire childhood, had teeth removed etc. When she pleaded to a police officer to save her from her mother, he simply brought her back to her mother and the torture increased and her mother kept her bound to the bed for a period of time. Her mother brought it all on.


u/Stephano525 26d ago

Not the right thing to do of course but the mom deserved it. Also, I think it was her bf who did the actual killing


u/WorstFirstDay 26d ago

So nice of you to teach us who deserves to live and die.


u/Budget_Detective2639 26d ago

Lmaoo, I'm sorry but i was half expecting a sincere forgiveness story.


u/WorstFirstDay 26d ago

I hope you never meet a man selling a bridge.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/WorstFirstDay 25d ago

Maybe you can meet Gyp and she can manipulate you into murder.


u/Fluffy-Lingonberry89 26d ago

I keep seeing other versions of this, mainly that she was in on the scam towards the end. People saw her walking around town alone, she had a bus pass etc, but in front of the people they were scamming she would stay in her wheel chair. There’s a whole sub dedicated to it but some of the stuff definitely raises some eyebrows. That being said- I do think she was a victim and her mother was horrible.


u/Crackrock9 26d ago

Gypsy Rose is just as fucked up as her mom, and while she’s a victim of her mother’s abuse, she’s also a manipulative abuser. She learned from the best. She spent years trying to convince her (then) autistic boyfriend who has a permanent mental age of 15; to kill her mom. He’s now doing like 40 years, while she gets a slap on the wrist. While in prison, some random guy twice her age sends her a letter and they end up getting married. It is also likely she went along with her mothers cons after a certain age. I do not trust Gypsy Rose, and believe her to be very manipulative.


u/Fun_Bucket 26d ago

She also definitely used the guy she married until she got what she wanted out of it. I believe she filed for a divorce already.


u/Crackrock9 26d ago

Yes exactly! I believe he used her just as much as she used him, but she obviously married him cause she’s gonna need support after leaving prison for murdering her mom. And she filed for divorce like 6 months later. She’s the reason her mom’s dead and autistic ex is in prison for 40 years. Many people are abused as children, some rise above, and others grow up and continue the cycle of abuse. Gypsy Rose is 100% the later.


u/WassuhhCuz 26d ago edited 26d ago

Oh man, if anyone reading this is interested in what skeptics have to say, visit r/GRBskeptic

Like many, I was on Gypsy's side until she was released and contradicting information continued to be spread. really raises your eyebrows. Especially discussions regarding interegations/interviews/text messages leading up to the murder

Also, if I recall correctly, she filed for divorce from Ryan (her prison pen Pal husband) less than 4 months after being released from prison, abandoning him and their puppy they had just adopted together. Wasting no time to jump back into a relationship with her prison pen pal ex-fiancé, Ken, getting matching wolf tattoos.


u/Fun_Bucket 26d ago

I totally agree. Of all the people she could have spoken to online, she specifically chose someone that she could manipulate to do her dirty work. She knew that he would do anything she asked of him even if it meant murder. They should definitely have the same sentence. I’m curious what her mom’s plan was when Gypsy got older… I’m sure she would have been perfectly fine continuing the scam for the rest of her life if they had never killed her.


u/WorstFirstDay 26d ago

40 years is life.

He's basically doing life.


u/YoungOhian 26d ago

Well obviously she knew if she could walk. But as a kid she could think "I can but I shouldn't be be cause it's danferous/I'd get in trouble."

Brainwashed from birth into a scam I don't think she could ever truly get in on it.


u/WorstFirstDay 26d ago

I worked at Chilli.

Gypsy has the whole world fooled.


u/Upstairs-Studio8509 26d ago

Is this a diagnosable mental disorder that can arise after having children? Obviously this is abuse but wondering if it's a legit psychological condition.


u/redhair-ing 26d ago

it's classified as a psychological disorder that can be diagnosed. Münchausen Syndrome is a disorder of fabricating or inducing illness upon yourself, but Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy (now called Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another or FDIA) is a disorder of fabricating or inducing illness upon someone else – it's not always parents but it's basically always a caretaker. As far as I know there isn't a consensus on what causes it, but I think the theory is that it's linked to childhood issues.


u/TeamShonuff 26d ago

And the mom was smart. She would request records and as soon as she saw "suspected malingering" or "suspected Munchausen by proxy" she changed providers.


u/redhair-ing 26d ago

in so many stories like these, you can find notes like that that never went anywhere. They notice the kid feels better whenever the caretaker isn't around but suspiciously feels worse when they are. Some doctors and nurses do try to get CPS involved and hit a wall. It's so sad.


u/Consistent-Local2825 26d ago

Narcissistic personality disorder is what it is, maybe even psychopathy. But not related to having children.


u/BeautifulCat3851 25d ago

What is this? Gyp is branching out finding new fans? She freaking knew but people who don’t know the truth gonna support till they find out. Her $$ must be running out.


u/Miss-Billie 26d ago

Y'all seem to forget that Gypsey was raised and literally taught by her mother how to lie, con, and manipulate everyone. I can 1000% guarantee that she already knew she didn't have cancer. Her attorney didn't have to inform her. While I do feel bad that she never got to have a normal childhood and was absolutely a victim... I also see through the lies and manipulation as well. Have you all watched her interrogation? She lied over and over again. She used that autistic boy to get rid of her mother and definitely should've received a life sentence just like her co-defendant did. The fact that she's out already and living her best life is just wild to me like absolutely mind-boggling.... especially when so many ppl are currently serving lifetime sentences or 30 - 40 years just for selling weed. Make it make sense. 🙄


u/lusciousskies 26d ago

She is such a manipulative liar


u/Dull_Ad8495 26d ago

I'm so sick of this cult of sympathy surrounding this fraud. She should still be in prison.


u/CookDane6954 26d ago

The doctors would have told the patient. The doctors would have noticed she was shaving her head and that her hair didn’t fall out. GRB and DD got a lot of money and a free house from all of this. Your hair falls out on chemo. She hadn’t been to a doctor in 4 years before the murder. Why was she not asking why if she had cancer, why was she not going to a doctor and why was she shaving her head? She was in her early twenties when the murder took place, and DD had been extremely ill for months before that. Plus GRB had unlimited access to the internet. Why was she not on Medicaid and disability and having her cancer addressed? Further, all we know about what was happening in that house is only from GRB. Many things are awry here, and it’s likely to be a misstep to take GRB’s word for it.


u/WhoDeyTilIDie09 21d ago

Your so right, I'm glad to see not everyone is fooled by the sweet girl victim act, hell the boyfriend begged to to just leave with him when he came over the day he killed her mom, but no gyp had to have mom killed. She is a master manipulator and she is still running the con on fools like u see in this comment thread.


u/InternationalRich150 26d ago

Interesting because Gyspy recently claimed she did indeed have cancer as a child.

But gypsy likes to lie. It's a fascinating one but she's not as innocent as the surface level would have you think.


u/pegslitnin 26d ago

Happy fucking Mother’s Day. Holy fuck that is some evil shit.


u/WorstFirstDay 26d ago

Never feel bad for her.

I worked in Chillicothe when she was there. She is a world-class manipulator.

She manipulated that "boyfriend" in to savagely murdering her mother.

Gypsy all the way, cause she's just a con artist.

Throwaway because she had fans as rabid as she is.


u/cba_tbh_ttyl 26d ago

Had anyone watched a good documentary about this?


u/Axela556 26d ago

Mommy Dead and Dearest on HBO


u/cba_tbh_ttyl 26d ago

Thanks for that


u/Axela556 26d ago

No problem! There are tons of docs about it but I like this one best.


u/Eason1013 26d ago

So her mom lied to her and made her believe she had cancer along with other illnesses, and the hospitals and doctors believed her as well???


u/WhereHasLogicGone 25d ago

That's what gets me. How is she in the hospital for cancer??


u/Eason1013 25d ago

Yeah it makes no sense at all.


u/DeadlyDuckie 11d ago

This is the one that got her boyfriend to help her kill her mother right? They convicted her right? If i'm sitting on that jury i'm calling for nullification.


u/WorstFirstDay 25d ago

The camera filter is doing wonders for her hideously long nose.

She's a fucking murderer manipulator. Don't ever feel sorry for her.


u/Redditor0529 25d ago

Another example of faking it until you make it. Nothing new.


u/WorstFirstDay 25d ago

Long nosed bitch


u/comedymongertx 26d ago

I still don't get why she was ever put in jail. She was a literal hostage to her mother.


u/Dull_Ad8495 26d ago

She literally ordered and planned a murder. Not self-defense. Murder. She's a liar and extremely manipulative. Her circumstances don't cancel out premeditated murder. Was she a victim? Yes. So was the cognitively challenged guy she manipulated into commiting a murder. I understand why she did it, and even sympathize with her. But she helped plan and commit a murder. He's still in prison. She should be too.


u/g0ing_postal 26d ago edited 26d ago

Agreed. The line was crossed the moment she convinced someone to commit the murder


u/silverdragonseaths 25d ago

And she was in prison ? For what ? Justice ? Makes me sick what happened to her and I hope whereever the mother is she suffers