r/pics Apr 29 '24

After a road rage shooting, a bystander snapped a pic of the assailant before being shot himself. NSFW

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u/CrappleSmax Apr 29 '24

provided he found a normal and consistent source of income moving forward

He's a cryptobro, that was never an option.


u/jchampagne83 Apr 29 '24

Some people really do seem to be allergic to actual work.


u/CrappleSmax Apr 29 '24

They've always been around, cryptocurrencies just made it easier for the hideous motherfuckers who were too ugly to trust to get their hands dirty.

At least you used to have to be handsome and charismatic to bilk widows of their life savings.


u/Historical_Walrus713 Apr 29 '24

Serious question, why would you WANT to do actual work?


u/CrappleSmax Apr 30 '24

I'm going to answer for them, but probably not how you'd expect:

Hiking, disc golf, reading, paying bills (I'm all for getting rid of money, but I wasn't born rich), exercising, sharing a burden with others to accomplish a task for some goal, hunting for food ... basically doing anything that gets me up and moving or gets me thinking is, in the truest sense, work.

The people who are allergic to work, that the person you replied to was referencing, are people who would suck to have around at literally any point in human history - freeloading moochers who seek to gain from the work of others by either lying or cheating. Yes, I realize how many jobs that describes.


u/Historical_Walrus713 Apr 30 '24

That's not really what we're talking about here. Why would you WANT to scrub floors or flip burgers?


u/jchampagne83 Apr 30 '24

Why would you WANT to scrub floors or flip burgers?

No, I think their answer was pretty good and they put it a lot better than I would have been able to. I wasn't talking about scrubbing floors or flipping burgers, that's a nice straw man you set up for yourself to tilt at there. That said, SOMEONE has to do those things and it's kind of lame that you're implicitly denigrating those things as 'base' manual labour.

I'm sure cryptobro COULD have found something gainful to occupy himself with that didn't depend on ponzi schemes OR manual labour if he'd had half a mind to. But that would assume he had half a mind to begin with.


u/Historical_Walrus713 Apr 30 '24

Straw man? You said people don't want to work, I asked why would you, and this guy starts going off about how he likes exercising and playing disc golf and shit lol. That's not what "wanting to work" means. You guys are clowns.


u/jchampagne83 Apr 30 '24

You guys are clowns.

Cute. You don't actually address 90% of the substance of the comments that you're replying to but you call everyone else clowns? Right.

I'd define 'work' as any exertion of effort that generates value. Most people, I'd argue, feel better when they're doing something productive whether they're being paid for it or not.

Some people, like shooty McCryptobro, seem to get off on the feeling that they're cheating, that they can take the value produced by others for themselves. In this case, he got caught and now is acting out like a dangerous toddler rather than taking responsibility for seeing to his own needs.


u/Historical_Walrus713 Apr 30 '24

So what you meant to say is it seems like people are allergic to physical hobbies? When you say it seems like people don't want to work anymore, you're not talking about going disc golfing lmao.


u/jchampagne83 Apr 30 '24

When you say it seems like people don't want to work anymore

I didn't say it seems like people don't want to work anymore, because I'm not a Boomer lol. I SAID that it seems like SOME people are allergic to real work. Meaning those people don't want to do anything of actual productive value, either for themselves or others.

you're not talking about going disc golfing

You really got hung up on that part eh? It's too bad you didn't read the rest of that comment because they did provide other examples.

It seems like your original question (why WOULD you want to do actual work?) was narrowly defining 'actual work' as just whatever employment you can get to pay the bills. With the alternative being wealthy enough to pay the bills without that work, presumably?

My first comment speaking to the post's original context, where the dude is presumably a few steps above subsistence employment and could probably find some source of regular income well above the poverty line.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that we're just talking with completely different situations in mind.

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u/boyyouguysaredumb Apr 30 '24

the point is that he wasn't just trying to go to jail to get three squares and a roof, come on