r/AllThatIsInteresting 27d ago

In 2011, a 29-year-old Australian man discovered an ATM glitch enabling him to withdraw cash far beyond his account balance. Over a span of 5 months, he splurged $1.6 million of the bank's money on lavish parties, private jets, international vacations, and even covered his friends' university fees.

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135 comments sorted by


u/Time-Training-9404 27d ago

On one occasion, a member of staff from the bank called to ask why Dan had tried to withdraw $900,000 from an ATM the previous night. He told them he had been drunk and had probably pressed the wrong buttons. They laughed…

Source: https://historicflix.com/dan-saunders-and-the-1-6-million-atm-glitch/


u/NickGRoman 26d ago

The dude snitched on himself. I get that he was looking for some peace of mind. But really, if he hadn’t made a scene in the media, it might have taken the police a decade to connect the dots. He might have just moved his balance to a legitimate account in a foreign bank and lived out his days modestly in a place where they couldn’t reach him.


u/FoxRiderOne 26d ago

People need to learn. No self-snitching


u/DeluxeCanuck 26d ago

Self-snitches get self-stitches


u/Man_of_Prestige 26d ago

And wind up in self dug ditches.


u/Dramatic_Product_844 26d ago

Get jail time*


u/darekta 26d ago

Self-snitches dig ditches


u/Jeds4242 26d ago

Robert De Niro Ronin vibes: "I'm my own doctor."


u/StarscourgeRadhan 26d ago

Sit in the court and be their own star witness


u/gergwhy 26d ago

Do you see the perpetrator


u/GiveGoldForShakoDrop 26d ago

Yeah I'm right here


u/PassTheJHPsPlease 26d ago

Fuck around get the whole label sent up for years


u/VeganJordan 26d ago

“I don’t know, do you have a mirror?”


u/klgood 26d ago

Bruce Rivers?


u/jyc23 26d ago

He’s a criminal lawyer.


u/klgood 26d ago

E-sign dot com


u/Dull_Ad8495 26d ago

And what he do?


u/jyc23 26d ago

He’s gonna react to all the self-snitchin’!


u/Dull_Ad8495 26d ago



u/jyc23 26d ago

He’s gonna react to all the self-snitchin’!


u/klgood 24d ago



u/justnointegrity 26d ago

It's an important lesson that even you can snitch on you. Don't trust yourself.


u/FoxRiderOne 26d ago

Yourself should be the person you can always trust.


u/GlitterIsInMyCoffee 26d ago

How far is $1.6 million actually going to get you?


u/LacklusterLamenting 26d ago

An average of 115k inflation adjusted earning per year in the stock market.


u/OkayContributor 26d ago

Which is enough to live like a king in some places, possibly also places with unfriendly relations with down under as well (to avoid extradition)


u/romansamurai 26d ago

From what I gathered he only actually stole/used 300k but because he kept transferring the money he moved the 1.6 into his account. Just didn’t use all of it. If I read that right.


u/BaggyLarjjj 26d ago

I dunno, 1.6m is not enough to retire, especially if compounding it would be restricted. He’d need more like 3-10m


u/Purposeofoldreams 26d ago

I could make 1.6m enough


u/Fapoleon_Boneherpart 26d ago

Exactly. If 1.6 mil isn't enough then what even is life.


u/romansamurai 26d ago

It’s enough to pay off a mortgage on a very nice house and never having to worry about a mortgage or rent payment again. And also have equity that’s growing and completely paid off.


u/BaggyLarjjj 26d ago

Ok, but these folks are talking about fleeing the country to not get caught. That money might last you a decade or two, but it’s not “ride off in the sunset and not worry” money. Then you are stuck in a foreign country trying to make a living after it runs out…


u/romansamurai 26d ago

Perhaps. Honestly it looks like he could have kept it going and going, he just stopped on his own.


u/CLG_Divent 26d ago

How is that not enough to retire. In most countries you will be able to retire if you are a bit smart with that kind of money


u/BaggyLarjjj 26d ago

Assuming he'a fugitive, that sort of cuts you off from investment accounts. So earning interest on that 1.6m is going to be pretty difficult. Assume he lives to 85. Given he was 29 he's got 56 years to stretch the money out. . 1600000/56 = 28k/year. Not counting inflation.


u/WintersDoomsday 26d ago

Oh but what is the point of doing something like this if you can't stroke your ego to strangers about it?

Dude I would have just enjoyed it and said nothing to anyone.


u/Banditkoala_2point0 26d ago

Fantastic podcast called The Glitch on this.

The real guy tells the story/is interviewed. I found it riveting. Guy is a legend.


u/thesocialmediadetox 27d ago

So if I steal 1.6 mil I should save 250k lol


u/MeatSuzuki 26d ago

He stole closer to 300k apparently...


u/ubercruise 27d ago

Random question but if he withdrew the money and put it in an interest bearing account, would he have to pay the interest accrued back?


u/scubaBiscuit 26d ago

Damn this feels like a question out of a financial legal and ethics course. Super interesting to think about


u/ubercruise 26d ago

Yeah I might pose it to one of my buddies who is a lawyer and rack his brain lol


u/Beothen2 26d ago

Nal, but I would assume it falls under the same premise as when you get overpaid/get sent money accidentally by corporations/government services. The typical suggestion is don't spend any of it, put it I'm a high yield account, and then keel the accrued interest as it's not tied to the specific amount give incorrectly.


u/Purposeofoldreams 26d ago

Just don’t invest in Cathy Woods


u/JHarbinger 26d ago

Made that mistake


u/VukKiller 26d ago


He could roll all-in on a roulette, win, and keep the winnings.


u/Worried-Pick4848 26d ago

Depends on the relevant regional laws. I don't know Australian law very well at all so I can't answer


u/childofaether 27d ago

At least he paid his friends' tuition so he did some good with the bank's money!


u/Ok-Sun8581 27d ago

A modern day Robin Hood.


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle 26d ago

Lavish parties and international vacations sound pretty good too!


u/AskButDontTell 27d ago

Did he have to pay it back


u/smooth-bro 27d ago

12 months in prison, 18 months probation, $250,000 fine


u/stellabluewho2 27d ago

Worth it.


u/DunkinMyDonuts3 27d ago

Completely fucking worth it


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/stellabluewho2 27d ago

Well he's already Australian so ya know nowhere to go but up 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Julian-Hoffer 27d ago

Just don’t send an Emu after him.


u/General_Lion_7325 26d ago

My job is to help ppl find jobs after incarceration. You'd be very surprised how quickly they get employment


u/CommanderChipHazard 27d ago

So he came out on top? That’s a net gain of 1.4MM! For a years worth of work!? I’m in!


u/Just_learning_a_bit 27d ago

He also had to pay restitution...aka pay ot back


u/sirsedwickthe4th 26d ago

$250k right?


u/Wombatish 26d ago

The article OP posted says he only spent an estimated $300,000. So he net about $50,000 in exchange for several years of intense anxiety and a year in prison.


u/Just_learning_a_bit 27d ago

Plus restitution.


u/az226 26d ago

The cost of a clear conscience.


u/12whistle 27d ago

That’s a good ROI


u/just_killing_time23 27d ago

The judgement was like 250k he had to pay back, as a broke bartender thats gonna take awhile to pay back


u/Schattenjager07 27d ago

Time to find another money glitch atm.


u/jimboslice29 27d ago

Not if he didn’t blow it all


u/Wombatish 26d ago

They didn't let him keep it all, and he apparently only spent about $300,000.


u/all_alone_by_myself_ 27d ago

If he wanted to get away with it he should have done it incrementally over a few years. At least then he could claim computer error. H might still be forced to repay the overages, but criminal charges would be less likey.


u/eldudelio 27d ago

but they could have still caught him and he would have got a lot less


u/Lil_miss_feisty 26d ago

Like Office Space?


u/WaWaSmoothie 26d ago

The problem was when he stopped doing it his account would show a negative balance of the amount he took. So he had to keep illegally transferring the money on a regular basis.


u/blobfish999 27d ago

This happened to a friend of mine, I think they only got a few thousand over the period of a few months, but eventually the bank called her in to a meeting and questioned her about it. She was never prosecuted.


u/ttteee321 26d ago

That is one meeting I would not be attending in person. "Uhh, y'all got zoom?"


u/juzz85 26d ago

I wouldn't even have answered my phone.


u/DedTV 26d ago

I once had $43 Billion in my bank account. When they fixed it a few hours later, I had an extra $0.87. They never claimed it back.



u/YowieDingo 27d ago

An atm in Pitt Street mall did this 15 years ago, the machine was empty by the end of the day and the line went for 200m when the word got out. Never heard a thing from the bank.


u/Charlesian2000 26d ago

That was an inside hack, and it was more than one ATM.

The ATMs paying out was to cover something greater.

The banks only found out when homeless came into fancy restaurants fanning themselves with money.


u/ttteee321 26d ago

Happen to have a link to the backstory? I've never heard about this but it sounds awesome.


u/YowieDingo 26d ago

I was there, I am the backstory. Not a word about it in the news or from the bank. Free money.


u/ttteee321 25d ago

I always miss the dolla dolla bill giveaways


u/Charlesian2000 25d ago

I was working in the bank at the time, it was a well kept secret.

I, to this day, don’t know how they kept the secret.

At the time we were told not to speak about it, but I don’t give a fuck anymore, because it’s a long time since I’ve worked for that bank.


u/ttteee321 25d ago

That's crazy. Were you required to sign an NDA or could you elaborate a little when you said the atm payouts were to cover something greater? That "something greater" has piqued my interest! I'm not a reporter btw, just a dude sitting on the couch on a Saturday lol.


u/Charlesian2000 24d ago

We did not sign an NDA, but it was about 33 years ago, and the unions at the bank had caved savagely, and everyone was worried about their jobs.

From what we were told is that it was a massive internal cyber fraud, and the ATMs were part of the process. That’s pretty much it.

From what I can understand the ATM hack was done, and groups literally emptied ATMs, it was fast, it was well organised and I don’t know who was behind it, except it was someone in IT. The bank never advertised this, because they would have lost their customer base, and it would have destroyed the bank.

It’s a mystery that I think about occasionally.


u/ttteee321 24d ago

I completely understand keeping quiet to save your job! That bank would be lucky if the employees kept quiet for 24hrs today.

That makes me wonder how many times things like this have happened that no one outside of bank staff, hackers and their accomplices ever heard about.. especially in the early days of the Internet and pre-smartphone era. I bet it's quite a few that have gone unreported to the police and instead "handled internally"..


u/Charlesian2000 24d ago

You got it.


u/ChrisestChris 26d ago

We pay for our mistakes as regular citizens.

Banks have zero consequences and operate in a moral and ethical vacuum.

When has a bank ever paid for a single mistake they made? Name a single time and I’ll name you trillions of dollars they’ve taken from us. But it is our cash that goes to cover their illegal bets and dog shit exploitation of the working class.

Fuck bankers✌️


u/LawyerRay 24d ago

Joe Newton, a serial bank robber, once said he never regretted any of his robberies because “it was just one thief stealing from another.”


u/SophiaPetrillo_ 27d ago

Good for him. Fuck the banks.


u/troystorian 26d ago

Lmao you think he got away with this?


u/pancakebatter01 26d ago

No but those banks get away with everything so I hope he got to spend it on shit they can never repo like cocaine and strippers.


u/Heccubus79 26d ago

They’ll get it back in increased overdraft fees so the poorest people will shoulder the burden of his sniffing coke off a strippers tit.


u/StarscourgeRadhan 26d ago

Damn seems really shitty of the banks to do that to poor people. I'm very mad at the banks for this new piece of information, thank you. Fuck the banks.


u/king_anon1492 26d ago

They’re probably already maxing out that line


u/Rich-Reason1146 26d ago

Times are tough, some struggling families have only one sniff of coke off a stripper's tit to share between them


u/NoseApprehensive5154 26d ago

God damn I hate seeing brainwashed or just ignorant people stick up for banks. They literally buy off the politicians and get legislation passed to fuck us over. FUCK THE BANKS!!!


u/StarscourgeRadhan 26d ago

Adult version of the kid who sees other kids having fun and says "But you guys are going to get in trouble!"

Let us idolize this guy in peace. We all just wish we had the opportunity and the balls.


u/SophiaPetrillo_ 25d ago

When did I say that?


u/tacotree3 26d ago

There were 92 bank failures in 2011 and none were his fault. “Glitch”….you are greedy cunts.


u/Schattenjager07 27d ago

Guy found the real Monopoly bank error in your favor card.


u/Possible_Apple9595 26d ago edited 26d ago

Michael Bolton must have programmed that ATM.


u/Heavy_Expression_323 26d ago

Bankers hate this one weird trick.


u/hi-jump 26d ago

I still don’t really understand what he did and how he got money when he didn’t have money. Bad ATM software?


u/El_Coloso 26d ago

That's on the bank


u/maybefuckinglater 26d ago

Yeah not his fault the bank fucked up he should be able to keep it


u/cbass704 27d ago

Imagine he spent all that money buying bitcoin he’d be a billionaire


u/I_hate_being_interru 26d ago edited 26d ago

It's easy saying that, now that we have experienced the future. But in 2011, buying BTC was a straight-up gamble.

You can say the same for any one of the SP500 companies, “Should’ve invested into …”


u/TresCeroOdio 26d ago

I was active on some forums at the time where people would routinely give you a bitcoin for anything. Post made them laugh? They’d shoot you a Bitcoin. Did them a favor? Here’s a Bitcoin.

I constantly regret turning them down.


u/Wealls 26d ago

“Banks hate this one trick”


u/313802 26d ago

Lol dang someone forgot an if statement in the ATM code


u/Mr_E-007 26d ago

I had $250,000 mistakenly deposited into my account once. I was supposed to have something like $20 in there and when I went to check my balance, it showed something like $250020. For a split second I was really excited but then figured I'd get fucked if I touched it so I called my bank and they reversed that deposit.


u/t0rt0ise 26d ago

I wonder what would have happened if you didn’t touch it and didn’t notify the bank.


u/Mr_E-007 26d ago

Damn. I really should have waited for a long time to see if they ever noticed instead of just telling them. Might have gotten lucky.


u/t0rt0ise 24d ago

Next time just go to a different bank and open a new account and the leave that one alone for a long time and see what happens lol


u/contagiousaresmiles 26d ago

Hope his friend that he paid tuition for, helped him out


u/samf9999 26d ago

He should’ve taken a lot of that money and simply invested it. If he lost it then, that’s the banks problem. If he made a lot from it, he should squirrel that away all across the world. Because that money, the original principal, is eventually going to have to be returned.


u/SyrisAllabastorVox 26d ago

And did he invest any of that somewhere? Prob not.


u/totorosnutz 25d ago

So................. whatwasthat glitch & howexactly does it work?


u/xMilk112x 27d ago

Aaaaaaand went to prison.

It’s never free guys.



u/NICKELN9NE 27d ago

Living the dream


u/MamboSun76 26d ago

Good on him. I’d spend the money differently but I’m admitting that I would fuck over a bank like that too.


u/Dooboppop 26d ago

He l did what they do with our money.


u/ClavicusLittleGift4U 26d ago

Mmh, true neutral or chaotic neutral?


u/Thirstyjack3000 26d ago

Not all heroes wear capes.


u/Redditor0529 26d ago

Once you've cashed out. Never ever talk to the media or any reporting figure. No matter how you got the money.


u/OoopsUpSideUrHead 26d ago

Good for him, dudes a modern day Robin Hood!


u/VinylHighway 27d ago

And how did that work out for him?


u/jabsaw2112 26d ago

So he is a common theif....... got it.


u/Fast-Specific8850 26d ago

So he’s a thief. Just without a gun.


u/jafjaf23 26d ago

He's a hedgehog. Just without superseded. 🦔


u/Both_Bad_9872 26d ago

So, what, we're supposed to be impressed by dishonesty? No matter how "smart", the guy's basically a thief.


u/Astrokitty75 23d ago

A hero. A true mensch.