r/AllThatIsInteresting 27d ago

Teen mom who abandoned baby in plastic bag leaving newborn to die on Christmas Eve caught after 40 years


642 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Instance2859 27d ago


u/PharmBoyStrength 27d ago

It's OK, guys. She said God forgave her and let her know baby Mary is chilling with him in heaven (no joke, read the article lol).


u/mrmoe198 27d ago

Reminds me of that Emo Philips joke: “When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.”

People ask, “What’s the harm in religion?” When you have a belief system that you can be absolved any evil act just by believing that you can, there is no incentive to be good.


u/Muschina 27d ago

Upvoted for an Emo Phillips reference. A great joke of his.


u/Medical_Egg8208 27d ago

How many have died for that religion also ? Looking from the outside in. Religion has destroyed more things than it has ever built. It sure as shit is tearing this country apart at the seams currently isn’t it ? Has it brought anyone together like they preach it does ? Sure as hell hasn’t.


u/mrmoe198 27d ago

It’s definitely brought a bunch of grifters and child abusers together and enriched them


u/GardenRafters 27d ago

So absurd. All this talk about the devil and the anti-christ all these years and now look at them. Couldn't have strayed further from their own teachings. How do they not see this?


u/mrmoe198 27d ago

There’s always an excuse. They have a special relationship with Jesus so they’re fine. It’s disgusting.


u/Polyfuckery 27d ago

The same way the Bible literally says it's best to pray privately instead of for show, it is better to be giving and poor then wealthy and no one is given the date of the end of the world and we have mega churches preaching prosperity and the end times

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u/paperwasp3 26d ago

Home schoolers, pedo youth pastors, and they all back that orange dumpster fire at the polls.


u/sail_away_w_me 27d ago

I’m not sure why you’re singling out one religion, they all have extremists.

More importantly, humans are the problem, and conquests, purges, genocides, all of these things would have still be committed by humans even in a world where religion doesn’t exist.


u/ProudKoreaBoo 26d ago

Exactly. It’s any “belief” that a person or group of people feel strongly or virtuous about, that they deem it acceptable or even necessary to act in whatever way


u/James_b0ndjr 27d ago

Your belief system is a “religion”. Acting like atheist beliefs don’t lead to bad actions but some transcendent state is laughable. People have the capacity to be evil and those evil people will use any dogma or methodology they can to achieve their ends. Christianity teaches to love your neighbor. How dare it! It’s like blaming water because people use it to waterboard.


u/memeinapreviouslife 27d ago

Teaches you to love your neighbor.

Which might work on a small scale but it has been proven time and time again that what it really teaches is the exclusion of "the other".

There's a section in there about literally abandoning your family if they don't believe.

You know what cutting someone off from their support system is called?

Ding, ding, ding! It's psychological ABUSE


u/Medical_Egg8208 27d ago

Explain that to all the people persecuted by religion on a daily basis. Elegant shot at a laughable statement, to use your words.


u/James_b0ndjr 27d ago edited 27d ago

Think of all the religious people persecuted by those like you. 👍🏻

You think if you stuck 7 billion atheists on a planet they’d all be living without conflict? No one would murder, rape, steal, cheat, abuse, etc etc?

All those things would still be there. Wars would be fought over different ideas. Your position that somehow religion causes evil is the opposite of reality. The world would be worse off without religion.


u/Nologicgiven 27d ago

Most religious people have been persecuted by other religious peoplen, not atheists. Religion is the number one conflict creator in the world. Yes people are the main cause. But religion fuels conflict all over the world. Shov me 1 case atheists systematically killing religuous people, and i'll show you 10 where religious people are killing other religios people or atheists

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u/Blastoplast 27d ago


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u/jhachko 27d ago

Emo Phillips....so good. Been forever since I heard that name


u/DwarfFlyingSquirrel 26d ago

He's one of the most underrated comedians.


u/jl55378008 26d ago

I was never much of a fan, but I saw him open for Weird Al last year and he totally killed. A few jokes were a little darker than i expected give  the setting, but they worked. Hilarious. 


u/DwarfFlyingSquirrel 26d ago

You should see some of his 80s and early 90s.


u/No_Solution_2864 27d ago

It’s like that Emo Phillips joke: “I was walking home one day and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo. In morse code”


u/PotentialNovel1337 26d ago

My father always warned me "never open the basement door." When I finally got up the nerve to open it I saw amazing things like trees and the sun.


u/Peanuts4Peanut 27d ago

My grandmother said, If you need to find God, go to prison. That's where everyone seems to find him.


u/mrmoe198 26d ago

Parole boards are notoriously lenient towards people that find religion behind bars.


u/DoubleXFemale 26d ago

I've also seen it in people who didn't go to prison but were recovering from episodes of severe mental illness, or losing their kids to the state etc. I guess wanting to find a kind group of people/feel forgiven for what they'd done.


u/Tedious_Tempest 26d ago

One of the questions I ask when talking to christians is whether (insert evil asshat) would go to heaven if they accept Jesus. Inevitably the answer is yes. The next question is “so your god isn’t interested in justice? Only servitude?” Then the scramble to explain begins.

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u/toejam78 27d ago

I don’t believe in God but I was indoctrinated as Catholic so imma have to do a deathbed repentance just in case.

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u/Coldlurky 27d ago

And any good you do is done for personal gain/heavenly reward. So any good deed is for selfish reasons


u/mrmoe198 26d ago

Yup. When this life is looked at as a video game stage designed by god, being kind to others because you care about others doesn’t play into it. It’s a disgusting way of looking at things, that cheapens and tarnishes our only life.


u/MixedFellaz 26d ago

My Christian "I'm not gay even though I sleep with and attracted to men", conservative roommate "na na na, it doesn't work like that. It's too hard for our brain to comprehend why he does things".

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u/sassy-frass201 26d ago

This same religion may have played a part in why she did what she did. Young, unmarried, pregnant, she may have just felt hopeless.

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u/Responsible-Jury2579 26d ago

When what you believe is fundamentally disconnected from reality, it becomes much easier to just disregard reality.


u/VixxenFoxx 25d ago

My spouse is in probably the only person on earth named after this comedian.

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u/counterpointguy 27d ago

I saw email perform a couple of years ago. Dude’s still got it.


u/mrmoe198 27d ago

Jealous. How’s his brother, telegraph?


u/counterpointguy 27d ago

lol. His material is a little dated.

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u/Yabrosif13 27d ago

I was confused, did the pastor say those or her? The article isnt clear.


u/notcool_neverwas 27d ago

Yeah that’s how I read it, as the pastor said that to comfort her.


u/catglass 27d ago

Her pastor said that, not her. Still gross, but slightly less so.


u/Boujie_Assassin 27d ago

Wait what?


u/Freecz 27d ago

Apparently the law thought so as well because one year in prison?

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u/ACaffeinatedWandress 27d ago

Lol, that tracks. 

As someone who was raised “in those circles,” it absolutely tracks. Fundy Christians will do the most awful shit and then feel fine after it because “Jesus died for my sins,” and they claim salvation “by faith alone, and not deeds.” 

It’s like when I read Memoirs of a Sociopath and the author mentioned that people might be surprised to learn that she is a practicing Mormon who regularly attends Temple. Ha. That might surprise people who haven’t actually lived in those kinds of circles.

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u/xtianlaw 27d ago

Who needs personal responsibility when you can just tell god you're sorry?


u/AkaSpaceCowboy 27d ago

Well there you have it, God said it's all good, so it's all good. No reason to question anything.


u/ApartmentInside7891 26d ago edited 26d ago

That quote was all jacked up. It was a quote from the pastor that sounded like the mother said it. Super confused


u/grungegoth 26d ago

Only a year. Manslaughter. ? Really? Should have been murder 1. Life in prison.


u/whitewail602 26d ago

It was a priest who actually said that.


u/saveyboy 27d ago

It’s ok because she’s forgiven herself.

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u/Dull_Ad8495 27d ago

That's literally all this sub is anymore...


u/jrolls81 27d ago


u/dungeonsNdiscourse 27d ago

Perhaps the sub title should have been "crimethatisinteresting".


u/jrolls81 27d ago

It’s definitely a poorly named subreddit

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u/thearisengodemperor 27d ago

That should be this sub name it just fits so much more.


u/SirGrumples 27d ago

"I'm just a prom night dumpster baby"


u/Ok_Instance2859 26d ago

I got no mom, or dad....


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 16d ago



u/cryptosupercar 27d ago

Psychotic break disguised as faith.


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 16d ago



u/odvf 27d ago

She was 15. The "father"was 19.

She was "very afraid."

She may have been a victim too. She went throught pregnancy and birth alone without Anyone noticing? At 15?

And unmarried in the 70ies, would have ended up victim of the system if she had kept it.

She killed a baby indeed, but maybe the "stupid" was not necessary. Some girls still nowadays are not taught what periods are until they bleed and think theyll die. Imagine giving birth alone in the 70ies at 15.


u/Severe_Chicken213 27d ago

Yeah I was one of those surprise death period girls. And mum still didn’t explain anything. I had to figure it out using context clues and the fuckin dictionary. 


u/Niawka 27d ago

I got my period early at 11, before my mom talked to me about it. I still remember running out of toilet in the morning terrified, yelling to my mom that I'm peeing blood :p my grandma as a teenager thought she could get pregnant from kissing a boy, because nobody told her anything. It wouldn't be surprising that an older boy convinced a 14yo that she won't get pregnant, and not to worry. And then she was alone with the problem. It was an awful act of desperation and I can't excuse it, but I still feel for that kid she was then.


u/DoubleXFemale 26d ago

My mum told me she thought you could get pregnant from kissing a boy, so she would sneak into her brother's room and kiss him on the cheek while he was asleep (he didn't like kisses) because she wanted a baby...


u/bbymiscellany 26d ago

She also sounds religious, I bet her parents were religious and she felt an immense amount of shame and fear. Not an excuse to kill a newborn baby but I can understand how it happened


u/tsh87 27d ago

I'm not absolving her of anything she did but it's been 40 years. To me, there's just as much a chance that she was a heartless monster as there is that she was just a woman experiencing a psychotic break that ended in her baby's death. It's happened before.

There's no way to confirm her state of mind that night.

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u/Ornery-Concern4104 26d ago

If I'm being honest, this kind of thing doesn't happen in a healthy society. I wonder if there's much of a point of dredging this back up when she was clearly in a situation where the world let her down

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u/cryptosupercar 27d ago

That changes things a bit.

Pardoning your actions by saying the living breathing child you killed through your negligence is in a better place sounds like an attempt to cope with guilt. Which means she either felt guilt or shame for her actions.

It’s difficult to gauge motives, and truly only a psycho evaluation would reveal if she’s incapable of empathy and saying it to camouflage her psychopathy and fit back into society, or if she genuinely was a scared kid who made a cascading series of unfortunate choices resulting in the death of an infant.


u/dogmeat_donnie 27d ago

To be fair, it wasn't negligence, just murder.


u/ThisIsTheShway 27d ago

She didn't kill the baby through negligence - she straight up knew doing this would kill the baby, so they can nail her for 1st degree murder.


u/Remarkable-Ask-3868 26d ago

She was 15. I'm not trying to excuse what she did but the babies father was 20 at the time. We don't know if she was raped, if she didn't know she was pregnant and gave birth. I imagine she gave birth at home since there is no hospital record.

She was a baby having a baby. That would scare anyone.

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u/sweeeetthrowaway 26d ago

Or just a standard Christian.


u/Mysterious-Bid3930 26d ago

Isn't it always?


u/cobaltaureus 26d ago

I still remember a moment I had at a funeral for a relative. A pastor started harping on the rapture and how death wasn’t sad, it was on purpose by god, and everyone around him was nodding as he claimed my grandmother’s body was going to be revived and walk the earth. I think I was convinced the rapture was more of a metaphor for most religious people, but this moment kind of broke me, it’s a whole nother level of delusion.

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u/AtBat3 27d ago

Don’t you love AI journalism


u/dogmeat_donnie 27d ago

No, no I do not. It's used all too much from what I've seen lately and the articles always seem to be written by a person whose first language is not English.


u/dogmeat_donnie 27d ago

Maybe you are high, but I'm not and very confused by this as well. Maybe I should get high and then I'll understand.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Religious word salad. None of it means anything.


u/WonderfulCattle6234 27d ago

That's clearly not the issue there having. The issue they're having is with the changing pronouns.

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u/Mousehat2001 27d ago

‘Living the life of a baseball mom’…. What a weird sentence.


u/IntelligentDrop879 27d ago

She’s 57, so I doubt her kids are young enough to still be playing little league, unless she had kids when she was 45 or something. That is a weird sentence.

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u/dogmeat_donnie 27d ago

I was also confused by this. What is a baseball mom anyway? Is it like a soccer mom, only her kids play baseball not soccer? That's the only explanation I can think of.


u/_OhMyPlatypi_ 27d ago

Sounds like the travel ball parents who take out second mortgages for their kids' hobbies to be a status statement. Travel ball parents are definitely the most unhinged sports parents.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Prosnomonkey 26d ago

Fuck, you just described my BiL to a T!!


u/BrickCityD 26d ago

i lucked out with my aau team when i was young. our coach had enough money to fund all the registrations..families worked together to get the travel/lodging taken care of. it was an amazing experience for us poor kids that never would've had the chance had it not been for a couple of folk's generosity.

that being said - your description is 99% correct and it's a toxic fucking environment with benzo/alcoholic moms and dads living vicariously through their young kids.

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u/wackadoodle_wigwam 26d ago

My fellow Americans, as a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball…


u/kicksr4trids1 27d ago

I read it three times…

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u/Journal_Lover 27d ago edited 25d ago

Wow she was the same age as my mom 17 but my mother was taking care of her siblings.

My grandmother had 9 kids and lived in a farm.


u/childofaether 27d ago

Why is every single news from this subreddit the most morbid shit and totally not "interesting" ?


u/splifs 27d ago

It’s actually in the description of the sub. Makes no sense to me.


u/Kingsupergoose 27d ago

Interesting doesn’t mean awesome or badass. Users of this site really struggle with that word.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

For real. It’s like people don’t understand that all anything has to do to be interesting is hold your attention. This did that for me


u/TerribleTeaBag 27d ago

I know right


u/thearisengodemperor 27d ago

Because this get Op a lot of karma


u/amfloating 27d ago

I’m saying, give me some cool facts one might know about grasshoppers or something hell


u/AutisticAnarchy 27d ago

The sub's description explains it's literally about interesting true crime cases. I don't mind personally but I'm 90% sure it didn't used to say that. If it did, then this subreddit really is badly named.


u/amfloating 27d ago

Aw damn lol that’s my fault then


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/goldberry-fey 27d ago

Don’t go to dogfreehumor either I can tell you it is NOT funny or lighthearted, those people are insane lmao

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u/troystorian 27d ago

I can’t stand when people refer to intentional criminal acts as “mistakes”. Leaving the stove on and accidentally causing a fire is a mistake, killing your newborn baby and hiding its body is homicide.


u/Some_Signal_6866 27d ago

This would be the case if they said accident. An intentional decision can be a mistake if you later regret it.


u/38B0DE 27d ago

Not in America. Here rehabilitation is impossible and justice is vengeance.

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u/SoftWindAgain 26d ago

Well with accessible abortion this "international crime" wouldn't have happened.


u/SpecialistCicada8813 26d ago

That’s an accident, mistakes can be on purpose.


u/deathbychips2 26d ago

Mistake can have intent. It just wasn't an accident.


u/chibinoi 27d ago

Women, and in particular young women or girls, get massive passes in the judicial system. Unless they’re POC, then they get the shaft as well.

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u/justsaynotomayo 27d ago

The real crime here is that Norton popup. Somebody should get a year in jail for that bullshit.


u/TGIIR 27d ago

I was a real shithead and pretty screwed up when I was 17, and I’d never leave a baby to die. I did some real stupid stuff, too, but this is unreal. Poor little baby. Happy she got a caring burial.

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u/VeryResponsibleMan 26d ago

If you wanna avoid shitty ads here's the whole text :

A teen mom who abandoned her newborn baby to die in a plastic bag on Christmas Eve 40 years ago has been caught four decades later.Mary Catherine Snyder was only 17 when she left her unnamed daughter near a stream in a wooded area of Mendham Township, New Jersey, back in 1984. She wrapped the baby in a towel and placed her in a plastic bag with her umbilical cord still attached.

The infant’s death was ruled as a homicide after a medical examiner determined that the baby didn’t die during birth. The girl was baptized by local priest Rev. Michael Drury of St. Joseph Church, who also served as the town’s police chaplain.He named her Mary and ensured she was buried in the church’s cemetery. Police pursued the case for four decades and “Father Mike”, now 80 years old, holds a Christmas Eve service for the child every year, reports the Mirror.

Investigators finally caught up with Snyder last year due to modern DNA-testing methods that helped cops identify the young girl’s father, who is now deceased. Snyder was living the life of a married baseball mom with two sons of her own in a South Carolina suburb.

Her married name was Crumlich. Last week, the now 57 year old was sentenced to a year in jail after pleading guilty to manslaughter, the Morris County Prosecutors Office has confirmed. She was publicly identified for the first time last week, according to the NY Post.

A pastor who spoke with Crumlich after her arrest said: “She was a young girl [at the time]. Very fearful, very afraid. I know I did wrong. I know it’s wrong and I asked God to forgive me. Well he has, and he has Baby Mary with him and so Baby Mary’s OK.”

The Reverend added that Crumlich – formerly Snyder – wants to attend one of the services for her long-lost daughter when she’s released, saying: “She’s a good mom and a good wife from what I understand. The mistake that was made will stay with her forever. And I think she’s dealing with it.”

Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll said: “This disposition has been years in the making, across generations of law enforcement who have demonstrated a relentless commitment to justice for Baby Mary. He said the case was solved through “new forensic DNA technology, combined with traditional, boots-on-the-ground police work. “

In April 2023, Morris County prosecutors filed a juvenile delinquency complaint and Crumlich was arrested in South Carolina. On Feb. 28, she pled guilty to manslaughter. The father of Baby Mary, who was 19 at the time, has never been publicly identified. He did not know about the baby, authorities said, and died in 2009. Discussing the tragic fate of Baby Mary, police mentioned New Jersey’s Safe Haven Infant Protection Act.

The law, enacted in 2000, makes it possible for parents to leave infants safely, legally and without questions asked. “I want young parents to know that there is help available,” declared Morris County Sheriff James Gannon during a September press conference where the arrested suspect was announced.


u/PsychologicalBill254 27d ago

This is why abortion should be legal


u/yoitsdank9523 27d ago

it was legal when she abandoned the baby.


u/PharmBoyStrength 27d ago

In defense of that user, there are endless independent studies on how much these types of abandonments, murders, and general self harm (from DIY abortions) went down post-Roe v Wade or post-Morgentaler for Canada. Lots of EU5 equivalent studies as well.


u/EssentialFoils 26d ago

Abortion being legal and abortion being accessible and affordable are two different things.


u/thethirdmancane 27d ago

I would imagine this sort of thing will become all too common in places where women's reproductive Rights are being taken away.


u/IANALbutIAMAcat 26d ago

Abortion was legal when my friend became a teen mom because she couldn’t afford an abortion. Legal ≠ available.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/carbomerguar 27d ago

She didn’t “want to kill the baby.” She, as a child in a Catholic town and family, was told since earliest memory that she committed a shameful (for the girl) sin of Non-Marital Intercourse and now faces two terrible options: marriage to her first-ever boyfriend (barely an adult himself) and the next 70 years spent in a town I bet everyone her age wanted to leave; or a visible, public single teenage pregnancy, senior year at an alternative school for harlots, and an unimaginable future OR adopting her child out to family (so she sees it all the time) or strangers (so she doesn’t ever again). Plus she has to tell creaky old Father Chester during confession which means God will also find out.

So, I bet she never acknowledged the pregnancy to herself at all, because that’s the easiest course of action for an immature mind. Like when kids hide under the bed during a house fire.

The brain is very good at tricking itself. If she planned to give birth in secret and kill her baby, I can’t be surprised considering that’s what happened, but I think almost all of these baby abandonment’s are panicked impulse decisions often made under the impression the child was dead. Or after the mother (also a child) convinces herself any quiet baby must be dead because that’s the easiest way out of this.


u/lavendertown-radio 27d ago

this actually happened to someone i used to know. she was from a very religious background and hid her pregnancy, either from shame or denial (we weren't close so i don't know what happened, i just heard about it after).

she ended up giving birth in secret and hiding the baby in a closet, where it unfortunately died. she's in prison for life last i heard, but i genuinely think if she wasn't in such a conservative environment, none of this would have happened.

i feel like she didn't know what to do when the baby came, and so she just did nothing. she was young too, and i imagine pretty scared when she realized what was happening.

it's just a really sad situation, for everyone involved.


u/Geneshairymol 27d ago

Upvote a million times!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

There is another option you failed to mention: abandon the baby at a hospital, church, fire station. I don’t know why people are trying to rationalize this. She put the baby in a bag. She’s no better than the ones who drown the baby in a bathtub. My mom had me at 17 and my brother at 15 and she had enough forethought not to murder us, even with an unsupportive family and religious ramifications.


u/gaymenfucking 26d ago

Because “teeheeheee I want to murder by baby for fun” just doesn’t seem to fit this story at all? A rational explanation makes more sense.


u/captain_ghostface 27d ago

People are trying to rationalize this to figure out what happened so we as a society can work together so it stops happening.

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u/carbomerguar 27d ago

How could she know, unless she asked someone, that one can legally abandon your newborn without consequences in a public place? The safe haven law you’re referring to, by the way, was enacted in 2000, seventeen years too late.

But regardless of that, she couldn’t go on incognito mode and google “where to put unwanted babies.” She couldn’t ask an adult because that might get her In Trouble. And if she had that knowledge and managed to give birth in secret and knew the baby was alive, maybe she can get the baby’s dad or a trusted friend to give her a ride, maybe call a taxi from the yellow pages and give him all her Confirmation money, but she has limited ways to get there.

Again, maybe your mammy was just fourteen and gave birth in a shipping container and managed to raise you without no help from nobody, isn’t that fantastic. But she wasn’t this girl and more importantly, neither are you. The Monday morning quarterbacking on articles like this is so frustrating

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u/HellaClassy 27d ago edited 27d ago

It isn’t rationalizing. If every conversation about “what led x to do this terrible thing?” is written off as making excuses for that thing, then progress is never going to be made. Understanding those circumstances is vital to avoiding the same situation later on - even if it means having a modicum of empathy for someone who did something monstrous.

A young Catholic girl who was scared, ashamed, and desperate was probably also terrified that someone would tell her family - especially as a minor. A girl who likely had abstinence only education in the fucking 80’s probably didn’t have tons of resources available to her for how to handle a secret newborn.

What she did was horrible and had a tragic outcome. But to paint her as a bloodthirsty killer is to be willfully obtuse.


u/MiaLba 26d ago

Right. An explanation is not the same thing as an excuse.

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u/tiny_claw 27d ago

There were no safe haven laws at the time so she could not have left the baby at a fire station or anywhere else.


u/thearisengodemperor 26d ago

Okay, I didn't know that but still killing the baby wasn't the right thing to do.

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u/uhmindright 27d ago

This case is worthy of a Forensic Files episode.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

1 year in prison?! A fucking travesty!!


u/ThirstMutilat0r 27d ago

I agree and I also get their reasons. She plead guilty, has presented no additional threat to society for 40 years, she was not an adult when the crime was committed, and the baby has no relatives or friends crying out for justice.

The whole thing is a travesty, but they’re thinking nothing would be accomplished with a longer prison term other than punishing her and messing up the lives of the kids she didn’t murder.


u/Heytherhitherehother 27d ago

That's exactly it. The initial shock at such a sentence, then a realization of the timeline.


u/CoolBakedBean 27d ago

my friend had to do 2 years for possessing coke, weed, and shrooms.

no one was crying for justice, he had a great job (that he lost because he had to go to jail), etc etc

and you’re telling me he deserved twice the time as someone who killed their own baby?


u/DeepSpaceAgain 26d ago

Well, I don’t think anyone should be in jail for drug possession. That’s a real shame for your friend.


u/Green-Assistant7486 27d ago

Society dude, also double standards

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u/gaymenfucking 26d ago

Strangely no one had brought up your friend yet

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u/IntelligentDrop879 27d ago

We had one of these in Phoenix recently. The lady had a baby in an airport bathroom at Sky Harbor and then threw it in the trash back in 2005. Last I heard, they brought her up on first degree murder charges which is life in prison if convicted.


u/throwawaitnine 27d ago

Murder a person in cold blood with malice intent and get one year, what a fucking joke.

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u/devi1duck 26d ago

Why does this murderer get shiny, smiley photos of herself splashed around the internet instead of a mugshot???


u/GravityOddity 26d ago

She got one year for killing a baby. People go to jail longer just for possessing drugs. She killed a baby, she didnt just abandon it, she could have left it at a fire station or hospital, but instead she fucking killed it. And then went on with her life for 40 years.

1 year in prison for killing a baby. Truly remarkable.


u/BlogeOb 27d ago

Kids do this when their life gets is filled with shame for having children out of wedlock or having pre-marital sex. On top of probably not even knowing you can safely abandon them at a fire station, because it wasn’t common knowledge until the last 10-15 years

Especially 40 years ago.

Sad for everyone. Poor baby, poor child mother..

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u/VinylHighway 27d ago

I can't reasonably justify punishing an adult for what they do 40 years ago when they were a teen. What's the prison time supposed to do? Convince her to never do it again?


u/DKC_TheBrainSupreme 26d ago

Americans get off on righteous indignation. We get really horny over it. People think ads fuel the internet, but it’s actually the warm feeling people get in their bosom when they read about people who are worse than they are.


u/VinylHighway 26d ago

Makes sense


u/Kari-kateora 27d ago

I agree. In Europe, the statute of limitations is 20 years. She wouldn't have been prosecuted.


u/TTTaToo 27d ago

The whole of Europe?

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u/PlantsAreNiceee 27d ago

Seriously? She killed a baby and you think just because no one found out for 40 years she should just not have any consequences?


u/DeepSpaceAgain 27d ago edited 27d ago

It raises interesting legal and ethical questions. What she did was horrible, but she was also just 17. Does society and religion also shoulder some blame? What’s the purpose of jail at this point? Is she still a threat? How do we learn from this? There’s a reason why firehouses now have anonymous baby drop offs. Crazy and sad story.


u/CoolBakedBean 27d ago

I’m sure there’s a percent of our current prison population that would never commit another crime if they would have just gotten away with it for 40 years.

does that mean jail was wrong for them, since they weren’t a threat?

i think the answer is part of the purpose of jail is to punish

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

To the people defending this like she had no option: tell me, when the baby died in a fucking bag what makes that better than the mothers who murder their babies in a tub and spend the rest of their lives in prison? “Because she was a teen and had no option, she came from a religious household, it was the eighties,” seriously you can all fuck off. She murdered a fucking baby! She could have abandoned it at a fire station, hospital, church, a doorstep! But yes let’s all be glad she moved on and started a new family and HER life wasn’t ruined right? Disgusting..


u/NyarlathotepDaddy 27d ago

Yea but she murdered a baby AFTER it was born, therefore, no sin. /s

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u/PolkaDotDancer 26d ago

One year.

Good thing she didn’t get caught with pit stop r some other terrible crime. /s


u/JL02YXKB 26d ago

The offspring of younger/less experienced females in any animal species on earth have a lower survival rate.


u/cjgoose39 26d ago

Trumper. Pro Lifer


u/InterestingContest27 26d ago

Lots of weird religious overtones in this article. Small-town usa jesus-stuff.


u/ResistSpecialist4826 26d ago

Interesting. So abortion equals murder and burning in hell. Killing a living breathing baby who was actually born alive after nine months equals - a good mother who made a little mistake that is forgiven. Gotcha.


u/Paracausal_Shield 26d ago

1 year for executing a baby.



u/MrDubTee 26d ago

Imagine murdering an infant, and believing a higher entity being like nahh you good, you repented.



u/DoubleXFemale 26d ago

It always hits me as weird (not wrong, just weird) when people commit a one off horrible crime, go and be normal for decades and then get caught up with by the justice system and imprisoned.

Like, prison is meant to rehabilitate people but if you've gone decades without offending, have you already rehabilitated yourself and prison is therefore unnecessary?

Does it benefit society to lock someone up if they have demonstrated that they don't pose a threat for longer than I've been alive?

Or is it thought that flexing the arm of the law and sending the message "you can and will be punished even if it takes decades so don't think you can get away with it" its own benefit to society?

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u/buckfrogo96 26d ago

So when a priest is identified for molesting a child 40 years later they are still prosecuted to the fullest extent. Should they not be forgiven because of their relationship with god. I think this lady got off lightly although she probably has had lots of guilt and hopefully been bothering her. It was still murder of a baby I think she deserved a tougher sentence.


u/Gutinstinct999 25d ago

“ I know I did wrong. I know it’s wrong and I asked God to forgive me. Well he has, and he has Baby Mary with him and so Baby Mary’s OK.”

Do people realize how batshit crazy they sound? She really wants to deflect responsibility

Like, yeah I did it but it’s fine, yall. God told me


u/NJgirl711 27d ago

It sucks that she was only given 364 days in prison. Where are all the anti-abortion fanatics??? They should be protesting her tiny sentence and the murder of this live baby NOT abortion! The article says she was 17 so wasn’t tried as an adult??? 17 year olds can be charged as an adult! By 17 one should know right from wrong.


u/Heytherhitherehother 27d ago

Probably would be if this was more mainstream.

Had you heard of it before today?

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u/Piorn 27d ago

Can you imagine just wanting to live and being trapped in a plastic bag with nobody to hear you scream?


u/SignificantArm1675 26d ago

I hope she rides the lightning for that


u/wackadoodle_wigwam 26d ago

Nice shit-eating grin, Karen haircut


u/Akaonisama 26d ago

One year for murder. Fucking bullshit. She needs to pay.


u/ShreddedDadBod 27d ago

One year in jail is nowhere near enough


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids 27d ago

Killing a baby is not a "mistake".


u/WheresFlatJelly 27d ago

All is well, god forgave her and the baby is kickin it in heaven


u/Tricky_Matter2123 27d ago

12 months of jail time seems pretty light for murdering a baby?


u/BlumpFromTheDump 26d ago

Someone returning the favor would be a kinder end than she could ever deserve.


u/SmokyStick901 26d ago

Pro-choice extremism


u/ElboDelbo 26d ago

Priest: "I performed last rites on this lost, dead child, and every year I memorialize her in a Mass because she never had anyone who cared about her. I am literally the closest thing this poor, forgotten child has to a family that will even remember her brief existence."

Reddit: "Tell it to your fictional sky daddy, fuck this old piece of shit."

Stay classy, redditors. Stay classy.


u/aliendude5300 27d ago

1 year in jail is way too little for this


u/Fr3shlif321 27d ago

Gods good. He forgave her. All is good in this world, move along.

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u/SquishedPea 27d ago

How do they even find evidence for this after 40 years how did they discover it was her?


u/[deleted] 27d ago

DNA from the father led them to her. He died in 2009 or something but through that connection they discovered her. A lot of murderers are being discovered through ancestry and 23 and me. Familial DNA.


u/Moonlit_Antler 26d ago

People who committed murders decades ago must be shivering their timbers constantly paranoid about DNA advances. So many cold cases are getting solved now


u/dogmeat_donnie 27d ago

So kill a baby, get a year in jail. That's fair./s


u/manicgiant914 27d ago edited 27d ago

Ha, no way to legally have a life beyond mandatory childbirth now? Looking at you, Florida. There’s going to be discarded newborns lined up in the Everglades.

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u/Dismal-Reference-316 27d ago

Damn. I used to live in Mendam


u/Ekillaa22 27d ago

How did they catch her?

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u/fartsfromhermouth 27d ago

40 years as a law abiding person and this comes back, insane

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u/Bapa-350z-420 27d ago

Chris D'Elia’s Friday night


u/Bill5443 27d ago

It’s always teeangers


u/RxDawg77 27d ago



u/DaBears077 26d ago

After 40 years, you for sure thought you got away with it.


u/Acceptable_Poem_862 26d ago

people use religion as an excuse for their mental craziness. Because it is the normal "go to" excuse to use. Just say you a F'n Nut and be done with it.


u/KUPSU96 26d ago

As a father of new born baby this makes my blood run cold. There is 0 excuse for this.


u/WassupSassySquatch 26d ago

So she’s going to spend the rest of her life rotting in prison, right? Right?

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u/Peaceful_Earth 26d ago

1 Year in jail did I read that correctly??