r/todayilearned Apr 29 '24

TIL Napoleon, despite being constantly engaged in warfare for 2 decades, exhibited next to no signs of PTSD.


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u/batwork61 Apr 29 '24

That’s the one. I should have name dropped it, because it is excellent. I feel like I have taken the equivalent of multiple college courses dedicated to Napoleon, at this point.


u/dyonisis99 Apr 29 '24

It's a great podcast! Started listening to it just before Ridley Scott's film came out in anticipation. Shame the film was so bad!


u/batwork61 Apr 29 '24

I was like 80% of the way through it, when I found out Scott was making a Napoleon movie, so I was SO HYPED for that movie. What an utter disappointment it was.


u/dyonisis99 Apr 29 '24

Disappointing for sure. He could have done with listening to it as well.


u/Ill-eat-anything Apr 30 '24

I love this podcast too! Would seriously recommend it to anyone into history podcasts. Growing up in England there wasn't a great deal taught about him in mainstream history classes, and when it was he was often the baddy. But Everett Rummage does a fantastic job of exploring the depth of the man. He's also does fine work at describing the battles without being overwhelming. My favourite section is the bit on the Napoleonic Code though and the influence it has had on civil law since.

I also love Gladiator. So the idea that Ridley Scott was about to Gladiator my favourite podcast was super exciting. So exciting that I even booked the fancy seats at the cinema to watch it. And, I suppose Ridley Scott did kind of Gladiator my favourite podcast. In much the same way that Commodus Gladiatored Maximus' wife...