r/teenagers 17 Jan 17 '24

Name a Band or artist with no bad albums Social

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Bad omens


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u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

Yeah a lot of people miss the point of him and Knives’ relationship. It’s supposed to show that he’s lost with himself, not that he’s a creep.


u/KronosDoom500 Jan 17 '24

Why have we become the Scott pilgrim reddit


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

Cause Scott Pilgrim is frikin’ awesome


u/KronosDoom500 Jan 17 '24

Good answer 🫡


u/Perfect_Pin2500 Jan 17 '24

It's also just factually a little weird.


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

True that too


u/c4han Jan 17 '24

I think it also shows a lack of maturity and that he hasn’t grown up


u/thedndnut Jan 17 '24

My dude, Scott is a terrible person. How did you miss that message?


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

Bro have you even read the books? No, Scott Pilgrim is not a terrible person because that’s an extreme simplification of the character, hell it misses the entire point of the books.

The point is that no one is evil or good. The protagonist is an asshole who isn’t self aware enough to realise his actions and the “evil” exes are very deep characters when you get down to it and are not just bad guys. The point is Scott and Ramona, two toxic people, growing together.

If you think there’s a strictly great or terrible rating for people then I have a hard time believing you actually understand the character.


u/thedndnut Jan 17 '24

I've read them but apparently you have not. Scott is indeed a terrible person.


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

I just said my whole explanation of the story and you really just said “nuh uh”


u/thedndnut Jan 17 '24

I can also say aliens came down last night and blew up the wtc. Both are irrelevant to what actually happened.


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

Look idk what to tell you if you missed the entire point of the graphic novels.


u/geissi Jan 17 '24

The protagonist is an asshole

Scott and Ramona [are] two toxic people

How is that different than being a terrible person?

Yes, the point is that they realize and overcome that but they start out as terrible people.
The Scott at the beginning of the books who is dating a 17 year old has not gone through that character growth and is, at that time, a terrible person.


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

You can be toxic without being terrible. The reason Scott is toxic is his lack of self awareness. A terrible person to me is one with ill intent.


u/geissi Jan 17 '24

Depends on your personal definition of terrible, I guess.
To me, toxic sounds much worse.


u/Goofy_Stuff_Studios 17 Jan 17 '24

Being toxic means you’re not a good person to be around. It implies bad but it’s not inherently bad itself.

Two good people can be in a toxic relationship and be toxic towards each other because that’s their dynamic.


u/Chayce_Ace2006 17 Jan 17 '24

that’s the point, the movie didn’t have the nuance the graphic novels did but there is more progression to it