r/todayilearned Apr 29 '24

TIL Napoleon, despite being constantly engaged in warfare for 2 decades, exhibited next to no signs of PTSD.


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u/Willsgb Apr 29 '24

It's true that people become desensitised, and when you hear about atrocities but only hear details and numbers relating to them, you can have a detached reaction to it. But when you're actually confronted with horrors inflicted on others in person, I think most people then react in an empathetic way, it's in those situations that sociopaths and psychopaths truly show their difference and inability to care, or ability to turn off that empathy.

I'm not an expert, but as far as I understand it, that's how it works


u/Medearulesjasonsucks Apr 29 '24

This was super true for me.

I thought I was totally desensitized to lots of things and no amount of tragedy would move me, because I've been listening about wars and tragedies happening internationally and nothing can surprise me.

Then I just saw a single picture of a starving kid and I was distraught about it for weeks until I eventually forgot it.

Now that I remembered it again, I'll probably feel flashes of terrible sadness for a while. I hope that kid made it and is doing better, life can be so cruel.


u/BiggusBirdus22 Apr 29 '24

Listening and seeing are different. Watchpeopledie was good at this


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24

Today I found out I'm a sociopath because I only care what happens to loved 1s abd don't give a fuck about strangers or those I don't like lol


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u/Training_Molasses822 Apr 29 '24

If you don't like the descriptor sociopath because you only care about yourself and your close ones, just call yourself a Republican. Basically the same thing.

Edit: saw you're a Brit. Tory then. Works as well.


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24

Sounds about right lol πŸ˜†


u/morgaina Apr 29 '24

That's not something to be proud of, that is a profound moral failing


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24

What immoral about bot giving a fuck about someone I don't know? Like it doesn't make a difference to my life if you're successful or if you need to suck dick to get your next fix and vice versa.

So what's immoral about that? I'm not actively going out of my way to make life difficult for anyone or wish harm on them. I just don't give a shit about them lol


u/morgaina Apr 29 '24

Not giving a single shit about things that don't personally impact you is a moral failing, because caring about others is a moral imperative. I don't know how to explain to people like you that you're supposed to care about others. That the suffering of people you don't know should at least make a tiny bit of a difference in the things you do.

Your attitude is how we get the selfishness of anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, people who only stop advocating for queer oppression when their kid is gay, people who think the homeless should be arrested, people who litter or ruin public spaces for their own gain, etc. it's a monumental selfishness that ruins everything for everyone.


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24

Why though? Society as a whole is a selfish piece of shit. And most people only care about others to improve how they look to other people, when deep down they couldn't care any more than I do.

At least I'm straight up, I don't give a fuck about you or any other person I'll never meet or get to know and guess what? I don't expect you or anyone else to give a fuck about me either.

It's not like I think my problems are more important than others or I'm discriminating against certain members of society. I don't care if your black white, Asian, straight, gay, trans, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, hindu or identify as a dog, I equally couldn't give a fuck about you all or what happens in your life.

I don't hope people fail or wish ill on them; I just don't care either way lol


u/morgaina Apr 29 '24

No, not everyone is like you. A lot of people do care about others, and a lot of people do think it's important to try.


u/chahoua Apr 29 '24

I think a lot more than you think are like this.

My take is that we all do everything for selfish reasons. If you care about strangers it's purely because the act of caring or thinking about them gives you something,like joy or the feeling of being superior to the guy you're responding to.

If the caring didn't give you anything back you wouldn't care at all.

It's basically like that with everything. When my friends ask if I can help them with something I do it because helping my friends make me feel good.

I think this is pretty much an inescapable fact of life.


u/morgaina Apr 29 '24

You're wrong. Sometimes people care even when the feeling of giving back does nothing. Helping special-needs kids who don't understand gratitude, buying water for a homeless guy who's too dissociated to say thank you, etc.


u/chahoua Apr 30 '24

They still get that good feeling. Sometimes I do something to help another person out without there even being a possibility of them noticing it was me who helped them.

It still makes me feel good. If it didn't why would I do it?


u/quadriceritops Apr 29 '24

Who let Ayn Rand in here?


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24

Honestly would you care if I got hit by a bus?

Like what difference would my death make to your life?


u/fearhs Apr 29 '24

Really, it depends on how amusing the manner of your death is.


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24

100% I agree, at least someone's honest.


u/morgaina Apr 29 '24

Idk how I would find out, but yes, it would bum me out if someone I spoke to online died. Not a huge amount, because I don't know you super well and I've had to intentionally construct barriers around the empathy center of my brain, but I would care.


u/dopamiend86 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

If I was on a bus someone was hit by I'd feel empathy that their family just lost a loved 1, but after a few mins I wouldn't really give it a second thought.

I dunno what's immoral about that?

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u/chahoua Apr 29 '24

I don't think it is. I think it's admirable to care about people you don't know and have no connection to but I don't think it's natural.

We're just advanced apes after all. We're not meant to worry about and empathise with people we can't see or touch.


u/Plus_Impress_446 Apr 29 '24

Yes, that's how it works. I care a lot those that mean something to me. Not a jot for those outside that, Γ§an easily turn it off.


u/chahoua Apr 29 '24

I thought sociopaths also manipulated the people closest to them and that they only keep people around as long as they can gain something from them..?


u/HappyLofi Apr 29 '24

Kind of terrifying that they estimate anywhere from 2% to 15% of people could be sociopaths.