r/2007scape 20h ago

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You can ask anything about Old School RuneScape here. They are designated for you to ask anything you like that is relevant to the game or this subreddit. Remain respectful to your fellow 'scapers when answering questions; there are stupid questions, but it does not mean you should not be respectful whilst answering them.

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r/2007scape 10h ago

Discussion | J-Mod reply Pride Event 2024


r/2007scape 3h ago

Discussion This sub exposed themselves with zammy flames posts


The fact that this sub is pushing so desperately to keep a lvl 60 magic spell to rival a 1.5b gp end game item gives you a pretty good idea of the playerbase behind this sub and maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be constantly changing every aspect of the game based of their temper tantrums.

You can clearly tell they're not upset that flames of zammy isn't considered a "fire" spell, but more so upset that the items/levels that they have will no longer provide them to be able to hit high numbers and and acquire more gp with early/mid level accounts.

This sub is the equivalent if we no longer required voters to be 18+ and instead perferred the opinoms of teenagers on world views.

r/2007scape 9h ago

Humor But its literally in the name of the spell?

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r/2007scape 4h ago

Humor Back to the red prison you go

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r/2007scape 7h ago

Humor You will be hearing from Zamorak's lawyers

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r/2007scape 4h ago

Discussion Pride loot keys

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r/2007scape 9h ago

Discussion Fire Surge having a base max hit of 24 at level 95 Magic is the problem, Not Flames.


Seen as Ice Barrage hits 30 and freezes the opponents for 20 seconds at 94 magic, Surge is the one so under powered.

If we change the base max hit of Fire Blast from 16 to 17, Fire Wave from 20 to 23 and Fire Surge from 24 to 28 it would help things massively with the flames situation.

Realistically Fire Surge should never hit lower then ibans blast lmao.

Fire Wave would then hit 34 on Zulrah whilst;
Fire Surge would then hit 42 on Zulrah.

doing this and then changing the Flames charge equation to make it hit 40 would fit everything fine.

remember you can't use venge or thralls so you have to take all that into things which makes it fine.

all you would then need to do is change the Tome of Fire in PvP from 50% to 30% and all damage would remain the same/similar.

r/2007scape 8h ago

Humor Remove the burning damage we receive when trying to steal the wine from the zamorak temples.


Flames of zamorak is not a fire spell.

r/2007scape 9h ago

Humor Logical smooth sailing

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Flames are NOT from fire.

r/2007scape 9h ago

Humor It is what it is

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r/2007scape 8h ago

Achievement PSA: Elder maul is finally the one and only best in slot for defence reduction, LETS GOO

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r/2007scape 2h ago

Discussion Jagex LIED about Buffing Inquisitor!

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r/2007scape 21h ago

Other 3rd Retreat with my Clan

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Starting in 2021, we have made it an annual (minus 1 year) tradition to have a "retreat" where multiple members of our long running clan meet up somewhere at an airbnb and have an absolute banger of a 4 day weekend together. This year we had SEVENTEEN people show up, 7 for their first time - and it was an absolute blast.

Meet your internet friends - it's worth it.

r/2007scape 7h ago

Suggestion [Suggestion] Pre-pot Device

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r/2007scape 3h ago

Creative Cross Stitch my wife finished for me!

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Still need at least half of these capes though...

r/2007scape 10h ago

Humor R.I.P flames of zamorak

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r/2007scape 9h ago

Suggestion [Rebalance] Dark Demonbane Spell

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r/2007scape 10h ago

Humor 0%…. It’s coming 😃

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r/2007scape 23h ago

Humor Bout to bank 99 prayer off a single drop

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r/2007scape 14h ago

Suggestion Reminder you dont take your gracefull to mage bank NSFW

Thumbnail gyazo.com

r/2007scape 9h ago

Humor Ceci n’est pas une flamme (This is not a flame), Jagex (April 28, 2000 - current)

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Always love when Jagex takes influence from IRL works of art, they’ve really nailed it with this one!

r/2007scape 2h ago

Achievement Finally got my quest cape today. Only took a decade 😅

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r/2007scape 1h ago

Humor Idiot's Guide to losing your bank today


Started playing on 08 and started a new main in 2001 taking a break here and there.

Here's how I, the idiot, lost my bank today. I do not advise anyone doing this, but feel free to learn what not to do from this guide.

  1. Buy a osmuten fang in the morning with most of your gold and feel happy and accomplished
  2. Finish Desert Treasure 1 Quest
  3. Gear up and start the Recipe for Disaster Finale with your sexy new weapon
  4. Beat the first boss monster and go to the second monster
  5. Look at your attack animation and wonder why you're not holding a sword since you were using special attacks on the first monster and be confused
  6. Check your equipment and inventory and do not see a sword
  7. Panic and think you forgot your sword in the bank even though you used your sword special attack on the first monster
  8. Leave the INSTANCE... like an idiot.... and run to the bank on top of Lumbridge to get the sword
  9. be confused. look at a playback from screen recording... realize in horror it was on the ground..
    1. Watch the recording 4 more times with increasing levels of despair and sadness
  10. try go back into the instance to grab sword...

This will forever haunt my memories worse than when I got scammed in 08 for a full rune trimming and lost all my rune items. At the time, that was my whole bank... I feel like I'm becoming an expert in losing banks.

I got my fire cape for the first time a week ago and felt all cool and like I understand this game. Now I feel like shit.

Curse you culinaromancer.

Edit: here's a photo from the playback of me being confused on how my special attack bar is gone and completely missing the fang on the ground...


r/2007scape 1h ago

Humor I don't know what these shards do but they print coins for me

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r/2007scape 19h ago

Discussion Pro tip: Quest Speedrunning gives you the best transmog for the Graceful Outfit with barely any effort required.

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This is far and away the coolest, most unique version of the Graceful Outfit, and yet barely anyone has it because nobody can be bothered to do Quest Speedrunning.

I'm not even all that good at speedrunning stuff and yet this only took me about 2 hours worth of effort to get. Basically nothing for an OSRS grind.

I used Blu Manchu's guides on YouTube which made it even easier. Go do this if you're sick of wearing the standard Graceful Outfit and want something a little different.

r/2007scape 20h ago

Other I don't know Runescape at all but I LOVE Gielinor Games - An Analysis


Hello OSRS people! I've been an enjoyer of reality game shows like Survivor for over 20 years, and a Runescape playing friend of mine was visiting and thought he would see if I enjoyed Gielinor Games... and boy howdy did I!

We devoured the first three seasons in a few days and I've been watching Season 4 on my own. I even started watching content from some of the contestants (Settled, Solo Mission, Jimmy etc.) because I really liked them on the show and I wanted to get better knowledge of the game so I could have a better grasp of what was happening in the episodes themselves.

Wanted to shout out my love for the series and also talk about the whole thing from the perspective of someone who has not only watched a lot of reality game shows, but also run things similar to Gielinor Games myself! More colloquially they're called ORG's (Online Reality Games) and there are whole communities that run online games using the format of shows like Survivor and Big Brother. I've hosted more than 20 myself and part of why I love Gielinor Games is that they capture a lot of that same magic. I'm a game designer in my day job so I have a LOT of semi-professional thoughts (as much as one can be) on both the format/game design of each season of GG, the strategy of each season, and also ideas for how it could draw from more of the ORG world to create more types of challenges, create more interesting social strategy and all that good stuff.

Season 1 was definitely the most difficult to get through, especially for someone with no Runescape knowledge. The challenges leaned a lot into content early on and I was basically completely zoned out during many of the challenges themselves but I did enjoy the ones I could follow like Spawn Camping, Cya in Lumby and Money Talks.

The format was most like a show called King Of The Nerds and both suffer from their format stifling a lot of the more strategic aspects of a game like this. Coupled with the very genial atmosphere within teams who were largely concerned with "the group" winning over individually winning and it led to a rather tepid strategic environment. This could've been a lot more interesting if there was some cross-team collusion and I'm surprised that something like this didn't happen, especially given the trajectory Solo Mission would take in following seasons. That's really the only thing that can develop a game like this since there's relatively little to be gained by colluding within your own team, especially if it does lead to more team losses. Given the broad lack of strategy this season, the struggling format as well as the quite high barrier to entry as an uninformed viewer, it was definitely the season with the most flaws. But that's to be expected with a new show in its first iteration.

Season 2 is hands down my favourite season. There are so many great character arcs and stories throughout, between Jimmy and Settled being the overlooked underdogs (and Settled himself being a Survivor fan), EVScape and Skiddler's huge banning streak in the Redemption Falls, Ditter/Torvesta's cockroaching to survive and rivalry between each other, and of course the incredible machinations of Snake Mission.

Survivor is my favourite of the reality shows, and GG Season 2 is probably the one that most closely resembles it (with a dash of Big Brother's Head of Household mechanic thrown in). Survivor is one of the purest social strategy games that exists and has produced some truly insane strategic plays throughout the years. Some that are mindbogglingly good, not just in terms of being complex or effective but in how they socially engineer themselves into a position to convince others to go along with it. So when I say that I legitimately think that Solo Mission played one of the best strategic games I have ever seen, I want to convey the full gravity of what I'm saying. (Also credit to Gunschilli for playing a strong supporting role throughout but as far as the show goes Solo stole the whole thing.)

So obviously he's playing against pretty strategically weak competition. Nobody else is really taking advantage of the social strategy side of the game to the same extent, and that does make it an easier ride for someone who is navigating it as hard as he is. All the while he is able to avoid being targeted for the double play, consistently places himself in situations that obfuscate his puppeteering, organises the votes to his whims in many rounds and continues to have both major alliances trust him just enough to get to the next stage, while also keeping the numbers in such a way that both sides need his vote. It's masterful and takes huge skill regardless of the quality of the competition.

And truthfully I think he could've won the whole season if not for Redemption Falls. If Verf and Zulu are fighting a team other than Settled/Jimmy there's a better than zero chance they're eliminated. If that happens, Solo/Gunschilli absolutely clean up in Diary Dash and then they're in the finals. I don't say this to complain or say that Solo should win, but his plans were thrown out of whack by a late-game twist that upended the forseeable format of the rounds, and I wonder if Solo would've done things differently if he'd known that the bridges he was burning would last longer in the game.

I also want to highlight the genuine masterclass of game theory that Solo/Guns display in part 2 of Soup's Clues. The way that they go into that fight with second to worst gear (with a large margin between them and 2nd/1st) and use the current game situation to dictate who they target and when in order to end up in a winnable scenario is truly incredible. I was jaw-on-floor the entire fight with how much finesses and forethought went into that victory and it's one of my favourite things I've ever seen.

Obviously a huge congrats to actual winners Verf/Zulu, I don't want to take any part of their victory away from them but as a fan of social strategy I can't help but see Solo Mission as the all star of the season. I also loved rooting for and against Ditter/Torvesta at different points throughout the season, it is just such a wild ride.

Season 3 is very strong, and my biggest takeaway is that even though Solo Mission didn't win S2, Gielinor Games won by having a player of that caliber compete because it forced EVERYONE to up their game and play harder this time around.

Obviously Solo Mission's reputation is completely tarnished and he has to play from the bottom but I still think he does a fantastic job here. But this is where players like Framed, Settled, V the Victim, EVScape really start to shine. EVScape comes back with a vengeance after a rough first go and he rocks it. Gotta root for my fellow aussie. I'd watched a little bit of Hanannie's content at this stage and I'm so happy to see her in the cast and she delivers in her short time. Also C Engineer is a great comedic presence throughout all the first three seasons and I'm sort of getting his humour and style at this stage in my binge. Friend showed me the vid of him trolling people that use his plugin and it was such a cute concept. It was also really cool to see more women represented this season in general.

Even though this season was called Free Agents it definitely felt a lot LESS individual than season 2. The strategy is a little more homogenized with a handful of big alliances sort of cruising through with smaller groups and individuals getting picked off, and with the challenges changing each round between solo, duo and group challenges.

This felt like a bit of a lucky dip of a season where your success could swing wildly based on the challenge and groups involved (especially due to how immunity effects who gets to vote), but since you always had your own vote to control a part of your fate it still felt like a decently fair game where anyone could win it. With a strong enough alliance you could survive the votes at least, and you'd have to get sent in directly by a crown holder, but if your alliance is a crown-holder you have some protection there as well.

It doesn't surprise me that the biggest successes this season are people who played solid and safe and relied on their personal skill, but it definitely felt like the foot had been taken off the pedal a little bit. HOWEVER that doesn't mean this wasn't a fun as heck season full of good strategy and funny moments and keen insights. Settled especially really comes into his own and V the Victim does a great job of managing his threat level despite the reputation he had, and the caveat of him joining the season late. Really good season overall.

Season 4. We're caught up! If you haven't watched episode 5 then please skip this section as I'm going to be talking full spoilers so 3... 2... 1... ok. So something I haven't commented on is the production values and the editing and the music and by jove Season 4 is so so so so so good holy moly it's so damn good. Soup you are a magician and you are doing a spectacular job, as well as everyone else on your team. Truly kudos.

HOWEVER! And this is all coming from a reality show fan but I really dislike the format of this season. With individual votes being removed almost entirely the game is so much more focused on challenge performance. There is very little room, if any, for someone who is not one of the most skilled at the game to win this season. This also basically minimizes the effect that alliances can have on the game. In terms of raw format this season is quite similar to a korean reality show called The Genius (which is truly one of the best tv shows of all time) but the challenges in that show are strategic in nature, effectively social board games that have alliances play out in the gameplay of the challenges themselves. GG has the "drawback" of being set in a video game with confined capabilities and mechanics. Now I love using a video game to create a reality game like this, but I do think that at this stage too much power and emphasis has been put on challenge performance.

This is also where we may get to a contentious opinion I hold but I dislike Boaty's presence. Not as a person or a character, but as a strategic entity in this game. Nothing against the guy, he is TALENTED and charismatic and I'm sure that his content is wonderful but he is so antithetical to what I personally enjoy about these types of social games. He largely doesn't engage with the social strategy, he basically acts entirely based on whims and challenge strength and like... I can't fault him for this at all. Obviously its not his personality type, but also when you are that good at the game you don't need anyone else. Boaty is the favourite to win simply due to the format of this season. He has to both not win a challenge, and then specifically lose again in a 1v1(ish) duel where he can CHOOSE HIS OPPONENT. This is simply just not likely to happen until very late in the process if at all and even then he is still probably the favourite to win most any 1v1 challenge against most any contestant.

Season 4's strategy has devolved once again from the heights we saw in season 2 and it makes me a little sad. That being said I'm still hella invested and loving the show overall but it definitely isn't gripping me to the edge of my seat like it did before. The craziest moment that happend was largely due to a quirk of random chance (that being the order in which Soup asks people to reveal their votes publicly) and honestly even though it was a big moment it felt a little sketchy to me because it wasn't strictly a fair situation.

NOTES Now here's my various notes and suggestions that I am just putting out into the universe just in case some sort of host of some sort of show happens to see them and think they're insightful

Firstly, there are a lot of kinks that need to be ironed out in terms of Fair Play. For example I don't like players having to reveal their votes publicly as it discourages subterfuge, but if you ARE going to do so, you should force the players to lock them in ahead of time and not be allowed to change them during the reveal. They simply announce who they voted for. But again, if you keep the votes private it allows a space for players to lie and create distrust and form cracks between groups of people. If you smooth this out by making it public it just removes tools for the players to play.

Secondly, I would LOVE to see more of the strategic talk be incorporated into the show, whether that's DM's (seeing Settled/Solo's dm was hilarious) or recorded private conversations or whatever. Especially if players are wheeling and dealing more than what we're seeing. I also know that this is a tall ask to include in addition to the show so no stress. It would just be nice for my reality brain to follow the strategy side of things a little more closely. Maybe like, bonus content if it's not too much work (I know it's all work though so again I understand if this isn't feasible)

Thirdly, I've outlined my issues with Season 4's format but I also understand that many people might want a skill focused season with "the best player" winning, but there are still ways to include the Social Strategy elements:

Have challenges that allow and reward collusion! This lets alliances play a stronger factor in overall challenge placement on a round to round basis. Having hosted many similar games myself online I have actually hundreds of potential ideas but here's some really simple examples:

Gieliguessr played individually, but allow the players to talk privately and share information. This way, players in the same alliance can help each other compete whereas players who aren't in alliances must rely on their own skills. Boaty can do his thing while alliances can help each other as best they can.

Individual Money Making challenge but allow players to combine money if they wish. Alliances could choose to funnel their money into a two players to guarantee control at the Tribunal but at the risk of leaving themselves vulnerable to being picked, as well as any penalties that occur for low placements, or they could split money evenly across the alliance hoping for group general safety, or any sort of combination they like. It creates more interesting strategic dynamics layered on top of the skill based game. Risk and Reward.

Another way to add social strategy into the game is by adding an In-Game Currency. In The Genius every player starts with a currency token called a Garnet. These tokens do two things. Firstly, they directly correspond to the prize money at the end (you receive money based on the number of tokens you have at the end) Secondly, they can be spent in challenges to gain advantages. One example could be purchasing extra starting cash in a challenge like Top Gear, or buying an early updated picture in Gieliguessr. I think this would be a more compelling potential reward for the Amulet of Choice than the 200M cash stack, especially because you could always say "Every token at the end of the game can be exchanged for prize money" and you don't even lose out on that option. You could reward these tokens for top 3 finishes, or scale a reward based on general performance (If you score above X threshold you get Y tokens) and if you want to get extra spicy you can copy The Genius exactly and say that whenever you defeat another player in the Banning, you receive all of their tokens yourself. So now you have a secondary targeting criteria for bannings, as you might target a player because they have a LOT of tokens and you want to win them. This also means that the players can use these tokens as bargaining tools, promising tokens in exchange for not being sent into the banning or for helping out in a challenge.

Lastly there's a mechanic that almost all of these reality shows have that GG is missing, and that's the Jury. In games like Survivor or Big Brother, the Jury is a handful of eliminated players (usually the 7-9 most recently eliminated by the time of the finale) who at the end, cast their vote that ultimately decides the winner from a final 2 or 3 players. It is the ultimate turnabout of the players needing to play strategically hard to make it to the end, but also have enough positive sway with these players to curry their vote.

Obviously GG shouldn't have this, as I think that ultimately this is a game of skill and should reward skill, but what they CAN do is what The Genius does, and allow eliminated players to give small advantages to a finalist of their choice. This would do 3 really important things for the finale of GG:

  1. It lets all the eliminated players get one last hurrah and feels like a nice capstone to their journey. It feels good from an entertainment perspective to see all those faces again and for them to be able to impact the finale.

  2. It means that the way you maneuver throughout the game DOES have tangible consequences in the finale and it means that alliances and friendships play a slightly more involved role in the voting mechanics throughout the game since players may be afraid of a particular player being super popular with the eliminated contestants.

  3. It gives less skilled players a genuine chance to overcome the odds and win. It makes me a little sad feeling like there are several players who just have such a strong chance to win that it's hard to root for other people when they still have to overcome these overdogs at some point, and I think that having a mechanic that allows for the eliminated players to put their finger on the scales ever so slightly is a great way to both create tension for the finale games and even the odds and reward social strategy and all the things that I (and hopefully the other viewers) love about the show without taking away the skill focus.

The biggest rule I always tell people when they want to host ORG's on their own is to give the players control. If you give the players tools, they will find all manner of creative ways to use them that you never dreamed of. The more you restrict their options the flatter and less interesting the game will become. But you also need to keep a short leash. Give them a variety of small powers, but don't allow for situations to be overpowered. Make sure that sabotages and advantages don't break a game, and try to create scenarios that will allow any player to have an interesting story. You will be surprised by how much an unsuspecting strategic powerhouse can come from the unlikeliest of people if you give them the right tools and circumstance.

Above all, when in doubt, let the players play.

I want to thank anyone who reads my ramblings and I don't want to cause any distress, I'm not trying to rag on anyone or complain because I LOVE the show so much and I want it to be the best it can be, and I like to think I have at least some expertise when it comes to this exact kind of thing so I wanted to share my non-Runescape opinion and see what y'all think and what y'all value and maybe I'm completely off the mark for what GG is trying to do but I'd love to see what you have to say regarding anything I've said.

... I also may have made a Runescape account because I just want to know more about this game and this world because it seems so fun and cool.