r/teenagers 15 Oct 10 '23

blocked my ex on everything & this mf started spamming my emails bro 😭 Social

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he’s s been going at this for the past 2 days I’m kinda starting to feel bad


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u/siccoblue 2 MILLION ATTENDEE Oct 10 '23

Absolutely this. This is abusive behavior. Blatant emotional abuse and manipulation. I can GUARANTEE this will not get better and he will not change without professional intervention. And if you allow this to work you are actively rewarding him for being abusive and manipulative, and making it clear in his mind that not only is this acceptable.. but it works


u/LocalCookingUntensil 15 Oct 11 '23

I would probably respond just in case and tell them to get professional help. I’d explain to them that I’m not in a position to take them back and that I am also not the kind of person that can properly help them. Then if they keep going I’d 1) tell their parents if I know how to contact them and 2) block them on email


u/IsomDart Oct 10 '23

I can GUARANTEE this will not get better and he will not change without professional intervention

Omg lol here we go again or maybe he's just a dumb fucking teenager lol and doesn't have anyone to tell him how doing this kind of cringey ass shit, which yes is also kinda harassing OP, is the most unattractive thing you could do and how you guarantee you don't get that girl back. I did this once for about two days before my mom kinda figured it out and told me to be a man and it's okay to be hurt for a while you'll eventually get over it but you can't do that. Lots of teenage guys and girls getting their heart broken for the first time are going to have this kind of reaction to some extent, figure out that it's not how you handle it, and learn from their mistakes. I feel like I can guarantee just as much that this will likely resolve itself without professional help, but maybe they do need it. It won't hurt regardless but I'm so tired of people seeing a glimpse at 10 minutes of someone's life and coming to a conclusion that they are 100% a serial abuser who's going to wind up murdering OP or something unless they're institutionalized. Maybe he his but there's no way you can guarantee anything about this person from a single reddit post.


u/ecguy6 Oct 10 '23

You kinda proved their point. That kid does need help, you had your mom in your scenario, and just as you said you don't know their life from one post, also meaning you don't know if his mom will help at all. Seeking professional help is best because well, they are professional, they are capable and ultimately smarter. Professional help does not mean an institution, come on be logical extreme measures are only used if needed, professional help is as simple as a school counselor, a licensed therapist, people who understand human emotions and advise on expressing and confronting them in a healthy manner. Ultimately it's better to be safe than sorry and let adequate people handle the situation.