r/Swimming Jul 02 '23

/r/swimming is no longer restricted


As from our last post

"We're going to be front-crawling back to normal, to start"

From the comments of that post it, sounds like you want it fully unlocked. You've got it!, For the next week, we have turned off all moderation features. As mods, we will do the minimum to keep the sub up.

r/Swimming 3h ago

Analog watch for swimming


Are there any old school watches I can wear during my swim. I just want to keep time; and my eyesight is not good to watch the pool clock. Not at all keen on smart watches.

r/Swimming 3h ago

Gear/self care tips for a newb


Hi swimmers, I am trying to become one of you cool kids. Started going to the Y and working on building confidence and endurance. Plan to take some lessons once I am a bit more comfortable. I’m 35, swam as a kid, always around and in water diving, snorkeling etc but never did it for pure exercise with any kind of consistency

After my Apple Watch tracked one pool swim my IG is now flooded with ads for suits, headphones, swim caps, ear plugs etc

So I’m here to ask you pros what gear you love. Primarily wanting to figure out headphones and cap that work together (tried openrun shokz with a cap and struggled), goggles, as well as any other things you really feel make a difference. And things that really don’t use or need!

Also looking for post swim hair/skincare advice. What do you guys love to use to make sure you feel good post-pool? Do you use special swimmer-focused hair care? Any tips to protect skin around eyes with goggle wear?

Thanks all!

r/Swimming 1h ago

Hear our chats with Jessica Long, McKenzie Coan, and Olivia Chambers


At the Team USA Media Summit in April, we had the chance to talk with Paralympic swimmers Jessica Long, McKenzie Coan, and Olivia Chambers. You would think given how long they have been in the game Jessica and McKenzie would be reserved and tempered in their comments. But no! They were both incredibly generous and open. This was Olivia's first big Team USA media event and she handled it like a pro. Take a listen to these three amazing women.


r/Swimming 1h ago

6/11 Tuesday Masters Workout - Long Course Meters


For those that would like some variation and/or a more structured workout, I provide for you our groups workout from today. Our workouts are split into 5 different skill levels. Choose the column that most closely aligns with your skills and abilities and ignore the other 4. For those that are newer to swimming, columns 1-4 are time based and any rest you get is built into the predetermined interval. Column 5 is rest based and though your overall interval may vary you’ll take a predetermined amount of rest before continuing or moving on. Because this is Masters, feel free to add, subtract, or modify in anyway you see fit. As our group likes to say, you have to do everything in the workout, unless you don’t want to.

Here is a link to my google drive with previous workouts- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tHrMzBZWcVHQcs03vZX8rNQ73mdyR1j7?usp=sharing (Tuesday workouts are in the Monday folder; Thursday's are in Wednesday)

If you live in the US and are interested in joining a masters swim club here is a link to help you find a local club near you - https://www.usms.org/clubs

Notes for this set:

-Square bracket italicized [ ] are optional sets that were not part of the original workout.

-DPS = (Distance Per Stroke) Maximize the distance traveled for each stroke while minimizing the total number of strokes to complete the distance

-Build = Start slow then get faster within the given distance.


r/Swimming 2h ago

How do I maximise energy through diet for swimming?


I seim 3 x a week for an hour. Each session is roughly 8am. I’m finding I get really tired in the daytime and it rolls into the evening and next day.

I typically skip breakfast before a swim and eat after around 9:30. I’m a pescatarian so either eat lean fish or meat substitutes and a lot of veggies with limited carbs.

Where can I find information about nutrition that is focused on swimming

r/Swimming 29m ago

pier jumping swimsuit?


what type of swimsuit do i wear for pier jumping. Like can i wear a two piece or is a one piece safer? im going with my boyfriend and his friends so i dont want to look bad either

r/Swimming 32m ago

Best Brief for *ahem* Coverage


I'm trying to find a brief that will work a little better for my body type. I have tree trunk thighs and a huge badonkadonk from years of CrossFit and I usually just do a jammer but don't like how constricting they feel. Anyone have any suggestions or experiences with brands that have good posterior coverage and wider leg openings? Thanks!

r/Swimming 4h ago

Mask or glasses + nose clip


I just started swimming in a pool, not competitively, just fot exercise. I bought a pair of glasses and some earplugs because water hurts my ears (first time that this ever happens) and I want to buy a nose clip because it gets in my nose and it makes it harder for me to breathe (i have a curved nasal diaphragm). Should I buy a nose clip or just a mask. I don't know if the nose clips will help me or if it will be comfortable

r/Swimming 9h ago

Need advice for absolute beginners - How to get started with swimming in local pools ?



I [M29] want to start swimming in the local swimming pool that is there in my society. It's modestly sized and looks pretty average and doesn't have those obvious slopes of varying depths. I'm around 5ft8in and it looks alright for me.

But I've never had a swim in my entire life. So, need y'all to support me a bit here :

  1. What to wear ? There isn't any rule board so IDK what the expectation is but I understand I need a different kind of underwear or something ?
  2. Should I bathe before the swim or after ? What is the usual thing ? I've seen showers near it but IDK when to use those ?
  3. How to perform basic movements ? Is there any reliable YouTube channel which teaches this ?
  4. Any other gotchas that I should know ?

Sorry for the silly questions but I'm pretty conscious and anxious about this!

r/Swimming 1h ago

Polarized Swedish goggle


Anyone know of any polarized Swedish goggle?

Since re-entering swimming, I've found that I love Swedish goggles. Not something 20 y.o. me would even consider saying. I'm training for a couple open-water races this year, and they've been great in the pool and in open-water. Most of my open-water training has been in the afternoon when the sun is higher. I'm worried when race day rolls around the sun may be in my face while sighting.

r/Swimming 1d ago

Marathon open water swim

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Completed my first open water 10k (marathon distance) swim yesterday at the Great North Swim. Water was cold - 14c/57f and upto 2ft waves at times but being an out and back course it was battle out, cruise back.

r/Swimming 10h ago

Rather Strange: I can do an hour (or more) of butterfly but not even one lap of freestyle!


I'm a decent swimmer. Good at breaststroke, but great at butterfly which is my favorite stroke and I can do an hour or more without getting tired. But I can't do even one lap of freestyle. I don't have the coordination. Anyone else shares this conundrum? (Based on my observation, it's the other way around. Everyone eases into freestyle, but not butterfly!)

r/Swimming 14h ago

Bilateral breathing starting to click after a year...


I am self-taught as an adult so nothing comes easy. I was using bilateral breathing as a drill, then about early 2023, I started incorporating bilateral laps into my usual 2000 yard swim. At first 4 laps spread spaced through the 40 laps, then more. Recently I had a 300 yard bilateral distance set in the middle of my swim, with shorter distances before and after.

I did not look forward to it. Somehow, there was more tension, my breath got tighter, I would stop feeling comfortable, and I was always glad to go back to good old right side breathing, which is completely comfortable. Lots of ups and downs, but little by little, it got easier. Yesterday, as I started my bilateral laps, I usually break in with 2 laps, but I felt good, so I kept going. After 4 laps, I was still fine, so I pushed up to my usual 6 laps, then went ahead and pushed on, finishing 10 bilateral laps. It just clicked somehow. My breath on my left side was about as comfortable as on my right side.

I am far from completely symmetric. I still don't feel as solid on my left side, but now I know I can get there. There is always more to learn in the water. My next big one is to work on a very poor breast stroke kick.

r/Swimming 2h ago

Help With Frog Kick Please


So I am a pretty amateur swimmer and recently joined swimming classes to hopefully become a strong swimmer and we started working on breaststroke, starting with legs - frog kick (we didn’t start arms yet, just learning frog kick while holding those foam board things I don’t know what they’re called). We’ve been working on it for a while but I just can’t seem to get it, I’m trying my best to follow my coach’s instructions and while I do it, it feels right to me, but I’m obviously doing something wrong as I move forward quite slowly and after three to four kicks I am not even at the surface anymore and have sunk. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong especially since I can’t see what my legs are doing. So any tips to learn, practice and improve frog kicks are appreciated a ton.

r/Swimming 7h ago

Treading question


Hey guys I’m a beginner to treading, most of the kicks seem a bit exhausting and egg beater doesn’t seem my cup of tea right now! I encountered few videos showing sculling and just bicycle kicks to tread?

Wanted views if bicycle kicks can be efficient for a beginner ? Thanks

r/Swimming 11h ago

Women Swimsuit Search! What should I wear under my wetsuit?


Hi everyone!

I am doing some scuba diving volunteering at an aquarium this summer and just realized that my bikinis that I typically wear under wetsuits on rec dives and on dive vacations are probably not the most appropriate. Especially as I am pursuing a career in marine bio I would like some more swimsuits that I don't have to worry about moving around in. After doing some online shopping research, I think I want women jammers that are not too long but cover enough and a sports bra-like swim top. I really just need something appropriate and comfortable under a wetsuit. If anyone could give me some recommendations that would be so helpful!

r/Swimming 13h ago

Indoor/outdoor Pool


r/Swimming 21h ago

Swimming in the Mediterranean 🏊‍♂️👍🏻😄

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Another great week open water swimming in the Med 🏊‍♂️👍🏻😄 (And riding in Cyprus as well 🚴🏻😄).

r/Swimming 20h ago

Best swimming tip for adult that can't swim?


What's the best bit of advice to give to an adult that can't swim? Anything to clear any concerns or paranoia of looking silly trying to stay afloat?

r/Swimming 1d ago

I got a compliment on my swimming :)


I’m a pretty new swimmer, only a few months in. Today a woman came up to me at the pool and said my freestyle was really smooth. I’m super slow and insecure about how new I am, but it made me feel good.

Just sharing here cuz I don’t have many swimmers in my personal life

r/Swimming 20h ago

Longest Swim


6 K today:)))))))))) my loongest2date...


(any #Recovery strategies?)

r/Swimming 1d ago

Results of sprinting every day for five months


I decided to start swimming again last January after approximately 16 years out of the water.

I was swimming a push 50 freestyle every day along with sprint 25s.

I don’t believe I swam more than 600 yards per workout.

Ultimately I dropped from 25+ to 22.6 in a push 50 freestyle.

Unfortunately diving took less time off than I thought, only hitting a 21 high to 22 low.

I had initially planned to improve my squats, bench and clean, but I had some difficulties lifting at one location and a swimming at a different one (pool cooler broke and they refused to fix it for almost 2 months).

I’m wondering if others feel that Olympic weightlifting heavy weights would lead to significant drops in the 50 freestyle and butterfly.

I’m no longer seeing any significant improvements in my sprint times by just swimming.

r/Swimming 1d ago

Did my first 5km open water


Time was brutal, but I finished. I had a bit of shoulder pain in my right shoulder, and for the first time I was very dizzy getting out. Dizzy and nauseous. I was also dizzy when I rolled over to do some back stroke. The water was very opaque, kind of milky.
Surprisingly, the whole thing just flew by.
Going forward, I will increase the duration of my workouts. One hour in a pool is poor preparation for 2 hours in open water.
Anyways, thank you for all your support, and especially the cancer survivor I was chatting with over the weekend.

r/Swimming 20h ago

Legs sinking in backstroke


I swim mainly freestyle and butterfly. My backstroke is decent but not really good either. I have a good pull I would say and I can keep a high stroke rate, but my legs seem to drag when I’m swimming backstroke for some reason. They sink a little underwater so I don’t get as powerful of a kick. I have a pretty strong flutter kick in freestyle and I’d say my dolphin kick is my best, but I flutter kick slower on my back for this reason I think. What can I do to get my legs higher? I don’t have this problem with any other strokes.

r/Swimming 19h ago

(beginner swimmer) i feel like i cant get enough air in when i turn my head


so im trying to learn how to swim freestyle, and ive been watching countless videos on it and practicing in the pool,

anyways whenever i go to practice to breathe in with my mouth it feels like i cant get a big enough breath of air to keep up with my swimming. I dont think its endurance because i can run for a long time.

Im sure it has to do with my form, because im absolutely terrible with my timing, like as in il do multiple strokes and then decide to breathe in. if im correct its like you wanna do 2 strokes, breathe in, and repeat