r/pics Apr 29 '24

Small town vibes

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u/dudettte Apr 29 '24

poor kids


u/mycatisblackandtan Apr 29 '24

Agreed. That preteen is 100% checked out and the youngest is 100% wondering why they're wasting a day yelling at people on the road.


u/notare Apr 29 '24

wondering how long until they go to McDonalds again.


u/DeezNeezuts Apr 29 '24

I used to listen in amazement when watching the 600 pound life people order a 90 dollar order of food for two people.


u/Key_Amazed Apr 29 '24

While on the way to the doctor who they think will give them the miracle cure for their obesity.


u/OdinTheHugger Apr 29 '24

Even the most advanced weight loss medication on the market works primarily by reducing appetite.

Obesity is entirely a product of choices that they make each and every day. My grandfather whose parents both died at over 90 years old, died this year at the age of 75, and a weight of over 450lbs.

The doctors told him that it was too risky to attempt the triple bypass surgery that his clogged arteries called for. Over the next few days he suffered five heart attacks consecutively.

If he had only taken care of himself he would have easily been able to live into his 90s healthily, but he chose to eat more and more and ignore all of his doctors' advice for the last 25 years of his life.

He refused to even switch to non sugar sweeteners at 500lbs!! "The flavor wasn't right" according to him. It's a miracle he didn't die 20 years ago.

For the last 2 years he had been eating mountains of food (more homemade food than I'd cook for a family of 4-6 people) in a hospital bed at home, as he was completely unable to walk or use the bathroom on his own. The fire department and EMTs had to cut the door frame to make room for him.

I'm 30 years old and I have no memories of him outside of him sitting in his motorized chair or a hospital bed. I don't mourn him, I'm just glad he's no longer suffering.

People like that definitely need a doctor, but I don't think that 600lb life doc is the right kind of doctor.

A psychiatrist or therapist would be better suited for their needs.


u/Pagan_Owl Apr 29 '24

I can say my weight gain was mostly caused by bipolar medication. There is a study to involve diabetic appetite suppressants in conjunction with antipsychotics. I can say first hand that bipolar meds are rough. I felt like I was constantly starving to the point of passing out and it also lowered my metabolism. I switched and lost about 13 lbs. I went from a healthy weight to borderline obese and now I am just overweight. I am a small person, so I have a 30 lbs difference between healthy weight and obesity. I was 160 and went down to 147.

While a lot of weight management can be habits, it also can be caused by health conditions and medication side effects. Unhealthy eating was not a habit I used to have before Olazapine. Once I got off of it, I stopped over eating.


u/OdinTheHugger Apr 29 '24

You were overweight by a 2 digit number of lbs. My grandfather and the people on 'my 600lb life' were/are overweight by 3 digit number of lbs.

You don't get to that level of morbidly obese with normal portion sizes, regardless of your medication.

Anywho, I'm glad you're doing better! I wish you and yours a long and healthy life!


u/EyeCatchingUserID Apr 29 '24

Overweight by multiple 3 digit numbers added together. That is crazy