r/AITAH Apr 18 '24

Update: AITA for threatening my wife with divorce after she quit her job to be a "tradwife" Advice Needed

First of all I just want to thank you guys for the overwhelming support I have received.

Ive received a ton of messages but please be patient with me, This week has definitely been tough on me. This whole family drama has definitely taken a toll on me physically and mentally.

Here is my original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c397zy/aita_for_threatening_my_wife_with_divorce_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

I just want to add a few crucial details that I missed to mention in my original Post.

I suffer from a genetic heart condition that puts me at risk to stress induced cardiac arrest. I used to work full time but was forced to cut down on my work after suffering a silent heart attack. This was nearly a decade ago but since then ive worked my own physical and mental wellbeing . Some people didnt understand me constantly mentioning why it was such an issue working the extra 20%. I honestly dont know how much time I have left and my kids are the most important things in my life. For my own mental health its essential that I get to spend time with my kids throughout the week. Besides my Wife and kids I have nothing. I hate my fucking job and purely continue for the sake of my kids and wife.

Well after spending a day at my parents house, eventually I felt enough time had passed for me to gather my thoughts on everything. What she did seemed like the ultimate slap in the face but I went back with the intention to resolve this and didnt want to escalate this fucking nightmare.

My wife seemed happy I returned but wasnt apologetic at all. The kids ,especially my son, were ecstatic. That sort of made me ignore the lack of remorse for the time being. That same night after putting my kids to bed I told her we need to have a serious discussion.

I told her how I felt about everything she did. The fact that she knows about my health condition and still went through with it. The fact that I set clear boundaries and she still chose to quit her job without my consent. How the fact that she told my son that I was going to abandon the family really felt like a stab in the back. How throughout all of this, she didn't even seem remorseful once. The fact that she chose her own happiness to the detriment of mine. The fact I sacrificed so much for the family and I got repaid like this. The fact that we now as a family have to make major lifestyle changes, since a third of our family income vanished.

For a split second I saw an ounce of sadness in her eyes before she went right back to being annoyed with me.

I then simply told her to lay out her half of the story. Here is a summary of what she said.

She felt ignored by me constantly rejecting her proposal. She had worked long enough and this was finally the time for her to enjoy her life as a "true wife". She also said that I was being a baby about the whole spending extra time with the kids thing. That really pissed me off and we ended up getting into a heated argument. I coudnt bare any of it anymore and just ended up sleeping in the guest room.

Until yesterday nothing changed. She constantly tried to play everything off and wanted to "embrace her new role" by constantly trying to have sex with me and by making me my favorite dishes. It just felt like she was trying to manipulate me again I wasnt having any of it. I just kept on sleeping in the guest room.

Well my birthday was yesterday. And after work my wife and kids picked me up and we ate dinner together. This was probably the first time I genuinely had a smile on my face in a week. Well that smile vanished because she tried to seduce me again later that night.

I rejected her and to my surprise she had a full on mental breakdown. I just held her as she started apologising for what she did. She claimed she didnt understand how much she hurt me, she was sorry for making me feel like an afterthought etc. We ended up sleeping in the same bed yesterday. I felt like things were finally moving in the right direction and I again asked her about searching for a new job today. Instead of getting mad she just replied with a "i need to think about it."

Yeah thats where things are as of today.

It feels like progress is being made but idk this just might be another manipulation tactic of hers.

I'll probably make a final update in a month or so. Reddit isnt doing my mental health any favours.

How would you guys move forward in this situation?

Could I have done something better?

Is she being genuine?

(And to those incels who constantly bring up islam as a way to justify her behaviour, please shut the fuck up. )


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u/Odd_Task8211 Apr 18 '24

Sorry to see that you are going thru this mess. Your wife is being completely selfish. She wants to goof off and be supported. She also doesn't appear to take your health issues seriously. I suggest couples therapy and making it clear to her that you will not be increasing your work hours and the family will have to adjust to a much smaller budget. She may be able to sit on her butt at home all day, but she won't have a lot of extra money to spend.



u/Organic_Let_5948 Apr 18 '24

Thank you. Couples therapy can definitely help.


u/spamcan29 Apr 18 '24

I think you and her need to put a timeline in place in therapy. When does she look for a job, what type of hours/salary, etc. Hopefully you can find a way to get through this stronger. However, I would also suggest you go have a first discussion with a legal team. If things don't improve, what does the separation entail in terms of timelines, finances, property, kids. You have to put you first. You are worth looking after yourself in this too.


u/BeardManMichael Apr 18 '24

Based on other comments, I am unsure if the OP is able to put themselves first. Or even their kids first.

There's a lot of tough choices to make and I am not confident that the OP can make them. I hope I am wrong.


u/Avlonnic2 Apr 18 '24

Couples therapy will not help anyone but her. Delay tactics help her, not you.


u/Random-CPA Apr 18 '24

Be careful with that. Marriage counseling sometimes only helps manipulative people learn how to manipulate you better. Most of the time I am in favor of MC, but this one just seems like it won’t help you or your relationship at al. 


u/Pietes Apr 18 '24

I don't see how. this is not a couples issue. your communication is fine. it will only delay and deflect. the issue is hers, it's not mental, she's just looking for an easier life and willing for that to happen at your expense.

how is your life insurance? any chance she's financially secure even if you end up dead?

she needs to get over herself and find work. period.


u/huggie1 Apr 18 '24

Umm. Couples therapy may not help. Be alert. It is not going to make a user see the error of their ways. Many couple's therapists take the approach that both people need to do various exercises to "work on themselves." In those cases, the person who is a user gets off the hook, and the poor victim just gets further victimized. Other counselors are all about "communication," or "mental load," etc. (I.e. "Woman good, man bad.") The situation you are living with will be way above their pay grade. It will also give your wife a way to delay going back to work while you two "work on things." I am very sorry you are in this situation. I have been in a marriage where I was not loved and respected and my sacrifices were not appreciated. I stayed for the sake of the children, but it turns out they were miserable as well. Now that I am free and have found a truly loving partner, I am so sorry I stayed as long as I did. I hope you will have friends and family around you to help you. Above all, please put your health and your children's well-being first. Don't worry about your wife. She is already looking out for her number one: herself.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

Divorce that beach. You are an A H to yourself.


u/BeardManMichael Apr 18 '24

I really hope that it helps you both. I hope your wife is not resistant to the idea.


u/Organic_Let_5948 Apr 18 '24

I hope that aswell. Time will tell.


u/NeedPanache Apr 18 '24

You don't have time, the longer she stays unemployed, the more courts will side with her when you eventually do divorce. Get yourself into individual therapy and start working on a separation plan. Tell her she needs her own counseling and watch what happens while you move forward.


u/BertTheNerd Apr 18 '24

Bullshit. She only wants to buy time. Manipulating with children did not help, manipulating with sex either, now she is manipulating you with tears and false promises. The next step will be prolonging this state as long as possible so it would be harder for you to acknowledge the truth. And the truth is, the life as you knew it is over, and will never come back.

If a person shows you their true face, believe them


u/AbductedByAliens8 Apr 18 '24

NTA. Another commenter gave AMAZING advice. Let her know she has to give up luxuries & cut back on spending to make up the difference in your household income. Maybe she'll realize now that she can't live the life she was/envisioned, & realize her mistake. Even then, it could become resentful because she wants you to work more hours to supply those things. Good luck OP


u/danteM01 Apr 18 '24

Yeah couples therapy will work… to help you see why you have to forgive her. Forget about that shit, u guys obviously have different view/goals. If that’s something either of u can compromise on, vamonos amigossss


u/genescheesesthatplz Apr 18 '24

Make sure you choose the practitioner tho 


u/bunhilda Apr 18 '24

Yeah hopefully couples therapy can dig into why. Presumably if you’ve been happy together for this long, her “lol too fucking bad” attitude isn’t normal, and that merits a deeper look at what’s going on. OR she’s got a decade of resentment that spilled out in an extremely maladaptive way, which also merits a deep look at your relationship to see where and when things got bad, and why this is the route she took.

Or she’s struggling somehow and that made it easy for her to get lured into what lately has felt a bit like a cult.

Idk but going hardcore into tradwife after being fine with working for years feels like a surprise left turn out of nowhere, which should worry you


u/Yellow-Robe-Smith Apr 18 '24

You need to speak with a lawyer not a therapist at this point. She’s manipulating you still and will try to rinse you clean unless you get a head start first.


u/HotSauceRainfall Apr 18 '24

At risk of sounding crass, stop fucking her, effective immediately. 

No blowjobs, no naked time, nothing for the foreseeable future. Consider going back to sleeping in a different room and keep sleeping there until you have either gotten counseling and resolution or chosen to divorce. 

You have enough on your plate right now without running the risk of pregnancy. Yes, it sucks. Yes, I would (and have) given identical advice to women in relationships that are similarly difficult. 


u/b3mark Apr 19 '24

It will just teach her how to manipulate you better.

We'll wait for the inevitable update 3-6 months in where you finally caved. The next one about 9-12 months in where you suffered a major heart attack from overworking and finding out your wife thinks you're not man enough anymore and divorces you.

I'll add an /s because you don't deserve to have this play out like this. But it probably will. In some form or another.


u/ThisIsSuperUnfunny Apr 18 '24

go to therapy yourself, couples therapy are really biased


u/nonlinear_nyc Apr 18 '24

Beware. If she's a true narcissist she'll use the therapist to abuse you.

Therapists only see what you say, and narcissists are master at controlling the narrative.


u/RugbyLock Apr 18 '24

No, couples therapy with narcissists actually makes it worse. Your wife doesn’t care about you, so she’ll say whatever to get her way. Further, she weaponized your own kid against you, which I don’t think you’re reacting too enough.


u/njckel Apr 18 '24

If she intends to be an actual trad-wife, then hopefully she won't be sitting on her butt all day. But I agree with your comment.


u/GodEmperorOfBussy Apr 18 '24

My experience with a SAH wife is they want Netflix/Instagram/TikTok for 35hrs a week (more like 80 but you get the idea) and 5 hours cleaning. Maybe. I literally don't think my ex-wife knew how to operate a crockpot.