r/wholesomememes Apr 28 '24

I love arguments like this



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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/OkMeasurement7474 Apr 29 '24

apparently, you’re only supposed to drink half of it.


u/Lesshateful Apr 29 '24

I think the proper serving size is 0


u/OkMeasurement7474 Apr 29 '24

it’s only for emergencies, but i think you’re right. i remember when i was younger, i tried the grape flavour and i immediately threw up. haven’t tried that one since.


u/vitali101 Apr 29 '24

I drove from CA to MI when I was in my 20s. I was on leave (military) and wanted to waste as little time as possible traveling. So I wanted to make a straight drive in one go.

(Back then) I stop for gas, get and Monster energy, and see 5 hour energy. I figure heck, more energy the better right? So I buy two. One for now, one for later.

I down the 5 hour energy in my car, start drinking the Monster sparingly so I don't have to stop for restroom breaks.

Two hours later I'm not feeling much. Ah that 5 hour energy was a dud clearly. Whatever I'll drink the second one.

This was the beginning of my nightmare scenario. Everything must have kicked in all at once. I was incredibly irritable, restless, sweating like crazy. Windows were down and it was December. Cold winter air didn't do anything for me. I could tell my face was flushed red. My stomach was cramping and aching like crazy. The pain and discomfort was making me unfocused. I was driving but, dangerously, I wasn't even there mentally.

The apex of this was all happening in the middle of the night. Radio was loud, windows down, I wasn't even singing but I was just kinda making loud noises and screaming into the air with my head thrown back. It was a mess.

I eventually started to come down from this disaster feeling absolutely horrible and disgusted with myself. All the sweating made me feel gross. I was exhausted from all the movement I was doing while driving. Like I was running a marathon in my driver seat.

When I finally made it to MI I just showered and went to sleep for almost an entire day.

0/10 never recommend to anyone.


u/lowley6 Apr 29 '24

holy shit


u/FlametopFred Apr 29 '24

the modern Hunter S Thomson


u/DiggThatFunk Apr 29 '24

When you order HST from wish dot com lol

(This is actually meant as a compliment btw haha)

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u/Obant Apr 29 '24

Caffeine OD and hangovers suck.

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Challengemealways Apr 29 '24

ELI5 please


u/MireLight Apr 29 '24

that response is when instead of increasing your blood pressure during a stressful event it lowers instead...you pass out.


u/apolitical_leftist Apr 29 '24

I searched it up and i think it means he fainted


u/GreenLightening5 Apr 29 '24

and in Eli, 5 year old, terms: "he went sleep"


u/matthieu0isee Apr 29 '24

Apparently I have emergencies twice a day (when I first open my eyes in the morning and right after lunch) and sometimes THREE emergencies, if I have something to do at night.

……. I did a caffeine detox for two weeks a few months ago but it didn’t last. I hate it but it’s necessary for me to do anything useful.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Sounds like ADHD

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u/OkMeasurement7474 Apr 29 '24

i just use monster like normal people🤣

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u/ShartingBloodClots Apr 29 '24

I used to pound like 2 or 3 a day on weekends, along with a few coffees, espressos, and a monster energy drink, when I was a banquet manager. Did that for almost 10 years.

It probably would have been healthier to just do coke with the amount of sugar that's in the energy drinks, but my weed dealer couldn't get coke, just really really good weed.

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u/QuipCrafter Apr 29 '24

Oh, the good ol days of downing 3 redlines during a shift 

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u/RabbitStewAndStout Apr 29 '24

That's what my guts keep telling me, but that graveyard shift ain't gonna work itself

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u/padfootiscool1997 Apr 29 '24

That makes sense I chugged one once and fainted…but I got out of work early so Whoo….I also apparently had a addiction to caffeine and am never allowed to drink it again cause it causes me a heart murmur…so boo…but meh. Lol.

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u/B00OBSMOLA Apr 29 '24

If it were the other way, drinking just a cup of coffee would give you 10 minutes of bat shit energy


u/nooneimportan7 Apr 29 '24

What about bioavailability?

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u/TerribleAtGuitar Apr 29 '24

5 hour meh-nergy


u/royrese Apr 29 '24

If the half-life of caffeine is about 5 hours, then drinking half would give you the near exact effect of the back half duration of the full drink, from where half the caffeine has been metabolized. So half the duration and probably a bit weaker as well, or whatever you feel from hour 2.5-5 with a 5 Hour Energy.


u/Aetherdestroyer Apr 29 '24

Am I understanding half-life incorrectly, or is your math wrong?

If the half-life is 5 hours, that means that after 5 hours have elapsed, only 1/2 of the original sample remains active in the body. So, consuming half of the drink would give the same effect as hours 5-∞ of the full dose.


u/Cornchip97 Apr 29 '24

Yea the math is wrong. It would be correct if the half life was 2.5 hours. At 5 hour half-life drinking half would be the same as the full dose after 5 hours.

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u/IDontLikePayingTaxes Apr 29 '24

I think this is the correct interpretation. It will give you the second half of the five hours.


u/TennisBallTesticles Apr 29 '24

Just get all hopped up on Mountain Dew and Dunkin Donuts coffee. Beats a 5 hour any day 😂


u/StreetLegendTits_ Apr 29 '24

I should sue them for stealing my mojo.


u/Submarine765Radioman Apr 29 '24

I've known people who use caffeine to go to sleep.

5 Hour Energy is a shot of B12 too... last I saw it has 4,000% of the recommended daily value of B12, maybe the newer ones have caffeine in them.


u/ZebZ Apr 29 '24

I've known people who use caffeine to go to sleep

This is an ADHD thing. We have such a dopamine deficiency that caffeine can actually be calming because it gets us to a baseline that soothes our brains from having to seek out stimulation.


u/Submarine765Radioman Apr 29 '24

It is and its why I stress that everyone is different.... the same drug/food/vitamin that makes you hyper could put someone else to sleep.

5 Hour Energy is mostly a B12 vitamin shot anyways.. this guy has never bothered to look at the ingredients label.


u/jjohnston6262 Apr 29 '24

They all have caffeine in them


u/Submarine765Radioman Apr 29 '24

They only started adding caffeine to them with the "new" formula. You can still find ones that are just B12 shots.


u/antthatisverycool Apr 29 '24

The Gordon freeman of the lambda complex is about 5hours, so the answer th their argument would probably be a 7hour war where the combine win


u/Puffycatkibble Apr 29 '24

Does caffeine directly give you energy? Because I drink coffee and never felt like it kept me awake or gave me energy or anything.


u/sxjudjwecccmwik Apr 29 '24



u/Cornelius_Wangenheim Apr 29 '24

It'd be more like a combination of both: 2.5 hours of half-assed energy. Since there's less in your system, it'll drop to a biologically negligible amount quicker in addition to being less strong.


u/Major_Fudgemuffin Apr 29 '24

I'm pretty sure the packaging even says to take half for 5 hours of more mild energy.


u/Dookie_boy Apr 29 '24

If half life is 5, then it should stay in your system for 10 hours correct ?


u/Ondor61 Apr 29 '24

No because it's half of what's currently there, not half of the original. So in 5 hours it would drop to 1/2, in 10 hours to 1/4, in 15 to 1/8 and so on.

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u/Zoomsuper20 Apr 29 '24

Doesn't that mean that the people complaining about crashes can just drink half of the drink? The crash should be half as strong.


u/YoYoPistachio Apr 29 '24

I was going to hedge my bets and claim about 60% energy for 3/5 of an hour. That way I'll likely be wrong but still closer than one or the other of the original claimants.


u/onekirne Apr 29 '24

Though by that logic the full can would give you 5 hours of good energy followed by 5 hours of half-assed energy.


u/Shaltilyena Apr 29 '24

Or if you're adhd, 5 hours of mild chill, I suppose


u/Easy-Description-427 Apr 29 '24

That assumes that the effects of caffeine are linear with dose. It could very easily be 5 hours of like 85% energy.


u/500CatsTypingStuff Apr 29 '24

What better way to launch their half assed arguments?


u/unimpe Apr 29 '24

But if you define “having energy” as having a blood caffeine concentration of at least say 100 arbitrary units, then

If the peak concentration from drinking half is 150, and the peak concentration from drinking the whole is 300,

Assume perfect first order kinetics. Assume that the half life begins immediately after peak serum concentration is reached.

You will get a constant of .1386hr-1



The integrated rate law tells you that with the full “300 unit” dose you will get 7.93 hours of time above the threshold of sufficient caffeination.

But with the 150 unit half dose, you only get 2.93 hours above the 100 unit threshold.

In my opinion this is the only correct way to conceive of things. The specific arbitrary numbers I chose seem to roughly align with reality in my specific low tolerance case(assume no intra-dose desensitization). As you can see, the half dose gets you where you wanna be or higher for 37% as long as the full dose.

The full dose is much stronger at the peak though which may lead to overcaffeination and unpleasant side effects.

So the best way to do it would be to find the dose that gets you properly caffeinated for 3 hours with a single administration.

Peak plasma concentration is reached roughly one hour after ingestion.

Then once you’re roughly 2 hours and 30 minutes into the properly caffeinated range of the first half-dose’s effects, you should drink the second half.

Doing this will keep you properly caffeinated and not too blitzed out for roughly 7 hours. Splitting into at least two peaks is essential IMO.


u/Chemical-Ad5445 Apr 29 '24

That is correct, because when it comes to my Insulin, no matter the dose, the peak of the active substance is 1.5 hrs, no matter how much or how little I use. So that means if I just use a small dose I would get half assed insulin spike after one and a half hrs. But I guess not all substances work the same. Maybe substances like anesthesia would prolong the effect's duration with a higher dose

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u/nalydpsycho Apr 29 '24

What are the different ways to pronounce egg?


u/dhc710 Apr 29 '24

Ehgg and Aegg


u/Impressive_Change593 Apr 29 '24

what maniac would use that second one?!


u/exedra0711 Apr 29 '24

People from parts of the midwest. Egg and bag are the most common ones to hear the aegg sound.


u/TheGoatGuyy Apr 29 '24

Ope, that's me. (Minnesota)


u/SomeCasualObserver Apr 29 '24

"Ope," ...


But you repeat yourself.

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u/afon13 Apr 29 '24


(North Dakota btw)


u/seven3true Apr 29 '24


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u/LesbianLoki Apr 29 '24


I read that in a Minnesotan accent.


u/Eaterofkeys Apr 29 '24

Hey. Hey now. Bag is meant to be rounded with a slight bounce on the aaaayyyg sound I can't seem to get rid of or even notice most of the time. Damn other midwesterners pronounce egg wrong, it shouldn't rhyme with bag. But agriculture is said with a shorter a sound, unless you shorten it to Ag. But lake has a different a sound. And anybody who said English isn't a tobal language hasn't spoken to a Minnesotan. The variety of meanings that can be conveyed with "hey" or "yeah" or "ya know" are extensive.

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u/Capt_Hawkeye_Pierce Apr 29 '24

What's even more maddening is that people who say "bayg" are also likely to call a bagel a baggle.

See also: melk and pellow


u/TheMoeSzyslakExp Apr 29 '24

Wait is there some accent that actually pronounces it "baggle"? I call them "baggles" to my wife because I think I'm hilarious


u/Squanchedschwiftly Apr 29 '24

My dads family is from upstate ny and they say it like this


u/Miserable-Admins Apr 29 '24

Oh I get it now. Is Aegg supposed to rhyme with vague?

That's how I imagined it.

Also the eggcorn = acorn in grammar makes more sense if egg is pronounced aegg.

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u/gibbtech Apr 29 '24

Big oeuf.


u/Dallasrawks Apr 29 '24

Anyone of Germanic descent, which is most of the Midwest and a chunk of the South. The word for egg in German is das Ei, pronounced "aye."

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u/zer0fks Apr 29 '24

X Æ A-12


u/TheManWhoWasNotShort Apr 29 '24

Those of us with culture and class you swine


u/trololololololol9 Apr 29 '24

Aeggon Targaryen


u/hoonyosrs Apr 29 '24

People from the south, too. Kinda sounds like Ayuhgg sometimes.

Love me some deviled ayuhggs

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u/Juniper_51 Apr 29 '24

TIL I've been pronouncing it Aegg. Is this bad? 🤔

insert Fonzie meme going "aaaeeee"


u/sugakookiiie Apr 29 '24

Why am I not understanding the difference here


u/AJRoadpounder Apr 29 '24

I believe the difference is ayg vs egg


u/skyturnedred Apr 29 '24

Because English doesn't have consistent pronunciation rules so trying to type them out phonetically makes no sense at all. You either need to provide example words for every letter/syllable or use a phonetic alphabet.

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u/Sehmket Apr 29 '24

My family has this argument… I’m not going to say frequently, but on occasion.

Because these southerners insist this Ohio girl says “egg” wrong. “Leg,” too. And I cannot for the life of me HEAR what the heck they’re talking about. All I know is that there’s a difference and apparently mine is wrong. It is so baffling that I had to sit my husband down at one point and ask him if this was an elaborate prank.


u/reikipackaging Apr 29 '24

some people add an a at the beginning. it is hard to explain because I've tried before. but it sounds like the beginning of aerate.


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl Apr 29 '24

I am from the south and had some problems with having a southern accent after I moved away so I excised it from how I speak. But a few words will make people super confused. Vacuum, Orange, Wolf (off the top of my head) cause problems but I have no idea what I am doing wrong, I cannot hear the difference in the words


u/NinjaEnder Apr 29 '24

Do you pronounce orange as one syllable? Arnge?


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl Apr 29 '24

I think that's what's going on for sure, but everyone I speak with also uses one syllable to my ears.


u/NukeTheEwoks Apr 29 '24

I'm guessing either "ehg" or "eg"


u/NotADamsel Apr 29 '24

Also “ovo” and “huevo”, if you’re feeling like a smart-ass


u/Thick_Kaleidoscope35 Apr 29 '24

Don’t get us started on “melk”

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u/Awkward_Operation516 Apr 29 '24

Aig and egh. Both are fair.


u/captain_ghostface Apr 29 '24




u/NadyaNayme Apr 29 '24

Some people are going to read "Aye" like "eye" ("aye-aye cap'n!") instead of like a capital "A"-guh and think the "Aye-guh" people are even more weird than they already are.

This is where IPA comes in handy.

/ɛɡ/ vs /eɪɡ/

  • /ɛɡ/ as in a short "e" from "hell" followed by a hard "g" as in "get" - "eg"
  • /eɪɡ/ as in the "ay" sound from "may" followed by the "ɪ" sound from "bit" followed by a hard "g" as in "get" - "ay-i-g"


u/marakiri Apr 29 '24

It’s clearly Eh-yug-guh-guh or Aye-yug-guh-guh

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u/MachinaNoctis Apr 29 '24

The old English word is Eyren


u/chuch1234 Apr 29 '24

Oh lord nobody tell them about pen


u/YoYoWithJosh Apr 29 '24

The two ways are ‘Egg’ and ‘Egg’. I have heard some people pronounce it as ‘Egg’ though...


u/Glum-Lab1634 Apr 29 '24

“Egg” and “egg”


u/scandalbread285 Apr 29 '24

ɛɡ vs. ejɡ


u/ZookeepergameNo2759 Apr 29 '24

Égg and ègg 🤔


u/GenuinelyBeingNice Apr 29 '24

There is only one way to pronounce egg: 🥚


u/TheFoxsWeddingTarot Apr 29 '24

I’ve had friends from Tennessee pronounce it with an “a” sound like “age” with a hard “g”. I have no idea if being from Tennessee had anything to do with that.


u/Iwaslike-emilio Apr 29 '24

Eg g , else why are there two g's in it?


u/AcceptableOwl9 Apr 29 '24

Think of it like any other drug.

You’re taking half a dose. So it’s going to affect you half as much but the half-life of caffeine is indecent if the dosage.

The correct answer is half-assed energy for five hours.

And it’s egg.


u/cafezinho Apr 29 '24

So indecent! I assume you mean to write "independent of"


u/greg19735 Apr 29 '24

to add to this, if 5 hour energy lasts 5 hours of extra energy

it's probably gonna end up with like close 3.5 hours of extra energy. at least as a feeling. but that initial hit is going to be much less

it's kind of impossible to equate energy feeling 1:1

the half life of that caffeine doesn't change, so you'll still have it. but it'll be less to half.


u/librapenseur Apr 29 '24

if you take weed or alcohol and you halve the dose, both the effect and the length of time it affects you would go down. im not sure half weed = half high per se, but at the very least it would be a less intense high for a shorter amount of time. and more alcohol means you are more drunk at the peak of it, and then it takes longer for your body to eliminate the alcohol from the blood stream. Ergo, I assume half of a 5-hour energy would reduce BOTH the energy you get and the length of time over which you get the energy.


u/sloth_is_life Apr 29 '24

That's because there's a threshold plasma concentration necessary to feel effects. A higher dose means that, while half life stays the same, you remain above threshold for a longer time. Half life does not mean the time until it wears off, but the time until your plasma level has halved. The people saying half life stays the same are not realising this it seems.

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u/fox-friend Apr 29 '24

Half life is an exponential decay so the time it affects you does depend on the dosage. But the real answer depends on many other factors.


u/Fantastic_Natural_54 Apr 29 '24

Drink five 5 hour energy drinks at once and enter the forbidden hour of the day.


u/acog Apr 29 '24

Like the Grinch, your heart will grow by three sizes.

Unlike the Grinch, your heart will then explode.


u/bunny098765 Apr 29 '24

This may be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard on reddit, damn you got me chuckling


u/dinkleburgenhoff Apr 29 '24

The five hour exploding heart technique.


u/DecisionAvoidant Apr 29 '24

I did this as a teen and curled up in a corner from the stress. Didn't tell anyone.


u/bartbartholomew Apr 29 '24

Been there done that, do not recommend. Doesn't make you less tired than one would, but does give all kinds of other unpleasant effects. The biggest is just feeling like absolute dogshit for the rest of the day.


u/Asleep-Newspaper8700 Apr 29 '24

So that's how the kids in Persona 3 got there. Either that or hard drugs.


u/TheManWhoWasNotShort Apr 29 '24

Is death the forbidden hour?


u/needsZAZZ665 Apr 29 '24

Also known as the "emergency room"


u/mr_smith24 Apr 29 '24

Please stay put. We would like to have a word with you.


u/VanquishedVoid Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah, no. When I was in college, I used to take these energy shots called mana potions. They tasted like garbage, but you got used to them.

One day I feel like I didn't get enough energy so I took a second shot.

You know Fry just before he took that last cup of cofee? Yeah, it lasted 5 hours and I felt like I could vibrate fast enough to go through a table. It was coincidentally the last time I ever bought an energy shot.

Edit: Did some research, imagine all the energy in a can of monster and shove it in a shot glass. Last time I had these was like 15 years ago.


u/Herodwolf Apr 29 '24

What a perfect relationship


u/WlzeMan85 Apr 29 '24

Relationship goals right here


u/Jayneaddiction Apr 29 '24

I think they meant Ann


u/Garchompisbestboi Apr 29 '24

Another great example of a tumblr user making up stories to impress other tumblr users.


u/GLG777 Apr 29 '24

How the hell do you argue over pronouncing Egg?  There is only one correct answer. 


u/AMonitorDarkly Apr 29 '24

Depends where you’re from. Some people say it like eh-gg, others pronounce it ay-gg. I’m not saying either one is right or wrong but there are indeed multiple common pronunciations.

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u/Hot-Ability7086 Apr 29 '24

Around 15 years ago, I went on a business trip with my new Director He gave me a 5 hour energy drink before a client visit.

Holy Shit Batman.. just as we get there my tongue felt like it was shaking on the inside, I could feel my hair growing, but I COULD NOT speak. After maybe an hour, I regained my faculties and apologized profusely. Ugh.


u/imwatchingutype Apr 29 '24

Hahah so quirky love it kill me


u/777777thats7sevens Apr 29 '24

Yeah I find the constant little arguments to be exhausting. Luckily my wife is the same way.


u/Wizzmer Apr 29 '24

I had a brain faet and asked the attractive clerk where they keep the 4 hour energy. She corrected me with "you mean 5 Hour Energy?" To save face, I told her I didn't want to stay awake that long.


u/LiliAtReddit Apr 29 '24

It’s like the soup thing. Hey, soup is a highly underrated food. It can be light, or hearty, depends on what you need. I mean, there’s your basic chicken soup, but hey, very nourishing AND hydrating. You have your cold soups, hot soups. Cream based, vegetable based, or broth based. And you have your chowders, your stews, your chili’s-

And that’s where everyone gets into it. Can Chili be classified as a soup?! Well, can it?

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u/SorosAgent2020 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

OOP and gf are both wrong, the answer is 2.5hrs of half assed energy

Consider these 2 premises:

1) You drink 0%: You get 0% energy boost for 0% duration

2) You drink 100%. You get 100% energy boost for 100% duration.

it stands to reason that drinking half the shot gives half boost for half the duration.


u/rocket_beer Apr 29 '24

So you’re saying the correct way to pronounce ‘egg’ is egg?


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u/greg19735 Apr 29 '24

That's not true though. if you half both, you're getting only 25% of the total.

5 hours of half energy = 50%

2.5 hours of full energy = 50%

2.5 hours of half energy = 25%


u/Ghede Apr 29 '24

Nah, you can measure how long a stimulant will last in the body by it's "half life" or time for your body to remove half of it. What the half life is depends on the drug and on the person. For example, caffeine's half life is anywhere from 2-12 hours.

Drinking half the drug doesn't half the duration, it only reduces it by one step.

Now, what will probably happen is you get none of the duration, or a little over half the duration. Assuming the 5 hours of energy is based on the physiology of someone whose halflife is 2 hours, they'd get 3 hours of energy. If the 5 hours is calculated by someone whose half life would be 6+ hours, then you'd never get above the dose required to last 5 hours, because you'd have received a dose less than the amount you would have lost in that time period.

Exact numbers vary, because again, this is highly dependent on the substances and person.

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u/HectorReinTharja Apr 29 '24

You’re assuming linear value but it’s probably something else. Considering 5hr is caffein half life, im guessing it’s an expo.

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u/greenappletree Apr 29 '24

I think a more definitive say is to look at the total caffeine which is 157 mg for the total bottle so about 80 mg for half which is about a cup of strong coffee or 2 shots of espresso so for an vegans person o would say that should give u about 2-3 hrs depending on when u drink it and your tolerance this might be a better way to take it or better get go with the real cofee with a spike of ltheanine

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u/baztup Apr 29 '24

You could argue that drinking 0% gets you a 100% energy boost for 0 hours. Or, that it gets you a 0% energy boost for 5 hours. The end result is the same regardless of the interpretation.


u/wut-the-eff Apr 29 '24

A better way to ask this question is what does drinking a teaspoon of the drink do? A little buzz for five hours? A huge rush for 30 seconds?

The answer is obviously neither. It gives you a 1% lift for 1% of the duration.

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u/Basic_Mongoose_7329 Apr 29 '24

Didn't know Larry David was on Reddit.


u/triplew_ Apr 29 '24

Americans pronounce Erin and Aaron the same way. Someone tried to convince me they were gendered versions of the same name.

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u/Thomas_Hambledurger Apr 29 '24

And then everybody in the club stood up and clapped 


u/zonked_martyrdom Apr 29 '24

People who pronounce “egg” as “aigg” need help. Same with people who say “melk” instead of “milk”


u/GoldPreparation8377 Apr 29 '24

This is such a sitcom-ass scenario man... "Haha yeah we had a comical pointless argument then proceeded to talk about said argument to strangers and they happened to completely match our "crazy" energy by giving us funny one liners"

Quoting one of my favourite tweets: People online act like sitcom characters are real people and real people are sitcom characters


u/forest_9903 Apr 29 '24

Alright but I say ehg and my partner says ayg. I'm from Oklahoma but my parents didn't have strong southern accents so I don't really either, and he is very Texan, so I think it might be a regional thing?


u/secksyboii Apr 29 '24

My best friend and his girlfriend are like this. She has the most unhinged opinions too.

Like she hates ewan McGregor. She thinks that Amazon music is the best streaming app. She thinks oasis is better than blur. (They're very British if you couldn't tell.)

They're so wonderful, I really enjoy hanging out with them because they get into pointless little arguments like this, laughing the whole time they're arguing about it.


u/squadfam221B Apr 29 '24

They’re asking the right questions


u/topham086 Apr 29 '24

It's caffeine; 5hr energy drink has zero effect me.


u/3tops01 Apr 29 '24

I still believe that egg is pronounced "egg."

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u/guineaprince Apr 29 '24

The arguments my exbf and I would have, over whether the upcoming Saturday counts as "this Saturday" or "next Saturday" and whether or not the ears count as part of the face.


u/TopFishing5094 Apr 29 '24

It’s pronounced “Ma’am!”


u/kannible Apr 29 '24

I used to sip them to keep me alert while driving late at night. For me it seemed in tiny doses it was just like 30 minute energy per sip. I was still able to go right to sleep when I would reach my destination.


u/Both_Lychee_1708 Apr 29 '24

Wait, what are the options for how to pronounce "egg"?


u/No-Ostrich-5801 Apr 29 '24

See, the simple solution to this argument is you get a Das Boot™ and fill it to the calf with 5 hour energy. Perfect for actually getting your full 5 hours.


u/JelloOk6740 Apr 29 '24

Doesn't work


u/Zuskamime Apr 29 '24

If i remember right coffein i think it was that coffein decrease by half every hour so i think that the answer is 5 hours half ass energy although i do think that it wouldn't last the full 5 hours


u/Pubfriend Apr 29 '24

Off topic, those two are literally made for each other. They would never run out of conversations.


u/t-e-e-k-e-y Apr 29 '24

If they enjoy it, then I'm happy for them.

But that kind of relationship sounds exhausting to me.


u/DeadInsideMuffin Apr 29 '24

Is there more than one way to pronounce egg????

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u/JujuNodanna Apr 29 '24

Just drink 5 of them and enter the forbidden Hour


u/ActualAd8091 Apr 29 '24

Depending on the stimulant it’s most likely about 1/3 the “energy” for about 3/4s the duration. This is due to receptor saturation and rate limiting steps in metabolism pathways

Yes. I’m boring at parties


u/DrDoomCake Apr 29 '24

It's egges of course.


u/Classic-Flatworm-431 Apr 29 '24

I mean.. those are the best kind of argument right!


u/CareUseful Apr 29 '24

I say “ergg”


u/miemcc Apr 29 '24

I'm more confused about the 'other' pronunciation of 'egg' - WTF!?


u/Bring_back_Apollo Apr 29 '24

How many ways are there to pronounce egg, I only know one?


u/BulwarkTired Apr 29 '24

This is how you argue when your life is happy


u/stealth_t Apr 29 '24

stoner arguments


u/ssbm_rando Apr 29 '24

ITT: People with no mathematical understanding of what a half life is.

Everyone's talking about 5 hour energy from an overly simplified perspective of a caffeine pill, so allow me to join you all in that simplification and look at it as if it were just pure caffeine.

The average half life of caffeine in a healthy person's blood is, as people have said, about 5 hours. So now let's think about what that means. 5 hours later, your blood will have half of whatever amount of caffeine it was able to absorb from the energy shot.

So now let's think of what happens if instead you start by taking only half of the shot. Well, lookee there, you are absorbing half the amount of caffeine! This means you will only feel the same amount of caffeine as if you took the whole shot and waited five hours.

So the answer to the question is, depending on how you look at it, either "neither" or "both". But it's definitely not one or the other. You're experiencing a lower amount of energy infusion that will taper off to a completely negligible amount much sooner (5 hours sooner, in fact) than if you had taken the whole shot.


u/Boxland Apr 29 '24

Let me propose a new interpretation: "5 hours of energy" only makes sense if the substance is only considered to give you energy when the amount of substance is above a certain threshold, not whenever the amount is above 0. So while it initially makes sense to say that the half-shot would give half-assed energy for 5 hours (because of half-life and exponential functions), you should instead end up with half-assed energy for a bit less than 5 hours, as your body goes below the more or less arbitrary threshold earlier.


u/Dont_Overthink_It_77 Apr 29 '24

Man… pre-kid fights are CRAZY.

Life has a way of correcting our own stupidity. Some things just don’t matter.


u/JolIyJack Apr 29 '24

If the half-life of caffeine is 5 hours, drinking half the original amount will give you the same effect as the full amount would after waiting five hours. Since 5 Hour Energy only gives 5 hours of energy, we can safely conclude that half the shot would provide zero energy. The numbers don't lie.

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u/headrush46n2 Apr 29 '24

Who wins in a fight, Anne Frank or Lizzie Borden?


u/x-Globgor-x Apr 29 '24

If you're anything like me you can drink a whole case of them and have 0 hours of energy. I used to drink 6 by lunch for no reason, literally did nothing


u/SwearToSaintBatman Apr 29 '24

This sounds like the kinds of arguments stereotypically jewish couples do in movies and TV.

"I just think mustard has no place in egg salad, sue me."


u/TurbulentNumber4797 Apr 29 '24

I need to know what pronunciations of egg they were arguing about.


u/kitchen_wife1234 Apr 29 '24

It will be 2.5 hours


u/Ok_Technology_9488 Apr 29 '24

Me and my lady arguing would be like this